The Straits Times, 23 January 1864

Total Pages: 4
13 16 The Straits Times
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  • 487 13 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 23th JAN. 1864. THE PAST FORTNIGHT. Tiih London Mail of the 10th ulreeehed ihfe by the Steamer Ot'i.if,i mi the eveuiag o( the 14th inaad the llctwagariee Mail, of London to the I'th, and Marseilles to tiie 19th, arrired on the morning ot I /th. The past
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  • 507 13 Iris impossible tt» peruse the strictures which have recently appeared in the English Journ ils on the actimi taken by Admiral Kupcr in tlie recent, attack on Kagosiina, without an fcelin" of indignation. Il ever a man iv a ditfieult page, was BTged on b) popular cUtnour
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  • 603 13 Thk complaint* wlium are daily pouring in noon us wit n regard to the management of the Mamp Ollice, seem t'i Mfjiiire MOM te*|NMMe fnnii us. We Ii tve hail so ue h--s!fa'i<>n in spe .k |m uiit on tins suiij.-et, tor it U ditH. cult t
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  • 711 13 THE SCUTTLING OF THE "FLOWERY LAND." Thk following are llie particulars of the Scuttling uttlie British >hip enj Lawi bound (nun London to this port. Tue. vesM-i believe WM the uopL'i ty of a mereaiitile house here j The siilij'iiiied disna'<rhes were ic<tived by Capteia llalstcad, K.N. sicntaty of Lloyd's,
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  • 816 13 (Frjin thu Times oj India, Dei-ember, 17.) Thk Str.iits form another province f ih" Indian Kinpire, which it irerc well for the people of itiii ctuitry were limped off i>, m. ale a dependency under the the control and provision of Har Ma- je«ft}'s Colonial Secretary.
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  • 797 13 Sophkmk Coitri. Bcfow Sir Uirli ird Boiton M<r ni-l uid, Uocorder, Wiulticsday 13di \i il. Vho Queen r*. Humvi, \l:ili llussnin a.d M,ih Ally. Thefje ptiwMKH wer.' indict -d f>r Burtriir\ mm I L-in ny, 2nd Coaat for racelflug f( ui> k.i wiug tin-in to bare been stolen.
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  • 52 13 The Qu*>en vt- Mymoona. There weie two indict infill* against this I prisoner for Bre >eh of Trust the mutters having been settled between ihe parties and the prisoner belore comiitg into Court, the Court allow.d tin \\r-\ ,-"O»it>ll. entered no* guilty, aj't U>ie i^li^^Vne olerk ol the Ciown woul
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  • 52 13 The Queen f*. Poomfoot nn<\ Shin. The Frihiiners were indiced t'i>r li.uhnur. j Hi; Ally on tha 17 l ii XineinlKT knowing i him to \ave commixed* Lurceu\ on iha 31st October. The pioaeciltor not^ipp' trin^ on l>t-iii< called, the Court recotf mended the Jury to acquit the prisoners Verdict.
