The Straits Times, 10 August 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times VOL. XXIV. [new series.] SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. 10th AUGUST, 1883- [DAILY ISSUE. J No. 15,076
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 545 1 *tram *t)ip eomuamrs. AR AND ORIENTAL AM NAVIGATION COMPANT. Office ('ollyer Quay. Godowns— New Harbour. MAIL LINES. T.i» und.moted are the dates on wuicf this Company's Mail Steamers may be ci peoted to arrive at Singapore dnnng the year 1 4RP. AKIV -t. Thursday sSrd Aug. fith Friday 21 Xt
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    • 777 1 #tram *t)ip Companies. THE MKSSAGERIES MARITIMEB COMPACT. I The following are the dates on which tj, tbe steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the current year OtTWARD. HOMIWABD. Thursday 27th May. Thursday 2 tth May 10th June. Tth June 24th 21st ,i Bth July.
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    • 741 1 strain *bip Companies. DE NKDERLANDSCH-INDI.-OHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. nder Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. C. Head Aoenct Batatia. Tbe following are the dates on which c Company's Steamers running in conction with the mail steamers of the A O. 8. N. Coy., may
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    • 770 1 #tfam *b(p company*. N.B.— The steHmer dix>* the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Sihoira, Baros. Singkel, Ooenoeng- Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Annlttboe, Regaa and Pafti and buck from A.'he.n via. Analar>oe. Gr-noene-Sitoelie, Singkel. Bnro* On imotner ni,,nt!> yin Priaman, AjerImntris, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenot rig Sitoelie, Analaboe
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    • 483 1 fnsfuranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INBURANCTP COMPANT Head Office, Batatia. The undersigned, Agents for the above I Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 331 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risks
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    • 507 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INBURANOB OOMPANT LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400.000 Reserve Fund 564,909 General Manaobbh. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A Andre, E»q. fVmmrn. Melnhara, k Co.) 1. P. Bum (Mann. Hnlllday. Wlm Co. T. Minnr, Chlmm.nontUmJ*pni'kkCo. H. Nlcalw, (B«n»o CnmpuT L&.) J. J. do* B»m«<llo«,
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    • 386 1 I nsuranrr. L ANO ABHIBJB INSF RA N< K OOMPAKT. Capital £3,000,000. OFFICTSOFTHB OOMPANT. Manchbstbr— Kxohang* Btreet Litebpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. Birminohah— Cherry Street. London— l 4. King WilKam Btr«t, E. O. Glasgow— 1 33, West George Street. Bristol— Corn Street Lmds— 12, East Parade. Newcastle— 40, Mosley Street. Dublin—
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  • 21 2 Domestic Occurrences DEATH. AT Hamburg on the 7th of July last, Mr. Edw.vhd I^AMBKRT, lite of Singapore, i aged 42 veins
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  • 136 2 FRIDAY, 10th AUG.,1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, 10th august. 1833. Qambi«r S 710. illack Pepper 16.^0. White Pepper, fair quality. 27. Sago Bar 2.86. Pearl Sago 3.15. Coffee, Bally picked 13. Tapioca, small Flake Tin j t0». Mnletwist 95 MJ lbs. Shirtings LS7L 7 do do 1 424 6
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  • 22 2 Sa<ff>n, 9 a,ni. 6 Bangkok, Hecuba. 1 p m. Merrury. 1 p.m. Malacca and Kirn,-. CovUa 111, 1 p.m. «i
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  • 636 2 fflnf ftrtifc flats*.) Madvi;asc ah. London, 9ti ./««./.-Mr. Gladstone ■pealing al the Mansion House said that fuller advii-e- fimn Madagascar confirm the hopes of an amicable settle. nent of the Tamatave affair. Ajc inquest was held on the 10th instant liy Dr. M u,'list'>ii, coroner, oil a male
    Reuter  -  636 words
  • 1020 2 The Ceylon Obterver in its issue of '-he Ist August has the following appreciative critique upon Sir Frederick Weld's recent addrwsto the Legislative Council. It is said to be good "to see ourselves as others see us, much on the principle that
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  • 1323 2 The opposition in England to the terms agreed to by the Gladstone Ministry with Baron L?s*eps for a second Suez Canal to be ciiDßtructcd under French direction, mainly by British money, or to any arr»ogetnent whatever conceding undue control to the French Duj^orate of the Canal, ai>peaV*M>}?^k
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 632 2 iiftu aabrrttsrnunts. OPIUM FARM OF NORTH BORNEO Th* mclutin tigii nnd telling Opium for ootuumpHim in the Territory of to, and tf telling and manu. faeturing Chandu. It is hereby notified that Tenders for tbe abo7e Farm will be received at Sandakan op to the 30th day of September next.
