The Straits Times, 4 July 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 919 1 KATE* nt SUHRCRIPTIOW Annually.. »p. L»rs. 16 Half-Ycariy.. 9 (juarterly.... -5 one Month.. 14 A Single Copy One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLEB FOR SALE VT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO, ,)M MERCI AL SQUARE— SING APORE. Outfitting Department. Foots shots, and slippers, Paris and London made. B-MM-^-BlMtic, silk,
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    • 565 1 Ny Lind. *c Muslin Gloves— French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk, <* thread Parasols silk, plain, aud figured llibbons— silk, satin, bonnet and children's, a great assortment I Thread cotton on re»ls. Silk, tape«, bobbin ,Needl»>s, Pins, crochet Thread, and ncrdles Babies' Hoods and Hats silk and
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    • 773 1 Me«r». WHAMPOA AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. Ttlessrs. WHAMPOA <fc Co. have always on Sale an extensive anil choire assortment of the following goods, selected xpecially for their Store§. WHOLESALE RETAIL Jfc fOR EXPORTATION. iHUliurrn Ar lt)<K>irrn. Articles for the Work Table: ifalzarme dromes /fuinu'ts of the latest modes, from I'aria Chemisettes
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    • 826 1 f AGENT*. London F. Algir Co < Calcutta— ThatKer C». [rencf j Honaiknuß— Armst ong A Law- Bata»ia— Lang, 4 Co. NOTICE CURSSTJEE FROMMORZE. HEREBY gives Nolirc llial he ha^ withdrawn from the firm lately carrvini; on Trade and business under the style of LITTLB, CdrsriJke Jb Co., and he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 769 2 coats and jackets; cipars, Manila No. 3 »d 4 cigw case, Manila and China; colors, oil and water in Un boxes and cakes; camphor woo* 1 trunk*; crowns, for naval caps; dinner »nd tea services; dressing case, desks, travellers writing; fowling pieces, singe and double barrel pistols, gunpowder and birding
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    • 614 2 A N Experience? ?TEAM BOAT ENGIA HEKR.for the Netherlands India Steam Company at Batavia. A liberal salary will be allowed. *P% IACLAINEtl ACLAINEt FRASER co Singapore, 12th June, 1864. NOTICE IS hereby given, that E. A pel, of the firm of E. Apil Co. Singapore, and G. Dawson of the
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    • 1098 2 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. «>- SURPRISING CURB OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA AFTER rIVE YEARS SUFFERING. The following testimonial Ims been sent to Professor Jlolloway, by a Gentleman named Middleton, of Scotland Road, Liverpool. Sir,— Your Pills hate been the mesn*. under protidence, of restoring me to »ound he«lth after five years of
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    • 1068 2 HOLLOWAY'S 111 YMtU A MOST ASTOMSHINfiCURE OP Scil'>KU.t» l i ULCKRS:— A CASK CKRTIfiKD BY THK MAYOR or BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq.. Mayor of Boston Lincolnshire. To Professor Hollow iy, Dear Sir. Mrs. Sak\h Dixox of Liquorpond Street Boston, baa this day deposed before me
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 586 3 PENINSULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S OFF3CE. Battery lload Sinyapore. MAIL, fflj^v LIN-S, OUTW^KD MAILS. TUB Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ship POITINGEU," with the European Mails of the Blh June may be expected en route to Hongkong and Shanghai, on or about the 16th. instant. Application for Freight
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    • 674 3 TRIESTE ROUTE. OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the 4th or sth of every month and an arrangement has now
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    • 1099 3 *ft fton Cl RFS without medicine, i\. <MI,UUU COSYEXIEKCE OR EXPENSE, BY W\V BAHRY'I delicious KEVALENTA ARABIC* FO JD, save* 50 tune* its MM in other means ot cure au«l ih the naturul remedy which hits obtained 50,000 testimonials uf cures from the Kight Hun. the Lord Stuart de Dears,
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    • 622 3 and bladder, »uch v stone or gravel inflammatory irhiaiiou and cr.imp of the urethra, cramp of the kidneys and bladder, strictures and hemorrhoids. Thi« really invaluable remedy is employed with llie mow satisfactory result, not only in bronchial and pulmonary complaint*, where irritation and pain are to be remov!ed, but
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  • 174 4 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, July 4th, 1854. We have to announce the m ival of the follow. me passengers June 28 per Mac aswr from Batavi., Mr. »t,d Mrs. Sehill, Messrs. Jardine, longe, Perch, Petry ani Stewart; perChusan from Hongkong, Messrs. Norie and Bo wen; 29 per Singapore from Hongkong,
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  • 20 4 Thk P. and O. Cos. Steam-ship Madras, hence for Australian ports, reached Adelaide on May 13th en toute to Sydney.