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  • 300 13 The Queen vs. Krohmo. The Primmer v*.>s mlii.-d for Breach of Tmst ol 10 rinsrH f-t wiui diamond* it it I oilier iiciouh stone* and 12 gold sli'eve huMons. Abdul I.atif was in th- of lui'rus- ting prilMM with mtul'S ol ihii iltfucnp. I lion, who a. teil us
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  • 1196 13 Thursday, 14th January. The Queen r*. Koo Tong. The Prisoner was indicted for cutting, stabbing an-l wounding Kuh Ene Ist couul to murder, 2 count to i' some grievous bodily harm. On the 27ih of O>^ober la«t, He prosecutor lived with one Choa Wee a« his wife in Hokieu street.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 43 13 ADVEH.TXSE-WENTS. kn.iwti »t the to Jn j»> r.> U nt redu- roceir- iiMkH Mppic* riH in Lon- citf ii I- f til- |,.Tti.. I- jHI- i. I. .!<■■■ Will 1. »n I ok ir^»nl for On ti 'lie 'ife 'eiai I v .I»MM 0t
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 121 13 THE STRAITS T .*ES \,i«»»lly l»f 1ft 'I iA »rlf 9 Subscriber* and Correspondents. >.-r» »r» rviptctCuftv W««fi«4 tu ijite I ii»|M»r» i K it also •rinn i'*om, or t'.irtt mn be inaerted in m%l inilr-w Uib u nu* ml Mrrm n( the VFIDKNTIALLV) U I M Ik Hl.luct Of
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  • 897 14 Friday 15' li January, ft>64. The Queen aa. I^ee Ah Peak. Tli-- aewmaav «n- Mteiod fur the wilful iiiur ler of cli.m Tek Chye on the Mat Ostjaa* I^o-'5. Mr Alexander Bauuigarten watched the case fir the pr.>M> n ion. Mr. Aicliinon «Je!eniled tha pn~ BM Ohaa V>mg Lee t*tate<l,
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  • 359 14 Tiik following account of the des- truction ot Plrataeal Junks by 11. Al. S. Haughty appear* iv the Duily I'rens of the 14tb instant. I'lcnictl Junks from Canton having for some time past committed all sorts ot depredations ah tig the Coast, tbe gunboat Hatiy/ity vent in persuit and 011
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  • 547 14 The following bonibic account of the piracy of the American Brigantioe W.mdcriiKj \V uve appears in the same paper. As it may interest some of tbe numerous, readers of your paper, we give below, tbe particular account of the loss of the American Brigantine Wandering IVave, whicn left your port
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    • 197 14 2b the Editor oj the Daily Timet. Oka* Sir. —Aiy'>u liave fie.|iien'ly Kmad fnult a itii the rnxnner in wbicli the eatiaa of the !<tiiiip OaV* Hn> <-»rrio.l on, 1 will reliie whit I Via an e>e- witness to IBM BaWa> iaa> Pamiag through the Court house
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    • 69 14 To the Editor of the Bail// Times. Dear Sih,—The Chief of the Stamp OHic whs "<>t iv lii* OfHce until after one o'clock \.-»ti-r.liiy, and a» no one elee is to do hid duly, all l>i:»in.-»s had to be stoppe<l uuiil be made lii- app^nranc-*.
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  • 137 14 FBOM OUR OWN COREESPONDENT?" Batavia, \Atlt Jaw/., 18t>4. SrKAMBH Java which arrived last night with Europe Mail, starts agaia in an hour's time. Incessant rains with extremely boisterous weather. Rivers very biub and wmie parts of the town overflooded. There lias been an eruption of the Merapi and the
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    • MONDAY, 18th JANUARY.
      • 16 14 11. M. Gunboat Tome, Capt. Fox, from Malacca arrived in the harbour on Saturday afternoon last.
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      • 234 14 H. Nf. Paddle steamer Centaur, Captain Creasy, arrived this morning from Hongkong which she left last Monday II Mi. Site has invalids on board, naaa into New Hnibour to-morrow morning, coals and proceeds to Lngiand calling at Aijer and tbe Cape. Thk completion of the Flagsiuff on Fort Caaahag, haa
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      • 150 14 Vksskis spoken at. sea by the S. S. <tiufh If'este a, ii. Messervy, from Jer-ey to Sniijapore. Sept. flfad), 1H63, Dutch baique Frvttrrttk Hvndntk from Amsterdam to tMajgapari and Batavia, 1 at. ;<(> 4.V N, Long. 15 s t<>' IHdaysout. Sept. "J.Srd, Spanish ship (J. A. U.) troin (jiverpool to
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    • TUESDAY, 19th JANUARY.
      • 22 14 Tmk British BteMMT Fnsi- Yama Captain Duiul-ts, from Hewfll— g "it'll il.iirs in tin- 1-Mi instHiil uriiv'Lil in the harbour la>>t n'mlit.
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      • 20 14 Tiik steamer I.iii'ittting reached Hoaekoug on the liio mutant ena> veyiag tlie latellkjeaaa ol the arrival beie of the .J/übauta.
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      • 33 14 "Cai'tain Daadaa R. N of the Yinna, report* bavhag cxc banged c«»InuTH with tbe Biitish ship Scotlmmd in the Straits. Tbe .Sutlhiinl arrived this aaamlng. The /'"w F«*mi proceeds from ibis to Calcutta.
