The Straits Times, 1 August 1883

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times F. XXIV. sKW SKRIIX SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. Ist AUGUST, 1883. [DAILY ISSUE, j
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 523 1 *tram *!np ttomrantrs. AH AND ORIENTAL "EAM NAVIGATION COMPANT Officb— Collyer Quay. Gorowws New Harbour. MAIL LIKEB. ii demoted are tbe dates on wmcii j.any's Mail Steamer* may be ci f arrive at Singapore during the UVTWABD. HOMEWABP. 10th August. Thurwiay Oth Aug. 24th 23rcl 7th Sept. «h 21st
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    • 693 1 Atram *bip Compantrs. THE MEFSAGERIES MARITIMES COMPANY. Thb following are the date* on which the steamers of the Messa genes Maxitimes may be expected to arrive here during the current year:— Outward. Homewabd. Thursday 27th May. Thursday 2tth May I Oth June. 7th June 24th 21st Bth July. 6th July
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    • 724 1 strain 3>f)ip Contpanffd. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDIfCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London. E. C. Head Agency Batavia. The following are the dates on whioh the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 791 1 *tf«m »Mv Compant«. N.B.— The steamer does the voyags in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangia. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baroa An., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goe noeng
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    • 497 1 fnsuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURANO T COMPANT Hiad Office, Batvtia. Tri nndersigned, Agent* for the abovi Company, are prepared to take risks npon cargo by steamer or tailing Teasel on the customary terms. 33i o/o discount allowed on all risks t coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks
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    • 268 1 fnguranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSTJRANOB COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 664,208 Gbhkbal Managbbr. Messrs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andr., Km. 'Km. Mriobm. Co.) E. Sf™^ Wa«n. BollldaT,WiM Co. T _*«w. rM«m.D<mcta^X«nrsikAOo. t ?'"tr <*»n*> Comvmj Ltd.) iv 110 fJ- J- «o» Knuiiom k
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    • 95 1 LAMI^^H OFFICM O] iß^Bw* Manohbstbb— Street. T-rvEßj^^^H Bulding*. BIBMIH««AJ,-OI| CT Glasoow— l33, rStrse*. Rkibtol— Corn S 12, Bast P»rmde. ««woa«ti.«— 40, Wosjsv Street. Dublin-9, L»w« r CHAIBBIAJI I* HAROnmi. »«M«S BWWAJff.'l^,., x. x. GenefßJ Manx^r and Actuary. The undersigne. Bppoiat«4 ApeßU tor the a »re pr. par^dto«o»*p4j •■sTuJtarmi \imtt oa
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  • 166 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, Ist AUG., 1888. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS, SiNaxPoas, Ist Adoust, 18S3. I Uambier 02i Black Pepper 16.50. WbiU Pepper, fair quality UM. Sago Flour, Sar 2.86 Pearl Bago 3.15. Coffee. Billy pioked It. Tapioca, small Flake 3.15. Tin 29 »5. W*. Mule twist 95. Si lbs. Shirtings 1.57*.
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  • 40 2 Mala<-<» and Kuvni; Rainbow, p.m. Manila, funny, 3 p o. I Hongkong, Swatow and Arniv Toonan, 3 p.m. Bangkok. Martaban. 6 p.m. Bataria, Saniarang, Sourabaya i. MacaMar, Oturaal Pel. 6 p.m. Fbidat. Malacna and Penanjf, Betunon. I p.m.
