The Straits Times, 16 August 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times VOL. XXIV. [NEW SERIES,] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. 16th AUGUST, 1883 [DAILY ISSUE. J No. 1 5,081
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 494 1 Atram jfrbtp (ffompanfrs. \R AND ORIENTAL VIGATIOK COMPANY. Office— Collyer Quay. Godowns— New Harbour. MAIL LINES. T.IE undernoted are the dates on wmci thi* Company's Mail Steamers may be ci peoted to arrive at Singapore dunng the WARD. ABI>. Friday 24th August. Thursday SSrd Aug. Friday 21 «t otober. Bth
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    • 696 1 £>tram &>nip Companies. IHF MESSAGEBIES MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which the steamer* of the Messageries Maritime* I may be expected to arrive here during the current year: OrTWABD. HO«1«1ID. Thursc'av UHh Augt. Thursday 16th Augt. 2nd Sept. 80th l«th 13th Sept. 80th 27th Monday 16th Oct.
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    • 749 1 *tram *t)fp Companfrs. DE NFDERLANDSCH-INDIPCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract* with the Netherlands, Indian Governments Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. C. Head Agency Batatia. The following are the date* on whioh the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 774 1 *tram *l)fp compamrs. N.B. Tbe steamer doe* the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. NaUl, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampnttoean, Analaboe, Begas and Patti and back from Aoheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baro* Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Aierbangis, NaUl, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 543 1 fnsttiranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIBE INBUBANO* COMPANY Head Office, Batavia. Thb undenigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared to take risk* upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33} 0/0 disoount allowed on all risks f i coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risk*
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    • 678 1 fnstiranrr. THE HONGKONG FIBE INSUBANOB OOMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheaon A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. E»<l. CM—m. M*lob«n, Co.) T. P. Bkrnas Mhri. Ho11IiUt,W1»« Co. A T. Manirar, rM«m«.Don«lu,X>iiralkaCo. H .NI«i~. fßoriMO Coapaoy Ltd.) The nndersigned are the authorised Agents for
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    • 611 1 fnstiranrr. LANCASHIRE INSTJBAHOJI OOMPANY. Capital £3.000,000. OFFICES OF THE OOMPANY. Manchester— Exohang* Street. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. Birmingham— Cherry St London— l 4, King William Stwet, O. Glasoow— l33, West Geoff* Street. Bristol— Corn Btreet. Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Newcastle— 40. Mosley Btreet. Dublin— 9, Lower Backvilie Street. <
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  • 155 2 THURSDAY, L*m AUO v IBBS. I,ATKSI' MAitKKT QUOTATION^ Si»oa.por«, 16th \oarjST. U Qasaßier 7.10. rtlack Pepper i^.75. White Pepper, fair quality. M. r, S»r Pe»rl .Sag.. 3.17 i OeeW, Bsiij picked IS. Tapioca, small Flake 35U. Tin. 29.75. 4(M. Muletwist... !'5 ■4 lb». Shirtings 1.574--7 do do 1.4-!,.
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  • 31 2 Deli, "<**■ P m Malacca and Peoini?, Ummort. 1 pm. Billiton .t I'ontianak B. Whait Soon, 7 a.m. Manila. Bspana. 'i P"iSUKOAT. Labuan. Kn Ut and Sandakan, Banco, 4 pm.
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  • 35 2 REUTER'S TELE GRAMS. fV.,r str tit* Tvmm.t Paki.iamknt. fioaveW, \hth Aug. The Bankruptcy Bill has bee* rt'ad a thir.l tirao in the Boon of Coaamont. FRANCIt. The Orleans princes have been surxjuioiicd to Fiohs Itirf.
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  • 11 2 Profe<sor Has-Imayer is now in Saigon, and will arrive here shortly.
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  • 20 2 The departure from, Saigon of the French transport Mytho foe Singapore mi is officially fixed for the lMh instant. i
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  • 22 2 Tut government of French Cochin I a mm otWftQO for the .•ion of that Colony at the Calcutta exhibition in Dawmbef next.
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  • 29 2 Bt kind pernriaaioa of II m. OoL Gedoffieera, lhe Band of tl Inniskilling Fusiliers will play in I dens to-morrow eveniag, Friday, the 17th instant, at 9 p. ro.
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  • 38 2 1> reply to telegram from the B Beetetery of British Burmah, the British Consul at Batavia tstimates the deliciency of tht. Java rice crop at two hundred thousand tons, though he says it is impossible to estimate exactly.
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  • 43 2 Bt the Cfcartarad Ifeaaagarias Mariamer Egeron there arrived from Batavi.i a French opera Company of 6 male au<" female artists, but as they have booked through their pissag" to Marseilles by the Sindh, they have no opportunity of giving any representation in Singapore.
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  • 43 2 Wt are informed that thf steamer Pi/an Pekhet, formerly of the Burmah Steam Heaan Holt A I ■pool, the S agents being Messrs. W. Mansfield Co., who int.-iid running her on the Straits line, calling at different ports in the pro- itive States.
