The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle, 27 August 1890

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1 8 The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 915 1 INSURANCES. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION GOMPANT, LiMITEU. rn Positive Government SeenThe Marine ‘insurance Co.. NEDERLANDSCH INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. rity Mfe TSSSSS* Limited. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS- Tho C m THE undersigned are prepared to accept .Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of St Camel 8, of thoughtful and intelligent Assurants to^the
      915 words

  • 1560 2 The extraordinary efforts made by our Governor Sir Cecil Smith in order to prevail upon the home authorities to allow of the Contagious Diseases Ordinance being reenacted, have only now come to light by the publication of a Parliamentary
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  • 921 2 {Home papers up to August Ist-) The Vienna correspondent of The Times says —The Special Committee of the Turkish Ministry appointed to consider several questions pressing for solution, reported to the Sultan in favour of the recognition of the Bulgarian Bishops in Macedonia. In the evening the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 THE STRAITS INDEPENDENT PUIIUSilKI) KVEIIV WEDNESDAY AN# SATURDAY. KX TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Per Annum 15. 00 Half-year 8. 00 Quarter oU Single copy twenty cents. IF PAID IN A BREAK 6 for three mouths, after which term the paper will <>m 1 y r be supplied on
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  • 979 3 In the House of Lords, on the 24th ulto., the Earl of Meath asked Her Majesty’s Government whether their attention had been called to the following remarks made by Admiral his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburg at the annual meeting of Missions
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  • 1418 3 Paris 2nd August 1890.—The summer naval manoeuvres of France, have been executed —according to official testimony 0 n the wliole satisfactorily. The object was to sail a fleet of 34 vessels of war, of high and low degree, from the Mediterranean to execute manoeuvres off the coast
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  • 113 3 The Riforma of the 23rd ulto. announces that the French Government, as an act of courtesy towards his Holiness tho Pope,has dispensed the Vatican the payment of the taxation on the legacy recently inherited by the Nunciate from the estate of the late Marquis PlessisBelliĕre, of the Hotel
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  • 130 4 Penang, 27th August, 1890. Sates rule as follows London, Demand, Bank 3/9£ dollar. Do. 4 months sight, Bank 3/10f Do. 6 Credits 3/11 Do. 6 Documentary 3/111 Calcutta, Demand, Bank Rs. 220 Do. 30 days sight, Private 223 Bom bat, Demand, Bank 220 Do. 30 days sight,Private*, 223 Madras,
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  • 157 4 (From the Pinang Gazette.) London, 21*< A ngru*i. —Troops are again under arms at Buenos Ayres. It is feared tbat a fresh revolution will break out owing to the cashiering of officers who were partakers iu the recent revolution. London, 22 nd August.— The Anglo-Portu-guese agreement in connection
    (From the Pinang Gazette.)  -  157 words
  • 1667 4 (London Sf China Express, July 25th.) Court. —The Queen is now at Osborne. At the end of August the Court removes to Scotlaud. The Empress Frederick has sailed from Gibraltar for Athens. The German Emperor is expected off Cowes on Aucrust 2. The Duke and Duchess
    (London Sf China Express, July 25th.)  -  1,667 words
  • 1961 4 The homeward bound P. and O. mail steamer Oriental will leave Singapore this afternoon and may therefore be expected to arrive here to-morrow night or early on Friday morning. There will be a paper chase on Saturday afternoon. Meet at the Golf Club at i 4 45,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The next Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held in the Town Hall, at 2 p. m., On Friday, the 29th instant. (By order) J. W. HALLIFAX, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners.
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  • 1523 5 Second Day, Saturday, 23rd August. On Saturday, the second and last day of the Penang Sky Races, the people who came to see the races mustered in much stronger force than on the first day, the ladies especially being more conspicuous by the number of gay and
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  • 314 5 (From a Correspondent.) There was completed at Tapah, Perak, a few days ago one of the finest wooden bridges in the Peninsula. It is across the Batang Padang river, and is intended to connect communication by cart road between the district in which it is situated and Kinta,
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  • 261 6 We {British North Borneo Herald) have been permitted to publish the following report on the first consignments of Borneo tobacco to Amsterdam this season which may be of interest to planters. Amsterdam May 22nd, 1890. Messrs. T. A. Gibb Co. London, e. c. Gentlemen,—Your yesterday’s favour is
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  • 362 6 AUTUMN MEETING, 1890. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAT. Saturday, 27th September, 1890. I. —Maiden Battak Ponies. Prize 100. 1,000 metres. Weight per scale. Gentlemen riders. II. —Roadsters. Prize §150. 2,400 metres. Weight 75 kg. Gentlemen riders. Ill—Ponies up to 137 cm. (13.2). Prize 125. R. C. Weight per scale.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 273 6 LOST OR STOLEN. A small black and white Fox-terrier. Answers to the name of “Jack/* and wears Municipal number 249 attached to his collar. Whoever will bring the same to Mr. A. Kaulfuss’ Photographic Studio, No. 9 Farquhar Street, will be rewarded. 176. FRENCH CONFECTIONERY. At No. 1 b, King
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    • 572 6 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, invite tenders for the renting for the latrine off Weld Quay between Acheen Street Ghaut and Malay 1 Street Ghaut, from the Ist of September next up to the 31st December, 1890. Full particulars can be obtained at the Municipal Office,
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    • 121 6 ORIENTAL TIFFIN AND BILLIAED ROOMS. No. Union Street. Tiffin from 1 to 3 p.m. Billiards from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m SARKIES BROTHERS, 125 Proprietors. NOTICE. J. WOTHERSPOON, DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given that all per sous having any claims against the Estate of J. Wotherspoon, Chief Engineer of the
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    • 344 6 ROSS AND PRITCHARD, TAILORS GENTLEMEN’S OUTFITTERS. NO. 1, BEACH STREET NO 1. UNION STREET ARE now showing the following choice selection of new goods b Geutlemeu’s White Shirts with and i. without collars. The Tropical Shirt for Office use with and without collars. The Regatta Shi i*t in the lattest
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 947 7 “3r“ ESPLANADE HOTEL. ROBINSON CO. Having been appointed Agents for the (LATE EASTERN HOTEL.) are now showing the following Raxeeguxge Fire Clay and Pottery Works, v theunderrawuioned > nter mt0contracts for THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY NEW GOODS:— SALT G iiS“Z PIPES REPAIRED, DECORATED AND NEWLY BngMl and Parisian
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 762 8 EASTERN AND ORIENTAL HOTEL, Ll/e Assurance Co. “Limited.” PENANG HEAD OFFICE IN INDIA: 104 Clive Street Calcutta. :o: Capital and other Funds TEHS FIRST CLASS HOTEL, which has just been entirely renoon the olst ecem er vated, is situated on the Sea Beach and has two entrances from Farquliar Guarantee
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    • 229 8 INDIAN RUBBER STAMPS? I Of every description maiiufjut UHi I on the latest improved principles j with the most recently invented L I chinery. 1 Charges Exceedingly Moderate Orders can be executed within I hours after receipt A. XAULFUSS ft Co No. 9, Beach Street. 2 I THOMAS Co. i
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