The Straits Times, 9 September 1851

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 876 1 KATE) OF gUHSURIPTIItK Annually. dp. Or«. 16 Half-Yearly.. 9 Quarterly.... S One Month... 5 14 A Sinele Coot— One Runee AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF COMMERCIAL-SQUARE.-SINCAPORE. &ABXBS AffffAfcßll,. Berlin wool of color. Jaconet— White and colored B ,ot» and shoes, English and French Linen— Fine Irish Bonneu direct from Fans,
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    • 820 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL FOR EXPORTATION. MLLINERY l£ HOSIERY Articles for the Work Table -Berlin Wool of assorted colors Balzarine dresses Caps, Cuffs, Collars- of English If anil Bonnets of the latest modes,, from
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    • 419 1 I/mdon— P. L. bimmoixlt A C iC«lcutU- Thicker and Co Chin»— Rawle, Drinker Co B*UTi»— Lange Co. I C. J. DARE A COS ADVERTISEMENTS G. J. DARE CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, I Auctioneers and Communion Affent*. WHOLES ALI AND HBTAII. Wine, Spirit and Beer Merchant*: BOAT QUAY: SINGAPORE. lIEG to announce
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 662 2 a medical Treatise on the Physiology of M;irri;ige, and on their Secret Infirmities and Disorders of Youth and Maturity, usually acquired at an early period Af life, v, hic'h enervate the physical and mental p>wers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feelings, and exhaust the vital energies of Manhood; with Practical
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    • 550 2 UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF AND THE AUTHORITY Of TUB rACDLTY HEATING'S Mm LOZEMGEN A CERTAIN REMEDY for disorders of the Palmonary Organs in Difficulty of Breathing in Redundancy of Phlegm in Incipient Consumption (of which Cough is the most positive indication) they ai c of unerring efficacy. In Asthma, and
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    • 576 2 MAIL LINE. PENINSULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S OFF3CE. Battery Road Singapore. mnPHE Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Pi-kin. Captain Baker, en route (<> Bombay, may be expected at Singa. pore about the Ist Proximo, tif the Peninsular A Oriental Company's Steamer with I'loEuiOpean Mails en route to China, about the
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    • 617 2 TRIESTE ROUTE OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIES T 2 THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Natinn tion Company's Imperial Mail Steam V^L\ leave Alexandria direct lor Trieste 24 ho., after the arrival of the Passengers by the lv a ,n sular and Oriental Company's Steamers from <J,,/ culta, on about the 11th of
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  • 4532 3 im; Peninsular and Oriental Company's Stnam-ship Pkkiv, Captain Uaker, arrived here Sept. 2nd at 10£ hrs. A. M., having left Bombay Aug. 18th. Galle the 251h. and Pinang the 31st. jn<t. We annex a list of passengers For Singapore. Captain and Mrs. Goad, Messrs. \V. L. Marcar, Loysard,
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  • 594 4 10 the Euuoii or tiie Srii.viTs Tiwbs Singapore, Hth. Septemlier 1831. —As |be publication of the next issue of the Straits Times preceovls that of Ihe All I'ress by two duys, may 1 rcqucsi you will do me the favor of inserting this note and annexed copy of Correspondence
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  • 775 4 PI NANG. PRESENTATION uf AIUIUgiSE* TO TUE 110NoIUBLE XUE UtfTWUNM —We undersuud tint ou Wednesday last, D.-puuiionu from dili'ereut clasbc-8 of tuo inhabitants of Ihfc Meatf pro-uecd.-d to ."Sullolk. Boaee" to preooal their respective addresses to the Kouorabla Colonel liUrXBBWjRXU, C. b. (ijVelnor of the SJUaiIS CJettleiCenls, Oil liie occasion
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  • 1192 4 Addit-si lo the llon'bie OalawH William J j!hi U'JU< rwotli, OofWaoi ol the l'riiu:c af Wales lilaud, Singapore and Malacca. We tiie M .homedan and Hhhljo Community ot thin, having l>ea lufunaad ikM jour Honor i> tag at pi.< i Hog la s_\ incy lo reside llifie lor bo.ii.-
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  • 356 4 ThuraJay Lial Umg me a..y a| pointed l v IMuruwfUM Uwuitia itoe Uoveiaot iv bUiioiis, a lar^e concourse of Hi- u.lur l.i.i iolla .la ol our iablli usaeai Jeuy c.riv iv vie morning, lo toaUij i J "J iv Uie MMJM maikeu maiiuer liicli regicl Ul!> l p.ii.iue, p«rlU|M ior