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      • 38 14 At the meeting ot the Shareholders of the CaufcMg Paggar l>>ek held v-s--terday afternoon, resolutions entirely lav >rable to ihe project were paaeed, and it amt determined ia carry through tbe worka with the least pao< Bible delay.
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      • 38 14 Wk learn that the appoint nt ot crown Prosecutor at Sjngap re ami Malacca has been conterred upon T. Braddell, Baeu by the Oovetan eni ol India. This is an appointment which has been long greatly needed liere.
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      • 36 14 Wk understand, thatfjlis Honor the Governor has been pleaaed to appoint j the Deputy Couiiui-»«oner of Police i 11. M. Coroner for the island of Sin- gmaore, and that tbe appointment takes effect from February aexL
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      • 93 14 Fhank Maiionky. Richard Huntbley, and John Greedy, three men belaagiag ta the Confederate Steamer Alabama out of a namber ot others who bad absconded from the s.iiil vessel, were brought ut» and charged before the Sitting kfagiatrate this mortiBg with having on several occ isions assaulted tbe \>etty-officers and crew
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      • 15 14 Wk notice tlie arrival of Colonel Frocf li, of tIM Transfer Commission, by h« Alpliie.
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      • 23 14 Thk Dutch steamer Konintjen der Xeilerl mden, Captain Lewis, Irom Balavia With dates t<» the lOtb instant, anchored in the roads last night.
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      • 22 14 H. N. M. steamer Jura Captain Bernoster, from Batavia with dates to to the 15th instant arrived in tbe roads this morning.
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      • 36 14 Wk areaglad to notice tltal. the current of public fee Hi m, aj, evidenced in the newspapers browght on by tbe Al\>hee, is gradually ooming room) to a favorable .view of Admiral Kupurs action at Japan.
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      • 22 14 Thk Messa^eries tiyperiales steamer A/fi/tee, Captain Boileve, from (Jalle n-tth dates to the 1 4th instant, arrived in tbe baibuur this muinii*
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      • 23 14 H. I. M. steamer Smrtkt, Captain (ialey tVmii C!hmlh)Usj vvitli date- to the 18th October, iiniveil in the liar Itiiui this intii iniiu.
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      • 23 14 Tub V. O. Compaay't steamer C/iiiiu, Caawato Curling, ti tn Hon^kony; with datea to the IStk instant arrived at New Harbour this morning.
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      • 60 14 BrkOadikr f»eiiei al Brie*, C, B. lasticctm Oaaoral <»l Roynl Artillny, arrived by tbe Alvktt logetlier with bis staff D nicer, Brigade Major Milmea Royal 4i Hilary, ya»torday, arhaa a salute of 9 j{uns arna tired fram Fort Canning. The General and Staff are on a tour of inspection in
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      • 87 14 Thk S;iii. t Andrew's rroea thai lias Jaal briu put up on ihe spire ol the nhardi is a refj p*atty deoiga but it |i--« Bra t^> Us mm h 100 t>lighl and in t to he in keeping with ttie apire or the anarch. Whatever may be it* actual
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      • 237 14 Wr are very sorry to learn, thai iipta.n Meed ol ibe HiJUmmn lias not benetiteii in health by hi- trip to China, and that it i- positively incest ny that he should proceed to Europe with the least possible delay. Captain Keed lias now been altogethoi ten yeara ••oiuiecled with
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      • 311 14 Thk following are the partieaiare of the loss of tbe Sitrut aad tbe Lamii.vrmur. The Briii-b Barque Sttrat, J. Bla k Master, sailed from Liverpool on tbe 21st August bonnd tor Hongkong earij,» coals. 2nd January. <)n the Htb sotmiled in IS ti'.is. among tlic 'I Innis.tnd Uiandaj at '2
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      • 334 14 Tiik inconvenient restrictions which were placed some nine munilis ;ii;o, upon the sule and cxpoi tr.tioji uf arms and ammunition from Sih^apore, arc to be speedily removed, or at least modified, so as to apply to their sale to and exportation for China only. Instructions to this effect bave it
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      • 443 14 Thk folio wing i« trenail <>f the prn eeedliigi at the Gem ral Meeting ot ti iTanjong Pagai Dock Company beld on Monday. The Rt|iort ifV the Committee, pi vionsly circulated lor general Infarmalinn, baviag baen bewapjbl Fur ward, and the plans, evtimatei Bw., therein re» lerred to aanmitted to
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    • FRIDAY, 22nd JANUARY.
