Straits Telegraph and Daily Advertiser, 21 April 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Straits Telegraph and Daily Advertiser
  • 17 1 The Straits Telegraph AND DAILY ADVERTISER. lDASF DSF DSF F F SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. APRIL 81, lm fx., :>(;
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 158 1 p Orricc, Colltf* Qoav, for CUba. Japan. >!■■>■. <*> ralur. Malla. brindisi, Venice, Plymouth, ard Londoi. Our w k i». Ho» fwakd.'! >HM m !M..v I B.i!U r»t >I*v 9 ..Madel Ma Jane 1 I PknuMUta Suiiej Jaw iiiaMHUtion far a. <i pawanMOTa* (Soft ivaaoti Sill.l tit .r, mnu
      158 words
    • 63 1 C. A. RIBEIRO CO., SINGAPORE. Stationers wval Stamp Dealers. Stat StftJ S.:r,--of ever; on .d Mini, at Pi ices, [NBUKTl I'D been ap- M the urn \i-n Batterr K««tl. Singapore* Singapore, POSABA WIKS Singapore and Peuang. i 1 The Fiuest of Whiskies. |B (12 A Case. rlxj < rl i
      63 words
    • 247 1 THE ADELPHI HOTEL. ,^>o p^> Singapore, -t^il, ?*^"3ir*^# a ■"■■■"cJ v""^~v~" f]t 4 j d»-liijl lin tbeoenf Town near 7 i I HaJ] md C n I part of the Tow The an excellent I directly pnder the sir ,(>n of a Barop n C k Hot and Cold B
      247 words
    • 385 1 Alex Fox k €o e ■^».t»i JigJi 1*Drapers and Outfitters. COMMISSION COLI£< TING AND FORWARDING AGENTS Wlu-re the sni.'illest orders and ('< inn:>-;"\ arc iin'npdi:i il\ nn<] OjßfvflllN iitrt-ii' 1 to aud wliere ii.i« 1 ini ti« is u nl l «riv»-n t il vi (i niTt ;ni v.m:h"4 ai.y
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    • 302 1 'I'iir Straits rdc-s-jsjili." V N 1 1 and at 1 p. ni. on SatnrdarH. 'I' 1 n'-- 1 .->... ambers. 1 1 I b addro«H'> laaat»or. Tbe rate of advurtiaciacata is as I :r;y r> mad 111 r. 1 f ;i liti I tomonta wfll be inaert^J, I TaWy rpj'iced
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  • 237 2 JAPANESE LABORERS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. FRIDAY. stTH APRIL, ifl I I The attempt of Ike British Gofaunbuuu to exclude Japaacw laboven from their- tetritorj ii in harmony with public sentirneat over the entire extent of the Pacific OotSt of Koitk Ai!ut:c::, For lome reason the Asiatics h;ive not BOM BMI
    237 words
  • 216 2 I Count Cassini, one of the leadI ing Russian diplomats, in a reI cent interview made the statej ment that Kusaia is not opposed Ito the open door in China, lie says that Kussia is at the en- trance of brr industrial and
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  • 189 2 Tub Government of the United States hav»* been considerably surprised by a direct to Secretary llav for a-« si^tanco in support of Italy's claim to Saninun Bay in Cuina. liec< J »i, r iiition oi tiie Unii*-d States as a power having wori.l-vvid' 1 interests arid
    189 words
  • 230 2 Tin: consensus of public opinion appears to favor ibt agreement arrived at be; ween t: I.^'laud1 laud and Fianct as i > their resp ctive bounaanes aud spberes ui influence in fric i. in E inland, the undisputed po-ses^i ki of the Nile V diey f;o:n Al
    230 words
    • 12 2 Tk« S\ h -juncil has runni the I lieiatK 1...
