The Straits Times, 7 February 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 770 1 robs nr .riwoaiiTion rtt/nisllv. Sp. Dr.. 16 1 H»lf- Yearly.. 9 f '.'uarteriv. i'ne Month.. U A Single Copv One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE C 0 3IMISSIOX ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE k CO. COMWERCIAL-SQUARE.-SINCAPORE. Outfitting Srpartmrnt. T00,.. and slipper. P.ri. and Lor. J J£^Z race rEUstic
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    • 802 1 Have always on Sale an extensive ami choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores WHOLCftALB RKTAII, FOR KXPORI'ATfOy. MILLINERY tfg HOSIERY Articles for the Work Table Berlin Wool of assorted colors S*U»rine dresses Caps, Cuffs. Collars of Knglish A Manila Bonnets of the latest modes, from
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    • 461 1 f AGENTS. I London— F. Algar MCo Calcutta— Thaoker and Cn (Chins— Drinker Co. B»tavia— Lange Co. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SAI»E At the general ware.kooms of W. G. KERR CO. (Adjoining the Oriental Bank) Singapor4. LADIES APPAREL. White and colored Glace Silk, Satin A Tarlatinn< Bonnete always on hand,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 582 2 Silk globes. Knitted boots. ■Hack and bronze kid shoes with straps. Sky and pink Silesia suitable for cloaks. ARIiCI.KS FOIt THE TOILETTE. Brushes— hair, nail, tooth and flesh. Combs— of Torloiseshell,horn A ivory in variety Powder boxes and puds. Hair and tooth powder. Turkey Sponges Eau de Cologne, Lavender-water and
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    • 1061 2 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS i U.V ASTONISHING CUKE OF A DISOUI): BED I.IVER WITH A VIOL K NT COUCH AND GENKRAL BELANGEMENTOI- THE SfTfITKM. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Trehurne, Chemist, Carmtrthen.'dated September IUfA, l»a*To Professor HOLLOWAY, Dhak Slit- I am happy to inform you that «JW ft** tamed Pills have
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    • 1074 2 INIMOWVn OINTMENT EXTkAORDINAKV OVUU KFFF.CTKD BT KOLLOWAt OINTMI.NT AND iMLLS. Copy of a Letter from George Breton, Esq.. Deputy Collector of Customs, ilatcd Allahabad. Jan. 2-Uh, 1852. Tft Profkmok Holloway, My DbakSiu- llavin- f>r scviral ye»r« Jiast u-.e<l your Till* and Oiiitmoiit with unfailing? succi-ss, 1 D*g ttavc tomctftion a
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    • 517 2 LITHOGRAPHY. pVERY ileicription of Job work, in Lithogia- phy, ;is Noes, Circulars, Bills of Lhcluiij n<l ExcliHiige, Prices Currfnf, Plans, Drawing Sty.. ext'circd ;it the Straits 'Times Press with neatness ;m.l (lespHtrh. COPPKK-PLATI PRINTING. Invita'ion an<l visit ing Canls, Ai:c. itc. printeJ at Ihe Straits Timet Pretts in Cuinmercial Square
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 567 3 TRIESTE ROUTE. OVERLAXI) ROUTE VIA TRIESTZ. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Nacigdl tion Compcini/s Imperial Mail Steam Packe leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 honi s after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the lllh of every month and an arrangement
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    • 650 3 THE LONDON ORIENTAL STEAM TRANSIT INSURANCE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED IN 1843.) $3frt>'\l THE Undersigned are prepared to accept Risks (covered r*y iT^t' i ■JtWbJ^''""'" P°'' c es w"' 1-oiK'on l^^&3sZ& Insurance Companies) l>y the Peninsular and Qiiiiil Steam Navigation Comi pany's and the Hon'ble the East ludia Comriany's j Steamers, or
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    • 942 3 NOTICE. JMi .OVRSSTJ££ FROMMffaZG. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of LITi'LR, ConsKTJhf, dfc (.0.. and he has this day established himself as a General Dealer, Commission Agent and Auctioneer under the style of, CURSETJEE CO., AND
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    • 569 3 PENINSULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVJCATJON COMPANY'S OFFICE. Battei'y Road Sing apore. MAIL Tj|j^\ HNE3. oUTW*l.iti> MAILS. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation I Company* Steam Sh.p SINGAPORE," with the h'uropean Mails of ihe Bth Jan. may be expected en route to Hongkong and Shanghai, on or about the lGth insUnt Application,
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  • 17 4 Straits Times Singapore; Tuesday, FEB. 7TH 1854. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers:
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  • 193 4 Jan. 31 per Batavia from B.tivia, Mesm. Egholf, Muller, and .Doukinson Feb. 1 per Oange. from Hongkong, Messrs. Mendivel, kinnear, A. Bosnian, A. Bird, J. Willoughby, John, Maxey, G S Spreckley, and Macdonald, Colonel Marshall, G. Rusaell Esq. Captain Fitzgerald R. n., Dr. and Mrs. Me. Andrew, Dr. and Mrs.