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    • 730 2 flffi Jfcn tisrmrntß. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL J5.000.000 RESERVE KIND ..52.500.000 Ooitrt or Directors i Chairman— Wm Reinkrs, Eoq. Depntv Chairman— W. S. Youno. Esq. H. L. Dalrymple, Esq. A. M elver. Esq. H. Hoppius. Esq. F. D. Sassoon, Esq. Hon. F. B. Johnson. If. E. Sansoon,
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    • 706 2 fitw JTOmtsrrrrriß. TOWN II W.K. SATURDAY, 17th AU iUST, 1881 LAST KIQHt > urTTwn LA-T NIGHTJ BUTTWa OFPOLLARI)-^ LILIPTJTIAN OPERA COMPANY. Saturday will 1. i rodna '1 for the last time in Singapore. Lec< q's Cellar teil Opsn Oossiqasi, LAFILLE de MADVMB ANGOT. Monday, KJth Auoust, LESCLOCHKSdb CORNEVILLE Wednesday, !sth
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    • 578 2 The 'nil. v Insell by Auction, at th Sepoy Line*, on I .v. l-il, August, oommeßciog at I ii p. M Tbe Household Furniture. Ac. all nearly tew, consisting of a drawingri om suite, couches nnd lounging eh iirs. whHti.o centre uud oc. i-. onal tiiMes, b..okHt.inda, dining tab'e, dinner
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  • 1327 3 Another Nut for the Anti-Opium Society. I I man, with the •I- (jive unflinching expn iinl, what lI unitinl 'v philanthro3 aod I i Britain in d I I I m their own I I (piunar H en that Dr. j the W: our own PrinoiI i Dr. Rowell, (g|t
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  • Correspondence.
    • 222 3 To the Editor of the Strait* Timrt. Sir, In your issue of 17th July there appeared a notice of the completion of tbe telegraph line from Saiiron to Bangkok, in which it was stated that the line ha* been constructed by French Engineers, and is being worked by
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    • 87 3 Vessel's Name. axd° Capiaim. Fao*. Sailed Cow»i«««». 5 K.u. °9 Eopana Spa. rtr. 17.^6 San Pedu Manila Aug. 1 Borneo Coy. Ltd. 9 Benaldor Hrit. etr. 1330 Hiirvio Amoy Aug. IP. Simons C*. -ardOiborne Biit. Btr. 875Worsley H'kong Au,{. 1 E.E.A. C.T. Co. 9 Pantie Mai. *tr. 260Aboobaker Malacca
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    • 82 3 Date. 7mh'i Nam. Flag Rio. Cajtaiw. DsvnxATioii. Aug. 9 Khedire Brit. str--9 Lord Lytton Brit. sh. 9 Kon. Oeneraal Bead Brit. itr. 10 May Flower Brit. »tr. 10 Japan Brit. rtr. 10 Louisa 111 Brit. atr. 10 Mcaliitor Brit. ftr. 10 Benalder Brit. str. 10 Norham CaaUe Brit. bq.
