The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 27 June 1891

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 25 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. 20 Cents. Price 20 Cents. vol. in. PENANG, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1891. 215.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 819 1 INSURANCES. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIG THN COMPANY, LIMITED. North China insurance co. Ltd. A Marine Insurance Co., KONINKLIJKE PACKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Li!U !i 9d NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS- MARINE INSURANCE. E T^rte, P oTtt rntendod SaiUWJ aUd eXPCCted An imU The undersigned having been appointSteame FOR Steamer. From. Extecteocr. or l
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  • 2408 2 I. The Hon. A. M. Skinner’s Administration Report on Penang for the year 1890, which appears in the last issue of the Government Gazette, supplies us with some very valuable data on the administration and progress or otherwise of this Settlement during the past year. After referring
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 251 2 THE STRAITS INDEPENDENT M'BLlSHlift EVKIY WIDHSDAT AN!» SATUKIIAT. K>+TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION payable in advance. Ter Annum 00 Half-year J 50 Single coj>y twenty cents. IP PAID iN ABBEAR 6 for three months, after which term the paper will only be supplied on payment of the arrear.” Postage, 2 cents extra
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  • 278 3 I’kkang’s Petition Informal. Says the L. 8f C. E in its issue of May 29:- Sir Thomas Sutherland presented on the 2t)fcli inst. two petitions to the House of Commons from Singapore and Penang, protesting against the levy made upon the community for the defences of Singapore.
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  • 1410 3 [Uorne papers up to May 29.) Negotiations liave commenced for a Hewal of the Treaty of Commerce beSll 611 6rman y and Russia. Count 7«, who lias lately returned to 1,1 ro,n Petersburg, lias brought, on’ rt re^ a satisfactory reply to the s r B S
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  • 627 3 Writing from Amsterdam, May 27tli, the correspondent of the L. C. E. reports The young Queen Wilhelmina and the Queen Regent, witli a numerous suite, arrived iu this city yesterday. As it is the first visit paid by both Queens to the capital the event is observed with extraordinary
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  • 237 3 In reference to the German competition in the neutral cutlery rnarketsof the world, Mr. Wardlcy, a member of the Trades Council, who has taken a prominent part in the falsemarking agitation, stated at recent a dinner in connection with the South Yorkshire Enginemen’s Protection Association, that
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  • 342 4 The N C. Daily News of the Bth inst. publisher the following information A telegram was received here yesterday from Kiukiang to the effect that two Englishmen, one of them a Customs ■officer, and the other a Missionary, have been assassinated at Wuhsieh, a passenger station
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  • 499 4 The determined fight waged by Queen Natalie against the Regency and Government of Servia has resulted in the present discomfiture of her ex Majesty. A first attempt to expel the Queen from Servia, on May 19, was unsuccessful. The streets of Belgrade adjoining the Queen’s
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  • 1316 4 The following are the Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on tho 29th May 1891: Present —The Ilon’blo A. M. Skinner, C. President; J. 11. Cai.ICOTT, Esq.; D. Comkie, Esq.; F. M. McLarty, Esq and 0. W. Barnett, Esq. Absent R, A. L J Hogan,
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  • 117 4 I’enang, 2bth Juue l§oj Rates rule as follows London, Demand, Bank Do. 4 months sight, Hank 3.05 f jl!i r Do. 6 Credits qiA Do. 6 Documentary 3/4! Calcutta, Demand, Bank /,y 22(jl Do. 30 clays sight, Private 229" Bombay, Demand, Bank 226J)o. 30 days sight,Private,, 229* Madras, Demand
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  • 516 4 (From the lHnang Gazette.) London, loth June. —The Hon J. I. C. Al>. I bott, the conservative leader in the Senate •< forming a Canadian Ministry. A prosecution has been commenced against M. de Lesseps for illegal issues of Panama Canal stock. Mount Vesuvius has been in eruption
    (From the lHnang Gazette.)  -  516 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 WANTED.- An Editor to help the Proprietor in the re^ a Si&g. weekly publication of V Must be a good Seholj!? to write a leader, if abl e Preference will be gentleman already ac a with the affairs of this Honorarium according t Ji n 7 fications and ability for
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  • 633 5 From our Exchanges.) 11/l j une —News has reachthat the Chief, Quoseia, eJ ?„ar tl.ousan.l followers revolt>vllh It Portuguese rule uiul lias ilefi»o«r"o£ the British. Porta*rj ll;1Ve beC Sent t 0 qUt reV !t Uih Tune Mount Vesuvius of eruption au,l constant are being felt iu the
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  • 1170 5 (London China Express 29th May.) Thb Court. The Queen, who is now at Balmoral, completed her 72nd vear on the 24th inst. Her Majesty’s birthday will be officially kept to-morrow, when the usual celebrations will take place. It is stated that the Queen has intimated her
    (London China Express, 29th May.)  -  1,170 words
  • 2248 5 Friday, the 31st July, has been fixed as the date for the assembling of a Court of Appeal at Penang. Alonday next, being the day fixed for the celebration of the anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation will bo held as a Public Holiday throughout the Colony. Official
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  • 248 6 Arrivals. 19th June. —Per s. s. Thaipeng, from Port Weld —Mr. Chan Lye Khum, Raja Chilian, Mr. Chan In Eng, Mr. S. M. Gregory, and Mr. Ah Kye. 21st June. —Per s. s. Teutonia, from Klang:—Mr. Chau Kan Choe. and Mr. T. Cargill. 24th June. —Per s.
