The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 17 August 1892

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 832 1 ~gg£S££!SEr BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. T mpany*lVSSd 1 015 TTi&mm' I KONINKLIJKE PACKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. n«»o,^, NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS- fZ’Z Fire upon the most favor- Intemleil Suiting and expected Arrival of Steamer*. if 08 0 Fam -,115,000 *ble terms. TV kn o Ihc undersigned have been appointed Agents
      832 words

  • 1597 2 It was Gkokuk Washington who said that hen the English Government makes up its mind to do a thing, it never goes the straight way to work about it, but always invents some euphemistic term to cover its real object.” What was true over one hundred years
    1,597 words
  • 1466 2 fiie Sect Belle left Singapore for Pahang, at 10 p. in. on the iOtli inst., will» the llon’ble the Colonial Secretary and the Da to Munlri of Johore on board. The object of Mr. Maxwell’s second visit to that disturbed State is probably to tell the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 269 2 THĔSTRAIT8 independent PIBLISHKI» KVl.llV WMKSD.U AM> SATllllt.U EVI.MNCS. K>i TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, I’AYABLE IN ADVANCE: o io 00 Per Annum > lnlf 7 car i.OO Quarter Single copy twenty cents. IF PAID IN AIIREAR S 5 for three months, niter which term the paper will only be supplied on payment
      269 words

  • 504 3 rioneer. llieie have been many complaints of late years that the martial classes in India are showing more and more disinclination to serve in the army. The 1 unjab is, of course, the great recruiting ground, and there have been large demands made upon it, not
    —rioneer.  -  504 words
  • 379 3 As our renders may have observed, the French Government have recently been in communication with Gord Salisbury, asking him to inform tho English Missionary Societies that they will have o withdraw their Missions from Algeria, on the ground that, fur many grave reasons any religious propaganda
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  • 895 3 The improvements that have been introduced into modern fire-arms have had for their object to increase the rapidity of the fire and the extent of the range. The soft leaden bullet has been replaced by a steel mantled projectile, that not only carries further, but pierces through obstructions
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  • 260 3 'The ques l ion of tho transportation of petroleum in bulk through tho Suez Canal is tho subject of a White Paper of ninety pages. Tiie main feature of it is a report by Sir F. Abel aud Mr. Boverton Redwuod on the danger
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  • 2073 4 (From our Exchanges J Paris, 4th August. —Seven deaths from cholera were reported in Paris yesterday and seven also in ''ours. Sofia, 4th August. —The Bulgarian Government are publishing a series of ostensibly authentic Russian secret despatches showing that certain Russian high officials were concerned in fomenting
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  • 145 4 Penang, 17tii August, 1892 Hates rule as follows London, Demand, Bank 2 9j dollar Do. 4 months sight, Hank 2 10 Do. 3 Credits 2 Jo’ Do. 3 Documentary 210 j Cai.cutia, Demand, Hank Its. 226 Do. 30 days sight, Private 228 1 Bomhay, Demand, Bank Do. 30 days
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  • 337 4 (From tho Liming Gazelle London 10 th August. Lord Llersched was misreported yesterday us to tha Liberal» 5 foreign policy. What lbs boid* s l,ip said was, that he hoped that the policy of abstaining from criticism of foreign affairs at critical moments would be continued when Mr.
    (From tho Liming Gazelle.)  -  337 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 120 4 SALE ILhorseT I-he undersio n p f i i Oq Friday 19th at Church Street Gham low.njr excellent U ./K--perty of a Penan* QenM he Producing his Stud, \'S e,Dan powerful. h W fencer, baa be,,, dri,,. i.*^ “TT-++ S r‘v Aus,|, alian II?-! Kitty 6 Years Old. Perl q.uet
      120 words

  • 1728 5 SOTICK.— ri.e Mails for Penang P Packet Melbourne left .Singat|,e s. s. Nuddea at 4 yes- o. Mail steamer Bokhara, r CoMnbo for Peuaug at 4 pm. on t idili instant. jj oM! Miss Trotter will be at ;i t the Residency on Friday (h. 10t'.
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  • 191 5 Tho second performance of The Private Secretary” in aid of the Penang Band Fund, secured a moderately lull house, sutlicient, however, to fully jus tify the action of the Committee ot me Dramatic Club in giving two entertain meats. From start to finish,
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  • 680 5 I he Bangkok Tunes, to whom, by-tne-bye, we owe an apology for having questioned the accuracy of its previous statement, reiterates that Peuaug has nothing to hope for from the alleged coalfields of Mr. McGregor and say's: The fact is that Mr. McGregor does not
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  • 414 5 'The following description of the capital of China, extracted from Mrs. Howard m mceut’s recur l of her travels Lom “Newfoundland lo China” (London: Sampson Low Co., 1892) will find an echo in t<he breast of every man whoso fate it has been to
    414 words

  • 963 6 The first sight of Mars through an observatory telescope is almost terrify mg, even for a person of good nerves It in as if one saw the whole earth, wit!» its ice polos, as a solid globe, floating overhead. One distinguishes clearly the d u k blue
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  • 385 6 Robert L. Garner, Lbo man who speaks (be language of monkeys, intends to start for the western coast of Africa to undertake a journey into the abode of the large gorillas and chimpanzee. Garner has never been in Africa, all his former work in studying monkey languages
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 462 6 Government Notification. Tenders called for the General Farm, Ufper Perak. IENDERS will be received up to noon of the 15th August, 1892, for renting the Upper Perak General Farm for a period of one year, commencing from the 25th September 1892. 2. The Upper Perak General Farm includes the exclusive
      462 words
    • 413 6 Ikhyelil foundry com has,. I IVeld Oun,, I ENGINEERS, I TOILER-MAKERS, I IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS I AND I general contractors I Boiler Fittings and Engineers' I Stores, etc., always in Stock. I J. G. ALLAN J Manager. MUNICIPAL NOTICE, Not ice is hereby given that a portion „f 1.0
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1047 7 I McLARTY COMPANY, I t ,,es rAPHIC > ddre J s: CONSULTING ENGINEERS, naval ARCHITECTS, 9 i'hjoURTY. Penang surveyors No. so, beach street, H t. CODE i 88 7.) PENANG. q|j£ S AND I 4 111 Kdition. general Manaccr: v'rK cooks. CONTRACTORS, r. m. mclarty, m.i.m.e. H I WE SUPPLY
      1,047 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 673 8 RANEEGUNGE FIRE CLAY. NOW OPEN POTTERY WORKS. UNDER EXPERIENCED ELROPEAN MANAGEMENT. VICTORIA HOTEL Works, we are prepared to enter con- W AV A VAVAIA A AjJLIi Ir-acts for the undermentioned 11 salt glazed stoneware pipes main ROAD, TAIPIX G. All sizes from 2 to 24 aiam. Largely used throughout India,
      673 words
    • 262 8 I CantonluB Agents uS offi ce litin B '**ol;. accept Marine Insu~r a "B favorable terms. '<-c lu,-k, H Foifuli P-tieu,a rsapplyto Bo I I Result of tile WOl'kinr f I for the year 1800;-! amounts to f 1800 5 to divide as follow.’. whlch it i*l A Dividend 0
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