The Straits Times, 3 July 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 26 1 Straits Times. hi remain ti 1 perma H ut of i oils b H the Lepet SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. 3rd JULY, 1883 DAILY ISSUE. J No. 15,044
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 491 1 Rent. The derived '^tjpailttfl. Hasylvm W-jl th.' B A -v" a in.° ■t of P rt v «oMfP' /1> On "J 1 0 Hagious di»L *ries Maritimes i i( Jere during the Hs have >* pit J ■f ir distad o ,foMrwARD. death. ralcauPy 2* th Ma T ■when it
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    • 590 1 ■*t^ .^*f)(p Contpanlt*. DE NftftJfeU'ANDSCH-INDISOHE STOOtocv^RT MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Coi ttw e»x with the Netherlands, Ii (ft v«)*Wovern ments. Head OtVfc^lS Austin Friars, \.on. E. 0. Head AgbS^Vv atatia. The following v the dates on which the Company's Warners running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O.
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    • 748 1 *tram *ftfp compamw. lfith Mbv. lMh June. 13th July. 10th Aug- nst. TthS.'ptember, sth October, 6th Not ember and 4th Deoember. N.B.— The steamer does the voyags in one month i Priaman, Ajerbangiß. Natal, Siboga, Bar <i, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via
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    • 474 1 Insttiranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURANO* COMPANY Head Officb, Batatia. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the ustomary terms. 33| o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks t
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    • 571 1 Insurance THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,208 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A.Andra, Eaq. rMaaar*. Maichan ft Co.) J St™* HoUldaj.Wia* ft Co. A T. Mknirar, M fMa««.Dooirlaa.L«praikftCo. H Nicaiaa, rßaraao Com parr 1 J. J. doa Ramadioa,
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    • 547 1 Insuranrr. LANCASHIRE INBUBANOM COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OFFICES OF THB COMPANY. Manchester— Exohang* Street. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. Birmingham— Cherry Street. London— l 4, King William Btreet E. O. Glasgow— 13.1, West George Street Bristol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Newcastle— 40, Moaley Street. Dublin— 9, Lower Sackville Street
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    • 163 2 Simoapobi, 3bd Jdlt, 18S3. Guiubier I 7.00. Black Pepper 15.75. White Pepper, fair quality. 24. S«go Flour, Sar 2.80. Pearl Sag.i 3.20. Coffee, Bally pioked 11.80. Tapioca, small Flake 3.20. Tin 30.25. ♦0». Muletwist 95 »i lbs. Shirtings 1.57*. 7 do do 1.424. 6 do T. Cloth
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    • 63 2 TO-DAT. For jwr Batavia, Samu-ang. S'baya k Macassar. 0.0. v. lambtrgt, 6 p.m. TO-HORKOW. ti< 4 Muntok May Flowtr, 7 a.m. Sourabaya, Bally, Am. panan Macafsar, Poh Ann, 6 p.m. Thueidat. Malacca, Penan);, Bur. mah and Cacutta, Madura. 1 p.m. Deli, Oanymtdt 2 p.m. Hongkong, Tax Chiov), 2
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    • 1106 2 f For Strtitt Timet.J Bonr. Lomli'i, 2nd July. Asiatic Cholera is increasing in Egypt. Strict investigation proves that it was not introduced from India. Franck. The Comte de Clia-nbord is alarmingly ill. We learn that the Governor is expected b ick here at 8 a.m. to-morrow and that
      Reuter  -  1,106 words
    • 2935 2 The Master Attendant's 1882. The Gazette of the 29H tains the Master AttendiH Returns for 1882, to whH appended a comparative s^J the value in dollars of tbH articles of import and expoH aud 1882. These returns leave to summarise instead ing in full, and before noH most important part
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 862 2 aa jHrto a&bmtftmntt*. BAL* OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNTTURI. *c. Tbe property of Oeo. Mawbtieid, Esq. At Mount Sophia, SATURDAY. 7« JULY. The undersigned have received instruction* from Oeo. Mansfield, E*q.. proceeding to Europe, to «el by Auction, at Mount Sophia, on Saturday. 7th .Tnlv. commenein* at Noon. The whole of
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    • 964 2 flrto aDbrrtisrmrnts. THE NORTH-CHINA INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Incorporated with Limited Liability under the Companies Acts 1862 to 1880, whereby the liability of Shareholders it limited to the amount of their Shares. ABRIDGED PRO3PECTU3. Bubsc«ibed Capital— £l,ooo,ooo Ster. ling. Equivalent, at Exchange Five Shillings per Tael, of Taels. 4.000,000 Shanghai Currency.
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    • 781 2 flrto 2*\nrtiamtvi(. snbject In file Art '>'•■« 'aoci ition of the Compiny. and to |.ay tbe first call of £50 or Tael* 200 r are. mil tbe balance of £150 or Tael* 600 thereon, when required to do »o, and authorize you to regiater as the bolder of the ■aid
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    • 542 2 NOTICE. By order of tlie Utreeson* w* b ive to-day takin -r.-r tbfl A n.yf the VoderlaadtchIndische Stoooiviart Maatsth'ipp'j i»t thia port. BOUOTBAD A Co. Singapore, Ist July, 1883. sailors aasT 568 men made use <f the lastbatioa during tbe moa'b of June. C. STRINGER, Actg. Bob., Treasurer. Singapore. 2nd
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 30 2 WEATHER REPORT. k tndang «-or*ow Hospital. 2nd July, 1883. Ba.m. 3p.m. 9pm. Raauasa. Si.^. d 0 JiSJi Sir ibt Tarr. r*l. Tta«r. 7S 0 R»m fall In H houra NU
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  • Correspondence.
