The Straits Times, 13 August 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times VOL. XXIV. NEW SERTES. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, 13th AUGUST, 1883 [DAILY ISSUE, j No. 15.078
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 562 1 Mftt&m *bip (ffomuanire. \R AND ORIENTAL AM NAVIGATION COMPANT Office— Collyer Quay. Godowns— New Harbour. MA.IL LINES. T.IE undernoted are the dates on wuieri tin Company's Mail Steamers may be expected to arrive at Singapore during .be year 1883:— VHP. TtOJJFWARP. Friday 24th August Thursday t»rd Am. «n 2lst Friday
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    • 700 1 *tram £>f)tp Compantrs. IHE MKSSAI.ERIES MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which tho steamers of the Messageries Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the ■nrrent y«-ar:— OUTWARP. HOUIWABD. Thursday 27th May. Thursday 2tth May foth June. 7th June 24th 21st Bth July 6th July 22T)d 19th
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    • 746 1 *tram *niu Comparut*. DE NFDERLANDSCH-INDIPCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, < Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. 0. Head Agency Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N.
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    • 765 1 4>tram »W Compantt*. N.B.— The steamer does the voyaga in one month ria Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Ooenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month ria Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 482 1 fneturanrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT Head Office, Batatia. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing Teasel on the customary terms. 33| o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risk* t
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    • 515 1 fnsfuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A.AiHra, Ew|. (Ittmtn. M.lch.m, k Co.) J. P. Buih (Mwcn. HoI1H»t.WI«« Co. A T. M«nir«r, rMawn.Donrlu.LapnlkkCo. l^ I*il1 *il <*<>n»o Conpu; Ltd.) £l medl<^ p. J-
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    • 398 1 Insuranm LANCASHIRE INSUBANOK OOMPANT. Capital £3.000,000. OFFIOBBOFTHJB OOMPANT. Manorbster— Exohang* Street. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Building*. Birminoham— Cherry Btreet. London— l 4, King William Btreet,l. O. Glasgow— l3B, West George Street Bristol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2, Bast Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40, Moeley Btreei. Dublin— 9, Lower SsxkriUe Street CHAIRMAN IN KANOHMTBR.
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  • 171 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 13th AUG., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS, SINOAPOBI, 13TH 4.UOUBT. 1833. (Hmbier f 7.07*. Black Pepper 16>5. I White Pepper, fair quality. 27. I Sago Flour, Sar 2.86. Pearl Sago 3.15. Ooffee, Hallr picked 13. Tapioca, smill Flake 3 25. Tin 29.75. 40s. 95. 8J lb». BhirtiDg«
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  • 69 2 To-day. for p*r •< Labuan Sandakan, Hong Ann, 5 p.m. To-morbow. Sourabaja, Ittj I'hya, 11 am. Sarawak. Ranee, 11 a.m. Saigon, lletapedia, 1 p.m. Penang and Pa<lan?. Kongtee, 2 p.m. Malacca, Klang, Srlangor, Perak and Penaag Billiton, 1 p.m. Hongkong k Shanghai, Hector b p.m. Wzdncsdat. Sam&rang, Sourabaya
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    • 100 2 London, \\th August.—Lord E. Fitzmawrice in reply to a question said that negotiations are progressing regarding the Opium question, and that the British Government has intimated its willingness to accept the proposals of the Chin Government on certain conditions. Parliament. The Corrupt Practices Bill has been read
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  • 726 2 The marriage or a Scotch Singapore born Belle. On Saturday afternoon, there wat solemnized in the Scotch Kirk, by the pastor, the Rev. Mr. McPhee, the marriage of Miss Robertson, the eldest daughter of Dr. Robertson, to Mr. William Dougal, Mana lof the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China.
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  • 86 2 H. M. S. Champion returned last Wednesday to Singapore from a three months' cruise to Borneo, Celebes, and Java. We are sorry to record that Captain Pasley, on her arrival, was compelled, by ill health, to invalid home, and sailed the following 1 day per P. O. steamer Khediv, much
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  • 31 2 The M. M. Co.'s steamer Djemnah, with the London mail of the 20th July, left Colombo at 5 p. m. last Saturday, and may be expected to arrive here next Thursday.
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  • 30 2 Ax Inquest was held on the 12th in- stant, by Dr. Mugliston coroner, at the Criminal Prison, on a male Chinese named Leow Ah Sheow. Verdict, death from natural causes.
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  • 34 2 The steamer Fidra, 710 tont, Capt. Farmer, left Newcastle, N. S. W., on 9th May for Singapore, and has not since been beard of. It is believed the has gone down with all hands.
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  • 21 2 I'm Right Revd Dr. Gaanier is at present at Malacca, and will arrive here about tbe latter end of this month.
