The Straits Times, 31 January 1849

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 THE STRAITS TIMES. AND SINGAPORE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. OL sth. published every [WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, 31st 1849.] Wednesday morning NO. 403.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 834 1 ,ATES OP SUMCIUFTIOa Annually.. Sp. Drs. 16 Half- Yearly.. 9 Quarterly > Ono Month... H I i Copy— One Rupee LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE. AT THE COVIIVIISSION ROOMS OF COMMERC!AL-SQUARE,--SINCAPORE. IOOOC- ii Jaconet White and colored Linen Fine Irish •s direct from Paris, silk, satin &>ctt Lace- Shawls, scarfs,
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    • 781 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selecttd specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A TOR EXPORTATION. MILLINERY j£ HOSIERY ArtirlM fnr »Hp Work Table Berlin Wool of assorted color* BaSiirdre^ Caps. Cuffs, Collar* of Eng.uh ManU JhStteVo^ttnTsfAur Patii LrwSSKi and Brussels manufacture Chemisettes
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    • 465 1 AOKtTS London P.L. Simmonds Sc Co I Calcutta— Thacker and Co. < China— William Pustau A Co. I Manila— Joseph Rogers Ct. TO LET ij>flLChEy|f> THE House in Ompong Glam TSsfflJiSlSfc mmcdialc| y behind the Spanish -^ULULBC Consulate. Apply to MARTIN, DYCE A CO. Singapore, 11 ih Aug. 1848. PUBLIC
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 565 2 HOTXCZ fSSSaH^ T'° llllcnti M S shippers of Gold or Sihcr Bars, Bullion, Gold M&r -I Leaf, or Spccieor other MerS»chandisc on any of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Na\igalion Company's Steam ships, Hence,, to any of the ports in Indie or to China. Also to Suez or Southampton. That
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    • 499 2 and Block-makers. HIGH MORRISON. With reference to the above Messrs. Spicer and Morrison arc ready to undertake any description of work in the above Brandies, at their very eligible premises at Teluk Aycr, ou reasonable Terms. Composition Castings, Black-Smiths work, <fee. Ac. done. Orders will be received at the Godowns
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    • 555 2 NOTICE. MR JOHN JAMES GREENSIHELDS has been this day admitted a Partner in our Firm GLTHRIE A CO. Singapore, Jany. Ist 18-19. MANILA. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. THE Undersigned be.s respectfully to inform the Residents of Singapore, that he has an extensive assortment of CARRIAGES always on hand, of his own manufacture
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    • 674 2 PUBLISHED .THIS DAY. THE Straits Ti-ks Calemiaii and Directory for ISI9, containing an Almanack, Government, Public Olh'ces, Merchants, I rades and Professions, List of Inhabitants, &c. &c. at Singapore. Co tofrulj is Comparative Statements of the Trade, Shipping, •Src. for 1*47-18. The Local Signals (Colored) in use at Singapore. Ac.
