The Straits Times, 13 July 1883

Total Pages: 5
1 5 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times No. 15,053 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. 13th JULY, 1883 L DATLY ISSUE.]
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 135 1 ipamrs. ARITIMEB tes on which ies Maritimes ere during the OMIWAKD. ij Mtl 7tli June 6th July l!th 2nd Augt. 13th Sept. 27th lVv 12th v 10th 14 7th lan. utwards at d ■m loaves b Mails, OargO fortnight Two the P A O. M leaves I kely sites' th.-
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    • 717 1 strain &>t)tp Compamrs. DE NF.DERLriNDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. O. Head Agency Batatia. The following arc the dates on which th.- Company's Steamers running in conwith the mail steamer* of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy., may
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    • 809 1 N^ 'am *0(p compantrs. l»th M«v, 15th June. 13th July. 10»h Aug. nst. 7th September. sth October, 6th Not ember and 4th December. N.B.— The steamer does the voya<r» in one month yin Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboea. Buros. Pinirkel, Goenoeng-Ritoelie Troemon. Tampattoean, Analaboe, R.-ens and Pntti and V>ack from Acheen
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    • 567 1 Induranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT Head Office, Batavia. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the I customary terms. 33| o/o discount allowed on all risk* f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risk*
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    • 618 1 fngtirantr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INBURANOB COMPANY LIMITBD Capitai. »2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messr* Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. E*). l»« n Kelcheri. *Co.l V!r roM h Warn. HoUIiUt.WIm Co. X,- M f n 'M««ni.noo»U.,Lmpr^k*Co. H. Nl«lw. M (Botmo CompUT Ltd.) E m 11 o^
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    • 541 1 Insuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANOK COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OFFICEB OF THJ! COMPANY. Manchester— Kxohang* Street. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Building*. Birmingham— Cherry Street London— l 4, King William Street, B. O. Glas«ow— l33, We*t George Btreet Bristol— Corn Street. Leeds— l 2, Bast Parade. Newcastle— 40. Moeley Street. Dubun— 9, Lower SackTille Street
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  • 17 2 B^AAH Labaan. Ku-Ut and W* I Sandakan. Hong An», 5 PHweet MoSUAT. Manila. Pauay. 3pui.^«
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  • 1629 2 CKor S/ni/t Time*./ 19MAM3AB. idsnr, \lti Jh!'/.— Tlie !a(.>st inti.l!i^t'iice from iyia-latfa«oar w Uwl the Commander-in-chief o( Ihe Pwuoh uaval fore- lias ordered Hriti-li Olfieia!to leave and tbe Aagi their Oonealafa 1. Lord Granville Ins demanded explanatiouti from tlie French Government. j Kmtkk'.s Ageut hew coortaotielji in-
    Reuter  -  1,629 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 720 2 fixtD aabrriiSfmrnt*. HOUSKHQLD r At M The pi r ro». The undersign. (1 have re. tionsfrom Mr« Jobs Camibon ing to Eoroi Monk's Hill, commencing at 1 p. v Valua under Elegant English-made Double drawingroom suite in walnut, spring seated and covered in fancy striped rep Drawingroom suite in mahogany,
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    • 775 2 ft ill ur.nUfi. ~.K~\~ 100,000 -„X), 000 tfnnun— Es.). Oslrymple, E^. I A. Mclver, Esq. I F. D. Sassoon, Esq. E. Saasoon. Esq. A. P. McEwen, Esq. IC. Vincent Smith, Esq. Chiff M\n- okk. Hongkong— Thomas Jacks >v, Esq. Manaoee London Davit McLean. Esq. London Bankers T^ondov Coustt Banking Com
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    • 760 2 The eceltitti Opium for eontuntjit North B factoring Cli I It is her. by i f, r the above Farm will Smd.kan up to the 30 h.l iy i Tenders m isl be written in Bogliaa nud be forwar'i-1 in tealed oovets idJr sscd to His Excellency, Th« GuTlbnob, Saudakan,
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    • 563 2 p< »i ri .hi i r if 1 try I tbe (1 cm li.i.ii.- i« ..11-- to ij'ulify Bi tbe 0 v.-rnin. ut r.--f lint i. »n for Chinese Intci p -etersbip. Prefer>uco will be givon t.> csndiJa'es vbooaaspa V the Hauum aad Kbeh dia- t lects and have a's
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 70 2 WKAIHEK KEPOBT. Jfu/iiJany Karbow Hospital, Uth July, 1883. a.m. 3pm. Bp.m. likxiiii. Bmr. red. 32' ¥mk. O> S*l »uDI 29 U»7 Tamp. K]o V. i -i MvrutßK olouWet Hull. Th«r 75.) 7x i. 77 J aj Omj cloudy I)ir. or Wind SE. SJJS. S.W. Withini.r«li Mu. T.nip. in «h«Jo g7
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  • 645 3 Correspondence. THE NORTH-BORNEO ALARMIST TELEGRAM. To the Editor of the Strait* Tims* Sir, I was somewhat startled on raiding in your issue of the 19th instant, received this morning by the Banca, the Reuters Telegrm reporting our massacre by the natives. Tou will, long ere this reaches you, hare received
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 556 3 Jiotirrs. FOR SALE Jus r arrived per steamer Taichiow," small collection of beautiful. WATER COLOR DRAWINGS. Or Scottish Scenery. By an Edinburgh Artist. Now on Vifcw. STIVBN A C. Singapore, sth July, 1883. NOTICK By the M. M. steamer Sindh." I have received French Bacon, French Hams and French Be»
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    • 863 3 #lottrrg. THK NORTH-CHINA INSUR4 COMPANY. LIMITED. Incorporated with Limited Liability under the Companies Act* 1862 to 1880, wlrrcby the liability of Shareholders it I m! to thr tammtU of 0 ABRIDGED PROSPE rrUi. Sckscrihki. Capital— £l,ooo,oo6 Strr. ling. Equivalent, at Exchange Fioe Shilling* per Tael, of TaeU. 4.000,000 Shanghai Currency.
