The Straits Times, 24 July 1849

Total Pages: 9
1 9 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 699 1 ITM of svuscntiTios Sp. Dts. 16 v Virly.. 9 1 irterlv -5 > Mciith... 14 I A. .-male Copy— One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SUE. AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF :|itftV, |§WS*tj«, COMMERCIAL-SQUARE,--SINCAPORE. *-g*0O»e lof colors Jaconet— White and colored u'i, Engi:s!i and French Linen— Fine Irish ctfruin Paris,
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    • 788 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOUSALK RKTAIL A FOH KXPOIIf ATION. MLLINERY tijfa HOSIERY Articles for the Work Table Berlin Wool of assorted colors Balzanne dresses Caps. Cuffs, Collars, of bi: B luii U"h\ Bonnets of the
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    • 559 1 Mm London— W Thomas .t Co I Calcutta— Tsacker and Co. < China— William Pustau Co. I Manila— Joseph llogers C« Batavia— L&nge tj Co. THE LAW OF STORMS. JPie Editor «f the Straits Times, tri'lfeel greatly obliged hj Captains of Vessels furnishing him icith particulars (extracted from )he Ships
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 515 2 FOR B ALE, At the Godowns of the Undersigned: LADIES Bonnets and Caps, of the latest mode. Children's ditto ditto Ditto Frocks. Ladies and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, White, Black and colored Artificial Flowers in variety Silk Mantillas Silks for Dresses White #)d Black Satin Silk Waistcoat Pieces and Neckerchiefs Table
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    • 521 2 WBW IMPORTED Ex "FALCON" from China. and FOR SALE AT THE GODOWNS O*\ W/LSiMB, E= APEL CO. Comtno cud- Square. AN extensive and choice consignment of China and Japan Goods, which are to be sold with an addition of 5 per cent commision. Crape Shawls and Scarfs, an assortment. Silk
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    • 486 2 TRIESTE s^l^ ROUTE. OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam navigation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 hours after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the 11th of every month. The passage is usually
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    • 1158 2 READY FOR ISSIi: ON MAY Ist. A r o. 13 VoCT\ r Mmi is Is PICNIC MAGAZINE A Quarterly Jiwu (Iv Giseral LITERATLRK AM) SCIKNCK Containing Selected Reviews, and original tices of New Books, Biogniphy. Tiles, Travtb Scientific selections and Notices Natural Hitfe. ry. <hess, Ac. C.arefuHy compiled from ill
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  • 1236 3 |U still without improvement in comci al matters Political affairs on the conlintlt remSi" far from being settled, so that almost department of trade 13 in a kind of" stanu-jji-F my The markets of both colonial and rein Produce are quiet, and the transactions g
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  • 914 3 .—The hosiery district around Sutton-in-Ashfield, and Mansfield where, in 18 Id, the cut-up system began, which has had such fatal effects upon the hosiery trade, is once more in commotion, they having for a length of time worked under the prices paid in Nottingham for making the
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  • 1535 3 dad—During the hottest months, when tbe thermometer is often at the height of 120 degrees Fahrenheit, the ladies wear a silken garment or chemise, and baboaches or slippers, but no stockings. At night it is the custom to sleep on the terrace
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  • 75 4 The communication of "an old Resident," nnl v Paul Pry must stand over until next week. In answer 1o M a Churchman's complaint of the filthy state of the English Church punkahs in the gallery, we can only regret the very great antipathy shown to soap, and doubt
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    • 49 4 At Singapore, on the 7ih instant, at the residence of Captain Leisk, Geoiige Edward Henwood, X-,. Uic Head Assistant la the Institution La Mv imicre, Calcutta, aged 38 years, highly lespectcd by every one who knew him, and leaving a widow and three children to deplore his loss.