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    • 297 3 TO THE EDITOR OP THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, PER FAVOR OP THE MM I (Ml OF THE STRAITS TI.MKS. Siu In the Illustrated London News of 18th November last, I have observed a Chess Problem which ><m remarked upon as peculiarly ingenious, and the solution of which was in
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  • 98 3 THE Straits Times Singapore: Wednesday, 31st Jan. 1819. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers Jan. 17th per Clifton from China, Capt. Miller; p»r Poppy from Calcutta, Mrs Cole ami family p>r Ayrshire from Petuag, Capt. Kevin, and Bnsi^ni Ferrar,'2lst M N. I. 28th per Cotvisjee K.inuly
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  • 148 3 1 ii k 11. C. Steamer Auckland brought over from Labuan ten Lascars who had arrived at that Settlement in a native boat from Balanbangam. From the statements made by these Lascars, before the Marine Magistrate at Singapore, it would appear they belonged to a brig (owned by a gentleman
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  • 75 3 be hours live and six on Saturday morning last, a Chinese was knocked down and run over near Ellenhorough Buildings, and killed. The accident is said to have I n occasioned by a Buggy passing over the abdomen of the deceased hut such was the apparent negligence of the
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  • 112 3 -It will be gratifying to our local readers to find from the following they will be partially relieved from the frequent calls to serve on inquests. Thefollowin^act was passed on Dec. 30lh, 1318. Act No. XXVI of 1818— An act to exlenJ to the Straits the act for
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  • 62 3 —Journals to the 10th of January are to hand; they contain but few items of local interest. The Bank of Bengal had declared a dividend of six per cent on its capital slock for the six months ending Dec. 3 1st. In making this announcement the Star remarks that,
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  • 293 3 Allowing the coroner to make up a jury of six or even three persons to sit on inquest* Ed. Straits Times. bovc Bank have been selling, the amount of profit does not exceed 4 per cent.— The Union Bunk in liquidation is proceeding satisfactorily in another column will be found
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  • 2278 3 -By the arririval of the Poppy and Coivasjee family we are in possession <>l late dates from the seat of war. The offensive movements are not made with that alacrity previous advices led us to expect, but still something has been done with Moult m, which
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  • 435 3 -We arc indebted to the kindness of a mend lor the loan of the Hongkong Hrgister January ttilh. Reports had been widely circulated that some of our countrymen were murdered near the Bogue, or as later rumours stated at Canton. Confirmatory intelligence had not been received a boat proceeding
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  • 6829 4 A NARRATIVE OF THE AUSTRIAN COUNTER-RE VOLU TION. Our correspondent at Vienna furnishes us with the following narrative of the late events there. His tetter is dated the4lh of November. u ln order to come to a right judgment of the late events at Vienna, it is necessary to renumber
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  • 1430 5 A fact has come under our notice to which we attach more importance than to the ordinary news. It in not often that Royalty has occasion to appear in the courts of law or of equity. There can be no doubt but that, as laid
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  • 57 6 SINGAPOR E L OC A L In reference to r paragraph in yesterday's Straits Times, recording the escape of a prisoner from the Sheriffs Gaol, we are requested by the Deputy Sheriff to state tint no such escape took place, nor has any iittempt at such from tho new Gaol
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  • 1041 6 roSt^^SS; u^x rintendentof which from ts natu Jis at thi g St lZUre> matter of aomei Sf.t l^T had been received by him he lnfon lon th rher and overtookTwo TiJ c ZTItZ T concealed eight pieces of SJy \IZ •aptured and brougln down by J t n^ n
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  • 433 6 M A D R A S. Sir Henry Pottinger continues very popular: his distribution of patronage is highly spoken of. Among the latest instances are the appointments of Mr Uurgass and Mi Ouchterlony to seats on the Magisterial Bench. As far as his opportunities go, Sir Henry has done much
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  • 391 6 Bombay. The' principal incident we aerirfl from tne journals ot the western pceaideacj is the discovery tint political considerations haveinuuced the autlionues in Sinde to violate lbs Baaoia]J of the post olliee. Letters from lite army 10 lue Editors of the Bombay papers have tIWM Mfmtmir ly opened, and
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  • 1394 6 from the Ilonymjny licjutvr Jan. 16 J Max* reports have boon m eueulutiua during the week ol the murder of some ol our couutry. mcv uear the Bogue— aa tirst slated but aceordiug to later tumours, at Canlon. We ate happy to state that tho latest intclligeuce brings no
