The Straits Times, 30 September 1856

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 461 1 Kir riu» > -i. r»rs lit .fit.. f 4 1, LIST OP IKTICLBB FOR SALE vi nil: COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMKltri kX MUTAEE- SINGAPORE. Outfitting Department. foot*, akucm, an I slipprr*. I' .ri« and L<>ni<>'' madi*. Ik, an.l otton Buttum Naval and B«r< titt. C.dring f the
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    • 508 1 or .♦<■., Muslin Gloves -Frearh Kid, Whitr *l c'»lour rd. White and coloured silk, db thread Parasol i —silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, »atm, benn* l «nd children's, a *;reat a»»ortment 'I hreid cotton on re«U, Silk, tapen. l>.bb<* Needle*. Pins, crochet Threaed and aredle* Habiet' Hoods and
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    • 796 1 Me«.ni WHAMPOA AND COS ADVERTISEMENT, WHAMPOA Co. hnve always un L Shl«* hii extensi**- anil choice assort ment of ihe following goods, selected specially for their Stores. "IKILKfIAMC KKIAILOt mil XX IMtRTATION. itlUUnrrp iftootrrn. Article* for the Work Table: Balxanne dressea; bonnet* of ike latest modes, from l'»nr Chemisette* f
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    • 813 1 AOBMTS London P. Algar 4 Street Hongkong Armat ong A Bkta*ia— Lang* 4 Co. [rence NOTICE CUHSETJEC FROMWOaZE. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from Ihe firm lately carrying on Trade and hnsiness under the style of Little, CiirsktJKK A Co., and he has this day estahliihed himself as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 805 2 MauiU No. I and 4 I, Maa '".1 W.IM, Hi im boxes «»<f cake«; camphor wood irunks; crown*, >" r laa s^rTKws; dressinn «ritinf; fowling pieces, »ingl« n<l •1;: b«rfel p:»iol», irutipowdcr »nd binlmit null f..r n»»al cap*: u«is, M«nil»;, bridle* md girlUs; .ndi«n k .ii *nd liaiißinp;
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    • 636 2 CALCUTTA ME.<CANT.LE NlAKltft. INSURANCE 3OCIETA 'I^HE Undesigned, Laving been appointed Agents for the above Society, are prepared to take risks and grant policies, payable in Loudon, Calcutta, Rangoon, China and ftingspore. BARIIXB MOSES. Singapore, 30r/ Sept. 1854. MONARCH FIRE A O LlFt ASSURANCE COMPANY LONDON 'pllK Undenogaed lia-f beca appointed
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    • 719 2 ON A Choice Selection of JAPAN-WAKE ALSO Japan Soy, Zaki and Chutnee. CUKSETJEE CO. Singapore, 2sth April, 1856 [uc] ex "pilgrim: CLOCKS, 8-days, in semicircular cases, with pillars and pearled <;hiss in doors. 30 ilnur Clocks, in Walnut cases, plate glass. 8-day Lever Time Pieces, in fancy 30 hour do.
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    • 671 2 Salt. ZINC Bheathiaj ant Nails— a very go. Beoaoanca] Substitute for Copper Sh or Yellow Metal— for Bartieakra n\<\>\\ < > JOZE D'ALMEIDA ft BONB Siu ap re, 2Stk May. IH5<) uc ~TO~IsET jrw 1 It i <>/ Years. rpHB Upper tloot of a Ooiloa-a ia Coaimercol I t hi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 664 3 IL3ST OR STOLEN, .s." at I'ulo Brani Wharf. 1 Miti fi. 15 month* old, up and Colour, ■its ot the hair. Mr. l'fi:vi s or ueJs infortnaiioi aa may party or --.iilen her will receive dollar* tiios. w. warn. WANTED A ,-MTirv of thr Ship liter the Vessel's »afc arrival.
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    • 810 3 A JMtfrt rttoiiH itemt'fty X"l; A MARVELLOUS AGK!! niUWAITfUTtfEM. THE GRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. tlit «iii ul a i.M.i. -i.»|.,, wr iu.lln.iik ul little "ii the surtact- of our bodies 1 hriugh these 'licit., when rulii't-'l aa. the skin, tt MttM to miy oman or inwar.i puit. DiaaajM of the Kidneys,
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    • 543 3 NOTICE. Ihe Undersigned ha* jum received i Mipply «.f i me excellent Dinaer >herry, lor tale at 8 6 pcrdoxen. JOHN LITTLE CO. i StHgtrpre, \st March, 1856. [ucj J A'jp~" Vhryßotite" Jjilk Umbrellas, bone rijg. Ditto Tubular do. Mazarine Paramatta of bexutifnl textureJOHN LITTLE k CO. \st March, ISoti.
