Straits Telegraph and Daily Advertiser, 10 April 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Straits Telegraph and Daily Advertiser
  • 15 1 The Straits Telegraph AND DAILY ADVERTISER. 01. 1-1 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1899 [No 40
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  • 17 1 is m aeau v as ii > *r*l rod I tion is ■A. I and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 rUr-ir. X Vcaio*. June SO .iuabks »in> tiia day of the iv-nUrs of 1 l NX RITCHIE, E FRANCE. ri»« steamers will X 11' I -s Ot particulars, 'HT^.' bBI'K Accent. The Standard Photoaphic Studio. )rchardßoa«l. from 8 a. m. to a p. m. r. Platinum. Bromide, leur Photographers
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    • 70 1 C. A. RIBEIRO &CO., SBIGAFOSJBDealers. tioners Si: at Moderate Prices* Stamps bonsbt, sold and i. Smstmvon THK TOKYO Rl INSURTHE MEIJI 1 nCE LTD rPHE nn I heen ap- J. jveCom- m- Marino j s, B 3 'apore' Sin T 3111 Feb., iv v C3HPAHYBingapore and Feuang, The iiiicbi 1
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    • 162 1 THE ADELPHI HOTEL. Singapore. Is one of the oldest »d bert k»OW« H^]" Si "Sffi a,li 2 ht|-u!!v rituated io the centre oi the Town new rtw > lort and Telegraph Offices, the Town Hall and the Commercial V *vt ot the T n The notcl ha, an excellent directly
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    • 254 1 So n:::r=T:::i a 0::"3 jpi![nys popular i THB ©HUSK of Tina DAI J.R.D. Insist upon having J.R.O. Dl 2GEEETSON EON. LUNPE7~ BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT ESTABLISHED, iB6O. »W| ESTABLISHED, iB6O. Tai'orins Outfittin? Establishment Under th<* Most Disrineuished Patronag Bib F. A. Wkid, g.c.m.c -ux i. Sobih m.g., Lite Governors of the
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    • 61 1 The .M. VMlll i f 1 I with t boili'iM, Arc. i 1 1! T i Nd Xitfi C<»iu j»*oy nr«j all *mci for any 'Jh«« I'.-mpany resoive* ..iher tan -<l rd Teie^r«m* iii I^kir Must &Co. id Dealers in Ladies' OoßtlaIllCii' JA |wM tteir bn^iuws ;>remftef. «r «todk oi
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  • 198 2 STRAITS TELEGRAPH "DUM VIVIMUS, VIVAMUS." MONDAY, 10TH APRIL, 1899. THE CAPE TO CAIRO RAILWAY. I Sir Cecil Rhodes ha 3 a^ain conquered, as hi always does, and the Oaßt-Afficaa I railway will be pushed through at once. AVith the Qcrmill I intee covering the Hoe pining i tfaroogli German 1
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  • 575 2 W iiln we wrole un Saturday OT) the JtQJirfOß (;f I patj wn g mfess i bat ire u.i<i n t .i!.::l\; ai rmr r.muKS V jJd be s > soon verified but k who I M we I Urn prejudices of the natives we 0 >un-
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  • 168 2 The plan proposed tfe Imr •ri;ii naval X vk- from tiie fishi run n of Xcv foundland and tho GummUm protiaces, it carried out, meant the add of a class of practical seaman whose untiring perseverance and industry m oniy t.\, |gj |a t heir r-T*«>ml d:.r:n^. I"
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  • 429 2 REMOVAL OF LADY LO'S REMAINS. T IE remains of Lady Lo, wife of the Chinese Minister in L >udon were removeu ou |fe| 1... i at from the Lt .tion in Ponland-phice to the A. ft i 1 ki tor transhipment to C h u\ ;.t Sai uki Mir i,
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  • 14 2 Anglo-Hussiau X«y:u!i toinpr«honsi\r. uter uiHieratMidt thmt th<- mem,. view to the a
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  • 9 2 Jietoa Tanu was crowned Kin? of Samoa o.
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  • 7 2 xpiweiuea ia ilwifiter atwl
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  • 13 2 •3MWMWII ftoil MA he wrote the bor4 h April, 1899.
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  • 59 2 Mouday, loth i Wmm i w Moon m I S >:ii;. 5 i s p. harmonic Choir 1 •.i 1 H Mortgagee's Sale. Poweß p inn Drill 5.15 p Hindoo New Year commences. Ar I c S. V. A. S id I Thur^hiy. rjjfc I High
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  • 39 2 <* short. Hh vi t arii th< .1-: g a; no immediate exjx din mi tion. Abdußah, ace of a Greek who acre per. A not rain. 1 tshing. have taken the pL ded, and time-expired men.
