The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 3 August 1892

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1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 29 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. ji r ick 29 Cents. Price 29 Cents. yob IV. PENANG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1892. No- 317.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 857 1 Tho tile Insurance Company. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. -any^iSeT™ koninklijxe packetvaart maatschappij. n Ei D o,^,s o4fO K, NEBAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS- s^ibed capital 30,000,000 l Up ,U th fntended Stiilint/ and expected Arrival of Steamer». Reserve Fund 115,000 •Wetenns- Co I 'I lie undersigned have been Appointed
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  • 1269 2 The reent debate —if such it can be called —at the Penang Athenaeum, oil Womans’ Rights, recalls to our mind the history of a long series of dismal attempts that have, from time to time, been made to unsex woman and place her in a sphere she is
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  • 402 2 Distance lends Enchantment to the View.” Reviewing the hist, Administration Report of the State of Perak, the Rangoon Times remarks Concessions aro also ma le on easy and attractive terms, which, while they make mining remunerative for the concessionaires, are not injurious
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  • 330 2 'l’hb problems .vbiel, tlio Ja|«, lß Ivuliculs have set liulore themselves t„5011.1.0 n bel ore the opening of tl.e ert session ol the the Diet, are of a tolrnil,', eomprebensive ebaracter. The Urn bhimpo gives the Io lowing of them (a) I.—Ts the present system of oducati
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  • 251 2 The Government of I lie Netlicrland.-* has for a long time past had innh.T consideration a project lor draining l ho vast inland sea known as the Zuyiler Z e. This sheet of water is almost useless purposes of navigation, ami imgo veS sels can only
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 the straits independent. NRLISBED FIERY IVFMFSW AM» SATIRHAY EVKMXGS. K* terms of subscription, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE: Per Annum Half-year J.OO Quarter v Single copy twenty cents. IF PAID IN A BREAK: 5 for tlirce months, after wliicli tei in the paper will only l>e supplied on payment o t ie
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  • 2418 3  -  j'BAMSLATED FROM THE DUTCH BY Geo. G. Batten 111. •raEBATTAK and his horse. [Continued.) \'otl'in£ is known with certainty of r j\Uj spread, trade in, mid expoit l 'V t r”k horses in former days. Stal- j uiares wore seldom exported; v ver e only
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  • 715 3 (From our Exchanges.) London'lord July. According to an olliciiil telegram received by the Dutch Government, the disaster at the Gland of Banguir was not so great as was at first stated. I’ho whole of the northwest of the island was destroyed and the rest of the island
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  • 138 4 Penang, 2nd August, 1892. [fates rule as follows London, Demand, Hank 2 9| dollar. Do. 4 months sight, Hunk 2 10*Do. 3 Credits 2 10| Do. 3 Documentary 2/10| Calcutta, Demand, Bank Its. 225 Do. 80 days sight, Private 2261 Bombay, Demand, Bank 225 Do. 30 days sight,Private 226£
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  • 249 4 (From tlie Pinang Gaette.) London, 2 8th, July. —On Mr. Glad' stone’s arrival iu London, he received a perfect ovation. Mr. Gladstone conferred with the Liberal leaders, at his house, on the evening of his arrival. A petition against the return of Mr. Dadabhai Naoroji, as Liberal member
    (From tlie Pinang Gaette.)  -  249 words
  • 1832 4 Post Offick Notifications. —The M. M. Mail Steamer Yang Tse left Colombo for Silica pore at. 5 p. m. on tlio 28 tl» ultimo. Tlie Mail despatched from Penang to London, via Britulisi, on tlio Ist July was delivered on tlio 27th ultimo. From to day (Ist
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 203 4 TOWN HALL. Wednesday 10th August. “THE PRIVATE SECRETARY,” A Farcial Comedy in Three Acts, Will be performed by THE PENANG DRAMATIC CLUB. Plan of the House at Messrs. Pritchard Co., where seats may be booked, on and after Thursday, the 4th iust. Admission: Reserved Seats $l.OO Back Seats 0.50 485
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  • 492 5 CORRUPT ION AND BRIBERY IN THE POLICE COURT. t;n i ieiiii on a case winch was .j j, e f„ro Mr. Haughton, tho Smgaj.'!Magistrate, and in tlie course !oneoi the Court peons “helped open Court to a rouleau of IfceiiKfonniiitf P art of the exhibits, wliiclihe was subsequently sentenced ;:|l
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  • 666 5 IiUKIT MIfiUTAJAM. Monday, \sl August, 1802. h'vm a Correspondent J usually .juiet village of Hukit ''■‘J'ln was yesterday, in spite of the '7 „l >i,SstMl “Suuilay Labour Ordi- ll| o scone of much bustle and ln I’ *dl on account of a 1 l Uutu i
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  • 599 5 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Government Gazette July 29th. Mr. Rone lirasier do Tnwy, is prove* ionally recognised as Honorary iceConsul for Russia, in Singapore, with power to act as Deputy Consul in the absence of the Consul. Mr. G. d’ Almeida is nominated a recognised surveyor in the .Straits Settlements.
