The Straits Times, 14 March 1863

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 27 1 I II.TU. At Tuluk Ajrer, >wter.l.v.Mra.D. Rohbof* too. RRI \GK. -»P'>n- »lii M»rch, fnpUin N I. T I.ud- Waaataw," Ij Miv Felicity A. i teJcnck.
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  • 2297 1 Th*. ''eiiinswlai and Oriental Steam rim 'onipany ha- up to the pr.-»i>,,r tj M j ■ly.-d am inopolv of the richest trade in th>> world. It has yearly received magnificent sums for the mail lenrines „('1 „lj.«, China, and Australia, It has ran ied it enormous
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  • 773 1 If wo re ember for a moment the motive of those poor men who yaer a tier year MM on from Singapore to I lie >ln i ries of Mecca, we cannot fail to have our hot *jnt\mK\en enlisted in their favour. The man who travels and seeks
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  • 286 1 Minittks of the Proceedings of the Municipal ''o-nnnisMoiiers on tlie 20th 1 February J 803. Com misti'itien I'resent. The Hon'hle Colonel Macplierson, President, M. F. Davidson Esq., Captain May in- Dr. Little, and 11. M. Si.jn_un_s_J^q- Engineer. Read a letter from Mr. i W. H. Kead forwarding an
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  • 903 1 Mimjtks of the Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on tbe 2Gth I February 1863. mnmissioturs Present, The Honorable Colonel Macpher- ion,— President M. F. Davidson Esq., Captaiu May tie, Dr. Little, and 11. M. Simons Esq. Telegraph. Messrs. Fisher and Ri- ley applied tor permission to carry a I Telegraph
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  • 141 1 No. To C. R. R ifrfr, Esq., Secretary to th» Muni. nicipil Commissioners. Singapore, Februa. ry 17th. 1863. Sib,— l hare the honor of forwarding her*with the proven* repoit of workf under ray charge for the first fortnight of th« present month Buht Timah Road I* now I am happy
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 340 1 TO PIRKNt^ AND RUARDIAN4 UHMtMOT l«,« to iDiiinate that ht feu .> w.«.l a Kli»ii, nii.lw lii' own mi. BMiitlt i«atria»m««ao«. for a soleet aumber ot pupib h,|..«fiuj to r»ai»et»bU faniUim, either a* bosiiaan or lay *ea.>i MoramoEiaMNiv Dinsstor of [lie Carili v. !*ch Bnut Ua**a Komd »a#*sMrs. Bth
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  • 332 2 been patch*! with Kraaite Stone from Hi I Stivet. Orwmf Jr«xrf.-The who',- of the deep filliag on t'n* ro«<i it B)M t>ni«h<d, and we are mo* betaking up the largr eiir stones iv tbe mid W« of tbe road. tty Road Is now lii.mhed. (httram Jivmii H.i« dad some veiy
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  • 1590 2 NEWCASTLE N. S. \V. Tire following account of Newcastle N. S. W. is taken from the six-monthly report of Mr. J. K. Bingle ot Bingle fit Co. there. In some resp- cts my present report of Ms) MaW ol our commerce is, pei haps, not altogether so favourable as in\
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  • 292 2 The S. S. Grauafia, Captain James Laing, arrived in the made on vVednesday night at 9 p. in., having left Saigon on the morning of the 9th; she experienced fine weather during the passage. The Chief Officer and seven men belonging to the American ship Hott/'iir, arrived at Cajte St
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  • 350 2 Thk following if the statement made at Saigon by the Mate of the Hotspur Cape St. Jamrs, Mirth V,th March 1863 I have just arrived wo board tbe Nu fmU, troin sea. 1 wa* ti rut officer of the AineiK an »hip Hotspur, ap'ain Beluieti, wrecked on tlic I9ili ut
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  • 443 2 LOSS OF THE HOTSPUR. {To the Editor oj the Straits Timvs.) Dxar Sib. We rztraet the following from a letter ol Mr. J. Pederten, owner of the American barque Nagasaki troui this bound to Singapore: On board tbe tiagataki near Cape St. James 7th M rch 1863.— Yesterday the
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  • 416 2 lo the hditor of the Daily Junes. Dear Sir, —As my iriend and I were on the return after a fatiguing morning's mmble round and about the town of Bau^. kok, we spied a pretty boat rowed by four out-%
