The Straits Times, 7 August 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times XXIV NEW SERIES.! SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. 7th AUGUST, 1883 [DAILY ISSUE, j No. 15,1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 548 1 Atram jfrhiu <£ omvantrs. AR AM) ORIENTAL iOATION COMPANY. (>ffice— Collyer Quay. GODOWSB— New Harbour. LINES. TiTE nridernoted are the dates on wuieo this Company's Mail Steamers may be exp-. ted to arrive at Singapore during the OCTWARI>. HOMFWARI>. "h August. Thursday Oth Aug. 28rd fith Friday Slst fith Oct.
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    • 703 1 *tram »t)\p Companfrs. THE mSBkOMBOB MARITIMEB COMPANY. The following are the date* on whicl the steamer* of the Messageries Maritime may be expected to arrive here dnring th< inrrent year:— Outward. Homward. Thursday 27th May. Thursday 2*th May 10th June. 7th June 24th 2igt Bth July. 6th July 22nd lfHh
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    • 766 1 strain *htp Companies. DE NEDERLANnfiCH-INDIPCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Ovficc, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. 0. Head Agency Batavia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 792 1 *team mtv compantw. N.B.— The steamer does the voyage in i one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, JJjooga, Baros, Singkel, Ooenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean. Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Ooenoeng-Sitoelie, Bingkel, Baros *<\. for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Aier. I bangis, Natel, Siboga, Baros,
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    • 485 1 fnsuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANO COMPANT Hbad Office, Batatia. Thb undersigned, Agents for the abov Company, are prepared to take risks npo cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on th customary terms. 33J o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all riskt t
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    • 482 1 THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-op 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 GENERAL MaNAOBRR. Jardine Matheson k Co. Consulting Committee. J P iuS- Et<l W.lcham. Co.) A T M.^ m Holllday,Wl** Co. 'jL B*medlo*j (J. J. d M R*m*dio* *Co The undersigned are the authorised Agents for the above
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    • 400 1 fitturanrr. LANOABHIRE INSURANO* COMPANY. Capital 23.000.000. offices of th« company. Maschistbr— Exchan<?« Street. £itb»poo&— 4, Manchester Building.. Birmingham— Cherry Street. Lohdoii— U.King Btreet, 1. O. Glasgow— 133, West George Btreat. HRIBTOL— Cnrn Street Lebds-12, East Parad*. Nbwcastlb— 40, MosleyBtreet. Dubuk-9, Lower SaokVille Street i ai ««a» nc mvonmi. Johh
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  • 23 2 Domestic Occurrences DEATH. At Pt-namr. on the 3rd instant, very suddenly. Dun aw C'LifcX Pkksop vi, Municipal Secretary and 11. Ms. Cor .uer.
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  • TUESDAY, 7th AUG., 1883
    • 157 2 SmaAPoac, 7th \uocst. 1843. 'iambier 7.10. lilack Peppar 16.75. White Pepper, fair quality. .'7. Sago Flour, Sar 2.86 Pearl Sag. 3.15. <'. •&<-, Hilly picked IS. Tapioca, small Flake 3.15. Tin 30.10. 40s. Mnletwist 95 lbs. Sbirtiogs 1.57*. 7 do do I4:!i. 6 d.T.eiotu Utj. I 7
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  • 52 2 rFor Strait* Times.) Egypt. Lhih/oh, Uth August. Cholera case* at Cairo milder, health of troops improving. FttANCE. Legitimist plot lms been discovered at Paris, Feveral party leaders reported implicated. Madagascar. l.undun, %tk August. The Hovas •re still hoverinjr round Tamatave. The French an; t>o weak to advance into
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 11 2 During the month of July 557 men visited the Sailors' Rest.
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  • 32 2 The P. O. steamer Ancona, which brings the London mail of the 13th July, wss signalled in Penang at 6 o'clock this morning, and may, therefore, be expected here next Thursday morning.
