The Straits Maritime Journal and General News, 8 April 1896

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Maritime Journal and General News
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 422 1 ILS GIN. Mart yn, his Agents. THE POSADA. 1 PRITCHARD CO., I NEW SHIPMENTS. I LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. GLASSWARE A large choice selection of comprising New Seasons Goods received I CHAMPAGNE, POUT, SHERRY, CLARET, BEER, and SODA Per S. S. “Canton.” I TUMBLERS, &c, &c. f 1 10 per cent, discount
      422 words
    • 18 1 [Johannis. I THE KING OF Natural table i Waters, and [Dewars’ Whisky, •H- J. Martvn. I J Penang.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1171 2 BRITISH: ItfDIA STB AH NAVI HATION COMPANY,-(LID). tO J/ K ONI NK LUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ M je y 9 NEGAPATAM LINE OF SIEAMEHS. I the {QjnwTUa IfflllaL I Poi'to No.o, 9iK Apr-j Af imJriL S!ag.pp>, Diii A Pondichery& /SB Madras. J I £JWf 1“ Ul Info eh i rmnl is
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  • 336 3 The lion. A. Hutteubacli has certainly scored at-the Legislative Council Melting of April 2nd In the first place, he succeeded in getting his ,inner re the Trade Returns laid upon the table n n this depite the opposition of Mr, Burkinp.ii'v lio, oji- point ol oi v’er, moved
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  • 437 3 is oftentimes the fate of the journalist to as to his intentions and he is '■’.V often praised or blamed ior something he 'ei’ even dreamed of. It has just 1 alien to o|<l lot to experience blame from a quarter ,||M i)ce we most decidedly never expected it
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  • 475 3 Much foirgy weather prevads just now on the China coast rendering navigation exceedingly difficult 11 j> to date of writing (March 24) only one steamer is reported as having come to grief, the Mercantile S, S, Co's., Humber, which is a total wreck on the Pescadores, At the
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  • 900 3 INTERVIEWS W ITH C ELEBRITIES. 2. —The Straits Cadet. He did not receive me warmly, lie put down the book he had been reading and took up a pen as if there were some accounts to tot up. Ho 1 thought it best to go right into my subject at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 H SWAEIES. TAXIDE K M I S T. N0.\2 9 Arr/le Lane. Excellence of Workmanship Guaranteed. /iRREfIS may bo bonked at the office of the straits Maritime Journal.
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  • 1617 4 The negotiations for the purchase, hy a Penang firm, of the blue funnel s. s. Aiichises to which we referred in our issue of Wednesday last, having been sitisiacroriiy concluded, the steamer left on Tuesday for it’s first trip under the new ownership, its d stination
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 93 4 New Advertisement. MUNI Cl PA I NO TICE. for .I,e ..|,poinfmr„f. of Asm*'" 1 l -1 if ie»-, at a salary of 825 a month will he n-cei'^ hy the nudei signed up to 4 p.m., on '1 htr sd«y i9 23' <1 Apr if. A ions should he
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  • 1218 5 Our own Correspondent.) Last night’s Batavia Sieumblad reports the j es ertion to- the enemy of L'oenkoe Djohan th« )Wer f u l Aehinese chief and ally of the Dutch n Afherm The. outposts Biloel and Lamkoenjit are urested hv the enemy. Telephonic cominuni(Mlj()ll w itli Kotta
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  • 1044 5  -  BY MB REGINALD IiUNI'HORNE. o roorv iiui <(IH 1 i nrst commenced house keeping, we endeavoured to divide those important duties as nearly as possible. Grosvenor said lie would order things whilst 1 agreed to keep the common purse and pay for them, i regret to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1042 6  -  By W. PRIDEAUX NAISII. Chapter II, (Continued.) Niver a one. y’r rev’ rence, only the ‘boys’ havo been round asking 1 them if ye didn’t make them pay tlieii* rents, and advising them not.” Oh, indeed There was a pause, while this unwilling and friendly assassin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 VEGETABLES! VEGETABLES!! Mill f J>#i 1 Brand. n Ur p' n f v&Y/ ft f* Wl* \NsV c'S v#/ EXCELLENCE AND PURITY GUARANTEED Prices imeqalled A trial solicited To be Procured everywhere *!> IA r r i 3 s ii t F\ r T lA* f.* DRY KV ft IX
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1377 7 CRITERION TIFFIN PENANG BAND. Khye Ho Foundry Co., T T m -t-% AA'nrrM "MOTICE is hereby given that as from this WELD QUAY X3TT J jT B.TI ROOMS# date the charges for the services of the PENA N G O X UL'AOU V n Band will be as follows ENGINEERS
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 487 8 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL «'J’^oOOo' RESERVE FUND f AAA RESERVE LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS $10,000,000. CHIEF MANAGE^ Hongkong: THOMAS JACKSON, EsqLONDON BANKERS LONDON COUNTY BANK. PENANG. Interest Allowed On Current Deposit Accounts, at the rate of 1 per cent, per annum on daily balances of SSOO up to
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    • 201 8 B. 0- S. WHISKY. I I Retailed by. Messrs. HIN LEE Co. TIIEAN CIIEE Co. SENG CHIN k Co. GUAT CHENG BROS. Co. LEE 1100 Co. DONALD MACKENZIE’S FINE SCOTCH WHISKY. Specially Bottled for SARKIES BROS, Sole Imporittt, Straits Settlements and Native THE PRYE RIVER 1 1 H E above
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