The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 14 April 1894

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1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 27 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING. Prick 20 Oknts. Pbicb 20 Cunts. VOL. VI. PENANG, SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1894. No. 476
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 937 1 North-Britishaud Mercantile BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. Th Netherlands Fire InsurauceCompany. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Insurance Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Established 1945. a .t lwrr«Trn PiTNM fiiMßllS Tlltenrled SaHuMJ and expected Arrival of Steamers. The undersigned has been appointed Agent A( of the above Company, and is authorized to
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  • 892 2 Judging from tbe Infest, news to liaml, there s«*ems to he a fair proBahility t hat a r«*«lucd ion will shortly lm made in tin* Military Conltilmtiosi which this Colony n?uv pays to the Mother Country. For this boon, admitting that it. will lx* granted
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  • 1608 2 {London 8y China Express, March lfl) Thk Court. The Queen, accompanied |,y Prmce and Princess Llenry ot Bultenbei’g, left Windsor Castle on 13lh tn route tor Florence. I he putty passed U.iough Sliaaburg and Lucerne yesterday. PakuaMknt. —The third Session of the present Fai Imim-nt was
    {London 8y China Express, March lfl)  -  1,608 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 220 2 i iiL 6ihAly IIUDEPc-tiDL.:! i PI BUSED EVEIIY VSKi>SBSDAY AMI SATIIEAV EVEMML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYAHLE IN ADVANCE; P«r Annum Voo CJuuiler 4U •Single copy twenty cents. Postage, 2 cents extra per copy. All subscriptions are considered to be ruu Ding until foi inully cai*ceiled. IF paid IN AUUEAK s
      220 words

  • 1360 3 (From Home papers up to Mur. 16.) FiunClC Pan* was thrown into a f;htln ol great excitement yesterday si It ernot'ii by the t*x plosion of u bomb in t lm Madeleine. Tim infernal machine was placed in the porch behind the prindoor ol the edifice, and exploded,
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  • 134 3 Tlie French papers speak with sy.n pathy of Lot d Rosebery, and call alien Hon to the good feeling be has «voiced towards France. In speaking thus (says the Daily News correspondent) they contrast inn language with that of L >r«i Salisbury on tl>e nlf tirs ot
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  • 761 3 I he Paris con espun lent of the Stand urd states that laois have been discovered, tending the prove that the Anarchists iu that city' constitute a veritable association. They seem to have lived by spreading terror among those with whom they came into contact. it bad
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  • 259 3 'The Directeur of the Courrier d'Haiphong wrote to a French deputy on the question of M. de Lanessan’s return, to which the following answer (coudeusud) whs returned. The inexact knowledge of the geography of Tonkin t as not aided M. do Ltuessan at Paris. When
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  • 513 3 The XIXe Siccle publishes a lotler from Cotonou giving details of fc 1 1e Capture of B diauzin, late King of L) ihonioy. I’he iinlot I uunto King, it appears, was wandering in the jungle near Aboiuey, pu rsiicd by French troops, when lit* I.*
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  • 119 4 Pknanu, 14th April, 1804. Hates rule as follows London, Demand, Hank 2,0* dob Do. 4 months sight, Hank 2/l| Do. 3 Credits 2/l| Franck, Demand, Hank F. 254 Cai.CUI la, Demand, Hank Ils. 182 i tou hat, Demand, Hank !82 Madras, Demand, Hank 18L Rangoon, Demand, Hank 181 Moui.mkin,
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  • 342 4 Ukutkk's Ac knot. [From the Pinang Gazette.”) London 9th April. —The King and Queen of Italy visited Qmeii ictoria al, Florence in semi state. I lie Queen afterwards returned the visit. Colonel Jones-Van.'t an succeeds Sir diaries Warren in command ot the troops in tho Straits. The Chinese
    Ukutkk's Ac knot.; [From the “ Pinang Gazette.”)  -  342 words
  • 1420 4 Colonel Jones Vanj'liaii, the new Gen* cm! Officer Commanding here, has booked his passage by the i*. O. steamer Horne tuned to leave London yesierduy. 1 n© Horns connects at Colombo with the h. s. triitlf'j w hie• will arrive here about the 1-Alh ol next moot
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  • 183 4 Writing to the EMitor of our local contemporary, Mr. W. Hargreaves, the Head Master of the Penang Free School, gives the following explamition of the origin of the title of this Institution:— As there has been some discussion in the S'raits newspapers ns to the origin
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  • 365 4 Two Singapore Inspectors of Police says the Straits Times, have been suspended from duty on a charge of allowing arms to be exported to the Netherlands Indie*. Bribery is said to be tlie motive of the alleged offence. Referring to the matter, the F, ee Press amends
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  • 400 4 Light liousic Dkstkcykd. §ISO,GUO L)a magic. A! 9£ p. m., on 11 1 0 4t li instant., a fire broke out in an oil shop on Bonham Strand, Hongkong. Tlie next house w«tB in ii blaZ and another hong as vvcil, before water could be obtained.
