The Straits Times, 18 August 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. 18th AUGUST, 1883. NEW SERIES VOL. XXIV. [DAILY ISSUE, j No. 15.083
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 489 1 Atram *t)(p <? ompanirs. I AR AND ORIENTAL AM NAVIGATION COMPANT. OrriCE— Collyer Quay. Godowns New Harbour. LINES. undernoted are the date* on wmcrthis Company's Mail Steamen may be eipected to arrive at Singapore during the 1888:— a»i>. HowiwAßr.NbW 24th August. Thursday ?*rd Auiffith Sept. Friday 21 st Bth
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    • 689 1 *tram *fjip Compamrs. THE MESSAGERIES MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which the steamen of the Messageries Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the •Mirrent year:— Outward. Hokewabd. Thursday l*Hh Augt. Thursday 16th Augt. "2nd Sept. 80th l«th 13th Sept. SOth 27tb MonduylMh Oct. Monday 11th
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    • 749 1 strain »l)ip Compamrs. DE NFDERLANDSCH-INDIPCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Orricß, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London, E. 0. Head Agency Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamen running in connection with the mail steamen of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 788 1 *tram £>t)fp Cotnpantf*. N.B.— The steamer doe* the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangia, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Aoheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baro* Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Aierbangia, Natal, Siboga, Baro*, Singkel, Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 552 1 fnsuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURANOF COMPANf Head Otfice, Batatia. The undersigned, Agent* for the above Company, are prepared to take risk* upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary term*. 33i 0/0 discount allowed on all riak* f coasting voyage*, and 15 0/0 on all riak* t
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    • 616 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,909 General Managers. Messn Jardine Matheaon A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andre. Eaq. (Meaan. Malcban, Co.) J. P. Barn** (Vwm. HollldaT,Wlaa Co. VT. Manirar, fKaasn.Donclu.LapralkftCo. 'J. NioaiM, (Bsraao Company Ltd.) J. J. doa B..madioa, (J. J.
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    • 535 1 fnsturanrr. LANCASHIRE INSUBANOU COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OFFIOBB OFTHE OOMPAKY. Manohbstbb— Kxchang* Street. Litbbpool— 4, Manchester Building*. Bibmingham— CherrrBtreet» London— l 4, King William B*w«t, B. 0. Glasgow— l 33, West O«orge Str^t Bbiwol— Corn Btr«et Lbeds— l2, Ea*t Parade. Newcastle— 40, Mo*ley Btreet. Dublin— 9, Lower Sackville Street CHAIBMAN IN
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 26 2 O» the 16th Joly, at Ventnor, lale of Wight, fci.wAßD Backhocsb Eastwice, I h, Fas., r s.a., Ac in tbe seventieth year of hia age.
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  • 178 2 SATURDAY, 18th AUG., 1883. LATEST MAKKET QUOTATIONS, SisiiAPouß, 18th \uocsr. 1833. (iaiubier I 7.10. Hlack Pepper 16.75. WbiU Pepper, fair quality. H<. Sago Floor, Bar 2.80 I Pearl Sago 3.17*. 1 Coffee, H,illy picked 13. 1 Tapioca, small Flake 350. Tin 296:' i. 40s. Muletwist Si lbs. Shirtings
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  • 59 2 ST«-DAT. for V" at Palembang, Ruby P-m. Samwang, Penang, 6 p.m. baya Macassar, it. Mtanatehy, fl p.m. Sourabaya, Jnpara, 6 p.m. To-morrow. Psnong, Colombo and Bombay, QttUmg. 8 a.m. Sourabaya, Bally and Macassar, Row. 3 p.m. Labuan, Kudat ami Sandakan, Banea, 4 p.m. Monday. Malacca, Klang, Perak and
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  • 27 2 fFor Stnitt Times.) EOYPT. Luiiffon, 1 7(A August. Asiatic Cholera is increasing in Alexandria. China. The Chinese Government has ordered two more Corvettes at Kiel.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 20 2 The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday, 17th August, was 070.