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    • 636 3 Ear Vetttriar Hanging Argand Limps Hronied. of the be?t q iality, with KeeU, balance Bali*. Double Pulleys and rfo.ip Chain round H.mii .->ph -res, under Shades, Cut Knobs, Star Chimneys, ic. Bronzed Pillar Table Argand Lamps, with round Hemespheres, under Shades. Bronzed Reading Lamps. Bronzed 1 and 2 Light Arg%nd
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  • 74 4 SINOAPOHK: TIfKSDAV, StPT. 30TH, 1856. We have to announce the arrival of the following |>assHM L >,'is Sept. 24 per Raven from Malacca, J. H. Velge, E«q., Messrs. H. Velge, W. Neubronner, and Harper 26 por Nora from Borneo, Mrs. Amey. We have to announce the departure of
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  • 39 4 H. M.'s Steam-frigate Sampson, Captain Hand, from Portsmouth, arrived here on Saturday last. We believe the Sampson will relieve the BarraI couia, and the latter vessel will return to England, after being on the China station about four years.
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  • 64 4 The H. C. Steamer Hooghlu proceeded on Sa- turday last to Pulo Tingy, and its neigbourhood, for the purpose of intercepting— or rather scaring awn some piratical craft, which have been seriously interfering with the Native trading prahus. i Until the Despatch Gun Boats arrive from Eng- land and are
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  • 47 4 On Tuesday morning last H M.'s Ship Spar, tan, Captain Sir William Hoste, Bart., sailed on a cruize to the Coast of Borneo, and will be absent from this port about a fortnight. On the same day the H C. Steam-frigate Auckland, sailed for Sarawak and Labuan.
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  • 68 4 Wl have been requested to state, that a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Singapore Library, will be held at the Office of Mr.A. Logan, in Battery Road, on Wednesday, the Ist Proximo, at 2T. si. to receive the Report of the Managing Committee of the past year, to
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  • 76 4 The Criminal Session will commence on Friday next, the 3rd instant, at 11 a. M. There are, we hear, only 20 cases for trial, so that the Session will not probable occupy more than a week or ten days. We observe lhat as a preliminary step the ground or site
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  • 60 4 Wk learn from r. AH bin Sou Allie— the accomplished Musician who is now amusing the people of Hongkong, Canton, and Shanghai with the surprizing effects of his musical genius, that we may look for his arrival by the* next Mail Steamer from Hongkong, and that he will give a
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  • 131 4 By thefext Mail Steamer from Europe, the Revd. T. Mackenzie Fraser, a Presbyterian Minister, ib expected with his family, for the purpose of being permanently established here as the Minister of the Presbyterian portion of the community, which has very liberally undertaken to maintain that form of Church worship. Until
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  • 121 4 In the London Illustrated News of July 26th will be found a wood-cut sketch of General Butl terworth, as also of the Silver Memorial presen ted to him by the Inhabitants of Singapore there is also, in the same journal, a short review of the late Governor's career, which we
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  • 250 4 Coroner's Inqcest. On Friday last an Inquest was held on the body of a Chinese shopkeeper, who lived at Tanjong Katon<r, and who met his death the day bf for* under the following sudden and meiancholy circumstances -About 10 in the morning an African Arab went into the •hop where
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  • 603 4 Thk Hon'blb Mr. Church not merely left this station by the last mail steamer for Europe, but quitted Hngapore and the Straits for everl That stern necessity, ill- health, forced the severance of a tie which bound the late Resident Councillor to the interests of the Straits for a quarter
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  • 759 4 Governor and tlie Chief of the Bencoolea establishment, [a ls>> M r fh. llrc was directed 10 repur to what were call.- 1, and are still termed, the K Mlt r Settlements, where he became a .nemb,' of the civil establishment of Pri,i cc 'r Wales' Island, tMjftpm and \l
