The Straits Times, 5 February 1850

Total Pages: 9
1 1 The Straits Times
  • 28 1 THE STRAITS TIMES. AND SINGAPORE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. VOL 6th. •ÜBLISHED EVERY [TUESDAY, FEBRUARY sth. 1850.] TUESDAY MORNINC NO. 465 Straits Times Extra. Singapore, Tuesday, February sth, 1850.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 684 1 ATE* nr S'IKS'^RIPTIOI* Annually.. Sp. iirs. 16 Half- Yearly.. 9 1 (Quarterly.... 5 One Month... 14 1 A Single Copy— One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES POII SALE AT THE COIfIIVIISSION ROOMS OF COMMERCIAL-SQUARE, --SINGAPORE. llerlin wool of colors Jaconet— White and colored ii „.ti auJ shoes, English and French Lineu—
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    • 728 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A FOR EXPORTATION. MLLINERY ti^ HOSIERY A.i t .v «r«.VT»W« Berlin Wool of assorted colon Article, for the Work Table c Cuffg Collars> of Ecg i ish 4 Manil i>alzuriii<i
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    • 527 1 ASKNTS {London— W. Thomas it Co Calcutta— Thacker and Co. China— William I'ustau k Co. Batavia— Laage it Co, THE LAW OF STORMS. TJte Editor of the Straits Times, tcillfeel greatly obliged by Captains of Vessels furnishing him Kith particulars (extracted from the Ships Log, including observations of Barometer and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 662 2 CHRONOMETERS WATCHES, CLOCKS AM) MUSICAL BOM'S riAREFULLY repaired and the performance guaranteed by the undersigned. GOOROOWADONG. JUST IMPORTED. EX CHRISTIAN FROM CHINA. AND FOR SALE AT THE GODOWNS OF ME*3'RB. E- APEL CO-Commercial-Square. AN Extensive and choice consignment o f nin and Japan Goods, which are to be sold with
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    • 663 2 BOMBAY CAIJIAINSURVHCE COMPAHT I'M IF Undersigned having been appointed the Agents of the above Company at Singapore, are prepared to grant Policies on Goods, Ac, Fayablein Boinb.iy. Calcutta, China and here. BVRAMJEE HORMUSJEE CAMA A CO. i Singapore, loth. Nov. 1849. NOTICET i Interest and reponsibility of Mr. Skb Eno
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    • 504 2 TRIESTE jPJtB^ ROUTE. OTC&IANS ROUTE VIA TK.IESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 hours after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta^ on about the 11th of every month. The passage is usually
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    • 582 2 NOTICE. I LL persons having any claim upon, the Estufe t\ of roOMMOftZI SoRVBJKK, late of Singapore, merchant, deceased, arc requested forthwith to send the amount .md full particular-, thereof to the undersigned, in order that the propriety of the same may be examined and considered; and in default thereof
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  • 863 3 Two Buglows arrived yesterday morning from Builiire, and we subjoin extracts from letters received by this opportunity liushire, 17//i Oct. 1819. Since this morning ]5 ishire has been beseiged by Bather Khan, the Chief of Thangastoon, with about 300 men. He does not allow any water to be brought
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  • 269 3 I IIE SINGAPoEE 1" UKE ruEsß UAS A PIECE OF intelligence, that either is a satyie on Colonel Butteiwonh, or pourtiays his fitness for the situation be holds to a letUr we give it as it is. "The attention of his Honor the Governor having been directed to the
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  • 3036 3 Fi-jk the Friend of India, December. 27.) Statistics op Ciioleivv.— The importance of statistical information, and the application of the proper means to obtain i», may be take n as one of many feature* which distinguish the nineteenth cenuir from all which have prem4«I it. It appears to have
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  • 1027 4 To the KniToa or the Straits Timrs Sir The low vulgarity, as you justly term it, of the writer iv the Free Press, wliusirh.s linns. BaWMM Inhauitant of S«.i\v;ik, precludes the necessity of any reply 011 your part, but as this letter has stirred up in my mind
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  • 203 4 My dear Mr. Editor.— Having read with intense disgust the disgraceful and contemptible tirade directed against Uie you in the Free Press of the 25t Iv of January by one of the self dnbbed unimpeachable^ signing himself "An European Inhabitant of Sarawak," I
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  • 114 4 The Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, Feb. 5th. 1850. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers Jan 'J» prr H*<l R«»i- frum Lirerpnol, Mr. Charlrt O»orr* p» r Iml urn of Mn- 1: fi "tn 11. .mi,. Mn. ltlchr* XI per Indianrrrn from > p. nli i,-.-.i Mr.