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    • 641 3 ttentleuen, wiii'dii I above named Cocupn agree to a, >ipt the same OF*tn number that may be ullott. upon the term* < f the (Y>rop><ny'jr^^^^| tin ilited the 25th d-iy of Maty, fl^^^H snbjeet to the Articles of Assoeh^^^H tlie Company, and to pay thi first cail of 1 £50
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  • 4655 4 I I I '■cci/ i I I w I i I I L. H w this ComttYo*,^^ f < at no claiu C aft«r tli I "t i e eb>. m »phi- B- till tbe C Loft s^n Ww al. nial l oeer. tier of Lands. T^iindilands. Qallaad. 11 1
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    • 78 4 Vessil's Na». a (uly g Ann 12 Sisk ■.lyoD 13 PontUuak 13 Louiia 111 Flag asp 5 Captain. From. Sailid. Bio- Brit. «tr. 299 Slaker Labuan July 8 V^e Bio 4 Co. Out. itr. 240 1e Blind.' Khio July 12 Bowtoad ft Co. Brit. Btr. 1373 Mackinlay Umdon June
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    • 76 4 Date. Vbwil's Nun. Flag 4 Kio. 1 Cajtam. I'kiTIKATIOM uly II U 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Siak Olenifairn 111 Ulenlyon Japan Sury WongKC Pacaxo Pe*hawur Meinain i_ l>ut. «tr. Ie Blind* lirit. Ikj. Brown Brit. itr. Huriner Brit. itr. Ma.;kinl*y Brit. str. Wood* Oer. str. Radeniakar
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  • 504 4 SHIPPI NG IN THE HARBOUR. Captaini and Agents of vessels are requested to oommunioate with this oSo* regarding vbj error or omission in the above Snipping in the harbour. TmmtM Na*k. ''apiain. and g Abeitid Krom. Coxsioire». Rio. Saf»^"° Krabbe D. w str. 600 Tune 10 Riouw Dutch Consul. p|'
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 706 5 iHisrrllanroua. KATZ BROTHERB. APOLLINARIS WATER, Thb Natubal Soda Watbe. "The qneen of table waters." British Medical Joubnal. APOLLINARIS WATBR. If Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINOI OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARIS. THB NATURAL BODA WATER. 1 Far superior to manufactured aerated waters.
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    • 686 5 ♦torrt anD iHrrrbMttitet. JOHN LTTTLE 00. BAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORB. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Impobtebb of Pbovisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobaooo, Hardware. Glassware, Lamps. Baddlery and Harness, Crockery, Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese *xA Chinese ounosities,
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    • 1013 5 Botfts. TRR t\"tivo p».n4Tt nooiC COM pant Lmrrra, Thb works of the :l»mpnny are situated at Tanjonc: Pwgnr, within one mile of the town of RingaTx^e, *n 1 comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf. Affording Lerthagefor twenty vessels >it one time wi*h «n*lci<'nt water tlongnii^ for vossJs of tbe heaviest
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    • 895 5 Borfc. rpf, t ting and dnl ing of steamers, a' so Shears oompleta for taking out masts. Boiler j Further information may be had at the Office of Messrs. Pat4»r«on. Simons A 00., fs*n«r*l Agents, who forward Telerrami to *fc» T)ooV *t«w». OHARLES WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v.
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    • 743 5 •fUttirt*. KWOWG WAN LOONQ.^B N o 15 Hioh Strrkt. Id nnd Silver Jewelier.^H De»W in Chines* and .Tapnn-in W»r»M and PilV. Copper Wsr<\ Ivory, PorcelainJ^H Cnriosities and Snndry F»ncy goods. Ac. tsj Watch mtker of the best guaranteed guv litv. Also, upstair all are ready goods Ac. on hand for
      743 words
    • 562 5 t wp^BFwnrstcdp^sH selection. Calf walking sboes^H shop*. Pstnnt snd Kid shoes. ennis •hop*. Silk. Li.lp, Merino. Cotton «Jo O Vr. *W Linen and Oxford Undervests, Collars. HaikH Scarfs. FoltH«r«and Helmet«,^B Townend'iO Straw and Snn H»*«^l Drcnoinsr c«»«i. Steel TrisH Ciisb «nd TWd b^x»o. Rht^l Brnoheo, Pomha and P. rf i»^B
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