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  • 53 2 I'rtvate telegrams have been received of the total wreck of the steamer Consolation, which loaded a cargo of Produce for London, here and in Penang, in June, sailing from the latter port on the 24th June. No particulars as to time and place are given, but it is stated the
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  • 45 2 We learn from the United Service Gazette of 30th June that Lieut. Col. J. A. Papillon, H. E. recently commanding tbe Royal Engineers in Hongkong and the Straits Settlements, who weut home not long ago, has been appointed Commanding Royal Engineer of the Gosport subdistrict.
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  • 53 2 The China Mail of 23th July says This morning, a little before ten o'clock, the French iron-clad flagship La Victorieuse, accompanied by the Pillars, Volta, and Lutin arrived in the harbour, from Tonquin and Halong Bay. The customary salute was fired and wan responded to by the shore battery at
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  • 81 2 Th» l\nang Tii/ir« of the 31*1 Ju y notices a small col >ny of A.chin;se aa follows MoSM f nr jtoN some Aobiuoecommei.c d pla tug l'tpi»-r »i sVra Kudah in Province We lenley Tbe wteomt crop was sold here tuple >uple of months ai;o, ana was a fine sample.
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  • 79 2 The Shanghai Mercury states that the claim of the C. M. N. Co. against the derelict schooner Mataram has been settled by arbitration, the British and Dutch Consuls in Swatow being the arbitrators. It will be recollected that the Mataran was picked up at *ea and towed into Swatow on
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  • 115 2 We regret to notice the death in Penang of Mr. I). C. I'resgrave, the Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners and Coroner of Penan.,' Mr. PMagMMs^ it appears, was out riding in the early morning of Friday the 2nd instant, and fell or was thrown Iroui his horse, the result being
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  • 115 2 A terrible story (says the Japan Mail) comes by telegram from Hiroihima. It is to the eflect that on the night of the 3rd instant, at about 10 o'clock, a fire broke out at the gaol and ipread with such rapiditt that all the buildings from the Ist to the
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  • 120 2 The following passengers arrived and K-ft by the M. M. Co's mail steamer Ira. ouaddy. Captain Delpech. Fur Singapore.— From Yokohama: Misses (3) Stiltred aud Mr. Hore. From SbanT bai: Mr. G. \V Scott. From Saigon Mr Hibl, r. for Colombo. From Singapore Mr. W. Meyer. For Marseilles.— From Yokohama:
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  • 251 2 t day's debntf, approved Government in T<>nqnin. Paris, \!th July. To-d»y, "n interpellni tion, the Governmen'- miiiuiin 'd it« in*--1 tiueti. ds to '''hHmbird very ill. Paris, 13th July Tb« decree of the !46th Mar, prepared by tbe Minister of Marine, organising Tocquin, has been disavowed by tbe Government
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  • 178 2 We take the following notices of the movements of H. H. the Maharajah of Johore from the Japan Mail, which extracts them from the native papers: At a meeting of t u e Asiatic dooietj of of Japan held in the capital. To'tio, on the tbe 20th June, Sir. Harry
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  • 106 2 The old established and very successful shipping business of Messrs Douglas Lapraik and Co. oi Hongkong has been turned, we observe, into a joint stock undertaking. The capital ot the Douglas Steamship Company, Limited, is to consist of $1,000,000, divided into 20,000 fully paid-up shares of $50 each, and the
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  • 308 2 The China Trade Insurance Co., Limited. At a meetiug of the shareholders of the China Traders' Insurance Co. Limited, held in Hongkong on the 31st July, the report of the Directors for the year ending 80th April last was presented and approved. The report says. During the period under review
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  • 192 2 The Overland Mail gives the following account of the terrible disaster on the Clyde at the lauuching of the steamer Daphne: A disaster unparalleled in the history of shipbuilding occurred, on July 3, ou tbe Clyde, and has nsuited iv the loss of 120 lives. A small
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  • 315 2 flAirp did all th* 1 c after th.i ►t.-iim-r d,»ip;, «i,/ very f. men were found floating un the the water. Several of the state that one or two men, whowei aiing aluut, and evid ntly uiakio. bank, were o night by rades and drugged dow.i. Ass workmen wh >
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  • 351 2 JILT has been distinguished this rear by the occurrence of tw > tjphoouj m the China sea, both emanating from that cradle of tempest and disaster, earthqutkei and typhoons, the unlucky Philippines One took place on th« 12th and 13th July, and seems to hare
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 691 2 £tb) ablHuiermrnt*. ORTH BORNEO TK. rncluii* rig>, »nd selling Opium for consumption in the Territory of Sorth Borneo, and of selling and manu'aetwring CKand%. It is hereby notified that Tenders for the above Farm will be received at Sandakan ap to the 30th day of September next. Tenders must be
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    • 714 2 HON( FIANGHAI i It PO RATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL ...$5,000,000 j K ll Mi ..$2,600,000 j Court or Directors: Chairman Wm Reinkrs, Esq. Deputy Chairman— W. 8. Youno, Esq. H. L. Dali-ymple, Esq. I A. M elver, Esq. H. Hoppiui, Esq. I F. D. Sasscon, Esq. Hon. F. B. Johnson. |M.
