The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 30 May 1894

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1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 27 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING. •Price 20 Cents. Price 20 Cents. VOL. VI. PENANG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1894. No. 486
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 856 1 Nortli-British ancl Mercantile BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. The Netherlands Fire KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Insurance Company. negapatam line of steamers. fr. TurnsTitTi Fiinbs £2.838. 11 8. TuteiKlefl SailiUff G.rft G G te<l Arrival Of Steamers, The undersigned has been appointed Agent of the above Company, and is authorized to
      856 words

  • 1180 2 ANOTHER NAIL IN PENANG’ S COFFIN. Fuom information which reached us since we Inst wrote, we aie now enabled to state that, Ini iiooi being the compliment, to IVnang it, was generally supposed to be, Mr. lIIJTT I*lN RAC it’s appointment to the Jjeoislative Council is but another victory which
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  • 1087 2 (London China Express, May 4. Tmc Court. flie Queen inis relumed to VViml.-'Or Irom Coburg. Princess Alix of Hesse, the fiancee of the (Jesarewitch, will arrive at Windsor Castle to—day on a visit to t he Queen. Parmamknt. —In the House of Lords Mottling of special
    (London China Express, May 4.  -  1,087 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 258 2 THE STRAITS INDEPENDENT. IT HUSH HH HIT! IK IUMBSHAV A Jill S.ITLTID.W IiYEMK TOF SUBSCRIPTION. TAYA HUE IN ADVA NCR: Per A nun in 3 12.00 Ha If-vein* >» 7.00 QuaiW 400 Single copy twenty cents. Dost ago, 2 cents exlni per copy. All subscriptions fire considered to be running
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  • 1579 3 {Uome papers up to May 4.) Franck. —Emile Henry, the Anarchist author ol the outrage at. the Cale Terininus in Paris, was sentenced to death on 28th ult., the plea of extenuating circumstances not having heeu allowed hy the jury. He maintained his indiffurelll demeanour throughout t he
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  • 1070 3 Writing from Amsterdam, on Lite 2nd nlto., the correspondent of the London Sj’ China Express reports The'principal event of the past week was the re-election for the Second Chamber of the States-General on April 24. The final result is that there have been elected 55 opponents
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  • 108 3 According to the London fy China Express, the Colonial Office has beeu in negotiation vvitli the India Office on the subject of the proposed coinage at the Indian mints of a British dollar for use in the IStraits Settlements and Hongkong. Contrary to the accepted idea that
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  • 391 4 (From our Exchanges.) Reuteu*s Agency. (via Rangoon London, 17 th May. —A manifesto issued by tlie English Episcopate declares that the Disestablishment of the Welsh Church would weaken the unity of the Church, deprive the poor of their legal lights, and reduce the Church in Wales to
    Reuteu*s Agency.  -  391 words
  • 237 4 (vtd Saigon Paris, loth May. —The Italian Chamber has defeated, by a majority of 64, a motion having for dts object the rejection of the War budget. Mr. Muudella lias handed in his resignation which has beeu accepted. Personal interests are alleged for this step. May \Qth. —Diplomatic
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  • 115 4 Penang, May, 1894. Rates rule as follows London, Demand, Bank 2/1 do!. Do. 4 mouths night, Bank 2 Do. 3 Credits 2/l| Franck, Demand, Bank F. 261 Calcutta, Demand, Bank Its. 19L Bombay, Demand, Dank 191 Madras, Demaud, Bank 19 L Rangoon, Demand, Bank 190 Moulmkin, Demand, Bank 189
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  • 180 4 Reuters Agency. {From the Pinang Gazette London, Wth May —M. Dupuy is forming a Cabinet. The acrimony of the French Press regarding the Congo Treaty increases. Sir F. Grey declined to make a statement on the Anglo—Chinese Convention until quite sure that the Convention had reached Pekin. Britain
    Reuters Agency.; {From the “ Pinang Gazette.”)  -  180 words
  • 1554 4 Training on the Race Course will commence on the Ist prox. 'Thanks to the few showers we had lately, the ground is iu pretty fair condition. The Chowrasta Dispensary will shortly he removed to the ground floor in the Government buildings formerly occupied by the Revenue Survey
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 44 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The next Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Town Hall, at 2.30 r. m., On Friday, the Bth June. (By Order,) J. W. UALLIFAX, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. Municipal Office, Towu Hall, Penang, 30lh May, 1894.
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  • 765 5 A Bevy op -Beauties. This well known, ami now celebrated Company, which has been-considerablyh leiaforced of late, opened on Aioudtey evening last, when a huge mid select uudienee assembled at the Town Llall to witness its first performance, the piece chosen for the occasion being Suppe’s
    765 words
  • 633 5 The Calculating Boy. Ibis marvellous little boy arrived here on Sunday by the s. s. Nuddea. He called at our office with his parent' l and iu the course of a quarter of an hour*s conversation and testing, we found him to be the most interesting bright-eyed “soaring
    633 words
  • 181 5 An official statement has been issued by the Manchester Ship Canal Company! showing that the cash balances and other available assets, including the 500,0002 remaining out of the 2,000,0002. authorised to he lent by the Manchester Corporation under the Act ot 1893, amount.-, ed on Jan.
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  • 575 5 of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on the May, 1891. Vresent —Capt. Anderson, r k., (Acting, President), Kon Skang Fat, E-q •I. Gibson, E q.; and It. A. P. Hogan, H. Absent J. Y. Kknni.dy, Eq [Tresident, On leave) ami the Hon. IV. C.
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  • 1634 5 Meetings. —'Two ordinary meetings Were called during the m-outh, one tor the 13th and the other tor the 27th, but only t:.e latter was held, there Hot having been a sufficient im-mber of Commissioners present at the lotnici to form u quorum. A special
    1,634 words

