The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 25 February 1931

Total Pages: 24
1 151 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 20 1 Straits Echo WEEKLY (MAIL) EDITION. 518 PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. VOL. 29. PENANG, FEBRUARY 25, 1931. No. 8.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 379 1 I CONTENTS I LEADERS. Annual Meeting Of Hu Yew !r Seah 144 y Praise For Penang By Visitor 144 W X Malaya’s Medical Services 130 To Attend Wedding In Fitting K 5 Much Ado About Next To Stylo 144 Nothing 130 Motor Case That Was Z Why Not Bookies? 132
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 130 2 THE STRAITS ECHO WEEKLY EDITION. Published the day prior to the depar* ture of each mail for Europe, it contains the latest local news originally given in the daily issues as well as the leading and special articles. The subscription is $lB per annum, post free to any part of
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  • 771 130 THERE are occasions when retrench ment of expenditure is false economy, even though the country be suffering from shortage of money, and we feel that this principle applies to the scheme for the amalgamation of the medical departments of the F.M.S. and the Colony. At the last
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  • 350 130 HERE is an item in a blue paper laid before the Legislative Council, dealing with the scheme tor the amalgamation oi the medical depar ments, which is of curious interest, apart entirely from the subject matter with which it treats. It is a copy
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  • 67 130 CASE POSTPONED. Charged with being in possession of 11 counterfeit ten-cent pieces at 199 Kimberley Street, Tan Hong Kong was remanded till the 23rd instant by the ‘enang Police Magistrate, Mr. R. J. F. Curtis. The ease against Lee Kian for being in possession of
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  • 136 130 JUSTICE MILLS TO TAKE PLACE 01 JUSTICE KELLAGHER. <Jwing to certain exigencies of the •service Mr. Justice Kellagher will not be ible to participate in the Appeal Court vhich sits in Penang on the 20th indan t. It was announced recently that the •ourt will
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  • 459 131 SUIT DISMISSED. PATRIARCHAL SPIRIT IN TRANSACTION. Judgment dismissing plaintiff’s claim with costs was delivered by His Lordship Mr. Justice Sproule yesterday in the case in which a young bank clerk named Lee Guan Keat sued his aged grandfather, Ng Choo Hong, for the reconveyance of
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  • 671 131 $l,BOO DAMAGES. JUDGMENT AGAINST PRAI CHETTY FIRM. Damages in $l,BOO were granted in the Supreme Court yesterday to the ex-manager of a chetty firm who sued his principal on an alleged breach of contract. Navana Vyraven stated that he was employed by the defendant as a
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  • 202 131 CASE TRANSFERRED TO DISTRICT COURT. George Carter who is charged with I heft of $2OO was again produced before Mr. R. J. F. Curtis in the Magistrate's Court yesterday. Chief Detective Inspector Fowler said that the D. P. P. instructions were that the case be transferred
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  • 572 132 WHY NOT BOOKIES <THE horse-racing trade in Malaya I has been having a bad time re,lv at the hands of the press, not a 1 newspaper having had a kind Jd to say about it, m spite of the Z that the sporting writers have M n daily turning out
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  • 307 132 I'HIS epidemic of restriction schemes is becoming just a Lttle confusing. While Malaya is marking time pending the launching of the tin quota plan, there comes news of another proposition, but this time in respect to rubber. The author of it is Sir George Maxwell, and the
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  • 326 132 IT would be difficult to estimate the amount of money that is lost owing to the irregular distribution of holidays throughout the year in Malaya. This week’s holidays have considerably disorganized business, for the celebration of the first day of the Chinese New Year and that
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  • 72 132 FOOD-VENDOR FINED. The constable asked me for some Vermicelli and when I said I did not have any, he came from behind and kicked me” said a food-vendor in the Police Court yesterday. This man an Indian Muslim, was charged with having caused obstruction with his
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  • 74 132 INSTANTANEOUS DEATH OF CHINESE DRIVER. Singapore, February 18. A lorry driven by a Chinese crashed into the pillar of a shophouse in Victoria Street yesterday evening and the driver was killed instantaneously. It is believed the man drove the powerful and cumbersome vehicle too fast round
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  • 181 132 DOLLAR FINE FOR BEING DRUNK AND DISORDERLY. A Sikh with a “black-eye” was in the Police Court dock yesterday to face a charge of having been drunk and disorderly at Dato Kramat Road. Accused pleaded “guilty” and was thereupon fined $l. Mr. G.