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  • 109 5 Mr. 11. W. Maxwell, Inspector-General of Police, loft Singapore for home, by ll»e French mail steamer, on Tuesday bint, and it is considered very douhtfnl whether lie will return to the hard work and responsibilities of the position which he filled with so much credit. His
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  • 322 5 Mu. Seah Liang Sbah. Thus the Singapore Dailg Advertiser which from a fervent [lonian Catholic, has now become a sturdy disciple of Confucius ami the Protector of everything Chinese It n«»w seems to be quite ail established fact that Mr. Seah Liang Seah is
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  • 121 5 Singapore bids fair to become an important centre in tlie pearhng and pearl-shell business. In addition to the Alergui Company now at work, says the Daily Advertiser, the important, expeditions of Messrs. McAlister ami Coy. to Mergui ami Borneo ami the Dutch Pearling Co. recently floated wi.ich
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  • 144 5 A circular has been issued hy the liquida'or of the New Oriental Bank Corporation suggesting the formation of n company with a capital of £825,000 to take over the remaining assets of the corporation. Already 7s. 6d. in the hits heeu paid,
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  • 232 5 Writing last Saturday the Straits Times 1 correspondent reports from Kwala Lumpor Two new locomotives have been added to the strength of the Railway Department, making thirteen in all. One of the engines, which arrived a week ago, has just been filled at Klaug aud is
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  • 268 5 It lias already been stated, says the Times of Ceglon, that the local Turf Club refused to give Cavenagh, the well-knowu jockey, a license to ride and train here till they had thoroughly sifted a matter in the Straits in which Cavenagh struck a gentleman ridi-r
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  • 111 5 'Phe following account, for the Mouth of February, 1891, has been forwarded hy tlie Managers of the under-mentioned Banks, duly certified hy them, for publication in tlie Government Gazette. Av-siughc Amount o* 1 Bank Noras in Cl UCUI.ATION. Singapore. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and
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  • 144 5 With reference to the re-trial of the I’lira Yot case the Siam Free Tress ob—seives that there is no suggestion in the Convention that the Mixed Comt will »'t at Bangkok any more than Saigon. The Convention mentions a Mixed Court without any reference whatever as to whore
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  • 286 5 Thk u London and China Express,” in its review of this work, says There are very many interesting points from which to commend the idea that Mr. Archibald Lament has put into force in Bright Celestials, by John Coining Chinaman (London: Fisher Unwin.) I’he work is intended as
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  • 166 5 A movement has been set on foot at home whereby a number of Indies, under the leadership of Mis* Stoke*, propose to establish a corps of lady Volunteers, whose special duty is to tend the sick and wounded ill war. The corps is to be
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  • 477 5 (From the Sarawak Gazette) The credit of the Sarawak Govern meut ms a civiliz ng power, and its form er reputation for putting down head hunting amongst the Dyaks in our territories, stands in great danger of b *ing seriously jeopardiz'd by the action of
    (From the Sarawak Gazette)  -  477 words
  • 1379 5 (By Mail of March 10.) 'l’he correspondence has been publish* ed between the India Offi Je and t he Eastern Exchange Banks regarding the shipments of silver en route to India on June 20 last, when the Indian M'n’s were closed to the public and tlie silver
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  • 959 6 The Yenisseisk Government Gazette announces the discovery in the Govern ment of Krasnoyarsk of immense coalfields. In the neighbourhood ol Kubeukof! the rich mid deep seam* rise close to the surface. At Atsohinsk the deposits are said to b.* even more ex clusive and valuable. The brown Coal in
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  • 277 6 J’knanG; 14th April, 1824. CENTRAL MARKET. Dk CKimON. CfellF. •Soup per catty Cts. g R° ast „18 Steaks jg Stew or Curry Meat 11 Ox Tail each oq Tongue 35 Feet 0 Heart per catty 05 Tripe 8 I jiver 16 Bl FfALO MKAT IQ Heart H O
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 262 6 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NONCE is hereby given that revised lists of persons entitled to vote at Municipal elections and of persons qualified to be]elected as Commissioners have been forwarded for publication in the Government Gazette. These lists are now open to public inspection daily, at the Municipal Office,'Town Hall, between the
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    • 98 6 NOTICE. We be? to inform our customers that from the Ist March we shall sell for cash only. We also cancel herewith all our present ami previous price lists, which, for the future, will he based on the rate of exchange of the day. GOSLING Co. Penano, 24th February, 1894.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 929 7 QO S LINQ_& CO. j) ANDQ &Co rENANG—SINGAPORE. y g AND We import the following I general outfitters wines AND SPIRITS. No. 1, Beach Street Union Street, All Wines and Spirits imported by PENANG, us are kept on tap, at our Posada Depots in Penang and Singapore. JUST TLECEIVEiD: Ports,
      929 words
    • 72 7 EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL. ft ranches z I 1 'A It Q Till A It STREET. Kraitehes: RAFFLES’ HOTEL, Singapore. RAFFLES* HOTEL, Singapore. raffles’ tiffin rooms, THE LEADING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE ISLAND. raffles’ tiffin rooms, SAURIES’ HOTEL Rangoon. SAURIES’ HOTEL, Rangoon. ORIENTAL TIFFIN ROOMS, UXIOX STREET. A Good table, the Best
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 807 8 tl c 22E?££r am ESPLANADE HOTEL. Cnpiliil SiiWribeJ $2,000,000. J I/f T T Ti) ASH'TURN HOI'fJIj Amount I’aid up 600,000. LA ATj Head Office, Hongkong. Tliis Hotel which lias been thoroughly repaired, Decorated and Secretary, W. H. «at, Esq. newly furnished, is now open. The undersigned, Agents for the i<Q>f
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    • 442 8 Canton Insurance Office, Ltd. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000. Amount Paid up 5Go’oOo! Reserve Fund 730,000*. llkad Offick, Hongkong. General Agents, Mkssrs. Jardink, Mathkson Co. 'JTIE undersigned having been »p. pointed Agents for the «hove Cornpiu,» are prepared to accept Muriue Risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid to all
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