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  • 37 4 Captain "Weissenhohn, of the Bremen brig Louise Ccesor, reports having seen a large ship of 2,000 tons, on the North of Gaspar Straits with boats alongside taking cargo out and a vessel on the Frederick Sin ml
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  • 18 4 Tub large vessel wrecked in Gaspar Straits is reported to be the Abergelaie, from England bound to China.
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  • 48 4 Captain Wrrry, of the British Queen, reports having spoken in Torres Straits, the schooner Lightning of Singapore, Bathe master, belonging to Messrs. Bing, Brown Co., of Macassar; had on board 50!) piculs of tripang the crew rather mutinous, and nine men blown away in a gale of wind.
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  • 158 4 Captain Bell, of the George Arery, reports the following: May Uth. the Ottadina of Shields, from Melbourne fcr Batavia, Hi days out, in a leaky state having been on, shore on the Alert Reef: remained in company with her six days, parted with her at Booby Island. Also in company
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  • 89 4 Captain Crockett, of the Lanrick, r«ports that on his passage from China, off Hainan, the Lanric/c was chased by five west coast junks, apparently well armed, and with a large number in crew on board. The well-known clipper qualities of the Lanrick enabled her to beat to windward clear of
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  • 217 4 Singapore Sailors' Homi:. On Tuesday last there was an annual meeting of the subscribers and friends of the Homk, held at the News Room, the Hon'ble Thomas Church, Esq. in the chair. The Honorary Secretary, T. H. Campbell, Esq., read the Annual Report, which, on the motion of Mr. Guthrie,
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  • 66 4 W« again direct the attention of those whose business it is to look after the cleans- ing of the town, to the disgraceful state of the lower steps of all the landing places on Commercial Square side of the river. Tavern Street and Almeida Ghauts are almost ankle-deep with human
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  • 248 4 Thb annexed paragraph, extracted from the Calcutta Morning Chronicle, will somewhat surprise our local readers, who are in total ignorance of the progress of sea-defences referred to by our contemporary. "The Boa-defences of Singapore are progressing under the direction of an Officer of the Madras Engineers, who is mounting the
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  • 394 4 Resident Professional JvtML On the night of May 22nd Sir Erskine Perry presented to the House of Commons the Petition praying for judicial reform, and in the Daily 2VMN o f the following day appeared the subjoined notice Judges at SiMiiroKK. By Sir T. K. Perry, from the inhabitants of
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  • 535 4 Calcutta papers to the 17th June have been received per Formosa. The Govi rnor General has appointed July Kith as a solemn fast-day, to implore divine aid for a speedy termination of war, and devoutly to pray for the restoration of peace. The Lord Bishop Metropolitan has composed a special
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  • 709 4 China— The P. and O. Co.'s steamship Singapore, Captain Baker, arrhed here on the 29th of June, having left Hongkong on the 22nd. By this opportunity no later news has been received from the northward, nor was it known whether the Admiral aud Sir John Bowring had reached Shanghai, for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 764 4 ICE DEPOT. ICE can be procured at the Depot, near the Assembly Rooms, from 7 till U o'clock in the morning, AND FROM 3 till fi o'clock in the afternoon, (Sundays excepted.) Token 3 for quantities of 2 lbs,, 5 lbs. and 10 lbs. can be obtained at the godowns