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  • 55 2 Messbs. Patebsoh Simons Co. have received a telegram that tbe steamer Cambodia, reported the other day to have been on tire, left Aden yesterday. The P. A. 0. Cos. steamer Teheran, with the London mail of the 27th July, left Colombo at 10 p. m. on Thursday, and may be
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  • 60 2 The s. s. Pontianak was this morning admitted > pratique, and came into harbour. The reasoa for her being ordered into quarantine was that there had been two deaths during the voyage, supposed to have been due to cholera, and there was a passenger on board who waa believed to
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  • 459 2 The Mettagero describes the daily life of Tv Due, tbe Emperor of Anam, aa it calls him. The two chief institutions of his palace are its harem and its kitchen. He is an old man, and only allows his sacred face to be seen by mandarins of high rank His
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  • 188 2 THE HONGKONG OPIUM REVENUE The experiment recently tried by I the Hongkong Government of taking the Opinm Farm into its own H 'it.^P' appear/ to have already *«i.«ndB ♦r^un^hant .uccess. Iu tf >r< Ve< f. articler^Lsra^ll^'the" cl'uf upon the fact that the Hennessyan regime of procrastination, bombast, and do-nothingness h.-w
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  • 322 2 Thb London Standard of the 20th July, publishes the following telegram respecting a formidable strike of telegraph operators throughout the United States. Nev> York, Thuriday, HHh July.— At noon to day three hundred aud seventyfive telegraph operators in this city struck work. Tboir example was followed at Cbic<ig >. Washington,
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  • 430 2 The same paper publishes the following telegrams respecting the Tonquin expedition Parie, Tfcursday 19th July— Tbe rein, forevmeuts despatched to Tonquin from France, Cochin L hina, aud New Caledom.i are no doubt by this time concentrate! ready for thicfc wben the hot season is over. It is expected that the
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  • 577 2 The quarterly return of the registered births and deaths in the Colony for the three months ended 30th June, which appear in yesterday's Government Gazette, are fuller than those forinetlv given, and which we have time and again characterized as misleading and utterly untrustworthy, affording no real
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  • 795 2 THE LEON XIII" CASE IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS. On the 17th July the following interpellation took place in the House of Lords regarding the case of the three English Engineers of the strainer Leon XIII: Tbe Mir pi, .f Siii«l>iry. who rdMlo ask a qu.'S'i <n >i th>- ■v-.-retiry
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 738 2 fixto afcbrrttormrntf. OPIUM FARM OF NORTH BORNEO FOR THE YEAR 1884. T»s mclvii* right of Importing and telling Opium for oontumptinn in the Territory of North Borneo, and of telling and manufacturing Chandu. It is hereby notified that Tenders for the above Farm will be received at Sandakan up to
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    • 821 2 fltto STibrrttormrnte. sO AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $5,000,000 RESERVE FIND ..$2,500,000 Oottrt o? Directors: Chairman Wm. Reikkrs, Esq. Depntv Chairman— W. R. YouKO. Esq. H. L. Dalrymple, Esq. I A. Melver, Esq. H. Hoppius. Esq. F. D. Saasoon, Esq. Hon. F. B. Johnson. |M. E. Sassoon, Esq. A.
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    • 779 2 FOR ITA. Mka*M. Apcar I f~V) s' steamer Japan, Oapt. Oar'ner, .r admit the 23rd instant, and will take oergofor above ports. Intending passengers must apply to the undersigned for passage tickets before proceeding on board, otherwise they will not be admitted on board. For freight or pasonge, apply to
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    • 501 2 fltXn gfobr ..Sftnrnw. VLB. Th»: und received inst' tions from I I by Public Auction, at bis re»idence. Orchird Ro,.d, (next to Messrs. G. R. Lambert A Co. I Photographers) on Saturday. Ist b. r, commenciag at I P. M. Us»ful House- hold Furniture, Glassware, Crockery, Pla tedware, etc. '<
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 3341 3 ake from our Mauritius exu to the 14th I items regarding !Oth July, it may iilj telegram f- at Tatnat frun incident may English Iga their mutual ruisunI in an to say no more about iley, the wat formerly .1 I': Pacha 1". 77. After tlia time he