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  • 582 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. RAMS. fFor Strutt Times.) The Phok.nix Pakk Murders. Lnndon, Sltt July.— James Carey ba« been shot dead at Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Karthqcake. 3,000 persons have been killed l>y an earthquake at Casamicciola. We have been requested to intimate that tbe general meeting of the Debating Society, which
    Reuter  -  582 words
  • 2010 2 THe TROPICAL AGRICULTURIST." We have pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of the first number of vol. 111., being the number for July this year, of this most valuable journal, which every planter in the Straits would do well to have on his table, full as egg is of meat as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 280 2 t*Uina tory of umnf and manu i bat Tenders for the be received at Sandakan I September next. in English and B^BBflvers addressed to Xicelleney, The Governor, Sandakan, Tender for the North Borneo >r one year only, from Ist o 81st Deoember, 1884. Nt in either for the from Kimanis
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    • 530 2 ITTAL $5,000,000 $2,600,000 Court or Dimctors: Chairman Wm. RIINNRS, Esq. Depntv Phxirmitn— W. 8. Young, Esq. j H. L. Dalrrmple. Esq. I A. Mclver, Esq. H. Hopping, Esq. F. D. Sassoon, Esq. Hon. F. B. Jobnwn. jM. K. Sassoon, Esq. A. P. McEwen, Esq. I C.Vincent Smith, Esq. Chief Manaoer.
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    • 624 2 Last Nioht of Polmbd's LILIPUTIAS OPERA COMPANY. In Planquett's Charming Comic Opera. LES CLOCHES oe CORNEVILLE. Saturday, will be produced Olf.-nb wh's j spectacular Comic Opera in 3 Acts THE PRINOESS OF TRUBIZ )SDli. Grard Obchestba and Chorus, Under the Oonductorsbip of Mr. J. J. POLLARD, JUNR.. The whole produced
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    • 560 2 Th .inp* Butler, may b^ exprrted b< proximo, from Hongtoug and K en route r London. Tney Lave room for First and Third Class Passenger<, and also for a l.mited q isiuiity of Cargo, wbicb o.n now b. eng g«-d Apply to W. MANSFIELD A Co. Agents O. S. S.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 234 3 OWBWAL. WATER. MT to the Table of OF WALES tntlY»y«tf». a!*O7 THE NATURAL WATER. lannfactnred aerated Gamttk, London. \ARI3 WATER Hi^hes* Award, J ou> Mfkai. for Tablk Watkbb. Exhibition, 1879. MARIS WATER. I Bale amount* to upward* of (WfcOOO) Bottles A Jugs AP(^^^^^^BjDRAL MTV HAL WATER, be Apoixivakis Speiwo, thai.,
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    • 620 3 ,ACE. 8ll»0AP0«B. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers of Pbotibiows, Grooibiss, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Gisssware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Good*. A rms and Am- inanition. Ladies »nd Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese cariosities, Ac. Ac J Wink
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    • 955 3 TFTB T' VTrT TOM PANT The work, of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf. Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tl ingside for vessels of the heaviert draught, and
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    • 898 3 Onioc of Messrs. Pat^rson, Simons St, 00., General Agcnta. who forward Telegrams to the Dook tr*m. OHAHLEB WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) fiotltt9. THE NORTH-CHINA INPURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Incorporated with Limited Liability under the Compnni** AcU 1»62 to 1880, whereby the liability of Shareholder* U limited to
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    • 628 3 •hy rrqnost that von will sllot to shares in the above named Comrmny. snd hereby agree to scept the same or nny smaller number tbst may be allotted to npon the terms < f tb» Comr">tiy'» Prospectus dat«! the 25th d»v of M-tv. I* 9 and snbject to tbe Articles
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    • 658 3 Drapers. Millinent. "ilk mrnnrru. riaoerdssbers, GIot«t», and O*men\ Outfitters. G»«tlwm«n'. Outfiti ino D»pa»tment. Every description of clothing made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serge*, broadolotbs for selection. Calf walking shoes. Sbootirg booU and sh'.es. Pstent snd Kid shoes. Canvas
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    • 688 3 If Jewellery, r atel onstruments, s Braceleta, Ladies Broooh*., Gents' diEarrings, er watohes, Lr its, AmerioMi olocka Lac Signet ridga, Wedding rings, Chronometers. Keepers Thermometers, Albert chains, Barometers, Guard chains, Sextants, Studs, Sleeve But- Salinometsrs. tons and Links, Compasses, Gold pencils. Binocular glasses Waistcoat buttons. Telescopes, Jet Jewellery, Bpeotsysiesingold Plated
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