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  • 606 5 Java— Hatavia. Hy the Dutch steamel Mi'ftssar we have received letters and uewtyapwi to the 21th ultimo. The 1\ 0. Co.'s steam ship Nonvi, with the Australian Mails, reached Hatavia on the 21st at 6 P. M. and sailed ayjain M the 22ud at Ip. m. The Chinese schooner Time,
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  • 72 5 Tunes Office, June 'iOth. 1854. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam ship EKIN, Cdptain RoGKRS, arrived here this day at 1 p. m., having left Bombay June 16lh, lialle lhe 22nd, and Pinang the 28lh instant. We annex a list of passengers For Singapore, Dr. Heyning. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey,
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  • 580 5 uT By some unaccountable mishap, our Malta and Marseilles correspondence has not reached us. To Captain Marshall, we are indebted for the subjoined latest news from Constantinople Extract of a Letter from Constantinople dated 25th Mau 1854. On the 17th H. M. Steam ships Tiger, Vemvius and Niger were cruizing
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  • 1609 5 [Fbom oca own Correspondent.] London, Map 2ith, 1854. The great game of War, although played but slowly, nevertheless progresses, and if by this mail I am not able to chronicle any brilliant move on the Turkish or Russian board, 1 may still be able to show that the players are
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  • 735 5 '•BfcDNEt'g TtLKGRAPHIC KxPRKSS.] Copenhagen, Trieste, May 27th, 1854. hits arrived here (n.May. -The Fulton steamer the British fleet uiiufcickliolro, ami reports that proceeded northward, and c Charles Napier had taken Boosmersand, ou tl:e islar 12th instant hat* Berlin, 22nd May.— Tlie frigaie" -Aland, ed with ti captured Russian ships at
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  • 2715 6 The long continued series of easterly winds at such an unusual period of the year for their j>re- valence has at length given way to a fresh of the South-west monsoon, which, since Monday last, has been blowing in furious gusts with heavy ruin and sirnie thunder and lightning.
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  • 104 6 Statement of the number of Men admitted ir>io the Hom c from July 1853 to June 1854. Th« returns are made up to the J!Oth of ea-h month. On June 'JOth. 1854, there were in the Home, Boarders H l>istresi*od Total 20 Months Oflcrn. Kfatnra Bo*idrr> Total
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  • 420 6 AUtract of the nHMbtr <>f Ofi:<rs ami Mm Shipjtd from Jnly 1853 to Jane 14---!.I 4 After deducting the rx|«nse«, an rent, a cl«rk, &c. on- half the net amount of fees N paid over to the Sai lore' Home, the other moiety is paid to
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  • 896 6 —Within the past week the dies for three medals have been sunk in London (and by an English artist), intended as decorations for the Russian aimy of il, nat| and proof medals have been, we are iiiormeJ struck in copper. The largest of ihoM nied il>* which
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  • 966 7 Singapore 30(A June, 1854. TheRR has been a fair demand during he fortnight for manufactured goods and D roduce suitable for the China Markets, md m the prices of such articles a slight advance has taken place. In other articles of I'roduce there is little change to
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  • 1205 7 Alum. No imports; a fair demand exists, and first arrivals will readily bring 110I 10 to 1 J per picul. Arrack. U.i.avia in good demand,— market cleared— worth 13 to 13^ per half leaguer. Bees' Wax. Imports from 10th inst. lo the 25th inst. 44 piculs; good bright