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    • 6 2 Reinforcements for the Philippines 4 n
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    • 71 2 BRFI-AFN nmi ICMM I ML I f D I"' m. crwi She how< \«r oihlojm >rs to secure a ihu» share «»1 Hie mi K'<'Uiiic;l |mrts of the World and lu'x-e iii.m «trciiartli«;i Iht Army •a lit! Vim. Continuing. th<- Duke stated that H iin endeavors t
      71 words
    • 206 2 The Koknmu* gives the names of twoKili{ i a few days ago i and Mi i speech i he Filipinos yoke after two ye.. I must be dent in ord a great t ot nati. t: !;.i.- i .t •>. .ii by :.«c uni\ übodyiiig the M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 339 2 THE PARSI ELPHi:;BTOHI dk ui rtic a 1 To-NMit W. >• -:i St: H^M tV I I a:;.: ,r -ra VARIi :> KNTKIMAINMEXI Seven lady artistes will personate nV Rates of Admission i< >. ••S-- First Class 9>oo Snwi s Th.rd 10.30 Spcvial Zenana Ist class $0 .50 Doors open
      339 words
    • 455 2 •Day ami XisrlH Dispensary." S WATKRb m STREET, n throughout ih- night.) VACCMATION Daily 8 to 10 A. M >. sN l.\> i I 1 i D. Mrdii-al Adviwi DR. PAI'L late Civil Mi di< al i >■:■< r I pp< r Bwttan. IL. sto« k 11 1 iii. ii.i-s
      455 words
    • 83 2 Robinson Co. HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Slazengcr'a Tennis Rackets. Ilolden's Tennis Rackets. Ayre's Tennis Rackets. Ayre's Teunid Ball*. Tennis Net*. I I Wisden'a Cricket Bat«. Cniwforu's Exceller Patent). WArsop'b Cricket liat*. I«ei, r -£TUiir'l3. Batting Gloxes. Wicket Ittfalf Gauntlets. I I Wi^lenV -Crown" Cri^k^ Rails. Wislen'x Pr:iotice «':-ickft BalU,
      83 words
    • 450 2 13, E, d'AnmjoCOMMISSION AGKNT. Accountant Petition Writer. Oiiiet- 19, Malacca Street. H. LAVIEN europi:an watch maker. Fifty years experience in Watch Repairing. First class Refkkkncf.s. Has his shop in the same establishment as Messrs. Wfse Co., English Bnkery No. 155, Orchard Road. CHARGES MODERATE. Singapore* 14th April. 1899. im. Used
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    • 242 2 NOTICE. A YOUNG lady in Southern India a S c(l 33). PMted Anothecarry of the Madras Medical College, and who has been in independent charge of a women's and children's, hospital for a period of over two years, desires engagement in the Straits St tt'trnents or Native States. She was
      242 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 94 2 DIARY OF 1 HE WEEK Fri lay, 2 Ist High lI 7 SOM tit im 1 -".'..t!, il.iri Rin 1 Ha i P. &C) Mail Horn, war 1 1 I a S.! 1 High Watef v CrKkd \i 1 v 1 I's id M<n Fort Ca TffMpi«fl -I I S;
      94 words

  • 931 3 ANTI-RITUALISTS VERSUS RITUALISTS x s ..v M, |fcf R r v. Forbes Phillips, vk*t of i ktfu. W^ belofe Charles Edmund Wincott, one of Preachers, on the I uproarious i ings the tint of a scries of meetings held n Gorleston in connection with the t movement. The Vicar had
    931 words
  • 38 3 \MS RFt. I I \T IM UK* I ii 01 FBANG WTI IKVO)« Lor.dor, M irrh 22:1 I Mtny iwTwomi Te is ■il tting th I ih 1 ANjtd t:..- Hoi -1 was the work ot t
    38 words
  • 86 3 PRO-. ECT Ol \n RUSSIAN IN i r N IH 9 J!■ Bradnel P.iriiav6c .!J I» An toreign to questions in the of Common?, ita ted tl--- In tood that the Italutn de-. na do not include th- isla li l, wh. -r H treaty i Gra(
    86 words
  • 95 3 P, Mar k I j At a meeting of the gmd BicH early I «E idbfcd of tl i mand r the co MEM ussccl m l del-- i.iat not ,1 m% illor dar r Km edfcl nMM i .:i of Ch^kiang
    95 words
  • 30 3 FOREIGH MARINES AT PEKING WITHDRAWN. Grr.v. I 1 W I MMm fa I ■■rillf! to- i i<- -m 'i RSMWI WlB •iidraw ikthl at tfM ni of this n A|K-:i
    30 words
  • 251 3 ErerT Japanese dhfli > v ;vm"l •> y»*ar olil on tht- |M <lav of dMMSI calender year alter birth, tin it il w.i i i ;i-t ii\"il >- e mb t; t i; is i n»p»»r to -iy hai •V w :-a <• birth- uiui a
    251 words
  • 374 3 A French Mm-of-War pn<=qnd through the no -t from West to East at 9 U fl.m tn-dav. Sunday ne^f beinsj th* Pitrnnn.l flnM n f th»» Cnireh of S f .Tn«^nh a mu<i<"il Mn«« with orehost 1 j\er»om* pinimi»»it will hp »nngr in that Church. BsMCOOUtM Street
    374 words
  • 131 3 T!u- i w m_' i" some >>f the r >r, rt* ■ifoU 1 i_rH-*fi booki i m|| iblt Sfiitl p j' for Go.i'- Sawti I i r .-t .i!v <• 'MS"; it It r I N-- Cb«rch, lh« Sparr '-v- ol Mi Spi d tiiU MP S i
    131 words
  • 368 3 'I'!. 1 r. >r whm ef r heard widj t i, ,t h >.. medl on I w I bruat ofl t V< 1 .i- 1 1 K:\ik t'-.1, ail j lying kl t S i i Sir «'a, i« Mr* <:i it i ;i
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  • 63 3 (CORRF.CTi-.n it to April 2 0.) On London. demand i/l i*3fi Private credits 3 m/s Jm ■nil 3 1/0-1/10 credits 6 m's A<°s Fk\Nri-:. demaiui -47 2 il KMANY demand Hongkong, demand -|o/o Yokohama, demand ...4 1 o pa. J\\ demand IlS 4 M\N!I A. demand P 1 S<>\
    63 words
  • 53 3 (April 10 i l/i.tinlmT v Cul> No. i *3* P Black ordinary Vpore)...» 2550 V/hi> ra:r! --=5O/0) ,41 -5« Nuim. |§(lIO«tOl ">•) 2 (> »> u> the lb.) h lUcc I B iß^h) h idi—innri 3 u.-.'-n MJ* p i; Sag h small Stan, No. 1 j I Sar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 R Thong Foe Co. Nu. 10ii, Hi-h Street. i u ilors and General Outfitters. Give a European cut,, and the most approved style of clothing for jxontleliKii. C%mip;iri' our prices.;_'apore, VM\i Feb., IBJ>9 CYCLES ioK SAUL Three superior Dtcycle^i 24 and j(> in. Ani)lv to E. J MOTIWALLA.
