The Straits Times, 20 August 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times VOI. XXI\ NEW SERIES SINGAPORE, MONDAY. 20th AUGUST, 1883 [DAILY ISSUE. J No. 15,084
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 422 1 Mt&m £hw (fompanire. \R AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION COMPANY. Office— Collyer Quay. Godowns— New Harbour. MATT. LIKES. .re the dates on wntch 'ompany's Mail Steamers may be ex- Singapore during the WARD. igust. Thursday 2Srd Aug. 6th Friday 21 ft nth v Mi I lf»th 3rd Dec. VABSEILLFS AND LOKDON. s.
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    • 681 1 *tfam 4>f)tp Compantr*. THK MBBBAGBBIBB MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the ■urr.'Tit y..»r:— OrrwARD. Homiward. i li'th Augt. Thursday 16th Augt. 2nd Baßt SOth l«th 18th Sept. SOth 27th 16th Oct. Monday 11th
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    • 742 1 strain *f)ip Contpanft*. DE NFDERLANDBCH-INDIPCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. O. Head Aofncy Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with tbe mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 778 1 fttfam »W compante*. N.B.— The steamer doea the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros kf., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel. Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 548 1 firtiiranrr. JAVA SBA AND FIRE INBURANOT COMPANY Head Office, Batatia. The undersigned, Agents for the above ('•mpany, are prepared to take risks npon '< cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the 1 customary terms. 33t o/o discount allowed on all risks f< c oasting voyages, and 15 o'o on
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    • 609 1 Induranrr. THB HONGKONG FIRE INSURANOB COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andre, Kmq. lK«n. M.loher.. Co.) J. P. Barnaa M—n. Hnllld«r. wine Co. A. T. Munr, rM«ssn.Don«lu.TAprmik*Oo. Nl l *tl CBento Compaor Ltd.) iv medl<^ 'J-
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    • 510 1 fnauranrr. lanoasp: COMPANY. Oapital £3,000,000. O7FIOBB O F THJB COMPANY. Manchester— TSxohang* Btreat. Liverpool— 4. Manchester Buildings. Birminoham— Charrr Straa*. London— H, King William Straet, B. 0. Glasgow— 133, w«t Georga Street. B*i«iol— Corn Street Lmds— l2, East Parade. NIwoASTLB— 40, Mosley Street. Dublin— 9, lower Saokvilk Btraet CHAIRMAN IN
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  • 166 2 MONDAY, eOta AUG., 1883. LM'hST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SINOA.POKK, 20TH \OOOST. lS<i. I 7.12 J. j rilack fVpper l«.6ij. VVlnte iVpper, fair quality. M, i-l..ur, S«r J Pear! dago.... Xul Oofbe, Mailv picke.i U, Tapioca, small Flake 3 50. Tin tOs. Muletwist -J lb». Shirting* 1.57|. 7 do
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  • 5 2 WcDNBSDir. Deli, Jf«reury. »•>"■
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  • 21 2 REUT ER'S TE LEGRAMS. (Vox Slriilf Time*.) Zl 1.1 LAND. London, \^tk .i«y.— Utiibepu'b defeat 18 ii neon iii un d.
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  • 106 2 Tv« Great Eastern steamship, the larg- Iniilt, alter lying idly at anchor for many years, is at length to Le employed a^ai'i. A company, we learn Irom last mail's papers, has been formed to p I the vessel for the coal trade between Queen's Ferry (Kirth of Forth) and the
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  • 144 2 A KKUaßKablk ring has been made in London tor His Majesty the King of Siam, respecting which the Time* has the following paragraph "The f ecu has been pleased to inspect ag made l.y Mr J. \V. Benson, of Old Boad Street, for the King of Siam. It will be
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  • 214 2 We were in error in our issue of Satur- day in stating that the old A B C Bridge is being reconstructed. The necessity for doing so has not, however, escaped the I the Government, and iiesii;ns have been almost completed by the Colonial Engineer for a tingle span iron
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  • 247 2 1> ::-.n with the visit to Acheen of H. K. the Govern.. r-Gener»! of Netherlands li.dia, and whi is expastod h.-re today on his return to lJ.itavu in tbe N. I. limborti, tlie Penang Tines writes as follows; v |.v ly i ii.lm r• f the Sec., d v n
