The Straits Times, 24 March 1855

Total Pages: 2
9 10 The Straits Times
  • 7 9 Straits Times Extra Saturday, March 24th, 1855.
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  • 616 9 Arrival of the Mail. Timt.s Office, March 21th, 1855. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam- urm i, Captain Robert?, arrived here this day t 9 a. m. having left Bombay on the sth inst. Galle the 15th and Pinang the BsJ instant. We „nr>* a list of passengers an rL
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  • 814 9 [From ouk own Corbkspondkst.] Malta, tDtk Jun. 1855. Shortly after the dejMTfcm of last mail it was j rumoured that the Czar had accepted the four inpoatioM made by the Allies, without reserve, W from the silence which has succeeded this intelligence it is feared no fail!* could be placed
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  • 816 9 Malta, lith Feb., 1855. From the file of the papers I am sending you by this mail, you will sic how hard up we are here for news from the Crimea. Although arrivals tike place weekly, and sometimes twice a week, from Constantinople, the only report that reaches is that
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  • 2092 9 (FROM OUR OWN CoBaESPONDEKT.) London, 25th Jan. 1855. Once more the Great Metropolis resounds with the busy strife of political warfare. The hostilities that have faded from the ear and died away ice bound and frost bitten in the Crimea, seem to have warmed into vitality ana found a more
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  • 3501 10 London, February 9th, 1855. You will scarcely be surprised at the intelligence borne t« you by this present mail. My last must have prepared you for a disruption in our political -world indeed the first brick of the ministerial edifice had given way, when I wrote you on the 25th
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  • 1084 10 Mincing Lane, Ith Feb. 1855 The improved tone of the Tea Market, quoted k 0 iasue of the 6th ult. has been fully maintained, and' h even increased as far as regards the good and fine <\ ni ties of Congou; of which there has been at
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  • 79 10 Arrived Jan. 8 Archer, Henry Ellis, and Ida Elizabeth, China; 10 Matilda, China; 23 Cairngorm, China; 26 Julian de Uuzueta Manila, Euterpe, Batavia 29 Adjustor, Batavia. Feb. 5 Esk, Manila 6 Red Gauntlet, China William aud Jane, Canton. Departed.— Jan. 8 Vision, Siugapore: 10 Patna. China
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