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  • 29 4 Owing to the bustle attendant on the and departure of the mails, we arc reluctantly compelled to postpone the consideration of the character of the Serebas and Sakarrans.
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  • 24 4 The Steamer from Gallc with the English mail arrived here last year on the 6lh. of February the coming mail may be expected to-morrow.
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  • 34 4 Uv the courtesy ol the 11 >n iiie me ncsmcni Councillor we have received various interesting tables connected with Singapore and Arracan, but "lust postpone their consideration until after the departure of the mail.
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  • 63 4 A short time since the merchants here anxious to obtain Kills on the Government of India, were unable to do so even at Rs. 216 per 100 dollars, owing to the Treasury being closed. The local treasury under instructions from Bengal, has recently been opened and Bills have been granted
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  • 384 4 Tiik morrow will be the thirty-first anniversary of the I iiri'l iii' in of this Settlement. We cannot allow the opportunity to pass without recalling to the reader s recollection, what we have again and again commented on, that no public monument exists to point out the distinguished K \kki.k.v.
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  • 217 4 On Tuesday evening last the Corps Dramatique favored the community with their performances. The first piece selected was "The Valet de Sham," which, with the exception of few scenic mal-arrangemcnts, passed off moil successfully. The humour of the piece, abjy seconded by the performers, elicited m my a hearty roar
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  • 197 4 THK annual Public F.\.i:niniti »n of 'he Singapore Institution schools took list Tuesday, on which occasion there were present m.i--11 v of the friends of Education, including His Honor the Governor and Lady, fi M > ilil Mr. Church, Mrs Church, Mr. Jackson It. <:-S. Mrs. Jackson, the lt<>v.
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  • 272 4 Ist. Class.— l. C. Marsh and T. Edwards, for I good behaviour. Mahomed Ally, for regular attendance, (j. Morris for general knowledge of the Scriptures, English composition, writing and drawing. R. M. S.ilmon, for general knowledge, writing and drawing. I. Palmer, for English composition. I. Enwai lor dil(<>, geography, and
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  • 51 4 Java— Batavia. —By the Dutch Steamer aw in.-i, aciuuuis nave been received to the 30lh. of January. The Governor General h id somewhat improved in health. Little news of any interest had transpired; tlio following is all we have been able to lind in a monthly tile of the Jauaschc
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  • 479 4 In the evening of the 2Jth December a sudden rush of water from the mountains damaged eontiderably a lately built but unfinished dam iv the river Djankellok (in the district Laasaii, regency Brebes,) carried away the heavy piles of beams"; the necessary measures were immediately token to prevent the dam
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  • 179 4 M 1 1 11 s [11 tlie Calcutta j turn I-* received by the Teak, we find one or two items of intelligence connected witli Madras. The Spectator Dec. 3 1st records thcdcatii of A.J. Cherry Esqr. M. C. S. who died at the Cape on Oct. '>:■! by Ins
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  • 44 4 Tiik l.ilii'i Times a Calcutta journal) Janu.iry lltli i;i noticing the news by the English in i.l of Nov. 2 ith remarks We lind nothing else ol particular moment, unless we except the resignation of It.ijili Brooke, a:nl iis acceptance by the British government.