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 622 4 AD VCRT.SEMENT OR. Jonks, Surgeon-Accoucheur, &c. may be consullfd at JW 10 Queen Street; Dr. Jones will attend at Mr. Woodfurd's Dispensary Kling Street, near Commercial Square, daily bclwecn noon and 2 P. M. (Sundays eicepted) Singapore Aug. 2Hth 1851. "adelphi hotel. (CONDUCTED BY MR. C A. GOY.MOUR.) THE Merchants
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    • 102 4 FOR iVIAUR TIUS <TW. HE fast sailing Schooner Romp, pjjwl^. Capt. HbndkRSON. For partimVitnmm cu'ars apply to, WM. SPOTT1SWOODE CO. Singapore gth He/tt. 1851. F0« SYDNEY. f FMIK fine fast sailing Brig QHAMJjV| J\ PION is under engagement to J^S^ sa for the .iIm^l- port oh the 1st. proiimo. For
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  • 151 5 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES DEATHS. At Sterling, on the27ih. ulu, snd9l Mr. Poi Macdougal, formerly tduteruttha Uomnwruul Burgb School there, for ihe lung period of lifty-five year*. A-. a leacher in his own departmeui be b«J no superior, an Ibu att.iehed pupila are to be found, many of them occupying btgb Nations,
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  • 143 5 Wl bave lo annuiince tie ;inival of the fol- iwiog passengers: b pt. ptr I. Kin l.jr I>J Bbf»J fee. MM MM 3 per liim.i from Bumbaji Mr. VVwctfW |iv.-r s.r El. Coinpiofl iron Hinabiji Uiwm MM Hed Bo»er from Cilcu.ia, Ur. Uoilorjo p« Hooghls
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  • 33 5 Captain lletulersoti, of lite R^mp, reports bllM| spoken Urn L.illi liOJlih, Miloer, Irom Manila lo Dvdney, out i-3 days also, u\ MjGMMt Sli.iits, spoke the Reindeer, from Shanghai to Liverpool, out 33 days.
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  • 65 5 —la an BagOtk p*P* July iv.. we ii. 1 1 Die ItUowiOf notice ol an iron vessel, winch visited tiiis |»orl at the end ol Ujl jcar: Vessel spoken. MafgaNl (hrigantine) Cornock, ol Soutli SiiiciJs limiu Maaila for London, June 3d. lat. 10.13 N«rlh and Long. 20.
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  • 85 5 Pi 1 C Steamer Krishna collision between ttie Lrin and I'aclia steamers readied Calcutta August 12tli. The 11. C- SleanuT Nem.'sis, Guoilwiu, left on the ltilh. August for Mouliujiii, KfUHg and Singapore. Hie Kob Koy had amved at Canlou. Ills Excellency General Rochussen, lale Governor General of Netherlands India
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  • 187 5 MALACCA lias at length participated in the benefit of direct steam-communication from England, but her adventurous suns narrowly escaped a violent death. I lie boat was stationed at Fishers Island. Between seven and eight o'clock on the nijjlit ol September 1st. the ofticer of the watch reported a log of
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  • 97 5 Memoravdum of covers, inward and outward, by the late Mails: Letters received for delivery at Singapore. Xx Dutch Steamer from Batavia 223 iix Malta" from China 458 Ex B Pckin" from Kurope 6,Li)7 Do. from other places 9o'Z Total covers, 8,132 Letters despatched from Singapore. Per Dutch Sir. to Balavia
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  • 2124 5 I'lNANG QtaglimU August 30i!i. liave been received. The valedictory itffMM 10 Colonel UuiTKftWOiliii C.U., refered to in our hit issue, we ||N i-i-j.i luifil lru:u Lie Ga-cttc. The I'll, in police force appear:; lo In- in i.o degiec improved, or else criina has received a frightful impetus gaig robberies being
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  • 506 5 Ix anolbcr part ot oac to-Jay's issue we have reiirinlcd an abstract ol a.i important Stale paper presented lo tlu American Senate by Mr. CLivlou. liic papjr is not o.ily important for Urn iafwrmaliou it contains, marked by Ihtway wilhobuotis geographical errors but, its chic( value consists in iiiJicaling the
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  • 6027 6 Commerc ial Rela tions with the Oriental World. —It will be recollected that Mr. Clayton recently communicated to the Senate a detailed report of our commercial transactions and relations with Northeastern Asia, and the Asiatic islands of the Pacific ocean, together with much other important information in reference to the
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    • 186 7 Sept 2—II. C. Steamer Pluto, Burbank, Labu.iii Aug. 25. —Brit. do. Pckin, Baker, Bombay Aug. 13 —Do. bark Ranger, Chambers, Whampoa July 8. Brem. ship M. A. Arndt, Hoake, Cardiff, May 1. —Brit. Mr, Dewan, Trumbull, Mauritius July 31. —Do. ship Good Success, Hunt, Tuticorin Aug. 1 6. —Do.
