The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 19 November 1892

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 27 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISIED EVERY WEDNESDA' AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. 2O Cents. Price 20 Cents. vo. iy PEI ANG, SATURDAY", NOYEAIBER 19, 1892. No. 348.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 688 1 -Ujjrtu-BritisliandMoroan- I the straits insurance lusnrance company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA'ION COMPANY, LIMITED. COMPANY, LIMITED. KONINKLIJKE PAGKETVAAT MAATSCHAPPIJ. ESTAB Company, are authorised to NEGAPATAM LINE IF STEAMERS- C §3,000,000=£500,000. in,l ma" ISt lUe U 1> U Intended Sailing and expeetd Arrival of Steamers. s6oo^oo=£looOOO. BEEN, MEYER A Co., Reserve Fund:
      688 words

  • 1252 2 The popular falacy that money is wealth has been explode*] many many years ago, and the only thing that remains to us is perhaps the next best thing that it represents wealth. It is a peculiarity of man to effect exchanges with his fellow man it
    1,252 words
  • 119 2 (From the Free Press.) 1’bid ay, 11th Nov. ('Continued.) Present: IIis Excellency the Governor (Sir Cecil C. Smith, a.c.M G The lion, the Officer Commanding’ the Troops. (Sir Charles Warren, G C.M.G.) The lion, the Colonial Secretary (W. E. Maxwell, C M.G.) jt the Acting Attorney-General (J.
    (From the Free Press.)  -  119 words
  • 10986 2 Mr. Shelford. —Sir I rise to move the reduction of this vote to §509,090, that being the equivalent at the rate of 2s. 9d. to the dollar of £70,000. This amount in round numbers represents half the cost of the iucreasod garrison laid down in 1890; a
    10,986 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 270 2 the straits independent. PUBLISHED IYIIIY WIDSISD.YY AM» Saturday ram -K>f TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE IN ADVANOB: Per Annum 70.) Half-year 4.00 Quarter Single copy twenty cents. IF PAID IN Alt HEAR 3 5 for three months, after which tei m the paper will only be supplied on payment of the
      270 words

  • 153 6 Penang, 19th November, 1892. Rates rule as follows London, Demand, Batik 2 9] dolla Do. 4 months sight, Bank 29{ l)o. 3 Credits 210 Do. 3 Documentary... 2 10J Calcutta, Demand, Bank Its. 224 Do. 7 days sight, Private 226} Bombay, Demand. Bank 221 Do. 7 days sight, Private
    153 words
  • 119 6 (From the Vinamj Gazette) London, 14//i November. —Fifty thousand persons met in l ralalgar fcpjare on Sunday ami quietly comment! ated the bloody Sunday of 188». Yesterday's telegram re tho deisioti on the Uganda question is prematre. London November. I’ho -Lilors and Firemen’s Union have issed a notice
    (From the Vinamj Gazette)  -  119 words
  • 2209 6 The Christmas Mails. —Parcel (not Letters) forwarded to the UuitedKingdom by the last P. O. Mail shuld be delivered in the Christmas week Let ters will reach Home iu time, if frward ed by the next mail. What Next ?—The latest rearm for the Pahang Rising is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 112 6 NOTICE. PENANG AUCTION ROOMS. Expected shortly to arrive from Japan. AND TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION 24 cases of Japanese Goods specially imported for this Market by The Museum Company of Arts anil Manufacture," JapanCatalogues will ho issued shortly, ami all further particulars can he obtained on application to
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  • 290 7 Fho Singapore papers to hand ou Thursday morning, report a serious ac cicent to the Colonial Secretary. We tale the following accouut from the Fre Press Fhe conclusion of the paper chase ou Saerday afternoon was marred by a serous accident
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  • 307 7 From Home. The following passages have been engaged for the Straits Per Peninsular and Oriental. Per s. s. Rome from London, Oct. 28. To Penang —Mr. Chalmers, and Mr. Bridges ingapore —Mrs. S Sdellabear, Mrs. Clnrl res, Mr. F. Boness, Mr. J. W. Bonser, Rev. aud Mias
    307 words
  • 1031 7 The following are the official Mini tes of a Meeting of the Municipil Commissioners, held on the 11th lovember, 1892 Present. —J. Y. Kennedy, Esq., (Pred. knt) the Honourable, D. Comkie; A- Wright, Esq., A. R. Adams, Esq., W. I. Brown, Esq., m d., and Capt. AnderK)N, U
    1,031 words
  • 207 7 Penang, 19th November 1892. CENTRAL MARKET. Description. Beef. Soup per catty Cts. 8 B° asfc »16 Steaks 16 Stew or Curry Meat 12 Ox Tail each 15 Tongue 30 Heart 20 Tll pe 8 Llver 14 Pouk.— „16 pig’sHcad T each Cts. 12 Feet 12 Tongue F '£jl»
    207 words

  • 610 8 PROGRAMME FIRST DAY, Thursday, 19th January 1893. FIRST RACE.—3-30 r. m The Maiden Plate. —Value $L>O. For all Horses that have never won a race on any course, Roadster, Griffin #nd Jump Races excepted. Weight, 10 st. libs.; allowances as per scale. Distance 1 mile. Entrance $lO.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 248 8 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a portion of the Esplanade Hoad facing the sea will bo closed to traffic until further notice. (By Order,) J. W. II ALU FAX, Secretary to the Municipal Cinnmi s* io u e rs Municipal Office, Town Hall. Penang, 26th March, 1892. 402
      248 words
    • 1085 8 noon on U "he ,o 7il'i ce >eu “''ff, u GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS. the follow, r’ B 2 >L f tor the I‘olice Depart Clot Tenders will be received up to noon on. tbe year 1893 meilt| I>euilu U for londay, the 28th November, 1892, at thej INNPPptad Colonial Secretary’s Office,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 839 9 McLARTT COMPANY C7p™‘; S! CONSULTING ENGINEEP.3, naval architects, s A 1. CODE (1887.) SXTB.VETORS No. 30, BEACH STREET, T 1!. 8.0.”, Edition. ANE PENANG. contractors, eg WE SUPPLY THE UNDERMENTIONED: I Piracfay, an 'l *SW Plates, Irm and Steel Jetties, Mining Plant, Rolled Zinc Slabs, Bi Girders of all lei
      839 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 716 10 KHYE H 0“ UNDER EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT. FOUNDRY COMPANY. VICTORIA HOTEL. Weld Quay. MAIN ROAD, TAIPING. Ceutrally situated close to the Railway Station, and ENGINEERS, Government Offices. T vv v< BEDROOMS NIW LYFURNiSHED. BOILER-MAKERS, Kxcellenl Cuisim, Wines, Spirits, Ac. Table d’H6te—Separate Tables. ...n nn. B rmamrOQ BILLIARDS AND 11A.RIN SEPAKATE
      716 words
    • 287 10 Royal London, accept Fire liisin- uru P a "y at*) irt favourable Tern,? raDCe b EHN JIEYSK 1 c Poanq, 9th Sept. 1892 ntl CantoulusuraueeOfflce,tla U t el Agents for tlis Offite^aVeLwV 1 o l For full particular, appljjtc BODSTKAb Agentt, Result of the workiuo- 0 f n for tl,e
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