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  • 1298 133 P. C. C. VICTORY OVER BANGKOK. CEYLONESE AND SELANGOR INDIANS IN LOW-SCORING GAME. The P. 0. C.—Bangkok match, played on lhe Esplanade on Tuesday and Wednesday, ended in a win for the home team by 45 runs. The Ceylonese—Selangor Indians match, started on the l<ree
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  • 322 134 sentence on daughter CONFIRMED IN APPEAL. In the appeal that was argued yesterday before His Lordship Mr. Justice Sproule of a retired hospital dresser and his fifteen-vear-old daughter who had been convicted by the District Court upon a charge of cruelty to a servant girl, order
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  • 388 134 FIRST BIG MATCH OF IPOH CRICKET SEASON. (From Our Own Correspondent). I poh, February 18 The first important cricket match of the season here was played on Tuesday and Wednesday between teams representing the Perak State Eleven and a Ceylon Eleven ending in Ceylon reversing
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  • 314 134 ALL ANCIENT CUSTOMS OBSERVED. Chinese New Year in Penang was celebrated to a large extent as it was centuries ago, in the days of the Empire. All day Monday many Chinese from all over Malaya were travelling: they were going to the homes of their
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  • 143 134 INDIAN SCHOOLBOY FINED. Charged with carrying another person on his push bicycle, an Indian schoolboy pleaded “guilty” in the Police Court yesterday. He was fined a dollar. The d nth took place at her Klebang residence on the 13th inst. of Mrs. Ta.y 800 Siew,
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  • 1669 135 EX-SERVICE MEN’S SUGGESTION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF PENANG BRANCH. That the Two Minutes’ Silence on Armistice Day should be observed at the Cenotaph at 11 a.nt. was the, view expressed by some members at the annual general meeting of the Penang Branch of
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  • 229 136 CONCLUSION OF FAST. LOCAL MUSLIMS’ FEAST TODAY. Hari Raya Puasa, the great Muslim festival, will be celebrated to-day in Penang with the customary exuberance as in every other part of Malaya. To-day’s festival marks the conclusion of the long fast of Ramazan which lasts “from
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  • 366 136 WILL DISPUTE CASE. JUDGMENT OF MR. JUSTICE SPROULE UPHELD. Three judges of the Supreme Court Messrs. Justices \V. H. Thorne, N.H.P Whitley and J.V.G. Mills, formed the Court of Appeal in Penang which open’d its first sessions for tin year yesterday. Tlir first appeal taken
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  • 124 136 ACCUSED SENT TO GAOL. harged with committing mischief to I he moulding round the tablet over the ?rave of the late Mrs. Lim Cheng Teik at Batu Gantong cemetery on the Bth instant, Teo Bek Chuan appeared before Mr. R. J. F. Curtis in the
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  • 299 136 MOTOR ACCIDENT. CHILD RUN OVER AT TANJONG TOKONG. After a motor accident at Tanjong Fokong on Thursday evening a hostile crowd set upon Mr. Hoseason of Messrs. Kennedy Burkill Co. It appears that Mr. Hoseason was at about 6 p.m. last Thursday driving his Ford Car.
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  • 161 136 THURSDAY’S DISCOVERY IN GREEN LANE. Hanging from a branch of a mangoosteen tree was the dead body of a Chinese which startled the residents of i kampong in Green Lane near its junction with Ayer Itam Road early last Thursday morning. Information was quickly conveyed
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  • 452 137 THERE is a small community of Joyal British subjects in Penang who belong to a race second to none in valour and religious zeal. In many ol the far-flung outposts of Empire they have proved their sterling worth, and in Occident and Orient their blood has enriched the
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  • 573 137 IF Britain ever loses her Empire one of the reasons will be because officialdom maintains a stolid silence in face of insidious anti-British propaganda. There are probably millions throughout the world who believe that Britain is an aggressive task-master and slavedriver. and they will continue to
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  • 85 137 TRIAL FIXED FOR NEXT FRIDAY. George Carter, who is charged wj theft and was to have been tried bell Mr. McFall in the District Court yd terday was further remanded till 10» i.m. on the 27th instant, bail being J tended. Chief Detective Inspector
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  • 63 137 DECK PASSENGERS SENT TO I PULAU JEREJAK. I There was a case of smallpox oil board the s.s. Ho Sang, which arrive! here yesterday from Calcutta. Shews! kept in quarantine and the deck pal sengers sent to Pulau Jerejak. Til ship was fumigated under the
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  • 179 137 ACCUSED DISCHARGED. I The case against Tan Kim Chong, ibj was charged with causing grievous huf.| by a rash act, was yesterday withdraw! and the accused was discharged. I Mr. G. P. Noakes, of Messrs. Siiil Darby and Company, Limited, Penan.| and Mrs.