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  • 523 2 The Times publishes the folbwing ol'ituary of the late Mr. Eastwick Ma. Edward Kicitiuvai Kamtwick, c.b the distiDguisbed Orient il »cii lUr, di'dat Ventuoron Ju y lt>_ H^w inborn in Isl4, uu 1 educited »t Charter. house and al Ralliol "fflrfe, Oxford. In IXJ6 be went to B-mbay as a
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  • 601 2 THE LEON XIII." The case of the< affJDeen of th? S[ .1-nii-li steamer Lemi XIII. is imw, tro take it, closed so far as 'ic <£ii);lisii Government is concerned, aid these unfortunate men must f Ol lli It tli unprecudentLil ano uio I grows ill-usage, they nccivc.! own Government <vill
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  • 580 2 Of eoafM it dam, and a little more so. At Wimbledon this year, the Scottish marksmen l« ive been extraordinarily successful. Among the sixty who won the privilege of competing for the Queen's puze, DO fewer than thirtylour hailed from the land o'cakes and not
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  • 417 2 Tub Chinese Seventh Mook On* the 3rd Augu-t, in-lan^, bagafl tlie Cbil'i r-e t'eftft ut' "all •Jnlils," uiirinjf which tiu.Jdhist and Taui cite pruvers to release souls from pur•iatorj', scatter rice to soul? or >-piritg, recite iiia>{ic injanUu .iif acoompaaied by motions nl the n ituitatiiiy S.n>-';iit c •vliicli are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 768 2 «fttto a&brrttermtnt*. OPIUM I ORTH BORNEO VRAR 1884. Ths^^^^Ktt of Importing nnd selling luumpthn in ttu Territory of and of selling and manuing Ckandu. It is hereby notified that Tenders for the •hove Farm will be received at Sandakan op to the 80th day of September next. Tenders must be
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    • 793 2 PAIT>-UP CAPTTAI ..?5,000.(>00 RESERVE KrXD .12,800,000 Court o» Dibfctors:— Chairmiin Wm Heimvrs, E«q^ Depntv rhairm»n W. S. TntJNO. Esq. H Oalrvmple, Esq. lA. Melver, Esq. H. Hoppius, Esq. I F. D. Sassoon, Esq. Hon. F. Tl. Johnson. IM. E. Sassoon, Esq. A. P. MeEvcn, Esq. I C.Vincent Smith, Esq. Chikf
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    • 786 2 LIOTIH ll' Public Auction, i.t h Rohd. (n n Sitnrdir, lit September, commencirg at I P. M U«ful Housebold Furn.' ure, Glassware, ("rockery, Platedware, etc. Catalogui-R will be in-.ii.-d, and the pro perty will l>e on vi. w 3 days previ us t > the sale. CRANE BIMS., Auctioneers. Singapore.
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    • 475 2 i'l Oil \OVy »n opportuniiy of lmdiug nt Marseilles should quarantine be alnndoned or drnii j nish 1, or of euntinuinz 'li- to Lind n without del. v should th- re<tric tioiiß »till be enfnrei d. In order that th<* ompiuy's New Ch'naMarseilles line bhall be at no disudvantnge
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 64 2 WEATHER REPORT. Katdang Kariow Hospital, \*th August, 1883. 9».m. 3pm. 9p.m. Kmtui. H« r. red. F*h. 86 WH tt 78* 882 T«mp Motoldki'-Isw, I W»t BulhThw. 79 ~ii 76 5 Dlr. ol Wm.l ME. S-K BE. wiih .light Nu.Taup.lnihidi 87 9 «h.,w«r md MlB. do d Itronuwindat M«i. in
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  • 289 3 TWO SI NGAPORE CHINESE CITIZENS IN BIRMINGHAM. ham Birmin^hara by Mr. I eat and Mr. Let- Cheng m place ilt Teat and Mr. j.ipore wbo have terminated a five 'fly ese iii Birmingham on Krithe with blm to act ■tattie ort, Teat the I'riinv of Wales ssed the performaitce wi-re
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  • 3003 3 WHO IS HE Ihk World has a very readable article under the title of Ovminf il which 'he writer points out with much tad trutl. the very great difference there i> between gpiiig home M nowadays from India or the Colonies and what it us»d to be forty or thirty,
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  • 421 3 A (-OBKECTIOX. To the Editor of the Straitt Times. Sib, Will you be good enough to al--1 low the correction of several inaccuracies J about the Police case before Mr. O'Brien, which tuve inadvertently crept in your issue of this evening (1.) The name of the prosecutor was L'inac'haraii
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    • 135 3 m F 9 Vessel's Same. and R.o. Captaih. FaoM. Sailid C u 2 18 Diamond City 18 Strathmore 19 Siak 19 O O. Meyer 19 Pakan i'.i B.ntan 19 Picciula 19 Sapphire 19 Duburg 20 Japan «0 Lucy Sia. bq. 261 Spencer Brit. 8tr. 1381 White I nit. str.
