The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 9 September 1930

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1 704 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 20 1 Straits Echo Weekly Mail Edition. S pER ANNUM SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. d. 28 PENANG, SEPT. 9, 1930. No. 36.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 COW TENTS LEADERS. Jin Su Seah Libel Action 697 Awaiting The Rubber Announce- Counterfeit Coins Manufacture 698 ment 687 Stowaways From Rangoon 698 Penang’s Pathlessness 68$) Defiance Of Rules Of Evidence 698 The Unknown Factor In China 689 Stabbing Affray At Mosque 699 What Means This Silence? 694 18 Months
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 THE STRAITS ECHO WEEKLY EDITION. Published the day prior co the departure of each mail for Europe, it contains the latest local news originally given in the daily issues as well as the leading and special articles. The subscription is $lB per annum, post free to any part of the
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  • 529 687 There is much speculation as to the nature of the announcement the Governor has promised to make on the question of the restriction of rubber output and it must be assumed that the Government of the Dutch East Indies have not altogether refused to consider the
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  • 172 687 CASE AGAINST MUSLIM WOMAN POSTPONED. A postponement was allowed by Dis trict Judge Forrer yesterday in the case against Chee binti Mohamed Salleh, who was alleged to have made a statement before Mr. F. K. Wilson, a Police Magistrate, which, it is -said, she knew or
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  • 402 687 HIGH HONOUR EXPECTED FOR INDIA’S C. IN C. GALLIPOLI HERO SAYING GOOD BYE TO ARMY. Field-Marshal Sir William Birdwood, Commandcr-in-Chief of the Army in India, will prohably be included in the list of New Year’s Honours as a peer, with the title of “Earl of
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  • 257 688 HEAVY FINES. THREE CHINESE FOUND GUILTY. A heavy fine was imposed by District Judge Forrer yesterday on Tham Ab Pat, one of three Chinese charged with offering adulterated chandu dross for sale at the Government Monopolies Office. The amount offered by Ah Pat was stated to be
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  • 90 688 INJURED STILL IN HOSPITAL. The charge against Ong Chye Seng, of causing hurt with a knife to Tan Soo Mn, Chong Tye Peng and Loh Koe, was yesterday postponed a fortnight by the Penang District Judge. It was stated that the injured persons had not
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  • 429 688 CHARGE OF ASSAULTING CONSTABLE. “He said he was not afraid of the police, and abused me and pushed me down and punched me,’’ said a constable at the Penang Police Court yesterday to Mr. Edward J ago when Felix, a Tamil, was charged with being drunk and
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  • 439 688 44 SUMMONSES. lorry that travelled AT 40 M. P. H. Mr. Edward Jago, the Penang Polio Magistrate, dealt with nearly 44 traffic summonses at the Court yesterday. A Chinese motor lorry driver was fined $3O or one month’s rigorous imprisonment, and his licence was suspended
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  • 322 689 Footpaths, and plenty of them, are aD urgent necessity in Penang, the majority of the side-walks which pass for that name being almost useless for the purpose for which they were made. footpath, or pavement—as it is called in England—is intended for the sole use of the pedestrian,
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  • 518 689 new pp.i r .r Chin. permanent peace in l ,r °phesied bv Mr. Sun Fo, in lil,e ,)r Sun Yat-sen. v.ho. P^('d < l Ut in Shangli;. exthat the country within a few «lurin',, his P ,ul *“d tk le hll(l dlo of last month,
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  • 421 689 SINGAPORE A. S. P (From Our Own Correspondent). Singujiore, September 4. Mr. B. F. Oakeshott, Assistant Super-intendent-in-Charge of the Rochora Police Station, was seriously wounded by a revolver bullett during a desperate fight with an armed gang of robbers last night. Receiving information that a gang of
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  • 4500 690 PENANG CHINESE PAPER SUED. COUNSEL CHARGES DEFENDANTS WITH ATTEMPT AT BLACKMAIL. Articles alleged to h iv»* been published recently in a Penang Chinese newspaper, The Nanyang Si Poh, concerning a local Chinese association known as the Jin Su Seal), were the subject of an
