The Straits Maritime Journal and General News, 14 October 1896

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Maritime Journal and General News
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 503 1 BOLL’S GIN, IT. J. "Martyn, Jun. I GOSLING GO. Pritchard Co., I THE POSADA. LAMPS! LAMPS!! LAMPS!!! I Just received a Shipment of very choice. I A ,T,,: G, received a largo assortment of Tennis Racquet* L A lit I W Golf Clubs, Cricketing and Football Goods etc., etc. AT
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    • 6 1 VALK’S GIN, H. J. Martyn, Jim
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 711 2 BRITISH INDIA' STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY,—(LTD). KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ THE #4r\\ I NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMEBS. C#A V^AaCK.I, (H Intended Sailinq 4' expected Arrival of Steamers a ~HTmTIT Negapatara y JBL Porto Novo, j- 22nd O. Secundra. Singapore 22 0. Jr/ C*g B I N 0 W i tspm c<H« lllcUUf
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  • 420 3 In the civilized west there is always to be found a bevy of amiable but misguided old women (who are not necessarily either old or of the greater sex) who make a point of rushing to the release ofjevery hardened criminal whom the law has Justly
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  • 944 3 (From the Time Weelthj Edition 18th September 1896.) A new Irish-American dynamite plot has been brought to light by the arrest in Boulogne last Sunday of P. J. Tynatn, the No. 1 of the Phoenix Park murders. Two men accused of being his follow'conspirators have
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  • 199 3 Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held* on the 25th September, 1896, P resent.—J. Y. Kennedy, Esq., (President)/ J. Gibson, Esq,, G, F. Adamson, Esq. Absent, —J. H. Callcott, Esq R. A, P. Hogan, Esq., Cbeatb Cben Eok, Esq. 1. The Minutes of the last special meeting and of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 EVERY DAY PROM 4 TO 11 P. M. VOYAGE BOUND THE WOBLD, A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. By special request of the General Public Hill be continued for a few days, NAFTALL Y' S great world EXHIBITION, Comprising* \jvidly illuminated’coloured sketches at the latests episodes in the stiuggle, the recent terrible earthquake
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  • 21 4 Birth. Sumerfield. —On 10th inst., at Lauref Bank, Stretford, near Manchester, the wife of Tuos. Sumerfield of a daughter.
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  • 2869 4 LONGSHORE AND NAUTICAL CHAT The annual General Meeting of the membets of the Engineers Institute will be held on Friday the 16th inst., in the Institute rooms at 9 p. m. The Fusiliers beat the Perak footballers by four goals to nothing last Saturday in Taipeng. Naftally’s Great World exhibition
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  • 73 5 Penang, 13th October., 1896, London, Bank o-d aud T. T. 2r/l 80. 4 mouthB 2/1 14 Do. Private bills 3 months 2/L7-16 Calcutta T.-T. and o d Rs. 177 Rangoon fi 177 Bombay 177 Madras 176 f Batavia Bank o,d 125^ Hongkong, Bank demand or T. T. prem. Do.
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  • 114 5 Penang, 13th October., 189& Tin $31.15 sellers. Trang out of season B!uck Pepper < West Coast 9.60 sellers (Acheen 6ft .12 25 do: Pepper 16* do. Cloves (picked) oat of season Mace No. 1 BO.—sellers. Nutmegs 68. do. No. 1 6.50 do. Su gar No. 2 3.85 eilei
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  • 252 5 RACING NOTES Bt NeWMABKET,” er| tnes for the Singapore Races are to haud and as contemplated predict a very successful meeting. The entries for all the races are good and we only wish we were able to take a trip to see them, but this cannot be, so must just
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  • 312 5 Wont yer go an’ se* ther sho’ O’lhtr bloomin’ jampin bho’ Jusi’ave a tri an’ yer’l’like it So, O’sa* tbei* bloomin’ sho’ I a’lers ’ad a’ ider ter po’try but w’en yer s’es that tber sho’ yer dont want any ider, it komes of itse 1’
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  • 251 5 From Hone Papers. We learn Sfc, Frusquin will not race again. His trouble has turned out to be so serious that he has been struck out of all his engagements and will begin stud life at the Soath Court stud From next spring. All we can hope now
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  • 362 5 A tornado which visited Paris last Thursday, arid which lasted little mote than a minute, did a large amount, of damage. 1 he roofs of several public building were wholly or partly lorn off, vehicles wete ovei turned shop fronts shattered, a. number of persons
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  • 154 5 A Bellin correspondent writes fo the “Jewish ClnOnicle: —On my way from the Leipziger Stiasse to tho exhibition, whilst sitting on the top of a tnimear, yeung lady of some 17 summers, with a fine, intelligent, an unmistakably Jewish face, came on and sat he se o
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  • 215 5 Dickens was a realist in name as in everything e:se, Loveis of Dickens will be thrilled to leai n that Micawber is a bona-fide name and not a happy collocation of syllables. Micawber strolled into the City Summons Court recently The alderman, we presume, Was waiting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 619 6 MUNICIPAL NOTICE, TPH E Municipal Commissioners of George VEGETABLES! Town, Penang, invite seperate tenders for the following for one jear from the Ist Jann- VEGETABLES!! 1. Bricks and Lime. Fall particulars can be’ obtained at the Municipal Teuders, which should be endorsed as above, will be !ĔĔĔ3sSKtll^k\ received by the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 998 7 CRITERION TIFFIN PENANG BAND. Khye Ho Foundry Obilliard rooms. JJOTICE is hereby given that as from this PEN AN BEACH STREET No 7 date the charges for the services ot the ENGINEERS BOILER MA KEIiS, Band will be as follows SHIPWRIGHTS, IRON BRASS (One minute from the Landing Stage) FOUNDERS,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 492 8 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000. RESERVE FUND 5 6,000,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS $10,000,000. CHIEF MANAGERHongkong: THOMAS JACKSON, EsqLONDON BANKERS LONDON COUNTY BANK. PENANG. Interest Allowed On Current Deposit Accounts, at the rate of 1 per cent, per annum on daily balances of $5OO up to $200,000.
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    • 270 8 FAHLBERG, LIST CO’S. SACHAHRINE 500 times sweeter than the best sugar AN EXCELLENT CONSERVATIVE. A PERFECTLY HARMLESS SPICE. Cheaper and more eneonomical than sugar, A great saving for the household. Most convenient for travellers A preventative and cure for diabetes. This Saccharine was awarded the highest distinctions and first prizes
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