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  • 130 2 The App Kon L Court of Apj)eal, in the C of the has met nothing hut o»mm< bands. I. 1 Kumer is a sound -■rand a just and businr> Judge, his tnipowfclt to ho* 1 !i specious arguments, and in lie i.. w fu!l«.vv«T I L 1
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  • 15 2 i i c >- I 1 >roier schoiai Angiuping fcinwdl for missionary wor^t mission field vmcru^a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 485 2 SPECIAUTE j GHNTLfMi .N S ENUIG MESS Powell Robinson, Ilish-C lass t Si n I3UI 1 ,h., 1899. I B.P (to Silva i H STW BT, SiNC J Rl ha« I.- as r: fid r. cf Diamond Jewellery AMI jtM IVOI I tkv Dc MrnoM Ml 1 -ifts. Also a
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    • 135 2 I Robinson &Co. ii WE a LARGI MOCK Of Slazeugcr's Tenuis Rackets. i Holden's Tennia Rackets. AjlWl IVnm.s Rackets. A} r. fWwil LaiU. Tennis Nets. WisJen'a Cricket Bats. Crawfuni'i Exo»lUt (Patent). Warsop's Cricket iiats. Lc^-L'uarJs. Datriii'' Qloatt. Wiohli Kocjun^ Gut'.mletd. ;v lmfk •'<"• Cticfcrt B.i in. WUha^i PnetiwCriekM hb, Pa
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    • 499 2 NOTICE. J^ YOl T \G lady in Southern lidia (•g«J 33) i I Passed Apcthc rarry ol the Madras Medical College, and who has been in Ue> pendent change of 1 women's and childrm's, hospital fora period of bvet t\.o V'-ars. desires engagemenl in the Straits Settlements or Native Stales.
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  • 101 3 i. ting *•*■r yesterday to the ii 1 Nor iha, the ndent and presented I with an add i 1 lie proof-reader, j. Pcreira. read the address on {of the compositors a: iiyJOTHTi Mr Noronka being very much a A Taril poem was also n was
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  • 102 3 Mr. Cecil Rhodes had an audience i tht Emperor William which lasted three quarters of an hour. He had l.reviously visited the Ii» i Her and the British Ambassador, and rpcated interviews with the Si retary The rt that an agreehas been arriv*tl at J>etween Mr.
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  • 241 3 M dc Staa!. the Russian Amba dor in London has brcn seleited by j r :dc over the Peace Conference at the Hague which will r the earliest possible date, t as hb assistant Prof eater I Mart ofessor Martens ha> tor v an <en universally regarded
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  • 198 3 Saturday nii»ht the Klphiostone .at ic Club pr. nluced for the first to a crowded hous*>. their ay entitled Satyavady Rajah HarA discussion took place i the court of the King of Fairyland tne posaiblity of the exista person who never told 1 «tha affirmed that K\»g
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  • 17 3 10th A r !i \r »ti M- M v! ii W v liarille, and lUnscMu
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  • 354 3 1- n I'-l i New Vrar occurs -I ti (■;<_} following! C I i .-t- an- i:ji befon the v tl..* imm!.;: i harp d v P i'• rinb C< nemos gaming h< i.-c in Ji i t 1: ud A (f l<-t i a i n
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  • 237 3 A cowardly MM I «w1 I by two t> o person if one llr.DrWitt, an employe pa ity, last night in Priaetj) sneet. I "was standing on pathwi. I ■eisV, wL^n im tw. Malays- rmed with stick? 1 I for »;ird and levelled a heavy fcl
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  • 359 3 Several recent vi>itors to Pr»!est üblish iuteT-tiiiL,' facts about t r-'.v- v, l'jlc-tine. Twenty \i irs there were nnW four- r r: .u>:.'i. Jf-wa in that whfle ntry N re thrrp are forty vc.i or .n.-T.fth of |M i-nt're population In J<*rus:»leui alone thi >■•' t\vc!ity- f
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  • 74 3 Bth April, 1899, On, London. Bank 4 mft !/l!fl dtnii-nd l/11-l'/lG Private credits G m/s 2-1; 1(J do o m/s 1/11-15/16 On Ira! la. 3ank demanti M7l On Jlon<jl;oiuj. "Bank dfinar.«i o vis. On Yokoharmi. Bank demanu ■lio/u pitm. On Java. Bank demand 1 1T^ Private M d/s V&\
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  • 111 3 ]()th April 1599. Tin 5:..;,0 Qambier W c,.\u No. 1 9.50 Pmer, Bhek 86.1 i M While, ('"i'/o) IS. 1 ';-;:> 1 1 \Oa tv Ike 1b) 7-. do. r< 1 v tb< l >, I Mat 1 1 da] I I'lcvs A UDOOm) Libefiaa '■■.)>■■■■ 1tt.50 i
