The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 13 August 1892

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1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 27 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESOtY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. pgj j 2d Gents. Pr.iCE 21 Cents. VOL PENANG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1392. No- 320.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 832 1 i+ialmmlMercan-' THE ST HA ITS INSURANCE BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIAT10N COMPANY, LIMITED. compact, miiteh. KON'NKLIJKE PACKET1AART MAATSCHAPPIJ. tiib »»icr«Bn«i, the NEGAPATAM Llf£ OF STEAMERS- pm up 000,000 s nts of this Company, are Iteserve Fund 115,000 j,,. m* ft- a ,is k ire u H° n 10 1 Intended
      832 words

  • 1048 2 For some time past, it has seemed to us that rowdyism among the worst class of the Malays, has been upon the increase, and, as this is a matter clearly calling for increased activity on the part of the police, wo have no hesitation in indicating their duty
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  • 651 2 (From the Times.) The general question of the conuuct of Touquiu itff.urs was made the object ot an interpellation in the Chamber, lor which the reverse at Bac-Le was tho plausible excuse. M. Bouge, addressing the Under Secretary for the Colonies, M. Jamais, complained of his attitude
    (From the Times.)  -  651 words
  • 926 2 Writing from Amsterdam, the correspondent of the L. ft 0. E. reports, under (lute July 13: There is very little of interest lo chroniule for the weelc under review. The Grand Duke and Duchess of SaxeWeimar leave Soestdijlc for Germany to-<lay. I’l.o Hereditary 1'rince and Princess
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 260 2 THE STRAITS INDEPENiENT. PUBLISHED IVKET WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. Kx TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Per Annum Half-year J.VO Single copy twenty cents. IF PAID IN ARREAR 5 for three months, after which term the paper will only be supplied on payment ot the arrear.” Postage, 1 cent extra
      260 words

  • 647 3 V IsCoUNT ShKBBSOOSS. i via Htiigoon, Announces t,f the Llou’blo Robert lscoa *1» Sherbrooke, a brilliant 'Mt-r of times, who in his day i i a proniiiiaut p u t on t!ie political •*-,*3- Viscount Sherbrooke was the i <ji t .0 late Hiv. Robert Lowe, rector 1 U1,,
    647 words
  • 519 3 To t! •ose unacquainted with the sort of men who constitute the licentiates of an Indian Medical College, the iollowiug may he greedily taken in, but to those wiio do know Messrs. Karim Bus and DoSilva, the support those gentry appear to be willing fo give
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  • 959 3 (London S)' China Eepreas, July S.J 1 UK c ise wo reported in our last issue, md one that lias been continued during he present week, in which the Charter- id Mercantile Bank of India bad been j nude the victims by forged bills of ladng for goods
    (London S)' China Eepreas, July S.J  -  959 words
  • 451 3 The British Consul ;>t B.itoum furnishes an interesting report on fcho petroleum trade of tiiat place. Referring to the pro-pec's of 1892 lie writes Lho first two months in 1892 will show an output from Batoum of over 55,000,003 gallons of od products,against 35,000,000 gallons
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  • 146 4 Penang, 13tli August, 1802. Rales rule as follows JiONDON, Demand, Bank 2 8| dollar. Do. 4 months sight, Bank 2 9.j Do. 3 Credits 29| Do. 3 Documentary 2/9£ Calcoiia, Demand, Bank Us. 225| Do. 30 days sight, Private 227^ Bomhav, Demand, Bank 225 Do. 30 days sight,Private 227
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  • 175 4 (From the Pinang Gazette.) London Oth August. —l 3 is believed that there will be a prorogation of Parliament on the 20th iusb. ►Sir Charles Dilke will move next session a resolution in favour of the neutralisation of Egypt and of the country boing placed under a European
    (From the Pinang Gazette.)  -  175 words
  • 1164 4 Reported Escape of the ex-Oranq Kaya ACROSS THE JeLAI. {Free Press Special Correspondent.) Raub, Ist August. In my last letter I mentioned that Col. Walker with his flying column was about to march from Jeransang, the present b;«se, towards Knpala Jeram near which or at
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  • 2136 4 The Price of Silver. Silver, in Lon* don, yesterday readied 3/ 11 per ounce, being the lowest rate yet recorded. Mail Notice. —The Mail despatched from Penang to Loudon, via Brindisi, on the 15th ultimo was delivered on the Bth instant. Postal Information. Information having been received
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 83 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The next ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held in the Town Hall, at 2.30, p. m., On Friday, 19th August. (By Order), J. W. UALLIFAX, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. Municipal Office, Town Hall. TOWN HALL. To-JVight, 13th August. "THE PRIVATE SECRETARY," A Farcical Comedy
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  • 1629 5 Tlie Penang Amateurs are Protean in their capability for change, and flit from grave to gay with a happy and daring abandon which is delightfully refreshing. From the lethargic ponderosity of Time Will Tell,” to the farcical absurdities of u The Private Secretary,” is a far cry,
    1,629 words
  • 166 5 Home Passengers. The following passages have been engaged lor tlio Straits Pur Peninsular and Oriental. Per P. ami O. s. s Sutlej, from London, July 14.—T0 Singapore;— Mr. A. 13 rail doll. Per P. and O. s. s. Paramatta from London, July 22 —To Singapore: —Mr. F.
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  • 1026 6 There is a certain grim qnaiutness about some of the stories of crime in the report for last year on the Police Administration of the Central (Indian) Provinces that lends to it a morbidly psychological interest. It is, of course, nothing but tiie old story,
    1,026 words
  • 476 6 A solid gold brick, weighing 500 pounds and worth $150,000, will bo exhibited in the Mines anti Mining building at the World’s Fair by a Helena, Mon mi no owner. 'The bicycle club of Ciichy ha-'o tried an interesting experiment. They sout a message from Paris to Rouen, a
    476 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 964 6 KHYE HO jyypi FOUNDRY COMPANY. I Government NohaWeld Quay. —^«floation. 1 SKDE !8 CAU8 D FOP. TUB Gc,,,., p ENGINEERS, IW Pk«. i 'I EXDliBS nill be reccivel BOILER-MAKERS, 100 is.i. Au K 8t c 892 r 0 p r tm ,he U.PI-- Perak Ge,suffer IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS AS
      964 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1024 7 McLARTY COMPANY Tj lso* apHIC A ddre s: consulting engineers, naval ARCHITECTS, 9 HEAD pFFiCE “McU rTY > P £NANG SURVEYORS No. 30, BEACH STREET, lHUE S A CODE l88 7-) and PENANG. 4th Edition. general CManacer CODES. CONTRACTORS, P. M. McLARTY, 4r./.A/.p. WE SUPPLY THE UNDERMENTIONED: ‘*{2? i pfXfcktrUaJ,
      1,024 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 696 8 RANEEGUNGE FIRE CLAY. NOW OPEN POTTERY WORKS. UNDER EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT. Having been appointed Agents for the Y Pi T A lulF Ttjl TT Raneegunqb Fire Clay and Pottery t# I I IS fljl llli 1 JPi JLj® Works, we are prepared to euter contracts for tbe undermentioned SALT GLAZED
      696 words
    • 276 8 -I I IK underaiir,,,.,] t |B Agents tor this Office a g Wn H B accept Marine Insurer favorable term*. Itlbkd > oa t..,; Forf panics applyl0i I UOUSTEADic, fl Result ot the working ofthep' for the year 1890:— tMe tot;- -l be balance at credit s 10 amounts to
      276 words