The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 28 April 1894

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1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 27 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY V/EDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENIINGI Price 20 Cents. Pkioi? 20 Cents. VOL. VI. PENANG, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1894. No. 479
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 881 1 North-BritlaU and Mercantile BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. I Netherlands Fire lusaraucaConipauy. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Insurance Company. Capital £3,000,000. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS* KstaLlislied 1045. a iT«n TsTMTKn FfiMns ..£2.838 118 Intended Sailitlff and expected Arrival Of Steamers, The undersigned has been appointed Agent A 1 of the above
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  • 1299 2 Again we have to record one of these sad fatalities involving l he loss of a great many lives and a considerable amount of property through the collision of two steamers trading i:i these waters. What the primary cause of this collision really was we are
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  • 1202 2 London fy China Express, March 30.) 'The Court. Telegrams from Florence repoi t the Queen to he in good health and spirits. Her Majesty drives daily, visiting various places of interest iu the localit y. Parliament. —Both Houses of Parliament re assembled yesterday after the Easter
    London fy China Express, March 30.)  -  1,202 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 45 2 THE STRAITS INDEPENDENT. riMsiiw KtT.ui witmsiui amd SATURDAY KVKNI.W. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, paya nr.rc in advance: Pir Anmim 5 12.00 Half-year 7.00 Quarter 4.00 Single copy twenty cents. Postage, 2 cents extra per copy. AH nnljßoriptions are considered to be run ning until formally cancelled.
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  • 1203 3 (From llama papers up to March. 30.) Franck. The recent International j Sanitary Conference in Paris is reported to have been a complete success. In addition !o preventive measures to be taken at Indian ports and on vessels carrying pilgrims to Mecca, the conference lias organised an extensive
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  • 1068 3 Writing from Amsterdam, on the 30t!i March, the correspondent of the London 3f China Express reports Public attention is chiefly directed to the general elections for the Second Ghainber of the States-General, to be held on April 10. There will be a hard struggle, as the
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  • 1017 3 (Madras Times One of the most interesting territories <.f the present tim and undoubtedly one of the most promising of the spheres of British influence, is the Malay Peninsula. It is interesting because it is just passing from a stage of speculative and adventurous pioneering
    (Madras Times )  -  1,017 words

  • 685 4 (From our Exchanges.) U BUT Bit’s Agicnuy. London, 14 th April. —In the House of Lords last nit; lit, Lord Stanley of Aldeiley raised a discussion on the excessive prosecutions by I lie Salt Department. in Orissa. L >rd Reay, in reply, said tlmt possibly there were
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  • 394 4 Rkuter’s Agency. (From the Pinang Gazette:') London, 21 st April. There has been a severe earthquake in Greece. in Thebes has been almost destroyed. At, least 200 persons have been killed, cii! fly in the villages. In the province of Phoois whole families have been destroyed and
    Rkuter’s Agency.; (From the “ Pinang Gazette:')  -  394 words
  • 117 4 Penang, 28th April, 1894. Rates rale as follows London, Demand, Hank 2/0| dol. l)o. 4 mouths sight, Hank 2 lg-j Do. 3 Credits 2/1 |-f Franck, Demand, Hank r. 2o') a Calcutta, Demand, Hank Us. lbo Bombay, Demand, Hank Madras, Demand, Hank t»5 Rangoon, Demaud, Bank lb. Moulmkin, Demand,
    117 words
  • 986 4 We hope that Oapt. Witt will forgive us for having innocently drowned him in tho Special which we issued on Tuesday night with reference to the Nya-poota-Kwang Tang collision. The ci inn* was not ours, but that of a iaiping correspondent who, himsoll misled, telegraphed the news
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  • 689 4 Penang Chickbt Club vs. The Detachment 10th (Lincoln.) Regfc. Afier an unusual number of postponements, the Penang Cricket Club footballers faced the representatives of the new Detachment for the first time. The match was played on the Esplauade in the presence of a record gathering. Not a gap along
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  • 891 5 The returns of imports and exports for the fourth quarter of 1893 have just, been published. For the sake of comparison the total values have been converted into sterling for the fourth quarter of 1892 at 2/9*, and for 1893, but it is noted that
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  • 240 5 The following is a short description of the new waterworks now under process of construction at Teluk Anson The scheme provides for a supply of 109,000 gallons per diem. The source from which the supply is derived is the River Shngkei, the intake being situated at a
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  • 126 5 Tims oho of our Indian contemporaries on the present position of silver there The import, of silver into India Inis unquestionably fallen off during the past few weeks, though consignments are still shipped from Europe. It is impossible to say whether the trade will revive
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  • 505 5 Says the Siam Free Press of the 13th inst. :—Further light has been thrown on the encounter between French sailors and Siamese on Sunday last. Three independent European witnesses—two British subjects and one Frenchman—have been examined and agree iu the main points of their story. The
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  • 440 5 THE follow ing arc t b<* official Min utes <»f ini oi dinary Meeting of Municipal Commissioners lttdd on the 30ih March, 1894. Present Capt. Anderson, R. k., (Acting President), Koh Seang 'Tap, Esq., J. Gibson, Esq and Li. A. B. Hogan, Esq. Absent —The Hon. VV. G.
