The Straits Times, 19 February 1850

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1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 685 1 HTr>» Of Rl I.M-'KIPTIdN Annually.. Bp. J^rs. 16 N Haif-YcarW.. 9 J (j 11 Hrtcri; i I One Mclith.. H i A Copy— One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT TBS COMMISSION ROOMS OF H^ttfc, l|p*Kfc> <tnb |g,o. COWIMERCIAL-SQUARE,--SINGAPORE. Berlia wool of colors Jaconet— White and colored Boots and
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    • 731 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected speonillv for their Stores. UUOMCSALE RETAIL FOH EXPORTATION. MLLINERY |ffi£ HOSIERY x.■ i r .t \v vtiH« Berlin We .l of assorted rolr.ia Artfeleg for the W ork Table Ce— C«fc, ColUre. ofEnfluh ft Manil ■tetl
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    • 526 1 ADMIT* London W, 'i'hnraas ACo Calcutta -TharkfT anil Co. China William Fufttuu Co li.iTawa Lanjjc <if Co. THE LAW OF STOUMS. Tlw Editor of the Straits RUM, inlljWl niwtj olilnjedb;/ Vitp'tiinti of I'cxse/s furnishing him trith P'ir/iciiturx (ntrmi,d from the Ships' Im, including gbttrvationt of JiaromcUr and Thermo- U of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 500 2 CHRONOMETERS WATCHES, CLOCKS anu MBSICAL BOXES CAREFULLY repaired and the performance guaranteed by the »^dersig o ned wAD^^ JUST IWIPORTED. EX CHRISTIAN FROM CHINA. AND FOR SALE AT THE GODOWNS OF MESSRS- E- APEL <& CO-Commercial-Square. 4 N Extensive and choice consignment of China A* and Japan Good., which .re
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    • 663 2 BOMBAY CAMA INSURANCE COMP AW Y THE Undersigned having been appointed the Agents of the above Company at Singapore, are prepared to grant Policies on Goods, Ac, payable in Bombay. Calcutta, China and here. BYR4MJEE lIORMUSJEE CAMA A CO. Singapore, 15th. Nov. 1849. NOTICE. 'THE Interest and reponsibility of Mr.
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    • 495 2 TRIESTE ROUTE. OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTETHE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 21 hours after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the lith of every month. The passage is usually performed under
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    • 450 2 NOTICE, ALL persons having any claim upon, tin; Est<i> of FtIOMMUR/K SORABJEB, late of Siti.Mporc, merchant, deceased, are requested forthwith to send the amount and full particulars thereof to the undersigned, in order that the propriety of the same may be examined and considered; and in default Hereof claimants will
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  • 1222 3 lV,vnbrokin£, in all shades, operates as a cruel robbery on poverty. Thorc arc 380 in London l U9f in the Knglish counties and 61 ia SonUUld. It is a safe moan* ol limiting 10 or 20 per rent, by BMMMJT* wbsu those who pay such interest cannot atford even to
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  • 479 3 Wk have lecowci news from Califorai.i to 22.iv If orator, aad lijaoluiu pafcMN to December. Tkt gold disj^in^s still continued to ba productive, aad wj j-ive an extract fi\>ni a MM justcoiaaouccd c.illeJ tue PIMK Tim.'*,"' at the rising to. vn of Saci-dinenlo To ictura to thi latest"
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  • 209 3 In our OjerlwiJ, .vcailuiei wOM ex'.eusive preparations of tiu Portugese ia reference to Micao. Tvs f hloivin^is <t uuro specific «tatem "in on the subject. O i the uiws of ths assassi nation of Governor reiclii.ig, Lieut-Coloael Almeida of tue Artillery 0.-iiivt to Uke command of
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  • 2154 3 Tub (Jrlobe has set up a defence of the monstrous waste of human life at Sarebas, with less of reserve than the Tunes, but resting upon the same grounds the assumption that it is unpardonable in civilians **lo breathe a suspicion or hint at any imaginable
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  • 685 4 TO THE EDITOR OF THE BINOAPOUB FRFB PRESS. Singapore, Vlth February, ISjU: Dear Sir.— The December Mail km brought a fresh supply from home of those virulent newspaper attacks upon Sir James Brooke which have so much djgusted all here, who from befag upon the spot are aware of
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  • 23 4 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE DEATH. At Singapore Feb. 17th. The Uev. Francisco da Rilva Pinto c Maya, Vicar of the Portuguese Mission at Sing* pore.