      • 59 14 A tin- broke out thin morning, id a Imt on tlu> Bukit Tituah Road whivb was Inn ut tlow n to the ground. Ni> <lv« could In- Found <'"t ;is to Im.m tin- •i.V li.ul originated. The Police fr«»m to* Stiition -,iniv< tl qutekl; on the spol ami MMeeeded in
        59 words
      • 80 14 iHsrKCTOM Baruaai report*, Chinese baviag been carried away by Tigen daring the preaeat week near tb« I3tk mile stoi.f, aa Tuaeneoua" Kd, nl, uliiUt warming ongaail ier plaaUili B«. Both «>t Urn viiliins were carried off from within hall a mile diatance from earh other. One body had t>olh I'
        80 words
      • 83 14 Jamks PkaCock, an European s. amm who bad derated from ihe Anu Whaling barqac Mary, «;>« found dead in ihe honae of ;> Portugnrae in i<- iti ia rtn ft yr»terdaj morning. A „(,rinqi^theldoi.thebodv deceased mito i. yrar« M »re MM Mil on the rTenit t ||P H>tl How him
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    • SATURDA, 23rd JANUARY.
      • 4 15 „<hr arri\el »<« Hongkong ant.
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      • 14 15 ■j nyqiriti-h iteMner Iftrirer, Captain Iron. Calcutta A-i'h i!at mutant, arruni in the roads
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      • 13 15 -.H.mHkong ;l:.- I7sl;."and aniveii here had fine weather and light the way down.
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      • 21 15 T«aj British reamer Ugiimng, raptai'i •> l«»r» from H—gfceag with datm to thi 17'h instant anchored in tl<«* n> «.U Ici-t ni_'ht.
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      • 23 15 Wwmmhtg nad arrived at Hone.ll the ttiih from Manila, and j;o Wliampoa tod ick, where it \l». ctt.l »he would ha»e to re-
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      • 34 15 Tiif Biiti-h India Stea-M Nl lion ('oii.|>.n\'s steHiuship I'nstn, rrtig, tiom Calcutta with tl.e "th i' -tntit, Kanpxm the 4.Hh, Penan* the Slef and Malacca the '-''2nd infant, arrived in the harbour this morning.
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      • 109 15 Tiik followine tol«(;r»ms are contaiucl iv the Calcutta papers, having itcil tioin Bombay M the at rival there of tlie London Mail >>f tl.e iSth Dec. They pxten.l, it will be, t<» Htm York the I'Jth, and 1 .union the 2.'>tli Dec, and are runfirinatotv -it those received and
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      • 139 15 Mm York, OM. 12— Lincoln's BMMsMafl ile lnc» tliit til" n Ixllion is ■reused within the MVnrVM limits and that he will tvainfain einancipatii.n of ili.- slaves. A Political proclamation Hcciiinpanirs the message and -t, terMtfor i< const! iiciinn of the I'ni 11. A full aintit>ly and rcst'.ii.i(ii nt all
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      • 48 15 Priftte Tek gram r« lived .tatcs that irh ittnl Kinj: <hri.«tian are determines] t<> titjiit, if tha PMcral IroSMN f lit* r ihe Due ii >. Svvidrn ImUnites liei intention to supp.ut D.-n--i.ik. General Forty arrived at <\»- penha-. n and an interview with < lirirttian. OnniVKV— Mr. Jusii<-e
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      • 39 15 [HkiiKk's MmW— J v York. Drr. Hi.— Lonpstreet bsM aliand"tH.l Ktcxvillt* aud retreated noitli-.viu <f. purstiiiiKNatii'le >n lias made pucinc speech. Lmmdom -*>//< Ihrr. -Ci.imaiis entered Hotntriti, Dam« retiring. (.ia>vley honorably acquittcii. Cotton quiet, di*tount >even pi r rcit.