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  • 94 2 Wi learn that an elderly gentleman in Rangoon recently invested in one of the electric hair brushes, so extensively advertised in the liome newspapers, and was so delighted with its effect that he at once ordered an electric flesh brush. Armed with a consignment of these amd a steamer full
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  • 75 2 The following vessels were reported as loading for the Straits and China or the Philippines on the 13th July Kangaroo s. Seymour at London. Olenogle t. Hogg, do Lsertw s. Scale. do lala de Cebu t. Portuoado Liverpool. San Augustin s do Antanor s. Bragg, do Manelau* s. Lapage, do
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  • 129 2 The Rangoon correspondent of a Calcutta contemporary writes One of the Chinese societies here, following an example set, I understand, in Penang, bat made the widow uf a Chinese trader head trustee of their body. The lady in question is half Burmese, but has travelled with her deceased husband in
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  • 183 2 We do not wish to accuse the Government of parsimony in connection with its advertising, but there are often notices appearing in odd corners of the Government Gazette that would be the better for ventilation in a newspaper column, and doubtless but for an oversight or thoughtleasness on the part
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  • 104 2 paper are scam The ii"i* showing of Muka H This, however, in tanee except to the light is there, and it that they may know exact!. they are at ni^l.' newspaper are the place in m would naturally look for notices affec*. the general shipping interest. Werner point out, however
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  • 236 2 The work of piling for the now Magistrate's Courts, which has been going on for some time past, is (till being proceeded with, but the toft nature of the subsoil will be likely to make this building, when completed, a rather more oj^^H structure than was expected. The ease with
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  • 260 2 The repetition of La FilU de Madame Angot by Pollard's opera company on Sxturday evening was not so well attended as their previous performances, but there was a select if small audience, and the performance was gone through as faithfully and as well as though tbe hall had been crowded,
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  • 307 2 Ox the morning of the 10th instant* house in Rochore Canal Road, occupied by Malays and forming part of a new lot of buildings, was broken into and a rob* bery was committed. In the lower part of the house, to which the thieves confined their attention, there resided two
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  • 175 2 One of the ot the Peak pleasautost dinner associations," says Banian in I Chit Chat to the Hongkong Daily Prets, M ,'is the absence of the conventional "swal- I low tail." The little dinner pai^^^H in consequence much less formal and par- M take more of the nature of frivmlly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 612 2 fitta a&bfi-usrmfnW. OPIUM FARM OF NORTH BORNEO FOR THE YEAR Tie twciwttw right of Importing and selling Opium for consumption in the Territory of fftrih Borneo, and of selling and manu(aetmring Chandu. It it hereby notified that Tender* for the atoTt Farm will be received at Sandakan ■p to tbt
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    • 622 2 ?.r»brrtls(niunifi. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $5,000,000 RESERVE FI'Nl) «'J, 500,000 Coubt or Dibectobs: Chairman— Wm. REINKBS, Esq. Deputy Chairman— W. S. Youno, Esq. H. L. Dalrymple, Esq. I A. Mclvcr, Esq. H. Hoppius, Esq. F. D. Sastoon, Esq. Hon. F. B. Johnson. IM. E. Saiwoon. Esq. A.
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    • 798 2 aUbfttfarmrnts. NOTICM. Tenders are inviied for the supply of Provisions for H. M.'s Navy, for twelve months from 12th October, H-:t. Applications for foim* of Te der tibould be made on hoi.rd tbe ship of ike Senior Officer, on and after the Uih September. The Senior Naval ffi er fact
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    • 398 2 firm aabc.iSfmrnts. rtJRE ?ALB. The i.rnlerki^ned »re inktruoted by In. ipec'or WAhN;:. pmcreding to Knrope, to j sell by Auction, at th I Sepoy Linoa, on S'turdiiy, 18th August, commeticing at 1.30 r. M Tbe Household Furniture. Ale. nil nearly new, consisting of a drawing, room suite, couches, and lounging
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 67 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kandany Karbow Hospital, II th August, 1883. Va.m. Sp.m. (p.m. Kimikii. Bar. rad. JS Fah. It 807 »831 »m Tamp SiS tan no Moraiav parWat Bulii Thar. 7» 0 75 8 740 lUIIt clouTt IMr. n(Wind C«lm. C^lm. S.W. day olondr J&- I S p ta^*SS xffzr Balo
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  • 150 3 >*y Chamber of Commerce ts tonnage scale. It that after the Suez Canal wa» 1'. and 0. Company, then i< ahiiont a monopoly of steamer 'ii, imposed a scale of 40 the ton as equivalent to 50 by sailing vessel, and jieseed in by shippers without uliic
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  • 2853 3 The Government India ontains the following notification rearding th. Ipiam during 884:— of In--ed to declare hat tbe total I Bengal pium that will be offered for sa I 1 be announced when the n was known, -•*m by ach B)< c, was ■••rmnent of India ould