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  • 987 138 SELANGOR INDIANS BEAT CEYLON ASSOCIATION. -L qe i a ngor Indians beat the Ceylon Pan by 8 wickets when then was continued on Thursday on School grounds. The Ceylon ie ,J' inningsonly realised 66 and the XVknXd up the requisite II runs for the loss of
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  • 192 138 VICTIM OF SINGAPORE AIR TRAGEDY. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, February 20. Military flashlights and torches served 0 illuminate Bidadari for the burial >f Corporal Boyce last night. The body of th: second victim of the Tuesday plane crash was extricated vith the greatest difficulty and
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  • 375 139 THE toll of street casualties is steadily mounting up, and there seems to be no prospect of its decreasing. Drivers of vehicles and rickshaw pullers are allowed to disobey the elementary rules of the road, hence accidents must continue to happen. As fate has ordained that vehicular
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  • 252 139 another page we publish a com v munication from the Actinc Senior Warden of Mines on the subject of tin restriction. There will, no doubt be criticism of some of its features, for it must be taken for granted that some persons will benefit at the expense
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  • 258 139 DURING these somewhat sultry days, the eyes of Georgetown •'ditchers instinctively turn to the Hill, from the heights of which one may inhale deep Iraughts of invigorating fresh air, but it lakes such a long time to go up, and with he prospect of
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  • 339 139 WHY is it that experts from the W est are so often called out to be East to advise on and investigate 'natters that should be capable of olution by local authorities already lere? The Secretary of State, for intance, has appointed a commission, leaded by Mr. 11.
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  • 154 139 DECISION OF LOWED com KEVEKSED. I hen the Appeal Court resumed I s.tiing on Saturday the case was taJ up for argument in which 0.R.M.0.J Alagappa Chetty sued 0. Ovana KavaJ Mydin upon a p.omissory note. I On October 30, last year plainj sued
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  • 209 139 NO ABATEMENT ON RE- I EMPLOYMENT. I Government Pensioners will be inter-H ested in a Bill that is to be introduce]] n the Legislative Council shortly hi which it is proposed to remove a har-i-| sh ip to them which the Ordinance oil 1928 involves. The
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  • 1811 140 GENERAL meeting. YEAR’S PROFIT OF $84,938. The fourth annual general le ctin g oi Consolidated Tin Dredging Co.. Kt hTd at the Registered Office the Company- Chartered Bank Chann i Ptn oon °Mr 'j* ”J• Saunders (Carman) presided, and the others pre--1 hvptp Mr IL S. Russell,
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  • 349 141 SENTENCE REDUCED IN APPEAL. Conviction was affirmed but the sentence reduced by the Appeal Court yesterdav in the case in which Mr. Oon Keng Ewe, Sales Manager of the Al Aerated Water Co., was fined for disorderly conduct in the Beach Street Police Station. The
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  • 390 141 LABROOY’S ALL-ROUND EXCELLENCE. The cricket match between Kedah and Bangkok played at Sungei Patam ori Diursday ended in n win for Bangkok by 19 runs. Bangkok batted first on a batsman s wicket and Le May and Meynert laid the foundations of victory by a partnership
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  • 1841 141 FIRST DAY’S RESULTS I (From Our Own Corre 9pondent I Ipoh, Februarv*» I lhe opening day of the Pera?* I Meet was favoured with fine weath the going was good and the turf h I ent condition owing to fay’s, rain. The attendance ncludmg the Sultan of
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  • 468 143 FESTIVAL FUNCTION. HONOUR FOR CAPTAIN S. S. ALSAGOFF. Ou Saturday night the Malay Volunteer Club was en fete in celebration 01 the Haya Puasa and in honour of Capttain Syed Salleh Alsagoff being awarded the M.B.E. There was a large attendance and among those present were