    • 47 3 To the Editor of the StraiU Time*. Sib, Can you tell me the reason why the ])og Killing Notice ha* been withdrawn from the Government Gaxette once it graced your Columns now vanished from both papers Chin Chin Mr. Editor, Yours, Ah Mewq. Singapore, 3rd July, 1883.
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    • 183 3 News from Glasgow regarding Singapore. To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Deab Mb. Editor, The enclosed cutting I took from a Glasgow paper, and as most of your readers are familiar with the subjects of the article, I have no doubt but tliat the way in which they are
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    • 738 3 Rainbow, once the property of the l_^ar»- k. is a very small vessel. I fc;__~""^ ~ri Por.uguese and h-tlf Malarb? mpore her cabin passengers Chinese merchants. Her Wif l^ neer is a Welshman, a kindly soul, who as- 1 sured Mr. when he commended me t>
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    • 42 3 l LVD CkTILTK. Rio. Sailmo. Comatnm. Tmu'i Nam. Faon. Jalj 2 Pontianak 8 L. Schi»Sno 3 HarcheM !Brit. str 99Jone« Ital. bq. 694Xic010 Brit. jt. 177 Kettewell Pontianak June SO K. Tong Bro*. Cardiff Jan. 9D. Gaggino Co. Sarawak Jane 90
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    • 631 3 (Stains and Ayenti oi 'vessels are requested to oommnnintt* with thia oA**~r*fardiaf my error or omualoa in the aW* Shipping in to* harbour. Vessel's Kami. CaPTAIH. Flau akd Rio. D'atiow Meu-of-war Salak Fly Steamers Leila Wn. Macklnnon Bentan Martaban Agnes Abington Kongaee V. P. Prina Cleator
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 459 3 flottrrs. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A Chinese Interpreter is wanted for service in Larnt. The salary of tbe appoint, ment is 960 a month, with an allowance at the rate of 97 for home rent. He mint be able to read and write Chinese, most possess s good knowledge of Engliih and
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    • 512 3 ftßlßtii POSITIVE GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMP&NY, LTD. 104 Clivi Street. Calcutta. Provitionfor old age combined with Family Provition in eate of Death. EXAMPLE. An assurer, aged 26 next birthday, wishes to lay apart a sum of about 20 R*. a month in such a way that hi* savings wiil
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    • 450 3 iiotirts. TO LBT. That conveniently situated Honae on Bartranny Estate, known a* No. 1 Bar Snny Villa, and at present occnp:*d by r. H. Caldioott Apply to W B. SMITH. Sirgapo -r, 20th Jane, 1883. RABBURN HOUSB. Orr New Hasbovb Road. 000 l and healthful sitnation, <v>aimaßding a fine view
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 iflisrrllanfous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIB WATER, T*tb Natt/rax Boda Watbr. "The qneen of table water*." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIR WATER. IsT Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINO* OF WALEB during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, TSE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Mbdical
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    • 680 4 *torr« anU fflrrrbanlnsfr. JOHN LTTTLE A CO. RAFFLES PLACE. SINOAPORE. WINE AND BPIRTT MERCHANTS. Importers or Provisions. Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Toha/vo, Hardware. Glassware, Lamps. Saddlert and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fanoy Goods. Arras and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and
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    • 1028 4 i thu T'>-"-vi T""ii rvwir o r-ANT I Thb works of th* < on.p^ny are situated at Tanjong Pagar, »it« n one mHe of the town of >in(ran«'ro, an i comprise the foll ,t i(. »«tar>!Uh*jiMlts, viz Wharf.— Afforling berthage for twenty yen !s it .ne time w'fh miffioi-nt water
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    • 918 4 Sorft. refittir g and coal ing of steamers, a'so Bhears «omrilete for taking out mast*. Boiler* to *"nrtb*r information may b« had at the Otfiri r,i MeKxr*. Paterion, Simon* A 00., nen*ri>l Agent*, who forward Telecrams to *bp PorV fr«» nH^RLSS WISHA.RT. Mxni^er. fingapore lat July 1875. (v c.) THE
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    • 793 4 floutt*. ritely from the General Funds of the Company, and tbe interest accruing thereon m:'y h« ilistrlbnted pro ro'i arongst the shareholder!) as may be deeme 1 most expedient from tim»to time. Applications^or nhares ohould be mada on the enclosed forms aud lodged with any of the Local Banks, with
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    • 724 4 ROBTVf) I 23 Coiiry? 'i- oriri b> Draper.. Milli c Ottf f 5. dashers, Glovern^ £~IV-K**l Okwti,fm«n'sO 1 Every de<.crip»ei)N CO. the ahortest not ichi rAT> PiwoAPOBB. ter. fit, th( Club.) tweed*, worsteds, "".ifUIV Mercer*. Hi» ißjsS^^BJ selection. M General Outfitters. Calf walking shr"l r INa r)KPAHTMRN'S shoes. T
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