Straits Observer, 9 December 1876

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Straits Observer
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 692 1 TO THE >T KAI T8 < BrtKR vK K Per Annum (in a<i\»ii«e) $l.">fK) Monthi> 99 MM ADVKItIISEMENTS. At p*-r Souare of Twelve lines Mr«t lassrHai l-.acli *«<-crfdiuL r in*ertion m < HM uioittli > y8 < fll A literal deduction will be in&Je lo parties wi-hi> g t<-
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    • 783 1 MOTHERLANDS IN 01 A STEAM NAVIGA- f TION COMPANY, LIMITED. The Steamers of the above Company will now ply between Singapore and Ba avia every foitnicbt, leaving Sin«ja( ore 24 hours alter the arrival olthe English Mail Ironj home. Head Office. 8 Great v Vi*chester stklkt liuiLDi gs, London. Passage
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    • 509 1 THE EASTERN AND AUSTRALIAN MAIL STEAM CO, LIMITED. 11HE following is the Time Table of the arrivals and departures of the Royal Mail Steamers of the above company dunu*' IS7O. l J Leave Singapore for Arrive at Singapore £iiabaue. fr<jin Brisbane. 1876. I 1876. March 7. Wednesday 26th Jan. Monday
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    • 548 1 JOHN LITTLE CO. Have always on hand direct importations of the following goods WINE. themes from Cockburu and Campbell. White f) and otbiTß. 1 ort from Cockburn and Campbell, Page «nd others. Claim from Bordeaux direct. QuHßptfM from Jules Muomb, Gtialer and tit others. Hocks and Moseles from do. do.
      548 words
    • 659 1 I K. ULLMANN JIWIUBM am, Watch EmiUUOmc Fancy and (^nki-ai, Go eja S'Vi »1? E MUKI.. 1 \TTEHY UOAD. Comer of Commercial Sonera JUST received per last Fiend, nuil ;jn «l othu lute ai rivals A NKW STCM K <>1 (inops, Comnri^in- vaiiely of Lost ll;l j e shirts, linen
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  • 21 2 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. On the 6th instant at his residence in Queen Jtreet, Mr. .Irhn IJainabj Leicester, Chief Clerk, Sin.upoie iie-tßury.
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  • 2030 2 THE STRAITS OBSERVER. Saturday, 9th December, 1876. Reuters' Telegrams. The sole riyht of publication of these teleyranw ha* hfcu purchased by the Proprietor of the Straits Observer. They mill he pnblisfwd in the Daily Sheet, inul reprinted on WeilneaUuy and Saturday in the Struitd Observer. I London, sth Dec 1876
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  • Correspondence.
    • 188 2 TO HIE EDITOIt OF THE ITftAlTt OB>KKVI Sir, Onr Caftglfo rordiailv nrmM a vote ot ti aiks in the Member t Council for havitjj itmrll hill id <>| I 1 l the grants to the G Mfltl ami Mus.ijih; the.setwo ill for the* benefit ot 'hiimtc In* tul of Europeans,
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    • 395 2 TO THE EDIT'»R OK TIIK ST« Al TS OB^ R VK BOL— I have not read Mr RllDMJlg article which appeared in ftIMM Miij zine and which you reprinted kit I J»t read his letter in your paper of verier Premising that Kurasians are of nn blood, partly European and
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    • 543 3 TO THK KDITOR OF THE STRAITS OBSERVER. Km,—• l'ut i question the soundness of Mr. Pickering's recommendations in the article under discussion. 1 will admit for the sake of argument that M all the three races generally are wanting in moral and physu cal courage, and their consciences are too
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 602 2 FOR SALE. rfIHAT large and extensive Tapioca plantaI tion with Machinery complete, situated nt SmflgMff, about 1\ miles from Town, containing an area of (321 acres, of which 181 are for ever, and the remaining 410 for 10 years, paying a yearly rent to Government of $71.10. There are about
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    • 640 2 AKAJY CONTRACTS. THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SEALED TENDERS will be received at this Office until noon on the 11th January, 1877, from persons willing to contract for such SUPPLIES AND SERVICES A9 may be required from time to time for tbe use of Her Majesty's Knropean Troops stationed in SINGAPORE, PFN'ANG.