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  • 505 2 Si am, i)/A March, IH(>3. Thk uteamer Chmv Phya from your port arrived here on the 4th in»t. During the pa»t fortnight, many events haveoccured of which 1 send you brief accounts. The Captain of the Siamese baique Senator, hound to Hongkong while at I'.ikn.wn. assaulted
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  • 113 2 N EWS OF THE WEEK. MONDAY, 9th MAKCH. Wk have been informed that the Hon'ble the Recorder is expected to leave Malacca ror this on the 14th instant, and on his return here the Honorable the Governor will leave for Malacca, hut will not proceed on to Penang as usual,
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  • 66 2 Sir James Brooke who went down to Sarawak in the Coquette, will re siime there the Supreme (lovernment during the absence of the Rajah Muda, who went to Europe by the Me»sat:eries steamer Donnai. The Financial returns of the Rajah's Kingdom were most satisfactory during the past year; the revenue
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  • 61 2 Thb two Chinamen who were committed under c Coroner's warrant for Wilful murder of another Chinaman in a bangsal in the district of Kochore, were jbrought up before the Sitting Magistrate on Thursday last and subsequently remanded for further evidence. On Saturday the case was closed against them, and they
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  • 267 2 TUESDAY. l<hH MAKCH Thk Purveyors, irhoiap cominunicait.m ive declined lo iii»en. !iav«- determined their literary |Mt.«lurtion shall not he dei.iul the liyht of day or he presented He puhlic shmn of ;iny one nf i<s muny equivocal adorn meiiM. We can vou<-h for tlie letter they have had printed
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  • 341 2 Thomas I'hillips formerly barman in a beer house in Campoug Glam. Robert Clay, employed on the Gas Oi ks, and Geoige Reynold-, seaman, were charged, beture J. D. Vaughan and \V. H. Read Enquires Justices ot the Peace.— Ni>s. I, 2 and 3 with having stolen the property, and No.
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  • 225 2 WU)NESIMY, lln M.vKCH. Thk long boat belonging to the Culonsay, which we reported some lime ago as having been stolen trom the Canal in North Bridge Road where it was moored by Captain Watsou, together with the oars that were lying in the compound ol the Home, has since made
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  • 40 2 FRIDAY, 13th MAKCH. Thb Straits Government Steamer Pluto, Captain Kales, from Pcdra Bianco, anchored in the roads on Wednesday morning last. The Sarawak steamer Rainbow, Captain John Hewat, with dates to the 10th instant, armed in the harbour this morning.
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  • 72 2'ohk is probably the only pl.i. in Her Majc-lv's dominions where the Prince of Wales' marriage day will dive passed away without any public demonstration of rejoicing. He do not k <ow who are at fault, hut it must certainly hr n reflection upon some body or bodies that the
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  • 84 2 By the arrival ot the (how Phyn from Bangkok, we are put in possession of the following item of news The Biitish baique Pionter laying alongside the wharf and loading for Hongkong, caught fire. Mic was immediately scuttled and now lays in (5 luthoms water. Captain Jan*H White who was
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  • 21 2 Thk >iamese steamer Chute P/u/ii, Captain Orton, from Bunkok with dates to the lUth current, arrived in the harbour last night.
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  • 24 2 Thk British steamer Faint, Captain Thomson, Irom Piuang with dates to the iOth instant having called at Malacca, anchored in the roads yesterday evening.
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  • 21 2 11. M. Gun boat Janus, Captain Adams, trom Hongkong with date- lo the 28th February, arrived in the harbour yesterday morning.
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  • 25 2 SATURDAY, Urn MARCH. Thk steamer L jhwrflf l*f ir ai rived at noon to day but we have not yet received any papers hy her.
