The Straits Times, 2 July 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. &>■-: !1 SERIBB,] SINGAPORE, MONDAY, 2nd JULY, 1883 DAILY ISSUE. J No. 15,043
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 1 J^' v™u *m I \IK IYVOLViT Mdv c-j »}nuo<n» i Haj.V.*4. SIHVk |-4»O I HJiYM t XO4 itub a-ic ..j V! (utMay )*»q»iu an p uaxvAi «i« vxi' -"paofj 'SiAMvf) o*T SB t poimM* pwn;o«rnßWß oa aaxvM vac vpena "M •<n tt n7 1 OJ "1 aon •[IBIS JJJOaI
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    • 732 1 P^tram *bip Compamrs. \>tw)l\ S MARITIMES l%si I COMPANY. \a\ i* he following are the dates on which Vi i steamers of the Messageries Maritime* ft A|r be expected to arrive here during the »7vAol'P llt Tear l Outward. Homrward. i» fc<?ay 2"th May. Thurwlay 24th May fJke- l"'! 1
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    • 732 1 strain *bip Companies. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDIBCHE BTOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. E. C. Head Aoenct Batatia. The following are the dates on which tbe Company's Steamers running in con- i •lection with the mail steamers of the I P. A O.
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    • 765 1 *tram *!)fp Compamr*. 18th May, 15th June. 13th July, 10th August. 7th September, sth October, 6th Not ember and 4th December. N.B.— The steamer does the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Ana-
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    • 584 1 Insurant-'. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANT Head Officb, Batatia. The undersigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared to Uke risks upon oargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the oustomary terms. 33$ 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risks Europe
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    • 616 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FTRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fmd 564,202 General Manaob.rh. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. An.lre, Eaq. (haaara. Malnban, Co.) P- <H-m. HollldaT.Wi»» Co. A. T. Manrar, M fMaaara.TV>nrU..l»pr»!k*Co. I" 0 11 (Bonwo CorapajT ltd.) Ramertloa, IJ. J. do* RamaJloa
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    • 549 1 Incfuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSFRANUM COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OFFICES OF THE COMPANY. Manchester— Exchange Street Livkrpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. Birmingham— Cherry Btreet. Lokdow— l4, King William Btreet,E. O. Glasgow— 133. West George Street. Bristol— Corn Street. Lbbds— l2, East Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40, Mosley Street Dublin— 9, Lower Sackville Street CHAIRMAN IH MANOHBBTBB.
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  • 23 2 At Waterloo Street, on Saturday mum. iog, 30th Ju.e, in his 27th year, Francis FTing Buan T*ci, la; Police Interpreter.
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  • 6 2 THE TIMES MONDAY, 2nd JULY, 1888.
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  • 171 2 diHOAPuRB, 2nd Jclt. 1533. Qambier I 7.00. tilaok Pepp«r 15.65. White Pepper, fair quality. 23. Sago Flour, Sar 2.80. Pearl Sago.... M 3.20. OosW, fitly picked 11.75. Tapioca, sni.tii Flake 3.10. Tiu 30. 40*. Mule twist 96. ii lbs. Shirtings 1.57*. 7 do do 1.4 a. 6
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  • 61 2 TO-MOBBOW. For per a« Malacca Kengkalis. Stat and Pekan, Pakan, 1 p.m. MiU,v.,. Klan*. Selangor, Perak Penang, Hxlhton, 1 p.m. Widnbsdit. i'»l.'ml>ang Muntok May fltmtr, 7 a.m. Sourabayn, Rally, Am. panan A Macassar, Poh Ann, 6 p,m. Thursday. Malacca, Penan);. Bur. iu<th and C».utt», Madura, I p.m. Deli,
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  • 1205 2 rFor Striitt Time*.) China axd France, London, -AOth June.— The Marquis Tseng has received a telegram that M. Tricou, the new French Ambassador to China, had behaved rudely to Li Hung Chang, in consequence of which negotiations have been broken off. Choi.kra n Rotpt. London, \>t. Julj. Tli«
    Reuter  -  1,205 words
  • 1889 2 The Penang Time* of the 29th June publishes the following news from Acheen Last week the Achinese were repulsed at Lamzenga and had 20 killed, and the troop* took 8 prisoners. On the 23rd about 800 troops marched out of AnagaJoeng and returned with 7 men killed and 16
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 780 2 SALT? OF VA.LT7ARI/R HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 4<\ Tbr property of Geo. Mansmild. Esq. At Mount "opbia, SATURDAY, 7th JULY. The undersigned bave rweived instrue°m om Oeo Mancfteld. Esq.. proejerlinsr to Europe, to «>'! by Auction, at Mount Sophia, on SamrdaT. 7th Jult. commencine at Noon Tbe whole of the Va. 1
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    • 996 2 firto afibrrttarmrnw. THE NORTH-CHINA INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Incorporated with Limited Liability under the Companies Art* \*i\l to 1880, whereby the liability of Shareholdert it limited to the amount of their Shares. ABRIDGED PRO3PEOTUS. Subscribed Capital— £,ooo Bter- ling. Equivalent, at Exchange Five Shillings per TaeU of TaeU, 4 000,000 Shanghai
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    • 801 2 frtto Sfbrrttermrntfi. snbjcct t.. tin; Artic'e- r>f -.i. tion of the Company, and to p«y the first call of £50 or Tacls 200 \*r b 1 ;uc, and the balance of £150 or Taels 6<lo t' on, wh»n required to do so, and authorize you to register as the bolder
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    • 310 2 j^fM 2btfr'fsrmfrt«. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $5,«t),000 EUSERVE FUND $2,500,000 <.'OUI.TO.» DIRFCroRS: Chairman Wm. lln\tu>, K-|. Depntv •Hiairman— W. S. Youno. Esq. H. L. Dalrymple. Esq. A. Mclver, Esq. H. Hoppins, Esq. V. D. Sassoon, Esq. Hon. P. B. Johnson. M. E. Sassoon, Esq. A. P. McEwen,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 117 2 WEATHEK REPORT. Kandang Karbow Hospital, 'Mt\ June, 1883. 9a.m. p.m. 9p.m. Bliiui. Htr. rwl. a- Pah. Hit *> 7x5 as M* Temp. Mornini o»«rWetltulbTb«T. 72 0 7« 0 7SB ml Lti Dir. ..fWind ...S.W. B.W. calm thowaratS Mai. Tamp, in ahad* K7 2 a m day and E-^-S.. dd ,1?!
