The Straits Maritime Journal and General News, 29 May 1895

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Maritime Journal and General News
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 304 1 BOLS GIN. I H. X Martyn, 1 and his Agents, Ppnanfr Prnsling X, P,n Singapore. British India steam NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. POSADA WINES- SERVICES FROM PENANG. VVTIISKIES: Wee kly.-To Singapore, Rangoon and Calcutta, MoulUSHER'S, DAWSON'S, MACK AY'S, GLEN, Etc, mein via .Rangoon, Fortnightly.—To Negaor ever description. patam,Karikal, Porto Novo, MANILA
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    • 12 1 Johannis, THE KIAG OF Natural table Waters, and DEWAR’S WHISKY. Martyn. Penang
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  • 460 2 August Meeting, ritOPOSED PROGRAMME. FIRST DAT. Thursday, the Ist August, 1895. Ist Race. Vaixs s2oo.—For Middens. All Horses that lmve never won a race on any Course —Griffin, Jump and Roadster Races excepted. Weight per scale. Distance I mile. Entrance 810. 2nd Rack. 8150.—For Ponies 13.2
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 276 2 Pritchard Co. ladie>’ department. Received Per s. s. (JLENFAUIr. 40 in. Fancy Tweeds, Checks, &c. 44 in. French Serges in latest shades— Goblin, Electric, Fawn, Moss, Bronze, Cream, Navy Blue, Black, &c. 42 in. Satin Cloths- Green, Tabac, &c. 42 in. Nun’s Cloth Ilelio, Red, I’ink, Sky, Cream, White, Black.
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    • 43 2 NOTICE. T N Symons has been appointed to act I Wl 5,3 Maimg r of this Estate during my 1 absence, with effect from to-day. 1 Edmund A. B, BROWN, Manager for the Proprietors. Prye Sugar Estate, P. W., 1 16th May, 1895.
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    • 210 2 PENANG SALES ROOM. 0)*** (0: auction sale. On Wednesday, 29th May, AT Fort Cornwallis, AT 11.30 A.M., UNSERVICEABLE POLICE CLOTHING, consisting of Khaki Suits, Serge Suits, Helmets, Capes, Blankets, &c. On Friday, 31st May, AT Church. Street Ghaut, (opposite Guat Cheng Brothers), at 81'.M., Carriages, Horses, Ponies, Harness, Sadlery, Ac.,
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  • 1594 3 A good many of our readers may very possibly, and with some excuse, be puzzling their brains as to the meaning of the above heading, For the benefit of those who do not know, we m iv state that Daendels and Raffles were two of the most justly celebrated
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 92 3 OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S Departures from England, I Left Due Steamer. From. Will sail g uez Penang Cyclops |Tiiverpool. A pi. 21 !12 May 31 May Nestot’ i do. 22 8,, Telamon do. May 8 Telemachua do. 8 Orestes do. 20 Tucer do. 22 Py nlius do. 31 Stent or do.
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  • 1049 4 The P. and O. s. s. Caledonia has broken the record in the conveyance of the English mails to Bombay. It has recently delivered them within twelve and a half days alter they left London. The ship Glenchtne, which arrived at Fal- mouth on 20th April from Iquique,
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  • 489 4 COUTTS V .N.M.MERICAN. W. S. Coutts on behalf of Messrs Gilfillan Wood and Co., Agents for the owner' of the s. s. Crane, charged the defendant with two offences in connection with pilotage. The first charge was that the defendant had acted as pilot to thes. s. Crane on the
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  • 1166 4 The Willards did not make much of a show at Cricket against the P. C. C. ot> Saturday last. Going in first, they compiled 48, to which tiie Cricket Club responded with over a century for four wickets. The feature of tin* match was Nethersole’s fielding. T:>e W
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  • 1497 5 Saturday night last inaugurated the season —alas, all too short—of the Williards in LJtiming. The piece chosen f>r the initial porformance was the G licty girl,” a sp u-kiiug and quite up to-date musical cotnedy nr, shall we sav, extravagatiz i. Tlmre is not much < f plot
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 28 5 CONTEXTS -oj th is Issue. Tide Table, and Mails. Exchange etc. leading articles. Daendel’s Raffles Nautical Gossip. Longshore Chat. The Royal Navy in the ’Bo’s. The Eirgapcte Tiger.