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  • 338 4 Bj Um Teat, we hive reerirM^mM i»> Jan. lil!i. Dm Bluk act agiUliou still proceeded; the European community hitl resolud to employ all legal means, lo'prevent the act being came 1 i;it> force for lliis purpose supcribtiom wore being r.ii>ivl. In Mm linn Tttncs Jan. i\Jth the list amounted
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  • 563 5 -The Gazette to Jan. 19th has been i.veived. Our contemporary states Sir Christ .pher lUwlinson is likely, ii' good opportunity offers to leave lor M idras early in March nest. On Jan. 16th M alTray took place in Province Wellesley, originating in some twenty Chinese having declared their
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  • 1576 5 Thk I'.i-lit Honorable Marquess Dalhousie, the Governor Gcn.ral, having intimated to the Slrtiits authorities that he will visit this SeUlctnenl, the utmost preparations are in progress which the limited means and resources of the pine will afford, flu Governor General was to Live left Gallc about the 27th. ult. l>y
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  • 822 5 Uncertainty op Scfknce. In the prosent age, when the experimental sciences are h<--lieved to have attuned MNiedMng like the cert.iiniy and precision of time which used formerly to be termed the exact sciences, it is something to meet in with a morccm like tin; following. D iclors do differ
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  • 1279 5 I he Detroit Bulletin says: Tlie Ih«>ion Atlas was purchased by il* present proprietors Ht drs. 50.000. Mr. Raymond paid for one-tliirit of the Courier and Enquirer, drs. S5 000. Mr. Daw son brought into the Evening Journal, a third at the rate of drs. 56,000.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 122 5 wi. heard." Uk- (MM •fjjawrto;* M», fir r .v..l .iitcud .nt, iv.i. Id up the prlmipil «ato«4 hi, a-.^t but f.inl th' d».r. lockod Sir Joh. lUra-»T '/.>rlirutelj fnlvr.-.l t.l- n.oa by a tu. k .tli andflu<l>"< .Mo.i.l<M»llull.vHHHlru,-.'lin,- oltk tk« ki..(t, <N* m V ,-r olu U tmUmuT, tlimdffl Mr,
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  • 2392 6 The New Jury Act. We have already examined some of the most important of the new laws which it is proposed to enact at the beg'.n. ning of ihe next year, and are broughf in succession to the Act for remodelling and extending the institution of Juries in the
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  • 1255 6 Tiik Times, ov Cumival Lvidkxce. The verdict of the jury in the case of the Mannings has been hut (tic announcement of a foregone conclusion. In commenting upon the case until t!ic present m >mcnt we have heen restrained hy the decent reserve which forbids the organs of
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  • 146 6 (From the Pinany G%zett; January, 12.) We have been favoured witli tka following intelligence receive! from Akyab. The Bengal Government has ordered that the Dollar is henceforth to be tlie Current Coin in Arracan, taking them as revenu' ;it 220 Co. Us. but it i- t> bj MPai thu
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  • 1211 7 Tintes Office, February Sth. 1850. v \s c are not able to report any improvement in business since cur last for although in one ,r two descriptions of Collon manufactures there liavo been a few limited transactions, yet for the majority of the great staples from Europe
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  • 350 7 ARKIVALS Jan. 29—Brit. Baik Stately, Gindcr, Pinang olan. 14 w _r>j. |srig Good Success, Browne, ditto Jan. 12. i j, Urit. Bark Joharin Frederick, Dow, 0 inverkerlny Sept. 13 Bnl. do. Kou Roy,•Francis, Calcutta Jan. 10 Do. do. Red Rose, Bergh, Liverpool, sept. 1 Do. Ship Alciander
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  • 39 7 Captain Rundle, of the Teak, reports the following:—near Pul" J iit.i in the Straits of Malacca, the Ship Ardaseer hound to Bombay Jan. 31st, -when off Malacca, the English hark Peruvian, bound to the southward. i J j 1
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  • 54 7 Anjbr Shipping Ni;ws.—The ollowing vessels passed through the Straits of Suntla on the dates mentioned:—Dec. 29. West, Jones, London for Latavia St. Louis (Am.) Martin. Manila for NtiAii^; Marion, Ryrie, Canton for London Jan. 1 Isar (Am.) Burs'loy, Macao for New York; 14 Investigator, Dtinlop, Hongkong for London 16 Noupareil,