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 648 4 FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. 11 T HB Britißh b rk FATTEL GAtAJL 1 LEKL, Captain Tho». Pattiw MA son. 272 Tons Register, and will earSingapore iimd Sept. 18(6 Captain R. B. Durham, from to Hongkong, may be f^Haagß expected at Singapore on or about the 2nd proximo. For Freight or
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    • 153 4 JUST RECEIVED, From West, Jeweller, London. GoM and Silver Watches. Wedding and Guard Ring*. Udiea Pearl, Emerald, Ruby, Garnet k Onyx Ring* Ladin Broochot, a large auortmeot. os4i Locket*, do. White Cornelian Stud* and Gold do. Waiatout Button*, an assortment. Pebble HraoeleU, gold mounted. do. Uroochea. Gold and Plated Watch
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  • 1299 5 can be appreciated and properly estimated I by all who have IwMtM in Singapore for a greater or less |>eri<>d during the nineteeii ytar* Mr. Church held the offici UN latp Ommnmr, Ocneial Buttenrorth, was fully M-nsible of the ffreat value of the MrviMt mhita Mr. Church was able and
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  • 2735 5 4" n ,°*tto protracted ptriei I have presided in Cornrt, and for the kind expressions towards me recorded ia your letter under ackswwledjreaent. I have, *<■.. (M.I T. Cmi*c*,-JUdi Ctumeiilf. Singapore, the Uth October, l«si. The next addir-sK. or lather letter, is from 'he Cotnuiiiire ol the S.ilorV Horn*, of
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  • 1191 5 learnt that your official connection with .Singapore is about to terminate, ue«ire raapealfully to express the hitfh sense ihry entertain of the teal and txwului!) with which you have discharged your public duties during the many yean you have ailed the Office of Resident Councillor at tliii station. The Chamber
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  • 255 6 HaMaJ bu long been in the habit of infesting the suiter ftresilenciet. especially Ca > utta. with the runagate* of it* army,— officers aud geutlemen at nboae uotion of that noble c ■.ulnuatiou of cha- 1 .;i•lin th ir proceedinga, ihe qaiH 1 Uacha stand amazed. It is probably
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  • 740 6 Tub editor of the IVaiH lurrrer haa been innt authority, ihat there is to be a Public Prosecutor to be appoiated at U mbuy. Our conteiiiporiiry hears '.hat Mr. Edward Howard a app liitmcui, and he objects tl 011 the ground that the otlice should be hcl Oaiy a
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  • 11231 6 Tv» EipoßT\Tiox of Silver to the East.— The constant, ettiux of silv.-r to tbe East continues to form oue of the most rtmiaAable monetary phenomena of the time, and is attrao'ing increased P| attention at (>resent, 0:1 account of a wel -founded belief that, c upled with aud
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  • 117 8 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Sept. 22 Siam lirij- Ariel, Nakod.ih, Siam Sept 3. 23 Dutch bark Hamadany, Mackenzie, Batavia Sept 4 24 British brig Raven, Baumgarlen, Pinang Sept. 15 and Malacca. v .i —H. C. steamer Wright, Malacca Sept 23. French ship Success, Monnerot, Bordeaux June 3. French ship Viillanl, Luturc, Melbourne
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  • 180 8 Sept 18— A merit in bark Hollander, .MilUti, Boston. 22 -French bark Augustine, Jellobart, Alaunlius. Sept. 23 IF. C. S. V. Auckland, Proughl E>q., Sarawak and Lahuan. m British brig Arraluon Apcar, Smith, China. 24 British schooner Peacock, Nakodah, Pmang. i Brilisli Lark Kdgar Atlieling, Clarke, London. French bark
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  • 71 8 111, I'UKIMIl.l'i \l..Mlli,cr. -.11l „14». 1 Oil. lPfd. 3 <*n Calcutta fttf loU7| lv l" r '^olUra. On China par to I per cent premium li..mli.iy Ml .1 ,v. ai(bi Kg. J2t> per Kio .1 ,rs Syce* >nii'i in >J |ii i <->ii pi <in i nin &fe|tanf'»
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  • 214 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. IF Tin Jit An liiioii) Oir i. 2. 10< |„-i JO QdMliicff £2. 10-. a 3. Penrl S-.g.» 3. India Ruljlier X Jv.go 2. 10s. a 3. Siig'«i £2. 1d.,, B (jUIIH Jf 3. Jollee in I>.i«- £3. per IScWI. HI sick Pepper £3. ..,-r
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  • 464 8 NATIVKCItAFI. BRITISH-Good Luck, B itomar"t.~s»amd .nny. Jadul Knrriu.. r<-'H-Gan Kiatn. Brekat, Fatar Azee, Pooh Guan, Zaphcr, Ki.n Tiang Tyo, Apt Mas, Han-kce treat Bjuyah, Beamliag Seng, Eng Guan, Murdoo, Klgeren. k SIAMESE— Arrow, Kirn Peck Guet, Chinaman. i ARAB-F.rlu.ol K.reia. Jxlul K=. r ..m. EusimV... Fnize
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