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  • 92 2 A writer in a Calcutta paper says: "I hear that M BMJ soon e\j» et to see somethe Corinthian, for Dave CWreoa i-i in ae^etiatioa to bring up -tralia a eoinpany of SOSSe eighty performers, to five representations of Patience and similar operas by juveniles, orchestr Ac., included. This ought
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  • 144 2 The China Mai7 of bth August says. Mr. Ci.lquhoun, the special correspond dent of the Ttmet, and Mr. Gilder, who represents tbe Sew York Herald, leave for Tooquia this evening in tlie Xamvian. L'nle-s the Preach troops are »|«edily placed in tin- tiell against the Annamese, tae stai in Tonqnin
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  • 171 2 Thi M. M (Vs. steamer Sindh, i Captain fnuueni. from Shanghai, Hongkong and Saigon, arrive! along side the Borneo CoY wharf this inoniin.'. A.i I will leave for Marseilles via intermediate ports at 5 p. m. to-day. Passbkoeks. For Singtgore Fro'n Shangb Mr. Harrington. Proa Sui; i Mr. I Lowe.
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  • 334 2 Thk performance of Lecocq"* Comic opera of The Little Duke, by Pollard's Liliputian OjM-ra Company last Bight, as minlit have, been upeeted, attracted a \ery large audience, the Towa Hall being crowded to its utmost capacity aud the crush being greater than before. Among those present were the Siamese
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  • 322 2 \Y. ti. Bak Co. report in th.-ir circular at the 13th August reijardinij tin- market Sice. Tbe iiv-ly dem md foe -hipm^nt r.', us DOlMMjd in our 1 tut, b»( .ft.r ti.vinr eTWktad -it ne time ■harp adianc- in pri .1 iv.i r.jurci only, which ur Mil!-, BOH ne irly
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  • 739 2 On Tuesday afternoon the adjourned Inquest on the bodies of Abdul Salem and Kamit, the two men who were killed by the Teluk Aver Explosion was resumed at the Government Civil Hospital before the Coroner, Dr. Muglinton, ami a Jury con- the to, lowing gentlemen Hi
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  • 474 2 We have receive 1 by the fill Journal Officiel of the Ist, 4th, Bth, and 1 1 tli August, auJ the Inrf- of Sai^ou of the 7th, 9tb, and I Itb August, but neither contain any news of any importance tr<>m Tonquia that is not already known here,
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  • 251 2 The following in the lut >'^B published in the Ctin special correspondent at llaipl) H Hoiuhong, ist August.— -^^^^^^^H of the |.ru, ■>••'. lin-s <it the uew S^^^^| of which I t<-r S. S. Sal -B modified, as the Council th.n eX|>eeted would be^^^^H took
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 587 2 opium YEAR 1884. TK* tmclurif lii/ht of Impnr! Opium for eontumpli'm in the Territory of North Borneo, and of ielling and manufacturing Chandu. It is Hereby notified that Tenders for the a sots Farm will be received at Sandakan up to the 90th d*y of September next. Tenders mmt be
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    • 689 2 HONG [ANOHAI BANKING COHPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $5,000,000 :kski:vk FUND ?2,500,000 OonRT O» DIRFCTORS: Chairman Wm. Rkinvrs, Kfa. Depiitv n, a i rt nHn— W. S Y*V<*. Esq. 1. L. Dalrymple, Esq. I A. MclvOT, Esq. is. Esq. V I' Bssanpsj, Esq. lon. F. B. Johnson. IM. E. Sasso-.n. Esq. V
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    • 689 2 FORPKVA' TA. Mvss;ts. Apcar l<*< Jipan, bat. <;.n nor nbont 5 he J3rd instaut, and will take cargo for rts. Intendii iss. Bgere inun* npp'y to the i nd.THtgned tor paaaage. ti.'kelH before o irorerdraf on board, otherwis- they will i Imitted "ii t>o»rd. For freight or pustiigc, apply to
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    • 441 2 LUB. ill h~ ..pen tr«.iaiag on i be 20tb inniu'.*. Tri»inin« lor tbe <** will ,n,ni, bi .ii Uond <\, ibe Ist o t ber. my hone intended for snefa Hices, going a the Con ree before the date mentioned rill be diequilified to ru-i. A. i>. ADAM-, Ilonorary Breretar/.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 1106 3 TDK result of the commis-i vi recent. K -ittnij.' in Penang on the question of Indian [mmigntion to the Colony and the Protected Natii emhoilied in an el.i emmeni < the 10th -i.ned by the B< a. E. C. Bock, ScoreI\ i run,. 'lit of [ndU,
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  • 2264 3 SOME NOTES OFA VO YAGE TO THE TO TH E NORTH COA ST OF NEW GUDE A IN THE S. S. CLEATOR," 1883. (Concluded from yttttrj-iy't piptr.) On our return we steered,. ur li jtt through The li .v M arc- H, ilt h- ivy piles, which are probi- rti
