The Straits Times, 14 June 1862

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 1012 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1862. H ibpk ra< ".Hi h up in HhiKtKl iiiit *h <«*iil«fiiieiil abroad that t'i>ir handi d in ;,t«. 'I he s t i« a h-ic .me, ami v tike tint c.iMinn, k tl i. ttional cha that intern it. tl r tlitl i.tit in-
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  • 422 1 ACoaoNKa'it Kqii>i was held yesterday before \)r. Snitl anil an I'u.-o pean ju'v. on the bodies of the \i of the late accident at the onvict Prom the evidence into which the jury had i ntci-e.d, it anpeaiw, »«ler* had been given by the Executive En gineer to cxiMv ite
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  • 377 1 Thk following is ,i translation from the hM Dutch p;ip T«i whKth WH have received. It would appear not improbable from tlis, that the fix piratical pralini which were reported, hy the acenunta Frmn '♦arawah, to have pr<>cee led to the "Outhwtrd re the *ame as tlio-i> aeiied by the
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  • 292 1 A Meeting of the i i lit- Volunteer* waa held in the Town Hall yesterday ■fterno it, nnd nboul 3T ol the inrmberi wre iv itMi ndiini-e. The |>i inripal matte s to be con-idti rtl by the it c* tIng irere laid before it by Captain Davidxin. uho pointed
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  • 250 1 Tm» Ifnoghly Cjpt tin Wright arrived from rVnang md Malacca yesterday, she hrlngi intelligence of the adjustment, of the late difficulties at LarooC lis mid that the C ief hapaid up S 32,000. The t Jlowing on the sulij,' is Iro'ii the mmng -fr^us. La a irr. The Fi-v ut
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  • 164 1 n m rt'.ii i' Mi» auo, a nii'ii'ier of f'iii es mo led with <i 1 irge armed Ii iat and 1 -I'd in •'nit outside the li.trhnr tm two Singapore .'v ika irhlch oubserpi -ntlv I -ft Mils. These men sue- (•:•!> I d i-i i iking t'nvibl.' ptHueiisinn
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  • 3192 1 f >ri)niixsi"iit','s Pretent, -{f,. i. 1.. ck tin* in. <:. II il hiNkii, Kx|.. K. H. H. toi*ertnoii Dm, lii tlii« aba lie- ni the Pre*i lenl Mr, Re i i wtt.n <- -•■•—-•il Cii iir»n in I. fill 1 1 Pt-ict Htr'itr-. -The eati ii i .unl
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 209 2 Thk P. ill, (oniMaiiv's Steamer Knieu, Cuptain Itenahlsn). arrived at New H hour th morniejg at seven o'clock with the M;tils of til- l(itli May. The Rmm, left Galle on the 3d at 4 p.m. ami PetMUM on the niulu ot tlie 9th. The (tart of the
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  • 131 2 I'll k last entries for ttiis day's sport were made with the Secretary ye««terrd,i\ afternoon and are as under: CKLh-TIAI. Pl.All. Re. i Hi OalU 1 a, p ih 1 Sv«d atMiaUah'a c. nr. h. 'l.ijhtnirt'i („,tc 3 H. H 111- Ttmeafoag* k> f)o**i 4 Sw,r Urn***..