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  • 697 143 INQUEST PROCEEDINGS. RICSHA PULLER WHOSE LEG WAS SEVERED. “Not one in a hundred bus drivers out here g.ves the signals correctly declared Mr. Finch in the course of the inquest proceedings on Saturday over the death of a riesha puller named leoh Pwa Bak, who died
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  • 184 143 LATEST LIST. The following new books have been received at the Penang Library:— Smith Of Birkenhead, by H* A. Tav •or; The Andree Diaries, Translated b Edward Adams-Ray; Les Bargain Sis ters, by Abel Hermant; Bottles in the Smoke, by Clement Hankey; The Box Hill
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  • 118 143 CONDITION OF INJURED CHILD BETTER. Further improvement is reported it the condition of the child whose head vas battered as a result of the motor iccident at Tanjong Tokong on Th ur5 lay last. The Hon. Mr. J. V. G. Mills nine to Penang for the
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  • 541 144 bF ah JOO SEANG ON ’«"f o" ENTERPRISE. over the seventeenth anmeeting of the Hu Yew 800 l S en ®V v Mr. Heah Joo Seatag ah rTto tiie’straits-born Chinese not Intent with for ever remaining to be co* l strive to become more
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  • 853 144 DR. HAROLD DEARDEN. JLEAN STREETS AND “NO MOSQUITOES.” Anti-British propaganda which one •omes across from time to time is surprising indeed. It seems to me so extraordinary that anti-British propaganla which one feels will not be permitted n England is permitted out here.” So mid
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  • 195 144 ALLEGED FRAUD BY MALABARI AT SINGAPORE. When charged that he about two months ago at Singapore did cheat one Maradamuttu by falsely pretending that he wanted to attend a wedding in Johore n fitting style and thereby deceived Maradamuttu and fraudulently or dishonestly induced
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  • 799 145 SOME remarkable facts, hitheito unpublished in the press of Malaya, will appear in “The Straits Echo to-morrow, the second article by Mr w V Pennell, editor of "The Pekmg nu d Tientsin Times” of Tientsin having just reached this office. As before announced, we have
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  • 435 145 SIR John Simon believes that slavery exists in Hongkong, but Sir John hmon is wrong, his mistaken impresion being probably due to the fact that lis wife has long had the idea in her lead that the system of “mui tsai”. is it is known
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  • 356 145 BREACH OF TRUST OF OVER 14,000. SINGAPORE CEYLONESE GFtl ONE YEAR’S GAOL Singapore, February ft Pleading guilty to two charges fl wiminal breach of trust involving asfl xce<ding $14,000 A. H. N. Cuyfl burg was to-day sentenced tooneyefl rigorous imprisonment by the DisJ Judge, Mr. G. C. Dodd. The efl
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  • Page 145 Advertisements
    • 42 145 SITUATIONS VACANT. EARN a big salary as a Certify Bookkeeper, individual postalL tui taken in your own home, durin? jtlme. Free moderate, easy niont stalments. Success guaranteed 8 I Final Exams, Booklet FREE Correspondence College (Dept- b. SO. New Oxford Street. England.
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  • 178 146 «caiTH BULLETIN OF league of nations. k the Health Bulletin The fo °Z‘ue Ot Nations Eastern tha for «eek ending February 14. gureau ioi i n 1 plague death; Bombay 1 jjasstHi 1 d ea th; Calcutta: 27 pjagiic castle deathg ag againBt oler
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  • 154 146 DISTRICT JUDGE ASKED TO ACQUIT ACCUSED. Moving for the acquittal of his client. Mr. T. E. Conaghan told the District Judge yesterday that in that case the accused had been charged in the Police Court with driving a motor car rashly and negligently so as
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  • 41 146 SUCCESS OF TEAM FROM PENANG. In a friendly game of soccer, the Y.A.F.T. of Penang, defeated the Sungei Pafani Malays on Saturdav bx p.? oa^s and the Sungei Patan Chinese on Sunday by 1 goal to nil.