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  • 47 4 Cargoes or CniMiNALJ.— On Saturday last the a Marquard Family" arrived here r om Akyab with 112 convicts, under guard of Lieut. Fiancis and thirty -<i»e sepoys. The ships Julia" and a Futty Salaam" are on tluir way from Bombay, *Hh convicts for this station and Pinang.
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  • 549 4 Now that the list of Justices of the Peace has been augmented by Ihe addition of nearly a doien gentlemen, we trust that on every occasion of a Quarter Session there will be a full Bench— three Magistrates at least. Fora long lime it has been tlic cuatom to intimate
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  • 1026 4 Om Thursday and Friday last Campong Glara and that part of the town was kept in a state of alarm in consequence of the riotous conduct of the Chinese, several thousands of whom had met for the purpose of determining by physical force quarrel of the most trivial nature,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 515 4 NOTICE r**m UNDERSIGNED have been appointed 1 Agents at thi* port for the Eastern Marine Insurance Company, and are ready lo «rant policies on shipments hence to any port In the United Kingdom,— payable m case of ioss on damage, either here, or at any of the following Ports, viz.,
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    • 496 4 SINGAPORE DIRECTORY FOR 1854 r l HIS day is pnblished and realy for delivery, the "SINGAPORE CALENDAR* DIRECTORY for 1851," containing the Government and other Departments, Public Institutions, Banking and Mercantile Establishments, Trades and Professions, List of Inhabitants, Ac. ALSO, The Contract Mail Schedules of the P, O Company— Trade
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  • 69 5 l.uipara Point 8. 17 15' \V., I.ucipara S. 50° 0 1 E.. St. Paul's berg, N. 72° 32 E Lisle first point.) The ulianuel is westward of ihe buoy, which can be closely neared. c hie," sa}s the Bode, indebted to the ki'.!(Jni ss of Capt, in R. Aschluud. of
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  • 253 5 On Sunday the Bth of January beinjr in S. lat. 24° 30', and E. lo ■>■•. 105° 50. with tine weather and a S, and S S. \V. breez'-, wr sow in the afternoon, at about hail past five .'clock, going at the rate of 3$ knots an hour, iarge
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  • 188 5 Malta" lo tne 1 8th of January, which announce that he P. and O. Company will commence n >.:i^ the mails between Bombay and Suez, in Sliarch next. The new establishment called the Mercantile Bank of Bombay" commenced husinese on January 3rd. on
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  • 295 5 Toic Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam »liip MALTA, Captain, arrived here on Tiigrsday last 1 P. M having left Bombay Jan, 18th, Ga'lleth. 2M, and Pinang the Ist mstant. We annex a list of passengers for Singapore Messrs. Gosh, Worthington, Davis, Mackinson, Davidson, Munoz, and P. C. B. >Mn
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  • 78 5 000 CnT W y f T e h&re rec ei"ed accounts from F^' m ple v Dot 15th i'te English and Sv n? tje'in^rrr fc the r thj and Sinom. 'Ann -t a the naval Ktlon "nuadrl P thC 3t Can 0r 'I TluF the wllol Turkish frW^ 6 tlreljr
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  • 920 5 m London, December 2 Uh, I 853. week-'ofu n CbriMtlnM E two or three Thin^ new f m^ tm g f f ParlLMnent *t would be some chaZr Th wthiagto., al>out Minister,^ nTw Rf 1 »r 0 ur 00Uatof hiB "PPwitiw, 'to the new Reform Bill