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  • 85 692 The Rajah Halimshal |W shot dead in Trengjl Hylam servant official telegraphic aduce at Alor Star. nft ,< At the time of J details of the affair w |j C tlier neither is it known alleged murderer has b The deceased Rajah i Rajah Harum, of
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  • 337 693 pHINESE BEAT EURASIANS CH BY 5 GOALS TO 2. Tjitj Penang Chinese hootball XI defeated an Eurasian XI yesterday at the totaade by five goals to t wo. The was Quite even througuout, both goals being in danger many times. The first goal for the Chinese
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  • 235 693 WAT SUN WINS MEN’S SINGLES TITLE. The final of the Men's Singles in the Penang Open Tennis Tournament between Chenh Wat Sun and Tan Thean Seang was played yesterday on the P. C. C. courts and resulted in a win for the former 6—3, 7—5. It
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  • 681 693 SINGAPORE RESULT. (From Our Own Correspondent'. Singapore, September 4. Detective Inspectors McClue and Mclntosh had a desperate fight with throe armed Chinese at R o’clock last night. The Inspectors had information that a house in Emerald Hill Road, occupied bv Europeans, would be raided by
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  • Page 693 Advertisements
    • 48 693 SITUATIONS VACANT. Eypy J’oiury as a Certificated ’aken in v n^:v ’dual postal tuition, ’toe. p n> Tn home. during spare ’l lfX erate easy in--1 ng| p> ’’ccess guaranteed at Two Roo! <let FREE City PT e College (Dept. S. E.) Efland x mrd Street. London,
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  • 570 694 W hether the Governor will make an official statement regarding the Dutch attitude towards the question of restriction is likely to become as great a mystery as was the meaning of Coolidge’s famous announcement that he did not “choose” to rim for President again. A Singapore
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  • 228 694 SENT TO REFORMATORY. Four Indian boys, the eldest of whom was only eleven years of age, were sent to the reformatory by Mr. Edward Jago at the Penang Police Court yesterday. The boys, Ismail (9) Shagoo (8) Shaik Dawood (11) and Muniandy (9) were charged with “committing
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  • 402 694 alleged BREACH of tjij t COUNSEL P LEADS ABSENCE OF INTENT TO CHEAT. Tile case iu which P. L. Suppiah eiup oyee of the banking firm Sir Annanuilai Chettiar, is charged with criminal misappropriation” of $6900 was continued yesterday at the P enaD£ District Court before
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  • 547 695 R .I.P. RESTRICTION. Although His Excellency has not vet issued his expected statement regarding his visit to Batavia and his discussion with the Dutch authorities on the subject of the control of rubber production, the letter which has been addressed to the Planters’ Association of Malaya, the Asiatic Planters’ Association
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  • 749 695 Strong exception is taken the Northerners to the fact that Hoin aeroplanes used bv the N armies have bi-en manufactured in the 1 nited States and Germany, eighty per cent, of the mwlrnes brought down reccntlv having Isen manufactured in the former >retry. The question
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  • 290 696 FAREWELL PARTY AT PENANG. Rao Sahib Subbiah Naidu, the retiring agent of the Government of India, was the guest of the President and members of the Penang Indian Association last evening at a farewell tea party. After light refreshments had been served, the Rao Sahib was garlanded
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  • 109 696 AT THE MAJESTIC. “Common Clay’ is truly a masterpiece which is not easily forgotten. A lovely girl stoops io folly in bad com pans and is brought up in court. She repents and makes a great effort to be dect-nt. Employment in nil aristocratic eventually decides her
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  • 485 696 SHOT BY PIRATES. INQUEST ON CHINESE KILLED IN TONGKANG “It is just conceivable that the wound was self-inflicted, but it is extremely unlikely,’’ said Dr. 11. O. Hopkins, Acting Government Pathologist, Penang at the inquest on Yeap Yow, who was stated to have been shot dead
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  • 67 696 SHOT BY HYLAM WHO RAN AMOK (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, September 7. News received from Trengganu con. cenung the tragic death of Raja Hilamshah says that the Hylam cook em ployed by the Chief Police Officer, m amok. The deceased, who was a member of