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      • 60 15 I'i'fn T.iiw, L'uiildii, 2">th Her., tli'oiiiili liumbay, 11?/, Jit'ij/., ID 2A. Cut 91. lives Id.:. >|.<i-ie. jfIKMKKI. U Discount. Ilill^n. Quirt. Sii^ar. ti .l. higher. Hire. M. lower. Saltjietre. Nn sale Ua«M«i. t'oiiiiiion cht'iippr, finefirn><i. U;i|ie. Bwitr. Silk. ML Jute. Quicr. Mid'-. Sitiidier. >iirtlnw(T. Firm. x luitt. Is. lower.
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  • 1403 15 >ye la»t wrot'', no important p.vents laMa place fitln-r ii. ('hinaor Japan. Ill" iTesiiit position ol thei<e coiintri--S, 111 tlieir loieisiu rslalinae, i* au follows: T-ipan, lor the jlswHSlt. i«i(tl from htr to ii<m-> bar foiciu'ii frii'ii'i- v oatvard nnmm B*», ha* acceuted cba«rfttllf a ewudiliaa <H amicable relations
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  • 349 15 FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT Moulmkin, 16th January, IHC4. Christmas and New year h»ve cnne and gone, and festivities ba\e tukrii place here to an extent hitherto unknown. The communily arc making the best of it, but every on« atucs that a duller season as tar as trade- is concerned has
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  • Singapore Shipping
    • 355 15 S.i t hi >J i" ii I-u y. hriiinli buique Kirn (itr.n I:in, Y»uug conimaiidrr, auioy si|i Juuuiiy. Hamburg MaauMff Mei'a. l.')t ton*, Jensen>:er, Akjiib <7! 'i l( II M. ►teainer lons l 0'» tons, Fo* com- niuiiK-r, Mrtlaccu loia J .uuary. Sunday, 17<u .luMi.rv. lir li-u La
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    • 307 15 VESSELS CLEAHKU OUT. Tliursday, 14th January. rilish ship HWaMKajUM, Ni; imnsoii, f»r I Ki.n>;oo H-mlmr^ brig JohannriH, Thompson, tor Pc ...g. Friday, l'tli January. M »iub. Larijue CdiLinine, Giam, for Woo»un*' h'HM ship Am\ WtrmiA, lUr.lii) X'K lor < i.lllH. t'.ijli bnnjuc 'liuhi nan. D*3o— for Uhii^ooo. liriiisL barque PoUh.
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  • 106 15 Wk announce the arrival of the follow ing; Ila^s^ll^<•ls Per M«M*g*rfaa liii|»eiiule« Steamrr Alfiheex From M^ftttlm. MlTr**~** Schaly, Van Leeu. yen. Vcrret, Van Kvl, rC-rkl: ren, and Kiaft. From I'oudichtrnj. -Mrs. French anil three in. fai ts. From Madras. Me«ii-uri Milni-in, MM Ponce. ftW tWsV 1*l» IMk,d Mr. W.KKJw.ird. IVr
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  • 51 15 W« announce the departure of tli c following pas.-engeiB per ateainer Chi" ua. I iMdUsMMV— 4sV. Brown. Captain and Mrs. (Mt*i »mi two ahUsht Murttilln Captain an.l Mrs. B. I). Hrowu Mm vli.-h. inf». t. Mw CaMN r H ij. -.\ie-« A asimijn,— i D •rjw. fur PiiKHuf. Mr. C.