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    • 141 3 Ft*o Vemex's Nin. amd a Bio- Captaiw. Sailjed. LO..I 17 Regent 17 Srte Pontianak 17 Lido 17 Sury Wonjfte 17 Mav Flower 17 i«-n(jairy 17 Fatbol K-irim 17 Hint nog Timor 18 <}.•♦• long 18 Si.ik 18 Derkj 18 Spaniel 18 Mercury Sia w itr Trail Bangkok Dot. sen
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    • 114 3 Dat». I Vmil'i Name. Flao ft Eio. C ATT AIM. ug- 17 Pjemnah 18 Ban Yong Seng 18 M. MeaLsuhy 18 Penanj; 18 Banca 18 Sissie Id Ruby 18 Aillie 18 Feronia 18 Bengal* 18 Japara 18 Lesaep* 18 Rou 18 B«narty Fch. itr. Baron Saigon Brit. str. Hide
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    • 690 3 »b j Af ror or no. t too J J pp.Dfl m wis Flaw I _j Vmsil's Nam». Oaftain. amd i f Abhivbd F*om. ComioKEM. Rio. Men-of-war I gj MaUoca s<mior Naval Oflioer Champion H.M. str *380 Vug. H Batavia Senior Nav.l Offlow. I Regent Trail
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 705 3 #otirrs. POSITIVE G^VERNMEVT SECURITY LIFE I MtTßiLlfOl rOVfPWY, LT l"4 i 'lit*. Strut, alcvt'k Provision for old age combined with Family Provision in rare of Death. EXVMPLE. An sssurer, aired 25 next birthday, wishes to lay apart a sum of e>V.ut 20 Rs. a month in snch a way that
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    • 297 3 plotters. EIBMOV I The Depot of the best qn Bencool. Btreet, wb^r- ,f th,- kind patronage of customers is respectfully solicited. Singapore, 2nd Aug., 1883 (to 31st met. TO LET, FUBVISHKD Ektrt on Anon-tT 15th A pleiis.inily situii.J bones it N'rw I Harbour, suitable for two bachelors. Ren t moderate,
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    • 314 3 Rila and Kott < --riot Laboean Bat <t VU»»l OX nlllDKir* lUT MJtT V^*r 1 the year* IHB4, 1885 and 1886, will be held »t Kenifkalis on Monday, the 10th September next R. B READ. H N M's Acting >ntul General. Singapore, 27th July NOT In futnre, our sales of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 691 4 iflisirrllanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARTB WATER, Thb Natural Soda Watbb. Tke qneen of table waters." British Mbdical Joubhal. APOLLINARIS WATER. ttW Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THB PRINCE OF WALEB during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL BODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated wfctjtra kf
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    • 673 4 jfrtorr* ant iftmtanlitftr. RAFFLES PLACE. SINOAPOBB. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Impobtbbs of Provisions, Groceries, Oilman Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Am- munition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese curiosities, Ac.
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    • 1007 4 Dork*. THE TiWJOIfG P4C}\R T>OOTT. COX PANY LIV.ITKD. Thb work* of the Company are *ituated at Tsnjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Whabf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessel* at one time with sufficient water tl ingside for vessels of the
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    • 943 4 feorfc. refitting and coaling of steamers, a'so Shear* j complete for taking out masts. Boiler* ko Further information may be had at the Offloe of Messrs. Paterson, Simons A 00., General Agents, who forward Telegram* to tli* Dook fr»«. OHARLEB WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (n. c.) fiotttrs. THE
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    • 681 4 •Hotter*. Form of Application for Share*. To the Direitors of the. North-China Inbubaiicb Comfamt, Lihitbd. Gentlemen. hereby request that yon wih "siiotto shares in the above named Company, and hereby agree to acept the same or any smaller y number that may be allotted to upon the terms of the
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    • 783 4 flotirrs. ROBTNSON A TO. 23 COLLTFB QITAT, f»T1»O*P0BB. (oriposice the Club Drapers. Milliners. Silk Werners. H»berlashers. Glovers, and General Outfitters. Jb'TLfmkn'h Outfitting Hwpartmbnt. Every description of clothing made on :he shortest notice by an experienced Cutler, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of :weeds, worsted., serge«, broadoloths for (election. Calf walking
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    • 677 4 fiotitt. 3. MOTION. Ohbonometeb, Watob and Olock Mabeb. and optician. Flint Stuebt. Has always on hand a well selected If Jewellery, Watche*. Clock*. Want cnitiwments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' goldwateba* Brooches, Gent*' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches. Lockets, American docks Ladies' rings, Carriage clocks, Signet rings, Marble docks, Wedding rings, Chronometers,
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