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  • 557 4 The Straits Times. Singapore Tuesday, Feb. 19th. 1850. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers Fob 13 per oetiator from London, Mr .Brooke 14 per Cleopatra from Hongkong, Captain #r.>oke 11. M. BSIII. Regt. 15 per Kusrovie from Nml Mm. K i !;■•.-> 17 per fury from
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  • 1692 4 The Free frett of Friday lasl favors us wild a little more of the mutilated depositions anent the Sarcbas and Sakarran piracy, raked up after the execution of those tribes, and put forth in support of the claim to head, that is blood money.
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  • 311 4 In the last issue of our local contemporary, the Ft it- Press, a letter appeared signed A Free Mason' which is so replete with the characteristics of manufactured productions, emanating fmiu what in ordinary parlance is termed "the ship,' that we should hive pissed it over by simply reprinting the
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  • 111 4 MALACCA. A letter from Malacca mentions that the Resident Councillor ami Municipal Committee at the station were actively engaged in making preparations, and cleansing the town, in anticipaliou of the Governor General's visit. The same letter also notices that on the 2Slh. v!:. one of the Golundauzc put an end
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  • 1128 5 Singapore Population and criminal Returns. Fob some time past we have had before us the population and criminal returns of this station, Singapore; but the loose and undigested stale in which tables generally are found, icndered th^m scarcely worth publication, and other engagements prevented an examination being made. We have
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  • 75 5 II. M. Ship C'copatra touched at Labuan on the passage down from China. Mr. Napier continued to be suspended from office, and the post of acting Lieutenant Governor remained in, the hands of Mr. Surveyor General Scott. Sir James Brooke was to quit I .limn on the lith. inst.
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  • 56 5 The Ariel drought Hongkong journals to February 2d. Mr. Shcddan, formerly of t'«e Indian Navy, who proceeded in his Yacht the Nancy Dawson from Batavia on a cruize to California, had reached Mazatlaa and died there on 1 lth. of November last. The lielhavcn, (jilkiion, from Singapore and bally,
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  • 1413 5 -By (he arrival ot the Husrovie, accounts have been received from Si. mi to February 1st. We regret to learn that Cholera had had a.ain broken^out, and was raging with some virulence, the deaths amounting to several daily. Amongst the victims to the disease was Captain Roys of the
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  • 701 5 -A imbruJ^t; luior, says norace w <M|»uie, i rrmciulxr, had been examining some lads in Latin, but in a little while excused himself, arid said lie must Ipttl English, Aii hi > 1 1 a wi- so .torn. SELF COSFIOENL'B AB ASHEU.— A simple rustic boy budging
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1120 6 THE MASSACRE OF THE DVAKS. The English are not a cruel people, and yet 'iii!- of the worst atrocities of modern times have bern perpetrated in their name, and by their arms and by their servants. There arc incidents in our Indian wan, and still more in the war
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  • 928 6 A few words in explanation will sh i\v tint the criticism of the following letter is uncalled for. Oar correspondent speaks superciliously of technical constructions of documents" and word-catching." With all deference we must maintain that the terms are misipplied to our argument on the Borneo treaty.