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  • 74 696 PROPOSED PENANG ASSOCIATION A meeting, with Mr. Heah Joo Seat; in the chair, will be held at the Penw Rubber Exchange, on Thursday, September 11, to form a provident associs tion to be called the Hor Hoo Seah. The objects of the proposed Association are to encourage
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  • 116 696 FIGURES FOR AUGUST. The following are the numbers oU rivals and departures to 1 deucy for the month of August IMt' Arrivals —(Figures supplied by 1 ling Inspectors): adults 291, infants 107. DepartureHM" supplied by Steamer Agents)9261, minors 1154. The arrivals relate to aided paswonly. Mom Raehawongse Chakra
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  • 386 697 Before the final obsequies are pronounced on restriction, which, toother with tin, has provided virrasliy the sole topic of editorial com.l in the press of Malaya for the last few years, a passing thought ,night be given to its offspring—stabilisation. Unfortunately, many English words are capable of
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  • 328 697 PE N AN G' S UNSPLENDID ISOLATION. •'ow fl) lifts r su bjcct of economic r d n u>ed, jf might be e -*5 pom! o*ut two dirocVE'n's in which the trade and business of Penang and other Malayan cities have been seriously handicapped because these laws have been disregarded.
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  • 121 697 NOTORIOUS CANTONESE LEADER ARRESTED. Mr. Edwin Tongue, Head of the Detective Branch, arrested the Cantonese leader of a notorious gang at four o’clock on Saturday morning. Mr. Tongue had been after the man fur five months and at last traced him to a lonely hut in
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  • 455 697 ADDRESSES BY COUNSEL. “NO EVIDENCE OF MALICE" SAYS DEFENCE. 1 submit there is no reliable evidence to connect the third defendant with any one of these articles,” stated Mr. Raghuvan addressing Mr. Justice Sproule at the Penang Supreme Court yesterday, when the parties in the
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  • 202 698 FOUR HOKKIEN CHINESE CHARGED. The case in which four Hokkien Chinese are charged yvith alleged counterfeiting was again mentioned at the Penang Police Court yesterday. It was adjourned till September 15. Ang Khian Kee, the first accused, was charged that he on August 16, 1930, at the
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  • 176 698 OLD STORY OF LOST TICKETS Two Bengalis named Gudit Singh and Nizam Singh were charged at the Penang Police Court yesterday, before Mr. Edward Jago, with ‘‘being stowaways on the s.s. “Edavana” on her voyage from Rangoon to Penang at 7.30 a.m. on September 7.” Court Inspector
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  • 909 698 POST OFFICE CASE. CROWN INSISTENCE ON SIDE ISSUE CRITICISED. Sikhs crowded the Penang Supreme Court yesterday when Mr. Justice Sproule delivered judgment on ex-Post-man Udam Singh’s appeal case. Counsel for the appellant was Mr C. I I). D. Hogan while the Crown was represented by
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  • 458 699 There i s a bright side to the quests of the abolition of extraterritoriality in China which many fore-i-mers seem to lose sight of. Now that Sir Miles Lampson, the British Minister, has decided to go to Nankin? to negotiate with the Government there with a view
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  • 381 699 It is usually dismissed as a “silly season” topic or a “hardy annual”, but the question of rational clothes, particularly in Malaya, is vastly more important than would at first sight appear. It is doubtful, whether there is a man in this country who would not
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  • 139 699 “SINHALESE MOHAMEDAN” CHARGED. Abdul Karim, a Ceylonese, who described himself as a “Sinhalese Mohn medan was changed at the Penang Police Court, yesterday before Mr. Edward Jago with stabbing three men at Capitan Kling Mosque on September 28, at 12.20 a.m. Abdul Karim was charged that
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  • 71 699 IPOH ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT CHIEF CLERK. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, September 8. S. Muthusamy, late chief clerk of the Electrical Department, was charged at the Perak Assizes with criminal breach of trust of $1,300 odd, belonging to the department. He pleaded guilty. Thu Hon.