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    • 241 3 I OK SALfc. ttEGOND-H\Nl) Palati iiiiT. l»ur order. Any r^.na: H ctptcl Ap,,,, Aoo tins lt| Singapore, 2 1st fr'eb I^.'.». 1" E. J. Woosensali him! Co. Cloth M.rrl.ants. \<i t>'4° "i V.,rt i Hi i -i P lit TltlrMl S| Baaa Ofc and that thej are able to MpNotice.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 146 3 MAIL NOTICE. To-M' >KKu\V For M tar, Faifalb l Jt Jl' P K K 1 ao dl)cH,C*lvp»o *p< s «Ss <; m ner, i 3 P M p u rt Dickon and ,/ivng, Sappho. 4P-" Saigon, Juno, 4 j Deil Sonutra, 41 I A cheribon—dStwan Seng, 4 P IfcngM! 55*^
      146 words
    • 612 3 V ESBELS EXPECTED P. Piemonte Ital., Spezzia, Pylades.H.M.S. Plymouth due Apl.— Roset. Russ., Cronstadt, due Mar. Romente, Ilal., Spezzia, Saida,, Pola, StGeofge, H. M.S. Port mouth Stromboli, Ital., Spezzia, Yokiwa. Jap. Newcastle, ('mite, U.S. ri. Jap., London, ail Stf.amkrs From Firope. amatta, due April 22: P.&O. reussen, due April
      612 words
    • 710 3 Vessels in Pout. Orlando. Brit, cru., 5,700 tons, Capt. Burke, April i<jth. From Portsmouth, Roads. Rattler, Brit cru. 71 5 tons dpt. Harding, April 18, from Labuan. Roads Othkr Vksskls Aurora. Brit cru.. I ftt kMH Bayley, April 19th l-'rom Plavmouth, Roads. Aaiherst, Brit str i,> toi s. Capt fcUddox,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 324 4 Tat above Pock, minted in Prov WellMlej, «t amtraac* of th» Prye Rivt i% has lately been lenjrthened and and is now of the following Tirnvth on the blob 330 feet Do. do. neap tides 12 Tli* Machine Shop has been force extra*- is fitt to hnll or m?«'i:Tnery of
      324 words
    • 219 4 MILLWRIGHTS, IMDU-T^IAL ErGl::iZiiS CC2TTHA-jTOIIS. COTOsm mi EUki posi on n Sptc::U:ues. j :> ■i. -in Pi, la'h's hrtei Dry Okerry Hmlter, Lyon's r 'ti Tapioca Mm liinery, Kic*« Mills v Wood Working MiicLinery, Cattlo rowers A: ;i Mili I'lant, V:uc Apple Prt v. i L'lant. On Hind For Sate
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    • 88 4 -LE AGKN H F\ HNGAPOBI v-: :C^. I; &SS \&iiy/te /MM** I J i .vi? *r i 101 m C.L 4s£o_ V.i Scon 'fit-. .atw-aiJ. 7-.- i --..i.'Vii,n-w ra^^m,. >.-^K>ia».-uu j I Q tr *M Af I f A J J* i Why trouble to make your own Jains wheu
      88 words
    • 300 4 for sali;. gECOND-IlAM) IM f:iir order. Anj r cepted. A; A Singapore, 21m t 1v...i, E. J. Woosoiisa-i s:ml Co. Clot!) Merchants. >•'■• Road DBGM to ii ounce to the Ladies rt A> < they I o just received new goods for -^y are able to p I>l\ clotlt, including
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    • 159 4 CHEOXG CHL\, MM M No. 27, Soith Bndfo Eo.d, Upßtaii The oUeat *nd ■i<*«. A trial solicited, iin mmOomM tvnus < .'J. VfIOJR i< <s %ad Jutioe ot tUe I\mc«. Bi« rarm, 22«<l nl f 1H.»:»-J. H b. Ih« wwlooi uwth draw mo«t The in_ MM i:»i' I. -.-!y U*
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