  • 554 6 According to the new ruling of the United States Treasury, Chinese merechants in America who visit China, are not allowed to laud on their return to America unless they conduct business in their own names. As the result of this order 2,000 Chinese merchants are now detained on board
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  • 241 6 PknanG; 30th May, 1894. CENTRAL MARKET. Description. Beef. So tip per catty Cts. 8 Roast Steaks Stew or Curry Meat 1 A Ox Tail ea ch 20 'Tongue >» 35 Feet »0 Heart V cv catty 25 o 1 ripe Liver Buffalo meat 19 Heart Liver If Pork.
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  • 424 6 PROGRAMME. OF AUGUST MEETING, 1894. FIRST DAY. Thursday 2nd August 1894. FIRST RACE. Value $l5O. —For Maidens. All Horses that have never won a race on any course, Griffin, Jump and Roadster Rices excepted. Weight per scale. Distance one mile. Entrance §7. SECOND RACE. Value sl2s.—For Ponies
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 172 6 NOTICE. In tho Goods of Henry Nethersole, deceased. PURSUANT to Section 46 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance, 1886,” NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any demands upon the Estate of He nry Nktiiersole, who died, at Penang on the 16tli day of December, 1893, and
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    • 49 6 NOTICE. We beg to inform our customers that from the Ist March we shall sell for ash only. We also cancel herewith all our present and previous price lists, which, for the future, will he based on the rate of exchange of* the day. GOSLING Co Penan 21tli February,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 897 7 GOSLING* ca D A NDO Co. PENANG—SINGAPORE. -y Tqr AND We import the following l general outfitters. wines and spirits. Ao. 1, 13eacli Street Union Street, All Whips and Spirits imported by PENANG, us are kept on lap, at our Posada Depots in Penang and Singapore. JUST RECEIVED:Ports, from s7to
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    • 68 7 EASTERN k ORIENTAL HOTEL. Ji ranch eg FARQUHAR- STREET. Branches:RAFFLES’ HOTEL, Singapore, BAFFLES’ HOTEL, Singapore. baffles’ tiffin booms, THE LEADING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE ISLAND. baffles tiffin booms. BAKIUKS’ HOTEL 11 angooib SAUK lit S’ HOTEL, Rangoon. ORIENTAL TIFFIN ROOMS, UNION STREET. A Gccd table, the Best Wines Spirits, and Superior
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 810 8 Company, Limited. ESPLANADE HOTEL. Cnpilfil Subscribed $2,000,000. TTf\WT7T~ Amount Paid np 000,000. (LATE EASTERN II01EL.) Reserve Fund /50,000. .This Hotel wliicli has been thoroughly repaired,!,Decorated and The undersigned, Agents for tbe newly furnished, is now; open, above Company, are prepared to accept K>* Marine Hisks at current rates. 3T/ IVCC
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    • 433 8 Canton Insurance Office, Ltd. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000. Amount Paid-up ft 500,000. Reserve Fund 730,000. Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents, Messrs. Jahdine, Matheson Co. TIIK undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept Marine Risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid to all contributors
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