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  • 238 5 Whether the British supremacy of the seas will within the next few years lie lost, or not is now a problem, says the New York Maritime Register. Great Britain’s hold, strong as it is, is not so powerful as it was five years ago. I
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  • 359 6 A lettered Japanese named Manjero Inagaki arrived at Bangkok from Singapore, the oilier duy, on a tour in wl.icli lie luih visited many countrieH. Uia aim is that of studying the polity of each piece visited, especially in regard lo its possible hearing on the coming' struggle between
    359 words
  • 1058 6 A correspondent wiiLes to the Vail Hall Gazette suppose very few women cun boast of been asked to eo and spend the day with the Khedive.” In fact, 1 am told that he has never been known to do such a. tiling before, and
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  • 892 6 The following are the amounts of the contributions which the respective Provincial Governments have been culled upon by the {Supreme Government of India to make to meet the deficit in the Imperial Revenue estimates: Burma, Us. 19,50,000; Bombay, Rs. 5,00,000; North-West Provinces, Rs. 5,00,000; Central Provinces, Rs. 4,30,000; Madras,
    892 words
  • 259 6 Fenang. 28th April, 1804. CENTRAL MARKET. Description. Beef.— ‘Sonp per catfy Cts. g Steaks Stew or Curry Meat Ox'Tail... each on »> ‘•O longue g 5 >. Feet IQ Heart per catty 25 Tripe g r iver IG* Buffalo meat jn eart J 4 Llver 14 •’ORK— IS
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 NOTICE. "VVe beg to inform our customers that front the Ist March we shall sell for cash only. AVe also cancel herewith all our present .and previous price lists, which, for the future, will he based on the rate of exchange of the day. GOSLING- Co. Penang, 24th February, 1894.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 832 7 GOSLING CO. t\ a tv a a r* DANDO Co. PENANG—SINGAPORE. A TAILORS AND r« import the following GENEßAL OUTFITTERS. wines and spirits. No. 1, Beach Street Union Street, All IVines and Spirits imported by PENANG-, us are kept on tap, at our Posada Depots in Penang and Singapore. JUST
      832 words
    • 60 7 EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. liranchetFARQUHAR STREET. Branches:— RAFFLES’ HOTEL, Singapore. =*nrs*= RAFFLES’ HOTEL, Singapore. raffles’ tiffin rooms, THE LEADING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE ISLAND. raffles’ tiffin rooms, SARKIES’ HOTEL Rangoon. SARKIES’ HOTEL, Rangoon. ORIENTAL TIFFIN ROOMS, UNION STREET. A Good table, the Best Wines Spirits, and Superior Accommodation will be found in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 871 8 ESPLANADE HOTEL. Cupihil Subscribed $2,000,000. ri T? 7\T ITOTViJA Amount Paul np 600,000. {LATE liiAb 1 UVBJjU.) Reserve Fund >, 750,000. A A HraoOwiok, Hongkong. 'l'his Hotel which lias been thoroughly repaired, Decorated ana Secretary, W. 11. Hay, EsQ. A nnPT Tlie undersigned, Agents for tie newly furnished, is now
      871 words
    • 444 8 Canton Insurance Office, i.tfl. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000. Amount Faid-up 500,000.’ Reserve Fund 730,000. llkad Officr, Hongkong. General Agents, Mksses. Jahdink, Matheson Co. TLIE undersigned having been up. pointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept Murine Risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually pnid to all contributors
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