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  • 134 3 Singapore, lOta April, 1899. £1 iv. y paid |tf] M Punjonis s i punt) y 5 ?.'> J- leta# |5 pi) S.. l' ">o l'";i,iii_:( lon i P't.) §1 > Baafa Ltd. (in j 5-' I1 EV lag Oofl b 00. (fIOO pd.) l>o:, u r,. ari s
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 163 3 r: I FORTE TUNER AND REGI LAT >R i 188 a Ro. 9, Dhoby Ghaut Having had long experience in th prei W tune and 1 farmoniums, Organs instr imt-nts. Sin-ap- 1599. v I Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Tll r puHi' 1 MW intdtiiifd t h»tt
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    • 243 3 The Art Xeedlework I Depot Orchard hmi f| AS r v•! j.r r >.. s ;<aron a j largi v 1 fiat im m Meat of I 1 FANCY AKIIi LE3 Traced linen table c>Ten. ;:.y-. <f-n:i' r\ i> rtfs. Children's Lid.-. I Felt pj» m Ladies' handi i.--.Mats and
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    • 166 3 To those seeking a Remedy for aclies and pains--4 iwon; etlifaoious oil ior the coring of all knuls of diseases haa ju.-t been discovered. In canes of rheumatism, swellings in rhe le^ r luinba-. r o. sprain, f«s weii an ladies' ailment-, the uso of thi.- oil externally luir hail
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    • 32 3 NINA MAIIOMKI) X M ».KICAN A CO. R\Kt > (o[»p mmj ir i IVn \F, r. -n Mcr wholesale and retail. Tinned goods perfumery, patent nedieioua, Ac^ at ni M:i. > :i -:<'.). Ihi i
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    • 321 3 1. uasi «t BOT4L -riaffos of all description on hire b/ the daj, <r«ek. or in >oth. Hon*e* cmrcfallf rfwd. MngapuM, Uth Feb M 18WI. v., CARBOLATED IBOSfTI DESTRO.'S ALL MICROBES A 1-- pl*a«nt od ...v' mouiuUilirn -v. Ouce tried ahv.iys used. PATFRSOM?:^D\"?;&C H Open tucMHHMßeat on shore or on
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 200 3 MAIL NOTICE. T MORKOW For 1 k i'an Seng ivaai Woi n Penally N« »vn Kari■l Madm etc^l alaoei a, m--1 RaBfWMI and Caltta UaawDa, 3 I M. lai f' >ri I* k- Baa Him Gaaa 1 3P rr SH;r: DIG ARRIVALS loth April. Brit, str Dai Hm Guan from
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    • 536 3 TIBBBLB f N POUT Irnmortnlitc, Brit BW l^iOO tons, Ccn;n-;a-. I r Sir V. Chi* h Jan. jBtlk Froaa Labajaaj. Forf atrtait rrincr'.oti. U. S OTL, I /KM '->ns, Pmaaiindf r Wait uiived M^r 15th From Onm Vh 1 is. Auihrrit. Pii: itf 10l ton pi ■addoS, Brit str
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    • 703 3 YES S I 1 I, S IIX i>: < T 1 I r 'vjnpr port of dcpaiiMPe, and '1 I mm) d.. I 1' of A;'- ■am -.'ar. Aurora. H. M.S DtVt p N A; A 1 > 1 Touloo 4 F ii POMHC, I Toulon, UmLmmj I n,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 397 4 Tmi ahow Dbek, aitaated in Provinro at the entrance of Ike Prve Hiver, hm latrly been lengthened and luniM H an»l is sow of ike following •4 1 tit Lrneih on the Uorl» S3O feet Brmdth at entran<-e 50 M IK ?»rh of w.iter on sill at ordinary »»»rin!r tide*
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    • 248 4 MILLWRIGHTS, INDU^TKIAL DUIIIIB CONTRACTORS. Oman ynfißii posi otncft Specialities. '.y aj*i P.ift-Mt EiberiM r r Pu per, Lyi i;'< St 'f Actinsr I' [>i i Miehincry, Xit I*'1 Mills a Wood SV'orkiuir Man iMfffj Catti« iwits Oil Mill Plant, I'.i. \j[> I'vi rvinu I'hiut. On Hand For Saia. Wat. r
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    • 108 4 f Xfe^isv ■■■■..>/ T .K AGBNTB T.V s[\c \PORE BRISKMAISLm' ITS. I I r i< Iv^-v^C v. i• v x. v- /.fSAji/z^ j j! M<K-€sr SK9&& J& ;j JAKE A3; r,a?rc;r!) To |i i mmm j j mm ***t&mpmßmewmmu*r h t tmm mm i HW MMI< i maL L j
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    • 370 4 To those seeking a Hemedy for aches and pains. A "7! l l ffi :i< !l of all kin k of a.-. .■»..-> |;i been iliscov.Mv.l. In rh J jn I! sw*-'li: in U 1 .-i—iti. a, «.i H :h v ailmentor&e n^' tK:s oil 11.. 1 1 ,;i mnrv,
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    • 223 4 CHEONG CHUN I MM I IK, •v So«th Bridge Rot 4, TW oliMt and mtMt mnvfmfa\ Tk-nti*. «U— —^fmial, which mm be m^n «t (ha m. J»s*ai ,v,, us ..(....j., £2 thaw.y,,: Mi ssawßat i;:; .;;.2?S omiy two tec., TIIO An \im *ii< u< I 1 pot J[ AS received
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