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  • 404 5 of the enemy, and nearly all the vessel* sunk with every •oul on board. Great blame is attache! to En -Maud and I ranou for allowing their ally, whom they had promned to protect, to be thus injured by Bwta It was expected that wheu the news reached Constantinopie the
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  • 685 5 (From the Alias India, l).-c. 21./ Hoxfs Affairs. I'll- fIWM iutkfeul since I our la-t U (lie rcii o 'iia :ii of Lwrd P.ilmeistou. it rii«s Times sucnifii lo li.iv.; some ..!i ,i.,i iui umiuoti 01 this siep, and t».>k great pains lo prove iMtd Palmerstou a Tor), and dial
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  • 995 5 I The following is private authentic information re|l JatiTe to the pi ints agreed upon ttetfreea the four I l wcr —1 Maintenance of the territorial intoi gnty and independence of Turkey. J. 'F'ho OlI mu^* c P ncC3si<) s »Dfl the modified" Vienna Xote to bo the basis of
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  • 321 6 In Frasck, a modification in their Cabinet und Lord Pulroerston's resignation are the topicß of conversion the latter event much regretted by the Emperor, who is said to have made up his mind to act alone in active defence of Turkey, should England not at once join him. Regarding Lord
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  • 796 6 Naval Ba/tl« or Sinopk— Total DksTRUCTION Of THK TCRKIBH FLKET.—ATtbmpt to pk»troy thb wholb of tub English and Frsncu Fleets at Constantinople. By way of Malta we have received full particulars of the recent disastrous nival battle at Sinope, which eventuated in the loss of 3,000 lulled and wounded,
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  • 2263 6 Constantinople, Dec. 15ih, 1853. The Levant mail arrived yesterday Uo-i--siantinople. The news by hens very deplorab. confirming our worst anticipations as lo the tate ut the Turkish fleet at Sinope. The gallantry manifested by the Turks opposed to force vl micii numeiiual S lrei.g<h,as to render
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  • 679 6 Mincing Lane, London Dx. 22*4. 15.53 Ix the Colonial mark its a decidedly better feeling prevails, more iUponition to operate hrn been evince i, and in many insfctnees pricos h.-»vs a haswad. On reference to the statement of deliveries of produce for home use during thy pant
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  • 1621 7 Junk arrived in Hongkong on Wedlast, only three woaka o:i her passage frorj the Gulf of Pccheli, and reports that when she lefc Tien-taioa that place was actually in possession >^i the rebel Amy, and tiiat Peking was closely in- Peking Gazct(rs have beta received to thy 1 1th
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  • 1304 7 Revolution ami 4 xkw Republic The aniKHincemcnt of the taking of Lower California by the Sonora Expeditionists, contained iv the news brought by the MMMattf (Joliali, will scarcely surprise the public. That step naturally bo regarded iis the first iv tlie train of consequence* nrising from the enterprise, aud
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  • 1928 7 November, 30, 1853. In declaring the Republic of Lu*-er Cjlit'onii i Free, Sovereign and Independent, I deem it proper to give the People of the United Sut.-i the reasois for the c-jurse I have taken. It is due to