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  • 78 4 THE Straits Times SINGAPORE TUESDAY, JULY 24TH 1849 Wk have to announce Ihc arrival of Ihe folfowing passengers July 19 per IJohn Hrtghtman from China, Mr» Scott and fimllj 50 pur Arrjlouu Apvar from Culua, Mr.. Dara^m aud thild Mlw We have to announce the departure of the folowing passenger:
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  • 257 4 -By the arrival of the Erin* Rirnals are to hand to June the 2 >th. the far North of India do not appear te so satisfactory as the friends of peace desire. It is confidently stated the British government ha; demanded ot'Golaub Singh the surrender of his artillery, but
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  • 233 4 In another column will be found particulars of the proceedings of the Public meeting held on Friday last, which was certainly the best attended public assembly we have witnessed at Singapore; the proceedings commenced sh rtly after noon and did not terminate until nearly four o'clock. The resolutions contain a
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  • 2053 4 Ac r.— The Legislative Council of ladia, after another long period of drowsiness, appears once more awake, and has issued a fresh scries of ill digested draft acts, some of which, applying solely lo the Straits of Malacca, demand our more immediate attention. Like every thing from
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  • 2220 4 Legislative Council of India hi- puMisheJ a dn whicli purports to be an art for cmsolil.ling the laws for collecting a revenue ul'Evi-.-on Sprituou* Liquors anJ intoiicatmg dru,s in the Straits Settlement a somewhat speeioutitle, since the existing laws aro not only consolidated into one,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1322 5 Is- hokirtg into the opcraiioe£f tli* fanning acts, commcnteJ 0:1 in Hie forc^oin^ observations, we regret to see Ike Police mixei up in employments wholly foreign to what properly belon 'to the Fore. I.' i.ililu, fro n th ;ir limiled number and iiuflkicncy, to discharge their proper duties of watching
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    • 578 5 To the Editor of the Straits TiBJM Duar Sic.— Sneers ami Sarcism are two very cheap arguments and often f >und nv>st '•onvenicntwli. n there is the least just ground tor their use, save that sportive faculty which will amuse itself, no matter at whose expense and in
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    • 696 5 Mr Koiroa—^li MM yrir spare p'jrnit its insertion allow me nil-r yin ;i CMSMf "I llio Nights which it stakes m hts lilW ftp been overlooked by tr.mVators v 1 which some may think ;ij plit ible to the pi-i-m^ circu<n*t<tnce* of the day. There was a disUut poriioa
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    • 694 6 —lnsurrecli*n in Canada. The following has reached us by electric telegraph from Liverpool, dated Monday evening The royal mail steamer Europe,' Capt. Lott, has arrived wfth advices from New York to the •_'l and from Halifax to the sth inst and 150 passengers The Canadian advices are of
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    • 437 6 To General Avezzana. H. M.'s ship' Vengeance,' Genoa, 9th April, 1819. Sir,—I bare this moment received a letter from General Avezzana, of which I enclose a copy, I shall abstain from making any remarks on the character of the communication; but the nature of the communication is one of so
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 110 5 TO LOT. IVilh immediate possession. A sub-marine Villa wtlh e\ttvisive ground) well adapted for oyster-beds 1 1 a dilch hard ")y various sorts of small fry abundant, it would likely [irjfe a good location for I,ol»slcr-pots. Tnis valuable property is situated near lo the 2nd mile stone, Bukit Timah Kind,
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  • 1727 6 T HE NAVIGATION BILL. Will the Lords reject the Navigation Bill? We do not believe they will. Our estimate of hereditary wisdom is not high and our belief in hereditary prejudice against free and self-dependent industry is profound. We do not doubt that a majority of the peers would gladly
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  • 1112 6 BEITISH BUBJSCTS. The following circular was addressed by Viscount Palmers ton to her Majesty's representatives in foreign states, respecting the debts due by foreign states to British subjects, and has just been presented to parliament "Foreign office, January, 1848. "Her Majesty's government
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  • 819 7 Siticc oui |asti«so«iMre-actiofl w» en p .u.e. rr ansacli<»ns l^vc T^l |j|l t 14*111 v\|'"l^-'*t II jU« I J 4JU3 J <ll the, arc lacking. The prevailislerous weather has also contributed to jJ neM pervading the market for all kinds k ml Bekr —Sales of Bass'
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    • 122 7 July li— Dutch bark Samarang, Raadshoovcn, Samarang 7lh July 18—Brit, ship Sir Thomas Gresham, Boyce, Bombay 19th June 18—Do. bark Ucd Kover, Oliver, Macao I 22nd June 18— Span, ship Amabel Carmita, Berna<los, Cadiz 2«th May. id—Brit, ship China, Ferguson, Bombay 20th June 19—Do. brig Poppy, Cole, China lOih
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    • 117 7 July 13— Dutch schr. Chomplon. Nakoda, Bally Badong 19— Brit, bark Red Rover, Oliver, Calcutta 19 Do. brig Lord Castle, Nakoda, fining 19— Dutch bark Fatabool Hair, Nakoda, Amoy 20— Brit, lurk Paragon, Boxlcy, Pinang "JO —Dutch schr. Cornelid, Nakoda, Pinang 20— Brit, bark Ariel, Unit, Calcutta 20— Do.