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  • 60 2 Wk have to remind our readers that the Flower Show takes place in the Tvwi Hall on Tuesday next 'I lie Rand of the 40th will he in attendance, and it b) hoped a numerous contrinu tion of Flowers and Vegetables will he sent in, that the
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  • 445 2 Wk find the follow ing in yesterday's Government Gazette. The Hon'hlK Lieut. Colonel Maoperson, Resident Un ;llor, >inoapore, and ex-ofhYio Sccrctaiy to (loveniinenr, has been granted one month's privilege leave of absence from this date. Lieutenant Protheroe, Deputy Secntaiy to (ioiernineiit, has been appointed to orliciate as Bcntrlft Councillor, Singapore,
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  • 344 2 'Jo the Editor qj' the Duly Timn. Mv I'kaß Sik. I have liti'ii ;i I d<-<l snr| iis. I ihat |iiick »i_hle<i rhii'i Nke >•• n.tfd foi kreaobac »ati<>ii of all ta«t ooueei as the üblic weal, ami p;ir ie ,l>rlv fB»J i" ev> rytliiiijf coiiiiirti-d wit* ilie klllilaiy,
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  • 127 2 U K have had MM following prediction Mill to M SINGAIOREHACES. ho\ KRITOI I COP, It .I.T not requirr > WUU4 tn le'.l. I i: II <• 111-' k r--'« iimhc dmi't brrin wltti »r. 1.. It <l»r> not nquirr a I ....ii<T to tarbt Th»t lar hit- horx'« uw
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  • 1849 2 Si'l'hkmk f.oi'RT —Kcfore fUs Honor Sir Richard Rolton M'Caaelaiid, Recorder, Singapore, Wednesday 28th May 1862. Daiieleuerg vt. CnMßiag. ThM ra«e «hic|l w*« a Ijoaraed on tlie 5Ui in-l (m reported), to allow tne rehpeptir.' Bgeata Mr. AtchiaMOtl for |.l. hi.till. •rd Mr DitvuNoti for the defendant, to |o up hihl
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  • 500 2 MONDAY, vn JU>E Thk penmef ITaffenrrlrsd reoterday morning at New ilarbour alter t \> issaee of eighty days from Cardiff, the Kite \> Intended for the mouth of Uhlan trade. A mail will most likely be denpatchecl by this opportunity for China. As inquest was held
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  • 175 2 Mr. Robertson the acting Commh> sioncr of Police returned trom Khio yesterday in the Police gun-bont. The Junk alleged to have been forcibly ta ken away from the Harbour about a fortnight since has been !>eiz<'d and brought hack. .Am investigation will no doubt be lit Id
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  • 277 2 A serious disturbance took place on Saturday hat in Upper Hokieu Street, between two rloeyi <>i »*e<rret societies amongst the Chinese <*nlle<l the Hok Reng and Gee Hok, the former w are informed wen assaulted by the latter anil their Mgn hoard placed over the door of
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  • 441 2 From the Hoi/tr \n/:s .l/, ;y 3 The Exhibition Wi<s opened with great success as of May. Prince Osew ol Hwcdoi and the Prince of hrnaaia hsshtad. I wfMndj of StyOOO nsrsons wars 1 Not a single accident. Wcither in,, Nt anspicioas. Qosjornl M''s army is
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  • 400 2 Si hz. l^i ii Man, ItMU Before leaving Egypt th*- Viceroj xigned an aureemmt wit h Fien Ii Kn^ineer who has it i» said undertaken t<» I'tiihl -i ill v Dork at Sue/, tvi 1 Six millions andseveml hundred tlu'is«at.d fraaesi Ibc nun. nut i> 1
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  • 756 3 ■n iln<« •f ti.e mcd o :i i in llie I Oof a ;.iios ml, :i« I liw lut in 'he ar Inaiu .i itruchf he ll i! cm- I 111 I b-en VSMJSMMjd. wever, li«Te bee* atreed] inoou Sir \N i mi Anu- winch ■noiii;ii the most
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  • 1869 3 In such a campaign rs the Fe leral army is n >w open n>> in A'nerica the moveuinll mu«t l>c necesg irily glow and cautiou-. Pne masacs >i< troops to be moved »re imm-ue, their o-g niiz-.tioii, in e;.iti> of tlie jj.>olwil| an 1 imtual
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  • 88 3 BANK RATKS OF EXCHANGE. liOD.ion ti montlis' m^lit Hit. do. 1 ea 4«. 7J</. do. 1 do i: 6)il. l)ttn»n I a*. OMesata a swte'atfM >r ttnm boinl.ay ili 2'2f ilu <lo M.drita ie i2S. da 'lo 1 i 11 dv 4 per cent .1 mourn
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  • 21 3 Sorer<tj{iiii ti 7 la«sOsUssas %^7o a i"i\ p«r» 100 1 asaiMMTt Kupcea no >ilij{i(iL>ri, 14 h Junr, IMS.
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  • 18 3 Benatw at pst h-st Brkej in. inMal«s d... P.ttliH liiiinilial. S, r. 14th June, 1.m,:.