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    • 147 7 Sept. 2—Brit. Steamer Malta, Potts, Bombay. ,,—Do. schr. Syed Khan, Smith, Macasar. —H. C. Sir. Hooghly, Stewart, Malacca. n Siam brig Eng Chean, Nakoda, Siatn. 3— Dutch Sir. Koningen der Nederlanden, Batten, Batavia. 7i Brit S| r- Pckin, Baker, Hongkong. Do Schr Buffalo, Nakoda, Sambas. Dulcn Sh 'P Gravenhage,
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  • 31 7 Ou j'tT* 4s 7 i d Per dollar. <*ava ItayMt (new; 27u. p er 100 drs. •""a Kupees (old) 'MO j, e r 100 drs Sovereigns Drs. each 4
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  • 59 7 FREIGHT S TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Antimony Ore. 1. 10 per 20 cwt Tin 0 Sago in Boxes 3 Sago in bags 10 per 20 cwt Gamliier in baskets .£2. 5 Ditto in bales.. 2. Coffee in bags 10 per 18 cwt. Black pepper. 2. 15 per Nicwt Measurement Goods £8.
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  • 112 7 April 2 Christian Hinder Liverpool 1» Pn-.iil.-ni Tvrkoutcrm E;l*ru C»nli« May 10 CuliU-e chulmeri Clyde 12 Andromache I'etcrsen Hamburg 15 Iml Langlois London 17 l'euelopc Scadden Livcrpo Not st*t ei i Carmencit* Onandi London Senator Nagle do June 1 Ann Ni lon Nelson do 2 Mary
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  • 349 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH,— FuttaMaSart, Uamody, Fattle Wahab, Kirn Yap Soon, K C. Bux, Zeelum, Dido. Goodluck, Glory, Rachel. DUTCH Faihool Herman, Hong Guan, Fattel Rahim, Fathor Rachman, Pakis, Seamr Guan, L*e Seng, Kompol Mas, Pen, Zepaanu, Jatu, Indramyo, Faid Alum, Ooan Lee, Yoeoseren, Allalowie, Kirn He
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 572 8 HEALTH WHERE IT 18 SOUGHT HOLLOWAVB PIUS VB M or A ""gJ^SSrt HOP ELKS* «tATH ffeimrf of a ie«w /rom **> "aUheto Harvey, of ChaUtt Z\ Lu^trtrieTscotiand dated the lS<4 of January 1660. they considered my caw was comthat I had been suffering from* W»* r t of lo^ .undij?
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    • 499 8 fcllt F ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE SINGAPORE MIUINKUY ROOMS Commercial— Square. .adifs White and colored Satin, Glace Silk and Tarlalanne Bonnets. )o. Tuscan, Dunslable and Fancy Straw Bonnet >o. Ladies Mourning and Sitting up Caps. lantillas, visiles and Polka JaekeU in Satin, Glace Silk, black Water Ducape, and Black
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    • 492 8 NOTICE. MRS. NUGENT has just received by the Steamer Pekin an Invoice of Millinery, Hosiery &c. consisting of the under-noted articles which arc now exposed for sale at her rooms in commercial Square. Her slock whether as regard extent or variety, is now greater than it has hitherto been, and
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    • 1089 8 CURES FOR THE UNCURED I niLLOWAH OINTMENT AH KXTRAORDISAKY CURB OP SCROFULA, OE KlXOt p, I Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. 11. AUiday 209 v I street, Cheltenham, dated the 22nd January \n7n To Profeaaor Hollowat. wu I Sib. My eldest Son, when about three yean of i<,
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