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    • 58 2 GAMBIEE, AND OTHER TANNING MA-Agem-v w«»U'i tor Great butain by London firm having a first clast connection i»ith Tanner* and Dealers. lar«»e Sale* to arrive could be effected. Highest Keferencea k India and Europe. State full particulurs in confidence to (iambier," care of Mr. G. street, Advertising Olives, 30 Comhill,
      58 words

  • 986 3 Mn7, BT«9. 23 OtR friends in the Straits appear to be taking ii|* t We question of Chinese Secret Societies with a considerable uTiiount of vigour tiud earnestness, and it is to be hoped that something of value be lite rej>ult. Tl»e subject is undoubtedly one ot tlie greatest
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  • 206 3 CHEFOO. H.M.S. Mosquito, Lieut. W. F. l'aul, R.N., arrived this morning from the Miaotio I«lund« with despatches, and reports that «he Lapwtny still leuinins on tl.e beach, broidside on, and admitt ing waterut high tide. The machinery bid jill l>cen removed, :uid the boilers the thwj rmtmfag tm board.
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  • 1811 3 IMAGINARY COGITATIONS. 11. The Emperor Alexander, in Hi9 Bedchamber. Pall Mall budget [Woken tie curtains are fluvg a tide] lt Ah t le beau jour What have I said Those were another Alexander's last words. So it i« Even gladnets iu the beauty of the day cannot run ahead
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  • 109 3 Rj lust muil iMm D«« Ivvil.jn«l It Lmm> »>-.— SriAMKR-* vi.% Mi/Ca>*l— For PwiHi Siwgumfl ll'iijkon^, uti < *lui»i»i.«i Alt.»nA.(i itAmi l'miU, Kf«m, Mr«*Mf CumU-, CJ.illfy (if LonM. SaM. inc. Vr.<»n.s —V >" Y»U« v Flji«f| »'>i)ur lor >^hii Kliz h*w. ¥w Honftkoiift l.imi, WVs'ern I'hid, Onik- K r
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 PHILADELPHIA rXHIBiriOM.-I' tislict'iy lw lint b**l«li iii.nut.etur.M < n,,,re than h<«i,i th*:i'- oitn in Ai.iij.i. W« nott'-'Mha? iitthcrhil.Mleli.liii Kxhimti-n., M«g« CroMe v HlMkfMNlMvt iwwwrt4 fgwi innm t iU< for their ct-le>r»ite«l B|>e« i •itiox, ;«ml »v..- utetaMM no hmt lo%ir nw^ids I»esidc-H Iki MtM 1«t r.ickles siiuces, .V<« they
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 457 3 stripping 3*ntriligcnrf. ABKITALB. Deo. 6 H: T. M. Duchaffaut. llftatr, 12S0, Sii^on 0 MM. str. I'eiho, Lecoutre, 'li'lo, Hongkong 3 )th N »v. 7 British str. Rosa, Chopanl, 26«5, Sour.ibaya 27ih Nov. 7 B. I.N. Go's. str. India, Rogers, 1059, Ptuaug 4th Dec. 7 Hritish barque Falcon, Bateinan, 35 J,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 619 4 GEOK TEAT Co. GENERAL AVAKKIIOUiSEMEX, Importers of i.teut DKsciitrr.ox of i;ur<H'i;a>; qouDS. puovi 8 i o n a ALL^OL l \S Ale in Wood and Bottles. BEELi > snorted. Quarts and Piut3 POBTSB Quarters and Pints. POUT WINK, Various. BRANDT, Hennessey, Jules Robin, and Martels CHAMPAGNE, Assorted. CLARET, &C.,&C. SODA
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    • 898 4 Pi o lee led by Royal Letters Patent, Dated October 11th, 18G9. Muter jHstrngufefced gatrcuagc. T3R. BRIQH!FS PHOSPHODYNE. A chemical Preparation ol Phosphorus with the Vegetable Alkaloids Quinia, <.\vpri|i*<leii, Xanthoxyl n Ice, The New Curative Agent, and only Reli- able Remedy for Nervous and Liver Complaints. Tnis Fho<phatie combination is
      898 words
    • 822 4 CAUTION. J. F. MARTELL'S BEANDT It having come to our knowledge thnt «puri<^ imitations are imported. Con-ii'iiti.H should he careful to 9e« that they oMain the genuin«» article with our Brand, which i<* to \te h«d of all resp^cfahle Dealers. Agents Matthew Clark Sons. 7-, Great Tower Street, Loudon. 1
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    • 1072 4 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. No family or person should be without ihp«e Pills. Then* lonjf tried ettii ucy in correcting disorders of the liver ami stomach, stimulating the bowels and purify ina the blood, lias >ecured tor them M imperishable Ume throughout the world. A tew doses produce cotufoTt. a short continuance
      1,072 words
    • 598 4 Full printed direction* are athx e ,i (o Pot.uuii can he had in any iMajOMa. e\tn Arabic, Armenian, l'er>iwu. or (Jinur*? HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bads Legs, Bad Breasts. Wounda am Ulcerations of all kinds There i« no medicinal prenaration mhich thoroughly relied upon i,, he treattne, ,?r*r ailment, u, HollowhjN Ulntmmt!^Xth
      598 words