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  • 1292 6 Thk apologists of Sir Jam. s Brooke apparently begin to feel that the accounts of his exploi a which have bjM published are rather too highly spiced for the taste of the Knglisli public. They are attempting to iiißiuutte tint the results of Am atlack on the Sakarrms have b
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  • 459 6 TO I'IIK KDltitll OK IUE it VILY \K \V s. SlR,—ll thu conduct of Haja!i Brooke anJ hii allies, t:io naval squadron, be so easily justifiable as a contemporary suggests, why lus not the Atim rally in tins case followed the usual course, a;i 1
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  • 679 7 Times OJisc, February 19th. 1850. Wk have again to report a quiet market for imported European manufactures; this circumsUoet can only he accounted for by the general teslivilics prevailing at the Chinese season of New Year. The sales ot the week have been conh'ned to the demands
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  • 232 7 ARRIVAL Feb. 12 Brit. Bark Arid, Burt. Macao Feb. 4 13— Do. do. Senator, Nagle, London Aug. 2 14— H. M. S. Cleopatra, Massie, Hongkong Feb. 2, Labuan Feb. 10 Am. Ship Walpole, Cutter, Honolulu "jan. 10 15— Brit. Do. Kusrovie, Rodgers, Siam Feb. 7 Bremen Brig
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  • 90 7 Vcsiil'i Name Abbotsford Nereid Triad Flora Due de Brabant Coriuna Neptune Immm Jcanette Bertha Athole Argyll Coaxer Neptune Ann Lockerby Fama Hants Carl Hi rmiun Caroline Amelie Emperor i' Lawrence From London U da Liverpool Hamburg Antwerp Clyde do. do. ll. unhurt; Liverpool Clyde. Liverpool do.
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  • 71 7 Great Britain America per cent 2J Continental Ports of Europe, boulli uf liie Elbe New South Walts 2J Port Phillip and Adelaide 3 Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena 2 Calcutta. 1 4 percent. Bombay... 9 per cent Madras 1 Persian Gulph 3} Labuan.
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  • 64 7 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. Antimony Ore 2 15. per 20 cwt. Tin Bag* in Boxes 3. 10 per «0 cwt Sago in Bags £3. per 20 Cwt Guinbier ia ba-skets 3. 5 Ditto in bales.. 3. Coffee in bugs 3. per 18 cwt. Black pepper £3. per 16 cwt. Measurement
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  • 1994 7 Oa London at o Months sight 4s. sid. perdollar. Navy Bills at 4s. 4Jd. j>er dollar. Calcutta Treasury open at 'I'll X«. per 100 drs. Bombay M days sight Us 'I'l6 lo '230 per dollars 100 ■MM Silver 5 to 54 per cent premium for large Company's Rupees
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  • 374 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH.— -Buffalo, Fatahool Rahman, Mahasboly, Mahomed Samdanny, Mahomed Bux, Kader Maidin Bux, limtua. Dido, I'- DUTCH— Asia, Hoong Goan, Bintang Tujoo, Sauaianaii, Lachamade, Goanse, Bun Lee, Phceuii, Ingbee, Hap lliu, Adeuau, Sri BinUug, Falahool il'ir, Aunt Matha, Fjttal Huir, Brvkat ARAB— Felk. MALAY— Yonge
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 591 8 YERV WONDERFUL CORE OF A DISORDERED LIVEII ANIi STOMACH. a Lsttt from Mr. Charles Wilson, 30, v, -vi>t,(ilitsg<nr. dated February, ISth 1*47. To Profesaor Hollowat. Sir. Having taken your Pills to removea deMtM o the Stomach and Liver, under whiclul had I'^g Milllrcvl, and having followed your printed instructions I
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    • 1176 8 A PATIENT I* A HYING STATE, CURED 1 OF A DISORDER IN THE CHEST. < Extract of a Letter from Mr. Robert Caltert, Chemist, St-okesly, dated January '29th, 1847. To Professor Hollowat. Sir, Mr. Thompson, National School-master of this Town, desires me to send you the parti culars rcKpectinjj a
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    • 647 8 NEW SHIP'S ARTICLES. i-h AN Sale at the Straits A ME* U Timks Pkkss. ;f ,n,,- I <■"■&> One Dollar each) tlie new form of Ship's Articles n accordance with the Act or'!*:;--liaiixnt 7^.• Victorii. <;»}>. 112 "VALUABLE HORSES." I Cfill FOR BIRSOTIExtract of a Letter dated iladra 10, Ist,",,
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