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  • 308 7 ExroBTS June 12th. To Boston by the American bark Fmelon 1,787 pis and 53 ctys gwnbier, 94 pis camphor, 102 pis and 67 cty* gutta June 15th.— To Liverpool by the British bark Metropolit 3,3(53 pis and 50 ctys gambier, 1,681 pis and 91 ctys sago flour, 844 pis and
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  • 139 7 Anjer Shipping JVmoi.— Passed through U» StraiU of Sunda June 2 Flora Hamb.) Singapore for Hamburg 3 Merse, Canton for London 4 Bella Gallega (Span Liverpool for Manila 5 Samuel Appleton (Am.) San Francisco for Calcutta 6 Fatahool Salam, Hongkong for Melbourne Ocean Bride, Hongkong for Melbourne Eureka (Am.) Whampoa
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  • 958 7 Highly Important Information concerning China. It is mnderstood here that the government has received information from an intelligent private gentleman lately returned from a remdence of several yean in China, of a very important and interesting character. Among other things, it appears that our late minister to the Celestial Empire
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  • 733 8 |f»CT*7 Imar, London, May 22nd, 1854. There -j^irH to br more general confidence felt in mir p.: it adoring the month; the funds have been steadily a 'v-uving, and there has been an absence of the excitement which marked the transactions of last month, and lowered the
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  • 379 8 June 27— Brit, brig Brittomart, Nakoda, Pin. ang June 20. Dutch schr. Yunut Vasur, Do. Samarang May 24. n »> Brit br 'g Lanrick, Crockett, Macao June 2. 28 Do. schr. Marie, Jtnkins, Pcdier Coast June 24. Do do. St. Peter, Godel, Adelaide, May 15. n n
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  • 378 8 (ON GOODS) VOYAGES UY SAILING VESSELS i'er rent To Great Britain 24 t<> 3 Continental Sorts in Europe 2| to 3 Macao, Cutn»iu«mouii mil sailing between JO«h June Hongkong or and Ut Marcu 1( W hawpua Amoy, during lii« abovt period re»|>rctiveljr i
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  • 179 8 V essels Expected from Europe. Antilla Carr Liverpool Boadicea Jupp Olavgow 10 Apri Benjamin Sanier Dulo Eliw Thornton Maxwell London 17 Mar. Fleda Matheson Glasgow Gustav Adolph Hamburg Gwalior London 18 May John Bibby Oates Liverpool 2 Feb Lim» Peters Hamburg Magdalena Klein Liverpool Milheiro 2nd. I'alha Hamburg Margaret M
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  • 86 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Tin 2. 10 jicr JO cwt. (iamhier in bales 4. Sago Flour 4. Black pepper 4. 10 per Ifi cwt. Measurement Goods 4. 10 per 50 cubic ft (iutia Tuban 4. 10 m-r 20 cwt. MONEY MARKET. On England 6 Months crediu at 4s. Ud. dr.
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  • 65 8 Arrival*. From Singapore May 12 Hilda 13 Harriet and Sir .Bevoia. From China— May y Androklos Joseph Fletcher. 10 Clyde. 11 Armais. K.ito Kearney. 15 Canute. 18 British Tar. 23 Tamerlane; Confucius 24 Fljing Dutchman. Departures.— for tfcWapOM May 13 Sully. 18 Gwalior. 21 Nassau NerbudJa.
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  • 1329 8 —The Government have favoured us with another "little account" for army and navy expenses. The document assumes the usual shape of supplementary estimates, the first chapter of which relates to the army, and annoim an intended augiucntat'ou ot 11.2*; I men of all ranks, the cost
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  • 337 8 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH— Futty Mo.nharick. Jilnl Iviri.n, BUval Amil, Dolphin, Flit" bany, Futtaßarie.K. C. Bux, Kirn Soon Hin, SiJerU, Albatross, Elinbeth, Johanna, Hj I Ally, Erin, Abbotslord, Brittomart. DUTCH— Serrio, Pospah. Futtv Hoks.'ii<?. Futtl- Fryman, Futtal Hair. Ori-in, F.irtal Hair, B kengtian, Chan Gum, Yumat Yasur,
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