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  • 456 6 EDMI'ORIAL CROOKEDNESS. The Editor, Straits Independent. Sir, —Your local contemporary, in his issue of date, makes it appear that I volunteered an account of certain remarks that were made at a recent meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, thereby seeking to have my version accepted by him in preference to
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  • 261 6 The Editor, Straits Independent. Sir, —British North Borneo, taking things as they should be taken, is about to farm out gambling, which may be carried on in special houses open to the public, except to children of age. 1 O’ears I remember that years a 0 tl t-hod
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  • 627 6 Writing under date tlio 24th iustaut our Tiiiping correspondent says:— Since the death of Captain C. A. Schultz, late Secretary to Government for Chinese Affairs, in September 1889, while on leave of absence in Europe, the Perak Government has not succeeded iu securing the services of a man who
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  • 318 7 vvtlieiliinJs Indian Government a subsidy of f. 4 000 (for lliiS "«-lion of six stations on the West Sumatra for the improvement C** 5 l.reedim*. 0 is much improvement in the 1 Z at Tandjong Priok Harbour, cl whilst that at the latter place contrary, left much to
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  • 747 7 We be" to acknowledge, with thanks, tbo following contribution (gratis), which a lady friend lias been kind enough to send ns for publication Dear Mr. Editor, —I send the details of Miss E W ’s conduct to my son, and would feel greatly obliged byyocr drawing the attention
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  • 864 7 The Municipal Progress Report for hist month has been issued. We reproduce such of the various items contained therein as have not already been brought to the notice of our readers, namely Dogs. —239 dogs were destroyed during the month. It has now been
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 178 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that in terms of Section 20 of Ordinance IX of 1887, as amended by Ordinance XVII of 1889, an election of a Municipal Commissioner for the Municipality of George Town, Penang, in the place of C. W. Barnett, Esq., resigned, will take place at
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    • 538 7 DR. RIEDEL. No. 1 Penang Road Penang Consultation Room in Town 203 No. 9, Beach Street. GOVERNMENT OP PERAK 1. TENDERS will he received up to noon on the Ist September, 1891, for renting the following Farms, from the Ist Janunary, 1892 General. 2. Opium duty Farm. Three years. Coast
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  • 409 8 FIRST LAY. Thursday, 6th August, igm FIRST RACK. For All Maiden Horses.-. Vain,,c,*. Usual conditious. Distance 1 mil* trance *5. e> SECOND RACE. Maiden Roadsters.— Sellinr? i>, Value $lOO. Gentlemen Riders H entered at $3OO to carry 11 s t. 7 allowance of 7 lbs. for everv
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1594 8 SHIPPING. MUNICIPAL NOTICE, f AUCTION SALE. ELECTRIC BATTERIES, MACHINERY, LAND, k, Indo-China Steam Navigation Tlie Municipal Commissioners desire Couipaay. to call tile attention of tlie public to the The undersigned are instructed by following by-laws and regulations re- Mr.F.M. McLarty, acting as Attorney for FOR SING A PORE AND HONGKONG.
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    • 51 8 SINGAPORE LAND CO. UTO MORTGAGEES OTHERS. The undersigned, having been a PP OI ed Agents of the above Ooii>P ali y>p ro< prepared to purchase suitable wa perty, and with that object m l6 V o ready to receive at once the P lo P° intending sellers. f 328 BOUStEAD
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 541 9 I McLARTY COMPANY, I piEC RAPHIC DDRE s: CONSULTING ENGINEERS, NAVAL ARCHITECTS, Jlead Pff.ce: I 'McLarty, Penang” surveyors no. 30, beach street, I 's a. 1. CODE (1887.) AND PENANG. I g, C.”, 4th Edition. CONTRACTORS, '{{cncral I r mVATE CODES. BRANCHES AT THAIPING, BATH GAJAH AND SINGAPORE. F M
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 599 10 RANEEGUNGE FIRE CLAY gSPLANADE HOTEL. POTTERY WORKS. —7, (LATE EASTERN HOTEL.) Having been appointed A gents lor the Raneegunge Fire Clay and Pottery Works, we are prepared to enter contracts for the undermentioned THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY salt glazed, stoneware pipes AH front 2” to 24" diatn.
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    • 245 10 INOI#N 01 every descripti#» on the latest "'««liui,. I «ah the most reeentiv r nti|i w2l 1 cliinery. J ""entm -a Charges Exceedik Qiv v -”oot SlT| j Orders can be executed )c r H hours after receipt. A. KAUl,pus«? x 1 No. 9, Beach Street. Co, B BOON TEK
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