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  • 114 2 On Wednesday niglit last, the Deputy Commissioner accompanied hy Inspectors Hayward and Pentiefatlicr and a MItJM party of Police, procerdt d to Kallaug Poodingon the iiifoniiiiti'Hi of a Chinaman tint gamhliug was heing carried <>n in the hang«als of the Brick kilns. There was only one way of approach to
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  • 81 2 At 3 p. m. on Wednesday Ia- f Inspector Peiinefather disturbed a numbers of Chinese iv Chin Chew Street engaged in serving out tickets for an approaching lottery. Amongst a great number of them, eight were seized •vith ft chest containing the proceeds of the tickets, books, &c. The receipts
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  • 94 2 On Wednesday, «it iUy light, the body of a man supposed to be a Macao Chines.* was discovered in the Rochore Canal ueur Victoria Bridge and on th.> body beiig taken ou shore it sTM tound wounded in several places Every enquiry was made at the houses and sawyers bangsals
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  • 735 2 Wr are informed, that a lar^e number of thelu take place on boaid the MMth in the Harbour in rather aii accomplished way. Twoortnoie thieve^, dressed like iespi i-tal<le Clii« ii.uiifii, go on a vessel and enquire as In the terms ut a pMNg* the particular port to which
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  • 1233 3 District "t K---I I/Oii.loii. (> furt-room, E.-uU London, Nor. 29, 1*62. A Baihar lad, c-*l 0i» hiiuHfif Archibald. nh..ui I 7 year* of age, appear* belure me, Matthew Jennings Ks'|. residen' tn«<i*tiate, aud Miiakei the Mloninj; MaM v m| i w I mi one ol
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  • 1467 3 There arc few who in cold blood, and without any excinti.' munve lo overcome tlit- natural aversion to dangc, would wish to m> tlnuut'li the excitement* mid the r i ill a vieai battle, hut wha it* a t'riit battle uith all its tumult,
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  • 441 3 AttRIVAL-i. Mond y, Wtli March. British barqut IV i e a SJ4 ion-, 8 iniz commander. Mewcatile 2Tth Sept. cxiirigiie licliu Meyer it co. British ship Finella 444 tons, Murray commander, Mauritius U6th December con', •ig- cc- Borneo Company Limited. Hri'ish barque Violet J97 tons, Piton eomnnnd»r, 9ourabaya
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  • 132 3 "th March. Rny«h Uique I'^lmyt*. Kichard, fo China, British ahi|i L.mna, Sad^wicL, for Sh*nj{. hai. If, M. fteaioet Coquette, Alexander, f»r l.shuan. Dutch barque H. V. ran Paulo, r. d. Bolck It tiatavia. Son-lay, itli Murcli. Rriti.h M earner Columbian, Sk.-tlowe, for Bombay. M..n l»v 9th March Hriti.h
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  • 136 3 Ho'lutmit/'t Pill— The li»tr, IBS atomiicb, and tlieir ailmriita. AlnriKiioni of tmnperature, muggy weatlier, a troubled miod, «ed»ntary h*.bita. rxce—tt, of tli* Übln. and a gay, reckless mod* "l ite aicrt the most deleterioua iuflueuc* ov*r the liver and ■tomach. When once these organ* «r* fairly oot of order, great
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    • 65 3 INTELLIGENCE. SINGAPORE BANK RATH Off KXCUANOR. I. ..n. lun ii BMSJMaf signt 4*. lv» <K .3 .lo 4.. 9|d do. I do Is. BJ'/. H-m«n.l M. Bf-'. OnlcutU (Uyu'diijlit '230 per 1 00 li..m.ay do S3O do do Mitral do 221 do do Chin* do 3) )irr ivnt divvmnt Pari*
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    • 22 3 1 mi.iili II per cent per annum Kxcei-diiii; I month..l 2 per cent per anuum Singapore, 3rd March, 1862.
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    • 18 3 Sovereign* K4.45 perjC Java Guilders 270 100 fJiapaajri Rmm 2-6 <lo Singapore, 4th March. 1862.