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    • 721 2 «lrtp 2Ubm<B(fmnits. TOW WEDNESDAY, *th AUOUST. FOR ONE NTJHT ONLY, POLLARD'S LiLIPUTIAN OPERA I COMPANY. In their unrivalled production of H. If. S. PINAFORE. With a full and ma^ :ificent Orchestra Chorus of bin Sisters, Cousins, and bis Aunts. Between tbe acts Miss Marion Norman I will sing Lade Dah."
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    • 414 2 #Uto gUtur'.-.amntM. m Hlanchk H 'U8R. witli immediate en. I trT in thorough repair and newly decor.i- I ted. Large garden aud tennia lawn, en- trances from the- Orchard and Scott'* R<>udi. Apply to RODYK Sl DAVIDSON, Solicitor*. CMUgapule, 3lJ A lgt.. 1&83. C.) NOT I K. Mr. J. Bastiani
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 173 2 WEATHKH E:iPOET. Kandang Karbow Hospital, th August, 1883. »a.m. Sp.m. Bp.m. Kiattia. Bar. rod. 3»- r»h. 8* 808 29 8S& T«mp 78 0 86 1 81; Morninf o»«rWst Riilh Ttaar. 75 0 78 0 76 0 out, run at Dir. of Wind BSW. 3.W. B.W. r3O ».m day M». Tamp,
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  • 3708 3 The Liliputian Opena Company. Latest News from Toquin. LOSS OF THE STEAMER SiAKI^H The China Mail of the 27tbfl contains the following 1 accouut total wreck of the steamer 6)>ul^B 5.30 p. m. oo the 2Ut July on Cami, a point of the Licnehau Peoifl in Hainan Straits. The fyqrirß
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    • 178 3 Flao Vbui'i Nami. akd as Capta;*. Kbom. Sailed Coi 5 R,o. 0 J" 4 Iraouaddy M. M..U3561 Delpech Saigon Aug. »M. Mi 6 Siiry Wongse Ger. str. Sl3 Rademaker Bangkok lug. 1 Katr 6 Sonoiton Spa. str. jMOOrvita Manila July 2? lloust 5 Hecuba Brit. gtr.. 690 Payne Bangkok
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    • 53 3 Din. Vuucl'i Nami. Flag Bio. Captaik. Dutikatiob. lag. 4 KhiTa Brit. ttr. Harris Boinfcay 6 Iraouaddy Fch. itr. Delpech Maneillea 7 Oanymede Brit. itr. Fox Deli 7 Pioneer Brit. itr. Habekost Ponti»n»k 7 Ban Whatt Soon Brit. itr. Co kburn Billiton Pontianai 7 Victor Am. N Faddoek Ne» York
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    • 243 3 Vessel's Name. Captain. and s Abbitbd Fboh. CoMuaraai. Rio. Men-of-war Salak Krabb* D. w str. 600 June 10 Riouw Dut*h Consul. Fly Hope H..M. str 41W July 21 Malacca Senicr Na»al OiBoer.; Steamers Leila N. B'nec IM Jan. 17 Put Back A. I., .^mstun k Co.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 740 3 ftotfrts. PO3ITIVE GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANT, LTD. 104 Clive Stbkft. Calcutta Provision for old age combined with Family Provision in case of Death. EXAMPLE. An assurer, aged 25 next birthday, wishes to lay apart a sum of ahout 20 Rs. a month in such a way that his sarine*
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    • 847 3 flotuts. HOLD FURNITURE, i The property of tbe late A. CACABAN, Esq. .-ATUKDAY, 11th August. The underrigned »re instructed to sell by Auo 'I >N, at Neil Road, on Saturday, 11th Augiiit, commencing at 1.30 p. M. The Honnehold Furniture, Ac (the pro. perty of tbe late A. Cazabah, Esq
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    • 365 3 £}ottrf3. Trk < M"«t and well known Carriage building Establishment of tbe lute Mr. G. H. Brown, at present carried on by i Messrs P. P. Hochrtadt A Co.. has now been removed from No. 36 Armenian Street to more roomy and convenient premises siiniited at tbe corner of Hill