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  • 65 7 Oo London at 6 Months sight 4s. M. per dollar. >;ivy BUI* at Is. lid. per i].,l.ur Calcutta 60 days sight company's Bills 220 accepted Bombay 30 dan lial Its- Ti6 per dollars IUO Svu<e Silver t>4 M 7 pt-r cent (trcmiuin fur Urgo Company's 1( ujhi-s 444
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  • 61 7 FREIGHTS TO LONOON LIVERPOOL. Antimony Ore. 2. per 20 cwt. Tin S igo in Boxes 3. 10 per 90 cwt.. Sigo in Bugs £3. sper'2oCtM Gambier in baskets 3. 5 Ditto in bales.. ..£3. Coffee in bags 3. per 18 cwt. Black pepper £3. per 10 cwt. Measurement Goods 3.
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  • 76 7 Great Britain America per cent 2} Continental Ports of Europe, South of the Elbe 1\ New South Wales i\ Port Phillip and Adelaide 2 Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena 'J Calcutta. 1> percent. Bombay... 8 per cent Madras 1| Persian Gulph 3} Laltuan.
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  • 1531 7 By Bvrdeb, Nephew, C 0. —950 bales Jute, £14 to £1* 5. Carey Browne, Pearl Sago, sold at J9< and 19 6. j D. Gray.— l7o bundles ground Rattans, fd to 1 1 1000 bundles common Rattans, Is Si to Is »J; parcel Horn Tips, 10 to 17. J. S.
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  • 271 7 Xattbe etaft-. BRITISH, Buffalo, fnttj Rohoman, Sultan, Goodluck, Swallow, Fatahocl Sala-n 9\Xtttf"-B, Bayerraai, Fat«hool Rachman, Hocksoon, Anis Ayeraoaj, Asia, Bistaaf Sambibn Soi Goan, Hong Goan, Keng Goan, Bintang Tujoo. Sumauap, f lul Karim, Kcaa (Juan athool Khair, Baboo Salarn, Bintang Barat, Biutan^ Tiira, Hong Goan, ATION
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 762 8 .VOTIVE THE PICNIC MAGAZINE will for the future be published quarterly, until a sufficient number ot subscribers are enrolled to enable it to resume its monthly issue. This step has become necessary from the loss sustained by the Proprietor during the past year. But from the encouragement he has met
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    • 1305 8 A PATIENT IN A DYINO STATE, CURED j Or A DISORDER IN THK CHEST. < Extract of a Letter from Mr. Robert Calrert, Chemist, Stokesly dated January '29th, 1847To Professor Hollowat. Sib, Mr. Thompson, National School-master of this Town, desires me to send you the parti culars respecting a son
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    • 687 8 NEW SHIP'S ARTICLES. J^v IYS Sale at the Nikaits 4M& Times I'kkss e Dollar each) the new form of Ship's Articles i, Accordance with the Act of Par liament 7 8 Victorii. Cap. 1 |o A CURE FOH IHHSOTI. Extract of a Letter dat>:d Madras, Ju), c 10, 1846, from
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  • 1016 9 nuulic meeting ot the Inhaoi'on a requisition made to the r '^a meeting for the purpose of tani tion a draft act published in the Linffint" cojim '< entitled An act "**l%!U££%v, T collecling 2 ;urCOnS )f EK "on Spiritious Liquors and In^ 1 n rii -fs in
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