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    • 238 3 FtA« j I Vessel's Nam. ajtd Cirrix*. Fbom. Bail«i>. Connm. O Bio- IIH 80 Picciola Ger. itr. 874 Nisaen Hongkong Jane 12 Bun Hin 4 Co. 30 Borneo Brit, str 349 Edwards Labuan June 28 Rota 4 Son. 30 Ingo Ger. str. 672Tesaelaen Mauritius June 14 Boustead 4 Co.
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    • 44 3 Dati. Vbmsl'i Kami. Flao k R-o. CUTAIH. Dmtivatios. July 1 Pak»n S Normandy t Picciola 1 BiUiton S Ingo Brit. itr. Smith Brit. itr. Sorenien Oar. itr. NiiMn Brit. itr. Craig Oar. itr. TaaaelMQ P»k»n tui porta Hongkong Panang Penang ria, porta Hotigkong
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    • 861 3 Captains and AgenU of vessels are requested to oommuaioat* with this r *SW ny error or omission in ths above Bhipping in ths harbour. '^^bo^esl I Flam Vmsil's Nami. Captaim. I uro Rio. liimn Fbom. '"NM.i.iHI. D'atioh Men-of-war Sal»k Krabbe D. w »tr. 600 June lOßiouw
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 TO BE LET. With immematc Entry. t .-PRiNiiFiBLD, lit present occupied by ■>. Druxmond Eiq. Toe house is situated "jjone of the coolest positions on the is. 1. and within 5 minutes drive from V. .i. Kent moderate. For particulars, apply to Mr. Cornelius at tbe Straits Tim-s" Office, or
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    • 880 3 fiotitn. NOTI K On Saturday, the 4th August next. Tenders will be received for the supplying of Provision!-, eta rtquired by the Navy in the waters of Acheen, for the year 1884, or for tbe years 18-4. IEBS,1 E 85, and 1886, at the Office of the Naval Department at
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    • 320 3 ilutitrs. WANTED. Fifteen dollars reward will be given to any person tendering information leading to ths diMi-ovi-ry of a Siamese boy aged about 19, who suddenly left the Hot. 1 de I' Europe, and has been missing since the 14th of April, and who up to the present has escaped
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    • 330 3 #ottrf3. -S. TO LET. That conveniently situated House on Barganny Estate, known as No. 1 BarSnny Villa, and at present occupied by r. H. Caldioott. Apply to W B. SMITH. Singapore, 20th June, 1883. RAEBURN HOUSI. Off New Harbour Road. Cool and healthful situation, command* in? a fine view of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 954 4 THH TAN.TONG PAGAB DOOK COM PANT LIMITED. Thb works of the Company are situated at Tsnjong Pagar, within one mile of the -own of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Whabf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tlongside for vessels of the heaviest draught,
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    • 706 4 itttsrfllanfous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARTS WATER, Thb Natubal Soda Water. The qneen of table waters." British Mbdical Joubnal. APOLLINARIS WATER. •ar Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 1 Far superior to manufactured aerated waters.
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    • 674 4 *torrs anrj iflfrrtan&tsr. JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND BPIRTT MERCHANTS, Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobaoco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harnoss, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Am. munition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters, Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and
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    • 950 4 flofkrs. the Btraitr ins«svnce coy., limiteßT (Incorporated u>i>h LimiteO^LAility under the Indian Companis*" JtW1866.) Capital 12,000,000 in 20,000 SharSy $100 each Payable $5 each on application^*. and $15 on allotment. Farther calls not to exceed 120 per" Share, nor to be made at less than three months interval. Provitional Director*.
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    • 700 4 appropriated in whole or in paH, as the case may be, to the payment of the amount du>- en allotment. Prospectuses and Forms of Application can be obtained from the Oriental Bank Corporation, the Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London and Chins, the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and .China,
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    • 413 4 #ottrrs. ROBINSON CO. H 23 COLLTFR QnAT, PINOAPORf (opposice the Clnb.) k«^ Drap<y«. Milliners. Wlk dashers, Gloverß. and General Ontfi e Grntlfmkn's Outfit- ino Df PA *T~," Every description of clothing m»oe w the shortest notioe bjW experienced (^UMJ ter. fit guaranteed, a^W as.or tmen t« tweeds, worsted*, Jl Bkhpdcloths
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