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  • 97 5 Tim following account, for June, 1892, Iras been forwarded by the Managers of the under-mentioned Banks, duly certified by them, for publication in the Government Gazette. Average Amount of Bank Notes in Circulation. Singapore. Mercantile Bank $0 13,950 Chartered Bank 1,434,74-0 li’kong Shanghai Bank... 1,400,73)
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  • 152 5 Correspon dents are requeste d to authentic-tie their letters an l to favour us, confidentially, p-i 1 h their names if they do not wish to have them published. We do not hol l ourselves responsible f or the opinions expressed by our Correspon louts. Tins Assault on Mr.
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  • 62 5 Arrivals. Ist August—.Per*, s. Lady Weld, from Port Weld:—Mr. W. H. Tate. 3rd August.— Per ss. Secundra, from Singapore —Sergt. Ponbes. Dejai rt ures. 30L1 1 July.— Per s. s. (J. Pd, for Singapore —Mrs. Neoan and 2 children, and Alr. G. LI. Pritchard. 31st July.—Per s.
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  • 904 5 Anthony Scores Again. Shropshire has a “Soft” 'Lime. Distribution of Prizes. On Wednesday evening hist, the final lie in the Ladies’ and Gentlemans’ Double Handicap was played off, concluding the semi-annual Tournament of 1892, when Miss E. Jones and A. S. Anthony met. and
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  • 621 6 (From our Exchanges.) From 13th to 21st July. His Excellency the Governor and household are still residing at Kandy. The railway line midway between Kollupitiyaand Bambalapitiyu was washed away by the sea on Friday morning, the 15th a quantity oi the earth being carried away. This caused the
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  • 629 6 Tho Roman Catholic Archbishop of Galway has excommunicated a number of prominent Paruellites, in consequence of their conduct at tho elections. An automatic punkah puller, actuated by a weight which is wound up every d;iv and regulated by a ponduluinn, is being extensively tried iu India. The “Punkah Motor
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 412 6 Government Notification. Tenders called for the General Farm, Upper Perak. TENDERS will be received up to noon of tlie 15tli August, 1892, for renting the Upper Perak General Farm for a period of one year, commencing from 11 1 e 25b 1 1 September 1892. 2. The Upper Perak General
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    • 387 6 KHYE Hq| FOUADKV COMl'A\y I If elfi Q UUjf I ENGINEERS, I B OILER.MAKEp iS I iron and brass founders I AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR I Boiler Fittings and Engine I Stores, etc., always in Stock. I J. G. ALLAY I j lilUlHtjjti- 1 municipal notice. I l,e tlosed t 0
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1093 7 McLARTY COMPANY, p[l ,c A oo,sss: CONSULTING ENGINEERS, NAVAL ARCHITECTS, «.[joLjfiTV, Penang” surveyors no. 30, beah street iH UE3* l CODE 88 tVD PENANG. 4th Kdltlo,l General Manaccr ANU s w{I vatk codks. 1 UAI F. M. McLARTY, j/./.a/.f. WE SUPPLY THE UNDERMENTIONED: i. irr’ t! re Clay I Ir
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 671 8 EANEEGUNGE EIRE CLAY. NOW OPEN AND POTTERY WORKS. UNDER EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT. tSssssTrSaS VICTOR IA HOTEL Works, we are prepared to enter con- W V tracts for tlie undermentioned SALT PIPES main road, TAjPIX G. Largely used throughout India, Burmah and ces, Ventilators, and for surface and under- Centrally situated;
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    • 273 8 IHE underaig, ie( i i Agents for this Office n n jCen I accept Marine lasuraac HiX favorable terms. 1 K!hk s,oa B For full p«rii e irg applj I BOUsT EAD 4 Co 1 Result of the Wort A?il m for the year 1890:' I e I amounts ■‘to
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