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  • 246 3 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Sib,—I am a Hack owner and the following is a story of an every day occurrence. My hack was found by a white policeman moving slowly on the road and was immediately taken up, for obstruction driver locked up in the cell;
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  • 130 3 Hollowly* fill*.—The chief wonder of m >deru times—This incomparable Medicine increases the appetilo, strengthens tbe stomach, cleanses the liver, corrects biliousness, and prevent* flitulency; it punfi-s the system, invigorates the nerves, and re instates sound health. Tbe enor mous deuiinl lor these PiUt throughout tbe globe mi^bi cau-te admonishment werj
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    • 139 3 j *LAO Vbshl'r Nam*, imd S CirriiH. From. Sailjd Comnnß. 5 Kio. h A of. 11 Lydia Ufr. rtr. 1170Paul»en Han burg June 30 P. Rheiner 4 Co. 11 Kremlin «tr. 7«3 Andrew Glasgow Jane «6Guthrie 4 Co. 11 Norm»nby Brit, it r. 664Sorenien Penang Aug. 9 Lim
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    • 233 3 Flao Vi«si.l's Kami. Captaih. and Rio. z Abritid Fbok. C'VniaMzas. D". i r_ 490 July SI Malacca Senior !fa»al Officer. 8U 2380 Aug. 8 Bataria Seniurf^ral Officer. SU 186 Jan. 11 Put Back A. I :4nmton Co. Fa 701 K«b. 16Batavia Bmistoad L Co. B«1 R9A
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 817 3 AUCTION' "^UFFOLK FIOU*E." The imdersi/ned will sell by Auction, on the spot on Fri i.-iv the 31st Aucrnst at 5 o'olocV p. ni. that eh rmine residence situated on Mount Sophia. Orchard Rosd, adjoining Mr. Man' field and Dr Rowell's residences. The House is remarkably cool and commodious. Upper floor
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    • 539 3 JAMES MACDONALD.-Ifcetxuod. Pursuant to the Trustees and Mortgagees Powers Act, 1866. Notice, is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the Estate of James MacDorald, deceased formerly of a Clerk in the service of the Chartered Bank of India, A us.. traHa. and
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    • 533 3 LIFE A n KVT, LTD. I 104 CLIT» StBUT, (iALCDTTA. Provitionfor old age combined with Provition in ente of Death. EXAMPLE. An assurer, aged 25 next birthday, wishes to lay apart a sum of aboo^^^^H a month in such a way that his savina* will be securely invested until the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 540 4 iHttfrrllanroutf. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARTR WATER, Thb Katttbal Soda Wateb. Tb* qneen of table waters." British Medical Joubnal. APOLLINARIB WATER. %W Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R, H. THB PRINCE OF WALES during the last Ive years. APOLLINARTS, THE NATURAL BODA WATER. 1 Far superior to manufactured aerated waters.
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    • 575 4 Jttorr* anU iWrrrnanHisr. RAFFLEB PLACE. SINOAPOBE. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers op Pbovisions, Gbocbbies, Oilmam Stobes. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plnted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods. Arms and Ammunition." Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese curiosities. Ac. Ac.
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    • 949 4 But*. tfnt TAW.i wo pa.oar noca: com PANT LIMITED. The works of the Company are situated at Timjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the fol- bwing establishments, viz t— Whabt.— Affording berthage for twenty I vessels at one time with sufficient water tlongside for
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    • 956 4 Bark. refitting and coaling ot steamers, a'so Shears 0 ->~>T>lef«> for fak-ineoutmaiitn. Woili>ir.» lo Tnrther information may be had at the OfrW of Messrs. Paterson, Bimons A 00., O'ti»r«l A grata, who forward Telegrams to the Dock rV««. OHARLES WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (n. c.) flotittv. THE NORTH-CHIN*.
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    • 685 4 Form of Application for Skarrt. Tr. tho Hire tn-i nf »K P Nostb-Crtna Insurance Company, Limited. Gentlemen. hereby request that von will allot to shares in the above named Company, and hereby agree to acept the same or any smaller number that may be allotted to upon the terms of
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    • 795 4 EOBTNS°N CO. ■'3 Cr>U,T»R QfAV, °TFO*POBE. for.posic» the flnb 1 Dr«r>*rs. Milliners. °iIV Wercert.. rT-her r>«sher«, Glovers, «»>d General Outfitters. GB»TL'M»N'd OrjTFIT >I I''Or»»PA'>TM«WT. Every description of clothing made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cut. ter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadcloths for selection.
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    • 679 4 l HK..N Alfll OLOOR Maker, and Opticiah. Flint *tre»t. Has always on hand a well selected sto-Jk If Jewellery, Watches, Olooks, NautK-a'. onstruments, Ac., comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watohes Brooches, Gents' ditto.. Earrings, Silver watches. Lockets, American olooks Ladies' rings. Carriage clocks. Signet ringai Marble clocks. Wedding rings. Chronometers, Keepers
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