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  • 51 7 Batavia. Abuivai.s—Dec. 30 West, Jones, London; IS (Siam.) Dupond, Biam > January 4 Ida Bal. Ray, Singapore; 15 Potsdam (Piuss.) Wolff, Singapore; It) Celerity (Siam Traill, Siam; Batavia. (Dut. S.V.) Groll, Singapore 17 Triad, Me. Wbirur, Live-pool. Departed: Jan. 2 Anstins (Am.) Steele, Chinu; 12 Charlotte, Douglas, Singapore ;25 West,
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  • 297 7 The Master Attendan C at Madras has, we find, issued the following Notice to Mariners:— Discovery or' a Shoal (not laid d >wu in the Churls of the China Sea I>t the ship John Line, Caplaiu Palmer. The John Line left Wliampoa, o:i the
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  • 889 7 MAULMAIN Tbi Country Trade.—The term Country Trade* in its more limited acceptation is confined to the itiu-rcoW^ between !he principal Presideutiea and Uteflsmor ports alo:ig the coast of India; in its larger sen-e, in a 'Union to this domestic traffic, it embraces all the relation of India with the
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  • 394 7 NATIVE uRAFT— BRITISH,— BuffaIo, Sultan Sadpaly. F^tahool Hahman, HyJros Mahaaboly. Mahomed Saradanny, Letchuay, MahimeJ Bur, Kader Maidia liiix, E iuiu. Dido G<»dluek. DUTCH— Asia, Hoong Goan, Bintang Tujuo, Siumanap, Lachvnade, Goanst:, Bu'i, Lee, Phccnix, Ingbee, Hap Hin, Adeaau, s>ri Biotaujj, Fatahool Hair, Aana Matha, Futtal H& ARAB.—
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 612 8 A VERY WONDERFUL CURE OK A DISORDERED LIVER AND STOMACH. JBxUraei of a Letter from Mr. Charles Wilson, 30, Trinces Street, Glasgow, dated February, I&A 1847To Professor Hollowat. Sir, Having taken your Pills to remove a de*ease o the Stomach and Liver, under whichil had long sufllrcd, and having followed
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    • 931 8 A PATIENT IN A DYING STATE, CORED I Or A DISORDER IN THE CHEST. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Robert Culvert, Chemist, Stokesly, dated January 29th, 1847. To Professor Hollowat. Sir, Mr. Thompson, National School-master of this Town, desires me to send you the parti culars respecting a son
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    • 239 8 ON SALE AT THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS (NBAR THS ARMENIAN CHURCH..) New form of Ship's Articles, Cargo Books, Personal and Mortgage Bonds, Blank Powers of Attorney Import and Export Manifests, Boat Notes, Bills of Lading, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Parcels, Promissory Notes, Straits Calendar for 1847, Ditto. Ditto, for
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    • 655 8 NEW SHIP'S ARTICLES. ill AN Sale at the &tkait> MfSJjb U Times Press, (prn> One JJollar each) the new form of Ship's Articles n accordance with the Act of Par [lament 7Jk 9 Victoria. Cap. 11-j Valuable houses. A CURE FOII BIRSOTIExtract of a Litter dated Madras, Jm>p 10, 1846,
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  • 122 1 Ihk Right UOBorabie Marquess Dalhousie, the Governor GenartJ, hiving intimated to the Straits .inlhiiritics that he will vMt this Settlement, the utmost prcpai ilions are in progress which the limited meuns and resources of the place will alTurd. llie Govirnor General was to have left lialle about the 27th. u!t.
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  • 238 1 By (he leak, we have received journals la Jan. 12th. The Hlack acl agitation slill proceeded the European community had resolved (o employ all legal means to pre\enl (he act being carried into force for (his purpose supcribtions were being raised. In the Indian Times Jan. 12tfc the li>,»
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  • 3190 1 'J'i'/fs oJks, lubntini 01/t 9| a. m. The PeniiiMilar and Oriental Company's Meam Hiip t Pekin, Captain U.\ker, arrived here tin.-. morning al I) A. M. hating left Guile the 27th. till, and I'inaiig the 3rd. instaat. We annex a h?l of passengers Fur Siwj>i;>o>.. Mi
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  • 95 1 |M t till r. 11-lit ,?m^Zm~mml.,. ;:urr.;:.:r i" i'" i■■'■■"'•ll •rticl liucuanMlrucluarailiirmuta p«r-. uf tin' „K. Jt jj*, »oa at t w««rrl PUK';J%"". i ...nation h..» mi11,.«...a.,. l n. ii,u..u--.t Mr; „,.iua kw mimifutiut, IM trivial tnwuiud tion«. ''""-.jiuiii., jumniuJ ilnKi, wktl Ugtlrivi- inua ,|ly ur |IC
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