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  • 719 3 AUK V \l,<. Sunday. 8 h Ju c. British ISM cr n 1..11 v 175 to n, Wright, corn nan ler, Pc 111^. asd MU.-i ftth Jsiie Hir -li I. V VWilah, Noko.lali aSaMMßawf Pi .1 n llsl Msy. Itri i-li -li 1 1 Iskun.lei Sha', 1 169
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  • 596 3 Sim.»- Samks. Captain. Fu.iKuß.o. Ton Whiu F»o» Cohsionim oa loints Dmtiwtiom Kifle'^r" J. W. Reed Man-of-war 486JJune 11 Enßltnd iara.en IbmNM H. M. ichooner Surveying Government Surveying ■wotwe^*"* 1 Lefraper Krench steamer 1 300 June 4 Saigon French Consul Saigon Ecl'o Ourtune French steamer --.J«ne I» Saigon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 374 3 li K si\ 11 anl las 1 lie. n. C.l (■< il'.riu 1■ v I uf Hi i-cttS >n vv 1 I tai>c p .c. v 1 vii•AMI llol'-B 1111 111 »l-> aid iiid Hi' BSte "ii. l *27tii J'i' <' nt'Xi at r.,hi o'c< 11. each tVtl.!|l K Ull
      374 words
    • 660 3 NOTICE. T'l! nr.derniifi ed bavx received instruction! to •ell by public auction, 00 th* premise* of Mrsarn ih» p. assl O. Company at New Harbour, n Tsassey 17th instant, al 11 a. m., prvoisely the following K ood». A fast niling Teak built f'«re ami aft riggad schooner of
      660 words
    • 635 3 NOTICE. V'KirHEll Capt4lh Mot lib, nor Owner, if the Ha novei is n bnrqaa Jminm Bront will be responsi ble for aw debt or debU contracted by Ik- Ore during Ihe shipe stay m |ort Sinunpore, -Jnd May ISMI noticeT~ LL claims again* the bute of th* late IV I'APrAlir
      635 words

  • 78 4 .ptio i to the Daily Ti For one yea* >. *O «ii months r.ach C*py~ Cent»2& The Weekly Edition of the STRAITS TIMES, will be published every Saturdaj afternoon. Subscription to the Wrekly Times: Annually x Half yearly Quarterly One month i Saeb Copy 3a Aa-vertisementa and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 507 4 issr i:\vk. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, j,tiH rIRK AN i> 1.11 1 A" aI HOMK AM' AhHoAD. ED IN r BY SPECIAL A< 1 «'X PARLIAaIBWT. CAPITAL-£1.259 760. Tn Tweni' "f t |;i Company waa haW on th- Mh ii-t.»t, and lha loilowin- ii aali.rt ahauaal <>r ue lac year ending
      507 words
    • 840 4 lI'K \W RPOOL ami LONDON HRE -I) 1.11 I. IN^l RAN' F o\||» VN Y'S i .J.MI, UW6. 18a*. tt.enu... Fire Pn-mltimt C2«».o«i'>...lncreai»... t.<;:,ol* 11u.v0v... Inrraaw... Jd.iKHi :'7,uiki lajaamv. '•<** «0.»(Xi... I I .05»,006...I B ere M€ .2fi,,(io# l*RMpeclu>ni an,!U.i:iii of Propmal to bo had m appllea ''on. Tlw Income
      840 words
    • 945 4 LEA AND PERKINS VTEL) BAUCB PROMOOMOKO BY pNMOISSEI TO BI Till. O..LY GOOD 3AUC\MI Al'l'l.K ir.l.K TO ITBII TAftlfcTY OF DMB. A $f it l.riir r> i i i BfaaVaad Paa/le. ■/.I him, lt> Ins In .U-/,,15.-,1. << '1 BLLLeaaad Peariae thai adi I i ia mv opinion, i irall
      945 words
    • 1029 4 OAUTIOS kwAIMST COUWTERFEI i .</ It. and J.. Pei and C'». M aJLri to ear/, irmw« r, and ■'■•<( 7, y the proprietor*' Meem It. LPaaai aad are only to he eeiiMiltt-a at ihtir laaUaaaa, N,>. U Baraaai stri el mi OftKATHT MI.DKAL DISCOVntV »>i- TUI AOB. l> BRET'S CORDIAL
      1,029 words
    • 811 4 Meaara. WHAWPOA AND COS. \nviiM i -i:\:: s i. 1 M^*<OP*T ■tfenKra. WMAMl'o.x Co. hnve atwya aa Sale aa <■ VflW (ids .nib Cromn. Teai v eompr kinjt, ÜBpowder, 1 Soaehoag, r«ankaj, kr. of thr flrat cdop and j m'!,i-'iml qn litir*; Mi^an -m« aad refined i Canton aad Chiu-ehea
      811 words
    • 419 4 trr s ,mV at y?«B^BB^BB^I •>. -^.iQ. ■bHSSA aaHaß^maHß AMMCNITJOX. Eley's Ammunition For Sporting or Military Purposes. DOI raaf CaaaaJ I -rtrnlu.'s for llillin«G ,kl t .i i breaob Loading t irlridgi i qu..niy f,.r .>h,.t Uuns 1 wmtrmettn th, n Depmrtmemi fur Swtmtt jtrmt Ammtmii Uifln si,,. li Tabea,
      419 words