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    • 313 3 turn Visscl's Nak«. Captaih. and JjJ Amuvh^ Fbom. Rio. ji" Men-of-war H.M. str 490 July 21 Malacca C&rapion ...!T..... H.M.Btr 2380 Aug. BB»'..tL f'flt 1116 S.Wn*. »Putltaek Wro. Mackinnon Dut. «tr. 7<U M>. 16 Bataria X KVn Brit. dr. fi96June 24 Penang BS T der Beele
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 452 3 STEAMERS EXPECTED. CUIUD. itm M»y 7 Vi<tori» Antwerp. 26 Wemyss Castl* Ctrdiff. Juu* II ManilU Genoa. 21 Ice Mu-u Penarth. 27 Kremlin Glasgow. 28 Corona Penarth. 29 Lydia Hamburg. 80 Pembrokeshire Cardiff. 83 Cambodia Antwerp. 3) Metapedia do July 1 Ciulad Condal Liverpool. 1 S'lembria Antwerp. 1 VorwaerU Trieste. 3
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    • 994 3 positive GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. I'H r"Livu Strvkt. '"alcutta Protition for old age combined with Family Provition in care of Death. EXVMPLE. An assurer, a^ed 25 next birthday, wishes lay apart a sum of aV,ut 20 Rs. a month in snrh a w»y that bis savings wi 1
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    • 854 3 #oturc. Thk i i hnildini' O. H. Brows, at pr. .n by Me*rrs P. P. HOCHSTADT A Co. hmno-v been removed f r- Street to more roomy nnd c mve.-.n-nt premises aitnated at the corner of Hill Sire -t and Stamfo d ROSA The xbove Entahlixhment has always *>een well
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    • 412 3 TTOV CM.X !-TOT/K HOT Trk unrWaitrned will sell by Anc'; on the spot on FrHay the 31«t Aneu-' 5 ..VIocV p. m. that ohirminar resid. itnxte.) on M.iint S<. p bia, Orchard Ro«d, arijoiring' Mr. Man field and Ur Rowell's i i residerces. The H'-nne in rpmarkiibly cool i and
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    • 342 3 Thi *a>« of small >nni for dMlvrrq,, f the East Ooa«t of Sunoatri '1884, will be held as follows. On Mond»y, the 10th at Rengkfliv for the <1 ngksvlis. fliaV, LaVtoean Bstne and Assahan. On Monday, tbe 3rd PepTetnh*r, 1883, at Medun for the district* of Deli, Langkat and Serdang.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 540 4 ifltsrrllanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARIB WATER, Thi Natural Sori Water. The queen of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARTB WATER. CV Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. fkr superior to manufactured aerated Mbdical Ttmbs
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    • 586 4 Atoms anft fflfrroantnsr. JOHN LTTTLE A 00. RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND BPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods. Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and
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    • 965 4 Bodfcf. TUB TANTOVG PAGAR TJOOK OOM PANT LTMITKD. The works of the Company are sitaated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the j town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf.— Affording berthage for twenty 1 vessels at one time wi*h sufficient water tlongside for vessels of
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    • 951 4 Borfe. refitting and coalingof steamers, a'so Shears o<w»»lptfl for taking out masts. Boile,r« to Further infornmtiomnaT h* had at the Oflw nlMnan. Patereon, Simons A Co.. A? puts, who forward Teleerams to *n« Dook OHARI.ES WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) plotters. THE NORTH-CHIN* INSURANCE COMPANT, LIMITED.
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    • 769 4 :Botirrs. •m of Application for Stare*. To the r>ire"to'« of »he Nobth-Chixa Insurance Company, LnfTTKD. Gentlemen. hereby request that you will allot to shares in the above named Company, and hereby agree to acept the same or any smaller number that may be allotted to upon the terms of the
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    • 799 4 fiotitt*. WUNS^N CO. 23 Colltfr Qhav, «rwo»poEE. fnripogicp the Hub Drapers. Milliners, "ilk Mproers. HaberAasbers, Glovers, and Gp^eral Ontfltters. G«'»tl' f '*kn's Outfit" i!»o Hfpa'tmwnt. Every description of clothing msdp on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serge*, broadoloths for selection.
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    • 660 4 #ot(rr. Ohbonombtb*., v7atoh ar Maker, and Optici,,, Flint Street.. Has always on hand a well s If Jewellery, Watches, Oloc' onstruments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gnpatiy, Brooches, Gents' di Earrings, Silver war. T,ockets, Amerioanwur. Ladies' rings, Carriage i Signet rings, Marble ol< Wedding rings, ChronometerKeepers Thermome' Albert chains, Barometers Guard
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