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    • 68 3 Dat». Vmml'i Sin. jFuio ft Rio. Captain. Distihatioh. Aug. 10 Strathmore Brit. str. White Hongkong 20 Pakan I Brit. str. Smith P*kan ria port* SO Spaniel Brit. «tr. Mile* Penang ria ports 20 Brambletye Brit. «h. Pickard Sandheadi 20 Cheang Hock Kian Brit. »tr. Webb Penang SO Glengvry Brit.
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    • 580 3 Vmsii-'b Nam«. OAPTAIM. AND 5 A*»ITBD FBOK. ColfSIOHDS. to. l£ I Men-of-war Champion Regent StoamerB Lsita Wm. Mackinnnn B. S. v <ler Beele Prins Alexander I Agnes O G v Lansburgt Paknam aocMgOSJ Vidar I 1 Stolienfels Pyah Pehket Sht-rard Osborn N'ormanby Pontianak Pioneer Isabella Somerset
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 $»otlCf9. THB PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. No. 30 Obchabu Road. Pobtkaits luktiu >Wy iv ttie best style. Upeoiai uttuution i* drawn to thu Rembrandt portaits. Views of Buildings, Shipping eto. taken to order. Best views of North Borneo, Sandakitn, Kudat, etc., also Solo, SUtu and the Sir.nta Seitluments, always for sale, charges
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    • 358 3 Sinij-.p ,re g fit July, 1883. HOTTOB. Thsj old «t and well known Carriage I bnildinif Es'aSliHhmenf. of the late Mr. <!. K. Bbown, nt present cirried on by i lf< ra P. P 1.,., 1> en removed from No. 3»! Ariueuian Street to more roomy and c >nreni»rit premium
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    • 352 3 flQttttQ. The h > nt Bongkalis on Monday, the 101 ber next. R. B. H.N.M'iA. Bingap re, 27th J> In future, our sales of Horses) and < ringes will be held on TopPOWELL A Co. Singapore, 26th July, 1--IN THE Qi JAMES MAODONALD,— D*ctmtd. PtrvauaßT to theTrusree* and M «cc*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 687 4 iflisrrllanroua. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIS WATER, The Natural Soda Water. The qneen of table waters." British Medical Joubnal. APOLLINARIS WATER. CV Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCB OF WALES during the last five year*. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far *uperior to manufactured aerated water*. M
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    • 665 4 £ti RWFLES PLACE, SINOAPORE. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oii.mam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlerr and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods. Arms and A-n--munition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock maker*. Japanese and Chinese curiosities, Ac. Ac. Wine Department.
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    • 960 4 The works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, wrh-n one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the folI iwing establishments, vii Wharf.— Affording berthage for twenty rev<els at one time with sufficient water for V6B«*ls of the heaviest draught, and protected by a breakwater from the
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    • 925 4 ©orfa. f>r Roil«r> to ■*Vir*><<>r information may bn had at the i M»««rs. Pa»crson, Wmons A 00., fian^rai Ao«nts. who forward Telegrams to the Doak ♦>»«. OHARLEB WISH ART. M%i<iger. Singapore Ist July 1875. 'v. o.) f\oUtt9. 1 THE NORTH-oniN* IN^rRANCE COMPANT, LIMITED. Incorporated with Limit'd Liability! under the Cnmvnieo
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    • 651 4 #ottr?3. i Coictant, Lnmro. Gentl. hereby request that you I wiil all. i ..shares in the j I above named Company, and hereby I agree to ac ept the same or any smaller number that may be allotted to upon the terms < f the Company's Prospectus dated the 25th
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    • 802 4 POBE. fopposice tho r'nV> I Drapr*. Milliners. Silk WVreers. H'l flashern. Glovers, ard General Onrflttem. GE'TLyM'N's Outfit' n»onFPA«TMFNT. Every description of clothi-g m*d» on the shorten* notice by an experienced C o rter, fit. guaranteed, a good assortment of tweedn, worsteds, sereeo, broadcloths for selection. Calf walking shoes. Shootirg boots
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    • 640 4 Ha< always "1 tf^^^Plit' s If Jewellery, Watches), Clocks. Nan(instruments, Ac., comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches, Lockets. American clocks Ladies' rings. Carriage clocks, Signet rings. Marble oloeks, Wedding rings, Chronometers, Keepers Thermometers, Albert chains, Barometer*, Gnard chains, Sextants, Studs, Sleeve But- Balinometers, tons and Links,
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