The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 3 June 1891

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1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
  • 26 1 The Straits Independent AND PENANG CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. on Cents. Price Price 20 Cents. VOL. GL PENANG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1891. No- 212.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 861 1 OSURANCES. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. North China Insurance Co Ltd Co., KONINKLIJKE PACKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. 6 Limited. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS- MARINE INSURANCE. prepared to accept Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. The undersigned having been appointT B a issae Policies on behalf of the —ed Agents for
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  • 1714 2 A New Departure. Opr local contemporary, in its issue of the 28th ultimo, with a view to making the Gazette as ef- ficienfc as possible an exponent of public opinion, as well as of local news,” brought out an “Important Notice” inviting “communications on all subjects of
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  • 2064 2 Mr David Cornrie, the Chairman i the Chamber of Commerce, who as o readers will remember, was instruct to communicate with the Straits Setil meuts Association in London with ference to Penang’s protest against i increased Military Contribution, has received the following letter from the Hoi. Secretary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 130 2 THE STRAITS INDEPENDENT PUB LIS HKD STEM’ WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Kh TERfJIS OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Per Annum T‘>. GO Ha If-rear 00 Quarter 40 Single copy twenty cents. IF PAID IN ARREAR: for three months, after which term Hie paper will only be supplied on payment ot the
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  • 985 3 Whether the Emperor of Germany is becoming mad or simply falling back into infancy, is a question thnt lias often been asked by those who follow tliay young potentate’s movements and take note of his utterances. But whatever his Majesty’s state of mind may be, the speech
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  • 420 3 Writiug from Amsterdam, May 6, the correspondent of the L. Sf C. E. reports 'L'he Queen and the Queen-Regent left Gersuu on the sth inst., and will arrive ut Ilet Loo to-day. Her Majesty has ordered the sculptor, Mr. 13art van Llove, to make a lull length statue of
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  • 129 4 Penang, 3rd June, 1391. Rates ride as follows J.ONI.ON, I)ennuul, Bank WJjj Do 4 months sight, Bank 3/-| Do. 6 Credits *V-8 l) 0 (j Documentary *>/o Calcutta, Demand, Bank Us. 22 0 Do. 30 days sight, Private 2-b Bomba v, Demand, Bank ‘335 Do. 30 days sight,Private *-*•>
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  • 112 4 (Prom the Rinang Gazette.) London, 29 th May.— Fighting has taken place between the British ami Portuguese on the bank of the Beiubu river, the I oituguesc being worsted. There is a strong movement in derm any in favor of a suspension of the corn duties. London, obs/
    (Prom the Rinang Gazette.)  -  112 words
  • 89 4 The following selections of Music will be played by the Town Hand Satubday, 6th June. At the Golf Club. 1. March, Frontin Clodomir. 2. Aria, de Ernane Verdi. 3. Duet, Norma Bellini. 4. Bolero, Aire Andaluz "V’OL. T) Waltz, Amor Amorelen Josep. 6. Polka, del
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  • 688 4 (From our Exchanges.) New York, 22nd Mag. —The latest reports from Chili state that the Government war ships have landed troops and captured the town of Taltalon. Extensive shipments of gold to Europe continue to be made from New York.. Lisbon 22nd Mag. —General Dabreu De Soua,
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  • 1362 4 (London fy China Express Ist May.) The Court. —The departure of the Queen from Grasse on the 28th April was the occasion of a remarkable display of enthusiasm on the part of the inhabitants. Her Majesty, accompanied by Prince and Princess Henry of Batteuber(r. arrived at
    (London fy China Express, Ist May.)  -  1,362 words