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  • 1089 3 Singapore Shipping in Harbour Ships' Nam us. Capta!*. Klao and Uio. Hiit ok JTok I WIIKHH FmiiM CoMslOSkl-S OR AOINTti. Dim NATIONS MIITIIt j Mknof-NN h H^r<>»ta L'owetl H. M. nt earner Riflrman J.W.Reed 1 1. M nu-mi-r S;.r«ceu l.vs H. .1. n.-li)oner Mobr Warwick IT. M. Hteamei Ju .m
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 361 3 prices or 1 Benares at 620 par cheatj '■"nrkey •Mul>»a d-». J t nominal. Singapore, 13th March. 1863 NOKTH CHINA IVSUrtANCE COMPANY. 'I'lIK uh(ler>ign*J, ha*iii4 hrtn »p;>.>uite,l ai{aat i A for the abov* Comrmny, are pieparad to grant policies MT*ring Marine risks, lo all parts •*f ti)o World. ClalsM
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 655 4 INSURANCE. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, FOBFIEE AND LIFE ASSURANCES AT lOMI AM> ABROAD. (F.Sl.lKllsllt:i> IS 1836 latafPCilUi It M OF PAIU»iI«T. TH« Tasall slsill Annual General Meeting of this Compar* wa. heW at xUrd|en. ou the Uth June current, and the fellowin K M sh.rt AUtrnct •f the Directors" Report
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    • 874 4 THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIVJ AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. EstallUhest 18M (Mvkstsd Fluds. Oki MILLION STFLwN'i Tfcrt Premiums received on Fire liwuraaeea >- *ne year 1857 amounted to auward* of 289,000. li- uranres are effected, at home and abroad, on Property of every description— the Premiums are nw derate, the
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    • 1094 4 SAUCE— ALE ANU PKKKI^S CBLXBaATBD \VORCESTERSHIUE SAUCE, PRONOUNCED nY C J >.NOl SSKUKS, OMLY GOOD SAUCE AMD«Bl.R TO EVERT VARIETY OF DISH. Extract of a Letter from <i Medical (Jentlemen at Mtulrat, to kit brother at H'orc*tter M* 9 I*sl. << HF.LI, Lna and Perrinn thai their Sauce is
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    • 1066 4 CAUTION AGAINST COUNTERFEITS. Hone are genuine unless the signature of H. and I Perry and Co. is affixed to each wrapper, ana bl'oien on the bottle and such bottle U protected by a patent capsule, bearing the proprietor* name and addrets in full. Messrs R.'* L Pbrut and Co. aw
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    • 881 4 Messrs. WHAMKUA AMU «-U 9. ADVERTISEMENT. %|fs«rs. WHAMPOA Si Co. have alw:>y» mi Sale an on tensive and choice asi.ortment ofllif Mtcwiaaj goods, soliftsd apeciall; h* tlu-ir Stores. WHOtKSALK, HI.TUI. iV rOP. RXPOCtaTIOIt. £tm anil vL-rorern. llvav* <"' s "t il"' choicest flafors— fiinipi'isii'K. lunpowder, Prkat, :iys"ii, Souchoag, T«anfcay. 4c.
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    • 906 4 AMMIIfITION Eley's Ammunition OF KVKHY Dtx KIIT ...S For Sporting or Military Purposci DOL'BI.K Waterpa^of Central Kir* cap., f, Wvldings to prevent tbe lea.. Wire Cartridite* tor killiag Gan.e, Ac. si t^nce*. Breech Loading CaatAMga Casss I quality for hhi.t Ouna and Rifle*. n'rartors to the ft ar Department for
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 78 4 •IHIAPQRE DAILY TlffllS Subscription to tht Daily Times. For mm year i 40 mi* monttu 13 t X3 Bach Cepj. OwttU Th« Weakly Edition of the STRAITS TI WES. will b* publnhed .very Baturdaj •ftfrnoon. übtcription t« the Weekly Timeat Annually Half yearly Quarterly One monih Back Copy M A4f»rtU«n>-nta
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