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 67 6 kL^T" It appears it was from the Sheriff's late or old Gaol (now the House of correction) that the escape was made. In making this amende, we cannot bu think our contemporary has overdone the matter in taking upon himself to state thai no attempt to escape from the new
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  • 814 7 IWfel a-« U*M, Cl r> Dollars. llhd. lo™ Am;s, AUsops «n* 20 to 25 \Vi ,'i '2 to 2| t boukd ci > rt u to 2 Anohortwd Cablw ;'j o JM l 2 to 13} Arrack, Bauvia 3) to 37 -^unin.m^t. JO to
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  • 713 7 The report we have this week to make of the stale of tno market is far from encouraging. Every description of manufactures sulFor depression and a general duloeti lias prevailed daring the whole ol the inontli of January sales bom r effected with diiliculty and at unremunci
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  • 209 7 ARRIVALS. Jan. 26— Brit, bark Anna Robertson, Munro, Macao, January 16th. 27— Brit, ship Clifton, Kettle well, Hongkong, January 17th. Brit, bark Minerva, Brown, Arracan, January 4th. Brit, brig Poppy, Cole, Calcutta, Ja- tiu.iry 11th. n Brit, bark Ayrshire, Miller, Madras December 19th, Penang, Jan. 21st. 23
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  • 382 7 REPORTS &C. The Clifton from* China, with a cargo of teas for London, has called in here to repair the ship's pumps. A DANGEROUS ROCK. In our last issue we noticed that Captain Wright, of the schooner Julia, on the passage from Sarawak to Singapore, observed a dangerous rock not
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  • 103 7 Bombay Shipping Arrived Dec. 21 Paragon, Boxley, Singapore 22 Malta S.V) Lovell, Ceylon; 28 Brahmin, Taylor, China and Singapore; 28 Regina, Quinlom, Chin.iand Singapore.—Departed: Dec. 26 Berenice, Candy, Singapore. Mauritius Shipping— Departed Nov. 3 H. M. Sloop Espiegle, Campbell Esq. Cape and London. Calcutta Shipping— Arrived: Jan. 7 Arrow, Young,
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  • 130 7 TO TUB EDITOR OF THE STRAITS TIMKS. Sm Knowing you anxiety to serve the Poor as well as the Rich, thro' the medium of your valuable columns and being one of the former, I beg to trouble you with a few lines. I should feel exceedingly obliged by your calling
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  • 288 7 The Militakt and Naval Expenditure of Exgland. Few few people ever realize in in their own minds what is the meaning of a suni of money such as £18,500,000 a year, spent for the support of a warlike establishment. It is well observed by Mr. Henry Drummond tbat such sums
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  • 59 7 ON GOODS. Europe (not'north of Great Britain 2j cents Ditto north of Ditto 3 America and N. S. Wales 2- Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena 2 Calcutta 11 per cent. Bomb iv 2 per cent Madras 1 Persian Gulph 3} Red Sea 4 Ceylon 1^
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  • 58 7 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Antimony Ore n. 15s per 20 cwt. Sago in Boxes 3. 10 per 50 cubic Feet Sago in Bags £3. 5 per 20 cwt. Gatnbier in baskets .£3. >• Ditto in bales.. £3. Coffee in bags 2. 15s per 18 cwt. Black pepper £3. per 16
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  • 225 7 TvTlinf «rMf|...BKHISII, Buffalo, lutly S.Um, S. M. Dux. an.«ul Amneo. Agents. Destination Nation Vksskl. Vp^bu Nam» I Tons Captain. H. C. steamer Am. ship British bark British ship British brig British bark British bark British bark British ship British ship British bark British schooner British brig
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  • 455 8 A CURE FOR BIKSOTI. Extract of a Letter dated Madras, June 10, 1846, from F. H. Scott, esq., Btn Light Cacalry, Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General of the Army. To Professor Holloway, Sir, "I have much pleasure in adding my testimony to that of the many who have
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 426 8 SUPERIOR EDUCATION AT Hofw yl College, River, near Dover, directed by Mr and Mrs J. Weston, Members of the College of Preceptors, aided by competent Teachers. This Institution, established in 1843 very commodiously arranged, is situated on rising ground in a very healthy and picturesque valley at an easy walk
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    • 1322 8 ON SALE AT THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS. (Near ihe Armenian church.) Ntwform of Ship's Articles, Cargo Books, Personal and Mortgage Bonds, Blank Powers of Attorney, Import and Export Manifests, Boat Notes, Bills of Lading, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Parcels, Promissory Notes, Straits Calendar for 1847, Ditto. Ditto, for 1846,
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    • 582 8 NEW SHIP'S ARTICLES. rju AN Sale at the &TRAITS Jgftfefr I) Times Prigs, (price ■•HL o ne Dollar each) ili«new form of Ship's Articles in accordance with the Act of Par liament7& 8 Victoria. Cap. 112 FOR SAL if THE STRAUS TIMES DIRECTORY AND ALMANACK FOR IS4B. Containing. An Almanack,
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