The Straits Maritime Journal and General News, 3 October 1896

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Maritime Journal and General News
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 804 2 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY-(LTD). Vyj B koninklijke pakbtvaart maatschappij the tc> ant ppm fr/nml I NEOAPATAM LINE OP STEAMERS. AmML Ci I Intended Sailing If expected Arrival of Steamerf -y V/ I —tt—T 1 Negapatarn I r iSfwr r f I SkUv Ulcinl IS NOW I JPoudichery jji |yR
      804 words

  • 226 3 To-day represents the birth day atiniver-» sary of this, paper. During the two years it has been in existence it has passed through a variety of experiences over some of which wo desire to draw a charitable covering* Newspapers, like mankind in general, have their ups and downs, and
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  • 413 3 Amongst, the provisions in the next yeai 8 estimates we note that a sum of money is set apart for an adequate water supply for Butterworth, of late years there has not been an exravagantly large sum set apart for necessary public works in Penang
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 640 3 NOTICE. EVERY D..Y PROM 4 10 11 P. M Monday Next. MOTICE is hereby g. ven that the undersigned A Voyage bohSd the world P is entitled to the use in the A GRand ENTERTAIIN MENT Straits Settlements ot the trade marks for mat- Tm Monday Ncxt ck 9
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  • 874 4 LONGSHORE AND NAUTICAL CHAT A new schedule of duties came into operation in the Philippines under a telegraphic decree from Madrid on the 21st August. The increase on imports and exports amounts to 50 per cent. The Manila authorities, whilst ordering the immediate enforcement of the new tariff, have agreed
    874 words
  • 110 4 Penang, 3rd October., 1896. $32 05- selllera. C I i out of season Black Pepper j West Coast 9 60 selleis Aclieen 6ft 12.50 do: White Pepper 2) do. Cloves (picked) out of season M:lceN l 80.—sellers. N,lfcme s 68, do. 6.50 do. Sugar No. 2 3.85» eile,s.
    110 words
  • 211 4 Penang, 30th Sept., 1896 I London, Bank o-d and T. T. I n 5/16 80. 4 rnonths 0/ 4 i o.ifi H Do. Private bills 8 months 2j 1 I Calculta T.T. and o d i> I Its. 178 I Rangoon Bombay I Madras I Batavia Bank o.d k
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  • 332 4 (From the Pinanq Gazette) London, 29th September —The Tsar and Salisbury conferred together for an horn 0a Sunday. A telegram from Fort Salisbury alinou,l^ e serious fighting on the Mazie river foi tjj days. One engagement lasted ten honis, the troops were fairly hemmed in by the h°who
    (From the Pinanq Gazette)  -  332 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 113 4 New Advertisements. M UNI VIL\ iLNO Ti CE, THE Municipal Commissioners of Town, I Visaing, invite separate tenders for the following fur one year from the lsfc J-afU-ary, lb-9o 1. Bi iclvM and Lime. 2. FueWood. 3. v.u ious Matei i ds-. Full pi it ieubtrs cm be obtained at
      113 words

  • 298 5 Most of the Penang and Native States SportsHj en will be glad to learn that our popular trainer lias been again granted his license by the Singapore Sporting Club and we believe intends takin (jr to their forthcoming Ricos 3 or 4 Peiniitf horses which should give a
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  • 399 5 DODG&tt. Tn interdocing myself to the General public at large I wants ter let era know as I aint a born lieditor they aint born there maid by sircumstanses. 1 must say as my ambishoun is to be a heditor, Shakespear says as everything comes to him
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  • 1953 5 THIS INSURGENTS ORGANISING. fcRIARS MURDERED. The rebellion fin the Pbillipine Islands say the lloiiykortff JJllily Et’C.SS of the 21sf, inst., grows ap we. News of tlie tising is no longer founded simply <>u vague and indefinite inmouts, for we are now able to publish reliable info> «nation
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  • 484 6 MARTIAL T AW DECLARED. Europeans take ziefuge in the City. (Bangkok Times Correspondent.) Manila, Sept. 2, 1896. Martial law has been proclaimed in Manila since Sunday, the 30fh August. About a fortnight since a printed proclamation, inciting the populace to revolt against the Spanish Government, was
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  • 245 6 A recent telegram via India gives a misreading of rhe Russian scheme of naval reinforcements for the Fai Kns> The ships as named therein, and also below, rue as will be seen, not an addition, hut an aggregate after the reinforcements shall have arrived, —a veiy different
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  • 316 6 —Sydney Morning Herald A remarkable case of the bravery of a woman is reported by the French mail steamr Austral ten that arrived at Sydney some wefcks ago. It. seems that <u> the 19th July, a Mr. lime I left, ins home, which is on an island
    —Sydney Morning Herald  -  316 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 VEGETABLES! VEGETABLES!! REGISTERED TRADE MARK. Is competing with every brand in the mar ket in q xjalir y a xi) rn ic SOLD BE TA I LIB VE R Y WII E’U E. /To he had from Messrs. Pritchard Co., Assortments —Long Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts Green peas, Carrots, Asparagus tops,etc.,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1163 7 CRITERION TIFFIN PENANG BAND. Khye Ho Foundry OBILLIARD ROOMS. NOTICE is hereby given that as from this PENANG, BEACH STREET No 7 date the charges for the services of the ENGINEERS BOILER MAKERS* Band will be as follows siil PW RIG RTS, IRON BRASS (One minute from the Landing Stage)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 488 8 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 5 6,000,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS $10,000,000. CHIEF MANAGER:—Hongkong: THOMAS JACKSON, Esq* LONDON BANKERS .—LONDON COUNiY BANK. PENANG. Interest At,lowed On Current Deposit Accounts, at Llio rate of 1 per cent, per annum on daily balances of $5OO up to $200,000.
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    • 287 8 FAHLBERG, LIST CO’S SACHAHRINE 500 times sweeter than the Lest su»a AN EXCELLENT CONSERVATIVE 8 A PERFECTLY HARMLESS SPICE. Cheaper and more enconomical than su rf A great saving for the household. ]\lost convenient for travellers A preventative and cure for diabetes This Saccharine was awarded the l;igF GS f
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