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    • 322 3 flOtlffß. H^D A 'pleasantly '.ous* at Now Harbonr, suitable for two bachelora. Bant moderate, POWBLL A Co.. Agent*. Singapore, 19th July, 1983 to 19th Aug. TO With Immcdiati Kntrt. larradohe-vtlla," Passir Panjang. Apply t. A P.AT34MS. Singapore' 16th July. 1883. to ICtfc Ang. TO BE LETT With Ewtbt om Ist
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 535 4 iHisrrllanrous. KATZ BRO APOLLINARTR WATER, Thb Natural Soda Wateb. The qneen of table waters." Bbitish Medical Joubnal. APOLLIKARIS WATER. •W Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE Of WALEB during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 1 Far superior to manufactured aerated watem
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    • 588 4 ♦tarrs anU iHrrrban&wr. JOTTN LTTTT RAFFLES PLACE, Sinoapobb. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers or Provisions, Grocerikf, Oilmam Stores. Cigars. Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, •ro Plnted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fanoy Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clook makers. Japanese and Chinese curiosities,
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    • 950 4 ffiorne. 'V)CK COM I PANT LIV I The works of the Company are situated Bit Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the I tawn of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf.— Affording berthagefor twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tl >n*jsid* for vessels of the heaviest
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    • 954 4 Sork. Firther <nform»tionmay he. had at the Office of Messrs. Patarnon, Simons A Co., Gon«ral Agents, who forward Telegrams to the Dook OHARLEB WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (n. c.) fiotitts. THE NORTH-CHINA INSURANCE COMPANT, LIMITED. Incorporated with Limited Liability under Me Comvnnie, Aclt 1««2 to 1880, idereby
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    • 685 4 fiOUtt9. To the Dirwtnr, of North-China In mast, Limm-to. Gentlemen. hereby request that you wiil allot to shares in the above named Company, and hereby agree to acept the same or any smaller number that may be allotted to upon tbe terms of the Company's Prospectus dated the 25th day
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    • 781 4 fopposice ih>- Draper*. Milliners. «ilk Meroers. H«ber- flashers, Glovem, snd General Outfitter*. G*"tlfm«n's Outfitting Owpahtmbnt. Every description of clothi"g m»de on the shortest notioe by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsted*, serges, brosdcloths for selection. Calf walking shoes. Sbootirg boots and sh' <•«. Pstent and
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    • 670 4 ■OTION. i- r, Watch add Clock Maker, and optician. Flint Strut. Has always on hand a well selected stoik [f Jewellery, Watche*. Clooks. Nauti. mstruments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watches Brooches, Gents' div Barrings, Silver watches. Lockets, American clocks Ladies' rings, Carriage clooks, 3ignet rings, Marble clocks, Wedding rings.
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