  • 1235 4 Six hundred coolies arrived at tbs port from Negapatam on the 28th ultimo by the s. s. Tannadice. On the 2nd inst. the s. s. Goolpara brought another''.d immigrants. Alter this, we wonder whether the members of the Labour Commission and the ex-Editor of the “Fin’ ang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 W A N T E D.- An AssistantEditor to help the Managingproprietor in the regular byweekly publication of this paper. Must be a good Scholar and able to write a leader, if required. Preference will be given to a gentleman already acquainted with the affairs of this Colony. Honorarium according
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  • 825 5 The Mutual Improvement Association. To the Editor Straits Independent.” Sir, —The Pinang Gazette in its issue of the «30th ultimo, publishes a second letter tending to disparage the members of the Mutual Improvement Association, of whom, according to his own admission, the writer was the honoured guest on a
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  • 211 5 (Friday, May, 29th.) A Rule made under The Harbours Ordinance 1872 directs that every passenger boat when plying for hire or carrying passengers by night within the limits of the Ports of Singapore and Penang, shall carry a lantern, which shall be kept lighted, but shall not be
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  • 1299 5 Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on the 12th May 1891. Present :—The Hon’ble A. M. Skinner, C. President; J. H.Callcott, Esq.; D. Comrie, Esq.; F. M. McLarty, Esq.; R. A. P. Hogan, Esq.; aud C. W. Barnett, Esq. 1. The miuutes of tlie last
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  • 398 6 FIRST DAY. Thursday, 6th August, 1891FIRST RACE. For All Maiden Horses.— Value $lOO Usual conditions. Distance 1 mile. Entrauce $5. SECOND RACE. Maiden Roadsters. —Selling Race. Value $lOO. Gentlemeu Riders. Horses entered at $3OO to carry 1 1 st. 7 lbs., an allowance of 7 lbs. for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, with the sanction of his Excellency the Governor, hereby certify that it has been proved to them upon the evidence of competent persons that the following Cemeteries are in such a state as to be dangerous to the health of persons
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    • 468 6 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Applications will be received by the Municipal Commissioners of Geoige Town, Penang, up to the 15th June next, for the appointment of a Municipal Engineer, to be their principal officer in charge of Municipal works. The Board desires to procure an experienced Engineer to look alter and improve
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    • 44 6 SINGAPORE LAND CO. Ld. TO MORTGAGEES OTHERS. The undersigned, having been appointed Agents of the above Company, are prepared to purchase suitable Town Property, and with that object in view, are ready to receive at once the proposals of intending sellers. 283 BOUSTEAD Co.
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    • 427 6 SHIPPi N6< I FOR SINGAPOREAN!) 1I0 \7„ The Indo China Steam V X I C° Ld Steamship Wina I St. Croix, leaving Calcutta on ti, I May, may be expected l, er e on I I June. Q “‘H I Cargo taken on through Bill of L to Swatow, Amoy,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 591 7 McLARTY fe^OMPANY, j el egraph.c /ddress. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, NAVAL ARCHITECTS, pFr.cE: “McURTY, Penang surveyors no. 30, beach street tHU e'S a- CODE (1 7) AND PENANG. •■A-*- c A D 4th Editlou CONTRACTORS, general Manager Private CODES. BRANCHES AT THAIPING, BATU GAJAH AND SINGAPORE. r M McLARTY, m.i.m.e. WE SUPPLY
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 646 8 jWD I ESPLANADE HOTEL. POTTERY WORKS. r (LITE EASTERN HOTEL.) Having been appointed Agents for the Raneegunge Fire Clay and Pottery Works, we are prepared to enter contracts for the undermentioned THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS BEEH THOROUGHLY c\ ft GLAZED STONEWARE PIPES REPAIRED, DECORATED AND NEWLY All sizes from 2
      646 words
    • 208 8 INDIAN RUbST^ Of every description on the latest improved m*“ of, N with the most recently• chinery. J "WMitJ C UARGEs Exceedingly Vol Orders can be executed ic hours after receipt. A. I, No. 9, Beach Street. l BOON TEK ,v C r 27, Beach Street. ESTABLISHED 1862 SUIP-CJIi XJ>LE
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