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  • 922 6 VI.— By SrANKER Boom, Esq One day when shifting (ho main topgallant- mast I saw a poor boy fall from the cross i trees on to the fore part of the top, and thence on deck with a sickening thud, where he lay j
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  • 281 6 (Xew Budget 25th April.J When it was first reported to naturalists in Europe that tigers were extremely fond of water, the wise men laughed the notion to scorn, for Bet (is Tigris is only a big cat Cafter all, and cats they knew, had a natural horror
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  • 66 6 Pknang, 29th May, 1895. London, Bank o-d and T. T. 2/1-7 8 Do. 4 months 2/2-| Do. Private bills 3 mouths 2/2-§ Calcutta T.T. and o,d f ...Rs, 193 Rn nation 193 B ml,ay 193^ Madras 193 Batavia Bank o,d 130 Hongkong Bank 3/8 o/o prem. Do. 7 days’
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  • 46 6 Penang, 29m May 1895. Tin $35.70 White Pepper 14 sellers. Black Pepper 8.60 do. Nutmegs 94. do. Mace No. 1 80.—buyers. Mace Pickings 74. do. No. 1 6.60 sellers. Sugar No. 2 3.5°. do. t Basket 3.10 Tapioca Flour 2.15 do. Copra 5.70. do.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 122 6 List of Unclaimed Letters tend Papers lying at the Penang Post Office. Allen, A. A. Kip, Rev. L. M Allen C. H. MacDouirall M. C. Beit, F. D. Mendy C. Brewster, F C. Nauta, J. M. Castango, Capt. Permefatlier, Arthur Oheesman, G. W. Penley, Mrs. Fawcett, A. Sellweidmann A. Fiddle
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 21 6 PHASES OF TUE 3IOON. May. 2nd First Quarter. n 9th Full Moon. 17th Last Quarter. 24th New Moon. 31st First Quarter.
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    • 147 6 HIGH-WATER AT SINGAPORE. Approximate Times. DM*. ““LA''” M P M Mail. May 29 Wednesday 039 2 0 30 Tuesday 1-30 252 31 Friday 2-27 3-50 June 1 Saturday 334 4-75 I 2 Sunday 5-9 6-4 j 3 Monday 6-41 7-3 4 Tuesday 8-0 7-55 HIGH-WATER AT PENANG. Approx imatc Ti
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 790 7 Khye HO Foundry Co, “tanjong penagri." GUAT CHENG Bros. 40 WELD QUAY, PENANG. A 81-WEEKLY PAPER IN MALAY 27 BEACH STREEET, engineers boFler makers. published every penang, SHIPWRIGHTS, IRON BRASS MON DA AND Til UIiSDA Advertisers. i agents foe General Store-Keepers ZYNKARA.—A perfect preventive against corrosion and PRICK'S Engine and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 374 8 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION :<>)#*# 0: PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 5,000,000. RESERVE LIABILITY OF PROPRIETORS $10,000,000. CHIEF MANAGER Hongkong: THOMAS JACKSON, Esq* LONDON BANKERS.—LONDON COUNTY BANK. VENANG. Interest Allowed On Current Deposit Accounts, at the rate of 2 per pent, per annum on daily balances of $5OO up to
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    • 219 8 B. 0. S. WHISKY. I /PjHHKXA -T M r* 15 a Blend' cr BH NfiST Produced C S 'S'*S MA AN3 IT* I py r TY '3 CtMRANTIED. HH Retailed bv H M ESSRS. HIN LEE Co. I THE AN GHEE Co. I SENG CHIN Co. I GUAT CHENG BHOS.
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