The Straits Maritime Journal and General News, 21 September 1895

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Maritime Journal and General News
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 415 1 BOLS GIN. K. J Mui u Jk/rnts. mtt in p ,1 A Tl A BUT [THEE RMA STEAJf inilJ r U iilU n, N'AVKrATI >N < Ltd. SPECIALITIES 3MBVICBS FUOM PH N' A.VO. Whir* All Omni* Gnamntmm. tijnrrtm iwitilrs. Humrtm Lttmrn». EE LY. To 111 iJTtI I)<FTP.* Ham*. Baron.
      415 words
    • 14 1 Juhaans. THE ELiyG OF V&vxism. raate Waters, ijaa. 1J BWA Ft’S WHISET Maatyu. /’"iM/m/.
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  • 657 2 JANUARY MEETING, 1896. PROPOSED PROGRAMME, FIB.ST DAT. Tuesday, the 14th January, 1896. THE MAIDEN PLATE.—-Value $2OO. For Maiden Horses (per Rule XXXII) Weight per settle (10 st. 7 lbs.) Distance 1 mile. Entrance $lO. Second Racb. Valcb s2oo.—For Roadsters under Rule XXVI. Optional Selling Race. Gentlemen Rideis.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 298 2 Pritchard Co. NEW NOVELS! NEW NOVELS!! SWETTENHAM’S “MALAY SKETCHES,” $3,00 NET CASH. BICYCLES. The New Light Popular Hover. A high class machine at moderate price Pneumatic Tires $l5O net; weight 30 Iba. The Swift, $175 not, usual pi ice $225. VANILLA CIGARS AND TOBAOCOB. Laud res, Regalia Chicas, High 1
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    • 376 2 New Advertisements. AUCTION SALES. Of the wreck of the British iteamer “SAINT PANCRAS” AND HER CARGO. The undeisigned are instructed to sell by Auction, for behoof of whom it may concern, AT No. 17, BATTERY ROAD, On Thursday, the 10th October, Next, AT 2-30 P. ML, THE BRITISH STEAMER “SAINT
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  • 1283 3 Mr. W. 3. 4iwyth*. n the Shuimernwn fcia:me. tontnoutes tm irncte winch. .4 wn pounced k **e©nt uunider >t tke 3ua a*«*r. m Tinea ie *oTitemb hat taw existence >t he Inrentiv r uruir.y 3 i rayth inu -hat nventtorad ire mrreiy md
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  • 617 3 F wt <«r ii/rt n-mihnwnr^. Hie i Tinoese trar.sDorrd iraitn and Case oadseu lerr atetv vitn trtxn» irHurniasf i «rracen o ius&dw now dinreouSaoie vu <• d -t < tti -een *n arjoourd ,ma .iononrnoe- nrs ren» -onaD.euoud >v Uetr imaence. *os tuv ther ud no iirntiaar. Che
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  • 2282 4 A telegram, dated London 29th August, in Australian papers, states that the British fleet is concentrating in the Bosphorus with a view to enforcing the demands of tho Great Powers respecting various reforms in Turkey. Mr. Sala is at Brighton just now in a state
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  • 73 5 P *N ANG, 21 T 8 EPTEMBEIi. 1895. Lutulun, Bank )-*t aiui I’. T. 2. I j b«*. A rnuntii# A2^ Private bails 3 inonihs 2 2| ihiipatta I’ T. ami o,il II» nn* iJoinuM.v im l Mac mis ;u} Haiavia Ban a >,d 30 ilotiykoetr, Bauic demand or
    73 words
  • 99 5 pKNANG. 11 ST ldi)s. Tin SGA.bO f IV» n* im> -iiippif. Blaeic. Poppei *V -st Count, 'J A> ei era. Ariieeu 9uz 10.25 io. White Pepper 14.5'> 3u. Cloves picked) out, <if -ie»son.. liaee No. 1* 94.—teller». Nutmegs 9" d°No. I b.oO do. No. 2 5.50 do. Uaalcfit
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  • 384 5 AUTUMN MEETING, 1895. L. —Till SYDNEY Cm*. Presented t A r T. 9meu.ii:, Esq.—A Challenge Cup to be beni for one year by the winner. Entrance $l. Match piav. under Hanoicaii. .cr two rounds of the Eiiilcs. One or Iwo maims i h.*y at the players option.
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  • 879 5 Manufactured -s for is by The Chetney Man.” Nature with a iavisii amid las **ndowed the human body with no less than ten millions of souls to which an ache or pain 'an ie ittuched. V r hen each one of these spots, both inside and our, is tilled
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 868 6  -  Br the Late H. Baden Pritchard, Late H. Baden Pritchard, F.C.S., Royal Arterial Woolwich. We have made a wonderful stride in torpedo science since the days of the Rftssian infernal machine. Electricity is now employed as the firing agent, and explosive have been discovered which are not only
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 List of Unclaimed Letter» and /'opera lying at the Penang Post Office. Aruiudale. E. H. j Pe«ley Mrs. Beudou, E. Roid, A. J. W. Cheesnmn, G. W. Schvidam, A. Francis R. G. Slmw, F. Bennett Gow W. N. Vauden, Brugli Hillel, MiMel Moses Woodfield Co., N. S. Hutton, A. J.
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    • 46 6 H, J, MARTYN, Jun. CB3 IMPORTERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. Sole Agents for; Lucas Bol’s Old Gin m 'M Van Straalen, Monsieur and Erkelens Clarets, Hocks, Burgundies, Etc. Hart Brothers' Horse Food, Selected Hay. H. J. MARTYN, J™ Sole Importers for the Straits, E. C. Sumatra Aicheen.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1228 7 m m H. ABRAMS. GUAT C H ENG Bros. LIT EET STABLE KEEPER AND TRAINEE, 27 lAEA II STL LEL T f I LEITH 3T3LSET. FOTAJTG. P E N A 5 U a Lomraiiwion A<jft*nf;i I MASAGSa-JA3CS COLLINS. saIPPIS(i re k Pe Hurars and Trap* fur aaie or Hu# Four-in-hands,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 359 8 SUET HARGREAVES k Co. SINGAPORE. ENGINEERS, IRON, and BRASS FOUNDERS, ALSO BOILERMAKERS, BRIDGE, <j- SHIP-BVILDERS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS. MANUFACTURERS OF:- SOLE AGENCIES for:— SUel Bridge, Piers, Lighthouses of all classes, CERA OIL—No Smoke !No Trimming Land and Marine Boilers and Engines, ‘Vic- ((r tor” Centrifugal Pumps, Boring tools, Pug Lancashire, Patent
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    • 186 8 B, 0. S. WHISKY. C&sUim Retailed by.— Messrs. HIN LEE Co. THEAN CHEE Co. SENG CHIN A Co. GUAT CHENG BROS. Co. LEE HOO Co. THE PRYE RIVER DOCK THE above Dock, situated in Province Wellesley at the entrance of the Prye Kiver has lately been lengthened and deepened, and
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