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    • 86 3 Visstx'a Naki. AmT S Cattaw. Fbom. Sailid. Connvwm. K^_ H 15 Bongala Ital. str- 1081 Anfaaaeo Samarang Aug. IS Maack 4 Co. 15 K-ron Dut. str. 420Sandmann Batavia Aug. 13 M. Mantimes. 15 Trait D Union Fch. bq. 356 Renjnf Mauritius July 3L.4 H. H klodt. 16 C. Monarch
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    • 62 3 CLEARANCE S. Daw. VnuL't Nam. Flao 4 Kio. Captain. Distikatiok. Aug. 15 Martaban Brit. str. Griffin Bangkok 16 Ganymede Brit. str. Foi Deli 16 Amboina I>ut. str. Schaafsman BaUvia 16 Strathleven Brit. str. Pearson Yokohama 16 M nitkut lint. str. Loff Bahgkok 16 Huzara Brit. str. Brown Calcutta ria porU
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    • 630 3 Kla.. Vkssil'b Naki. Captaih. ahd I Un Kio. i-Mon-of-war Fly Hope lI. M. «tr +o<>Jnly Chimpion H.M. str J.t»'> \'u Steamers [..jU V. H'n.H 131 Jan. Win. Macklnnmi Dot. str. 701 K.-b B. S. v dor Beele Hlosnberg Dut. str Prins Alexander Schippers Dut. str Julj
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 572 3 flotlff3. n it s\i>Ak elegant Madns built Doe> I A powerful grey Aua'ralian h r«., hrel md h .ndi ini>-, g in single h rn.« and sid ile. I The property of G., E.g. POWELL A f'o Auctioneers. Singapore, 27th Jnly. 1«83 to 2?th Aug. D. R (iRIFF.TH
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    • 171 3 Thk H-ile of the Opium firm in Bil» and Kottx Pinang, and in the dis'rict Laboean Ratoe, all in the Resid. n Coast of Sum itri f..r the "ear IS^A or for the years 1--+. 1888 imd 1 B*6. "ill be held at Kengkalis on Mondiy.the loth September next. I
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    • 349 3 Thk I ,-ited. Sinijßpori I 2nd Aug., 18&< NOTICE. 11l fntnre, our aales of Horsea and Carriages will be beld on Tuesday. POWELL near* Singapore, 25th July, 18>- NO I ■Wfithfr th«* Hupfnin nor the Owners rl.itinh ship BrambUtye will be reaponsib'e for debts contract, d by the Crew whilst
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 519 4 #H«rfllanrou*. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIS WATER, Thi Natural Soda Water. The qneeo of table wator»." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIB WATER. aY Supplied continuously to the Table of g.a£ THE PRINCE OK WALES daring the last five year*. APOLLINARIS, THTE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated water*. Midioal Tin «8
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    • 563 4 ♦torn* anft iWrrrbanßisr. JOHN LITTLE A 00. RAFFLES PLACE, 8l!»OAPORE. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers op Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glasoware, Lump*. Saddlery and Harness, Orockpry, Electro Plnted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Good*. Arms and Amninnition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters, Watcb and Clock maker*. Japanese and
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    • 959 4 So rite. TRF p«oar DOCK COM i J ANY LIMITED. The works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf.— Affording berthagefor twenty vessel* at one time with sufficient water tlongside for vessels of the
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    • 953 4 Bork. n fit tinfl* and eoniingof steamer*, a'»o Shears comply for ».B,Vinff out raants. B«il«r.» to ■Further information may be had at the Offlop of Messrs. Patarson, Bimon* A Co., Oonerai Agon**, who forward Telegrams to the Dock fr««. OHARLKS WIBHART. Singapore Ist July 1875. (a. o.) #lOttff«. THE NORTH-nHINA
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    • 759 4 Haticte. Form of Application for Sharet. To the Directors of the Nobth-China Ijjsurahcb Company, Limited. Gentlemen. hereby request that you will allot to *hare* in the above named Company, and hereby agree to ac ept the *ame or any smaller number tbat may be allotted to upon the terms of
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    • 788 4 fiotitts. T^nßms r >N < 23 Colltkr Qhat, Biwoapore. for-posice ih" <"Hnb Drapers. Milliners. Silk Mercers. Haberdashers, Olovem, and General Outfitter*. Gw'tlvmfn'h Outfit- h»o Dfpaitmknt. Every description of clothi-g made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment ot tweeds, worsted*, *erge«, broadoloth* for selection.
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    • 669 4 ftOtfff J. MOTION Cn»owoMrT«R, Watch and Oi.oc» Makbb. and Opticia» Fliht Street. Has always on Und a well selects ,v If Jewellery. Watches, docks, n™ onstrnmenU, A«., comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold waters Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches, Lockets, American clocki Ladies' ring*, Carriage clocks, Signet rings, Marble clocks. Wedding
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