    51 words
  • 651 15 Suip'» Nambs Cal'Tains. KlaqandU.o. Ton 25££ WmFIM. CoMtaun oh DMtIUMIM Mkn ok-W*h. .i.M.H.CMmer IMUmJ X, Malacca OoTernmeni tl v strawer W'N,,v. 25 Malacca Senior Naval Ofiew. station HMMwawr «>•« lB,«H«par Strtto -<e.>ior N-v.,1 <>HW-r 11. M.'wh'ooiier (l ""I 1 mmiv Senior Naval Officer. Surveying BiMMMttnMI ■U.»W
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 454 15 Nullotcai/'n Ointm-nt »nd Pith Additional I Tegiimoiiy.— Fo> the ,ure .f c.u.'h^, i<»ld.x, i swe»it«. Mini incipient c<inminj|ition, 'his ex-i-e I I'll Ointment, ru b- I upon the b '<'k and client Hidei by tbe in'< r'nal u»e i>f Hollow-ty'i fiirifvintf Pills, stand* ii'irivalle'l. Mr. i. jftaant, "f llenbulben Oran.-e,
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    • 595 15 UK4UITS w.vtviii:s an clocks. I W»tcm «vi. Ci,.. ,\r«, Hi tr-a-i.L krNiiMMI to .Hi Roial MMSBMSI f<M fn.»t-ii or WtiAa. Opini iw of ih' Laaisa Nmb opoa Bsmm' Great Ohak -ml W»iche« l« i- >'\ nt>ni..o, IM2 A» a -umi.le trtumpa o» A Injfnmtjr.'-r^ I «rai*. lk>- »ur.l \^T ul
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 727 16 SINBIFBHE DAILY TIMES •übscription to tba Daily Tioaea. Frr one year J 40 m six mouths %i tbiaa 13 at«c*. Copy Cents 25 Tb* Weekly Elition of the STBAIT9 TIM EB. will be published every Saturday afternoon. Subscription to tba W.-ekly Times: Annually 1 Half yearly Quarterly B One month——-—
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    • 777 16 pCNiNBUJLAk AMD ORI-a-KTAL STJLAItt NAVIGATION COMPANy. nt A«c Hnrhi'ur, MAIL f LIVKS. outwako mails. Osb ot the P. A O. S. N. Company's iWai Sl,.pa, witt. the ITinlla* Mkil» i»»y bj oil*, ad .a ro r lo h n^" km* about the Uthsnd3olb of each \it,iun H<'MK\VARD MAILS. One. of
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    • 1144 16 HOTEL DES INDES. 'PHK Uniiemi^nv-il, Fr.»|)netora of the 1 BOTKL DfcS LNDKB, late Kui IEKDAM HOTKL at Molenvliet, liatsv.a l>t"j{ to mt'orm Gentlemen Travellers, noiliin^ will be U'lt uudom- on their part lo gjtaa |eaaral natisfaction J'iie miny ultrratii)ns, thf pxccllencoof the Tabio, tiie ut-w Furniiure, Horses, Curria^i-t and
      1,144 words
    • 1063 16 EKKASTN NOR 1 11 WESIEUNIN- SLRANCK OFFK.E. THK underaign^d has been appoint) d A^cnt for tlu> hl» ollicc, iiiul n rejarcd to tai-.e riakaajMdl |RMt PoHciaa, fay "ble in 14 icut'ii and Uangkon ay IHK lIIM^fOSTAN MAItINB INSUKAMaIi COMPANY. Do. 1)0. I i)o. I'luiablc in Singsp'T Pti nnp, Moulinain, Calcutta.
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    • 1153 16 DINNEFORD'. PURL LUID MAGNESIA. HAS t>ecn. during tweniytue ye.ra, emphat caliy aanctioiiud b) tax afadiaal Praaisaaai aui uuivii-.i.i) aaaaylad bj tba 1 i.blic, miv I for Acidity of tbe Stomach. Heartburn. 111. All ICIIL *.Nl' IM. r N. and as a Mil.!) ApiKlhNT lor inlir.ii' tioiiM, inor.- asfaahaJh he l.,i.i:e«
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    • 965 16 ftIIBIHTIM. r— -m tar GEt l.i i t J e.miocu. Eley's Ammunition M I'.vi'.itv DncftlPTlOM F©r S|%>rtin- or Military Purp DOUKLI WMaraiaaf CaatraJ f Wmtilmm to prevent tli« Wire C.rlr;.l§, tor i11,,,, R,-. Unces. BrepajLoaHin^ C-.rlri.l|^(' aw o f qu.litv f..r sfft (iuiiKaini R Vtmtrmetmn t* thr ff ,ir n,J
      965 words