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  • 181 8 Jan. 31 -Dutch steamer Batavia, Van Bisselick, Batavia, Jan. 29. Feb L aY and O. Co.'s steam vessel Chusan, Down, Bombay Jan. 18. —Do do. Ganges, Baker, Hoagkong Jan. 27. Biit. ship A. J. Kerr, Hodgson, Melbourne Nov. 28. Do. brig Dido, Youiigerman, Calcutta Jan. 15. Dutch
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  • 192 8 Jan. 31— Brit, bark Suraner, Reid, Hongu Do"* brig Shamrock, White, Melbourne. Dutch ship SUd Dordrecht, >an Haiten, Whampoa. „-Brit. schooner Pearl, Ward, Labuan. |J „_Do. brig Faire Robany, Nakoda, Karikal. —P. and O. Co.'s steam vessel Pekin, Grainger, Calcutta. Brit. schr. Syed Khan, Ogle, Macassar. Feb. I.— Part,
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  • 342 8 (ON G00D8) VOYAGES BY BAILINO VEB9ELB. Percent Te Great Britain Continental Perts in ttarope Cum?tn«moou and sailing between 80th June Hongkong or and Ist March 1| JU^^ring the above period respectively 2 and 2 SJaaXIT I Wtto Ditto.. 1, and 1, Hingpe
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  • 46 8 FREIGH TS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL 'fin none \>vr 20 cwt. (iamliier in Uiblteis none Ditto iailbiUefl 4. 10 Sxgo Flour £4. 10 Cotlee in Ijagit none Black pepper 5. per 16 cwL Measurement (j«tbd» 5. per 50 cubic ft (imi.i TuUin 5. 0 per 20 Cwt.
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  • 64 8 On Bngland ti Mouths credits at 4s. lid. to s*. per dr. On CaK utta 234 per luu dollars. Uouib iv W days sight Us- '235 per dollars 100 Sycee Silver 8 t«>3i per rent premium fur large Cumpaiiy'a Rupee* 230 per 100 dollars Java Kiipees (new) 'iBO
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  • 111 8 Alexander London Bella G»!iega iUner Liverpool Chebueto Kutsell Liverpool Christian Hull Couraiito Flanagan London Carl tun Gr.\cfc Graefe Liverpool Congo Dinse Hamburg I)e Ueiligc Ludffina Wiuch Nc» ca- tie DorUaua Me Uee Liverpool Flora Mar* Glover Londiyt (iratmere Yoe Liverpool Hiorna Uomou Mut-ida U. UJur.ia Deal
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  • 105 8 Clarissa Lyster Direct Margaret Shelly Pearce 20 Jan. Orcan Bride Shilitone Direct Rip«ima Anna Maria Heekford Direct From box bat. Futty Salam Jones via Pining Julia Purchase via Pinang s ing»porr Evans via Piuaag Vessels Expected rooM Cafe or 0000 Hora k Aktab Flora Tiedemaa VWBKLI
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  • 43 8 Arrived.— From Singapore. Deo. 18 Rajah of Sarawak. From Chin*.— Dee. 9 Eaccr 18 Granite City 20 Challenge. Departed,— ¥ot Singapore.— Dee. 10 Harland Hillebrandt; 12 DoriaaaaT; 14 Flora Mare; 19 BrouvertrouTen. For China.— Dee. IS Coraehi Wemard Edward.
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  • 1821 8 jJOqw* Stsambm.— At themeeting of the Institution y^tCmX Engineers on Tuesday, Mr. J. M. Rand«l,president, in the chair, the discussion on ocean steamers, reported in the D*Uy Smo$ of Thursday last, was resumed. With respect to the proportions of 6 to, 1 which had been derived from as ancient a
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  • 321 8 Bui, Ruby, Indian Qu^n. Suerte. K. C. Bux, Britomarl, Albalrou. B.lly DUTCH— Serrio. Pcpah, Fuuy Hokseng. Fultle R»ym«n, Futul Hair. MALAY— Sree Delhi, Faid Alium. BALLY— F.itel Kair. N V H I. Meaner British b»rk British ship British bark Dutch brig Dutch bne British brig
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