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  • 70 146 EUROPEAN CHARGED. a,, ged with driving motor car P 976 111 Malacca Street, Penang, in a manner fif rash and negligent or to cause injury V P erson a European, named p Al j WflS produced before Mr. p Curtis in the Penang Police
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  • 451 146 LAND DISPUTE. OMISSION OF A FIGURE LEADS TO TROUBLE. Nineteenth century documents were produced in the Supreme Court yesterday in a suit in which it is sought tc rectify an alleged forty-year-old error in a deed which, it was said, has led to the one planting on
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  • 261 146 PRIVY COUNCIL DECIDE AGAINST MR. KIM SANG. In connection with the suit in which Lam Kim Sang, as administrator of the estate of Tan Ah Loy (deceased) and Cheang Ah Soo (deceased), two of the next-of-kins of the estate of the late Kapitan Cheang Keng
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  • 109 146 ELECTION OF OFFICIALS FOR 1931. At the 21st Annual General Meeting of the Young Muslim Union held on February 22, 1931, at 10.30 a.m., the following gentlemen were elected office-bearers for the year 1931 President: Mr. Hamid Khan; VicePresident: Mr. S. M. Yusoff; Secretarv: Mr.
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  • 115 146 CHARGE AGAINST CHINESE. That he on or about February 21 between sunset and sunrise at Kampong Malabar, Penang, was found armed with a dangerous or offensive weapon or instrument, to wit, a razor blade, with the intention of committing a criminal offence was the
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  • 2686 147 MODERN DENTISTRY ITS MOST URGENT PROBLEMS. STUDY OF PREVENTION. APPEAL FOR CO-OPERATION OF THE LAITY. "Modern dentistry—its most urgent problems teas the subject <»/ fhc address of Dr. F. Skinner at the llotary tiffin yesterday. The Dentistry of the past was mostly restorative and reparative following the elimination of diseased
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  • 253 148 Friday’s Results. Ihe following are the results of P.C.C. Tennis 'Tournament ties played on Friday: Championsliip Singles—T. L. Palmer beat R. W. Scarlett 6—4, 7—5. Singles Handicap Class “A”— —l5 E. W. Gibson beat —15.5 C. H. Kent 6 6—4. Singles Handicap Class
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  • 109 148 ACCUSED WHO WAS DRUNK AND INCAPABLE. Sukhaya pleaded guilty before Mr. R. f. F. Curtis in the Magistrate’s Court, ’enang, yesterday to be ng drunk and ncapable. Court Inspector Nunn said that the iccused who had not a stitch of clothes »n him was
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  • 1021 149 ANNUAL MEETING. NET PROFIT OF $58,734. Tin. thirtieth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the George Town Dispensary, Limited, was held at the registered office, George Town Chaminr.-,, 39 Beach Street, Penang, at noon .yesterday. Mr. J. V. C. Davis presided and the others present
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  • 526 149 RUSSIAN WORLD TOURIST CHARGED. 1. S. Kralichek-Soboleff n who is touring the wJi® o word a motor cycle, was yesterday ing charged before Mr. R. J p f noni the Police Magistrate, with‘seJ?* automatic pistol and 100 ro M annnunition by post without < authorised
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  • 674 150 WA LLPAPER WINS. nEIDRE PR° VES A BIG disappointment. (Fwm Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, February 24. iLpr was fine and not and the j'to-dav for the second day of Use' ‘Meet- The attendance fair The investment s on the tote sweeps were restneted but
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  • 548 150 EXCITING FINISH ON SUNDAY. The Selangor Indians defeated the P. C. C. by 2 wickets in their match on the Padang on Saturday and Sunday. Uhe P.C.C, totalled 134 m the first innings thanks to good batting by Aste (2.>) Baughan (26) and
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  • Page 151 Advertisements
    • 169 151 tii9K' I K^^^sS^w»!>.<^!?% x I I :< :s;'<’'' I ddL iSBhH I I Ww 1 I I 1 A I i THE loveliest I 1 WOMEN IN THE I jF world are p USING EXQUISITE I J «Bp LUX toilet soap I ®WR Beautiful film stars, I know the ralue
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