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  • 93 699 OPERATION OF AMENDED ORDINANCE. Mr. Herbert MacNeice. a solicitor of th<- Supreme Court ol Northern Ire I and was yesterday -.worn in a- a mem her o< the Straits S»-ttb ue nth Bar The motion to admit Mr MacNtic< into the Straits Se tlement- B«r
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  • 464 700 SUPREME COURT JUDGMENT. CASE IN WHICH TRUSTEE WAS SUED. Judgment was delivered on Monday by Mr. -Justice Sproule at the Supreme Court in the suit in which Mr. Lim Cheng Law was sued in his capacity as trustee, by Mohamed Surat and Che Chak in the matter
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  • 902 700 BUILDING BY-LAWS. PRESIDENT COMMENDS AMENDMENTS. Introduction of new Building Bylaws was made by the President of the George Town Municipal Commissioners, Mr. G. L. Ham, at a meeting of the Commissioners yesterday. In introducing the new Building Bylaws. lie said that he was aware that
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  • 641 701 breach of trust. loan PLEA fails to BE ACCEPTED. U r H. A. Forrer, the Penang W riet Judge, yesterday delivered j nKtement in the case m n Inch 1. L. Cpiah. a Chelty’s clerk belonging to! Jhe firm of Rajah Sir Annanialai Chettiar, stood
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  • 243 701 CRIMINAL TRESPASS. A Hokkien Chinese who appeared before Mr. Edward Jago at the Penang Police Court yesterday charged with alleged “criminal trespass" was stated to have five previous convictions for various other offences. The case was transferred to the District Court to be heard by Mr.
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  • 794 701 AUSTRALIAN. LANDED AT SINGAPORE ON MONDAY. Iwvitty-six thoroughbred Australian horse grihin, shipped |>\ Mr. F. K. Dickson tor the Penang I’urf (Tub, were expected to be landed in Singapore on Monday and should be arriving in Penang in a day or two. Mr. S. C.
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  • 91 702 CHETTY’S CHARGE AGAINST CHINESE. A settlement was arrived at in the suit between Khaw Wee Choon and Neoh Beng Kee and K. M. S. T. Suppramaniam Chetty, which was mentioned before Mr. Justice Sproule at the Supreme Court yesterday. The plaintiff claimed to set aside certain indentures on
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  • 257 702 NEW BOOKS RECEIVED. The following new’ books have been received at the Penang Library:—The Beacon Hill Murders, by Roger Scarlett; Bengal Lancer, by F. Yeats-Brown; The Case Books of X. 37., by Major A. J. Dawson; The Crusades, by Harold Lamb; The Devil’s Jig, by Robert Paye; Down
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    • 238 702 (Tu the Editor of the Straits Eeh. Sir, In furtherance to my recent letter ad. locating the lerrers rather than thv\ ere-Stanton Scheme, may I reau« publication of the following? The Ferrers Scheme of Restriction Legislation, in epitomised form, is sc out below. Details with regard to tion
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    • 176 702 (To the Editor of the “Straits Echo.’) The above named Dispensary conijde tes to-day four years of useful existe During the period free medicala tion and medicines have been gn 18,584 'out-patients, drawn from poorest classes of all «“""“to The appreciation of tho e for this
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    • 413 703 (To the Editor of The “Straits Echo/’) Sir, With the advent of the talkies, Chinese ladies of Penang- have, peJLrce to tear down tiu'ir usual habit of “exclusiveness and reserve” and rub shoulders with gentlemen when attending such entertainments. It is not my aim to discuss herein
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  • Page 703 Advertisements
    • 267 703 Life and Vitality given byVIROt! J ■■Mr sZHZs MMh I^——7 o fVi t o^ tk >bl e S /“■■■lrJ J. J to \7-PPica, U/z 011 1 tV v I jh MA M-/ (Before Virol) Same boy age 5. (Aiter V rd) Build your child’s body for life Virol is literally
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  • Page 704 Advertisements
    • 62 704 Ti. ?;?l^!! Sg*gBgL j r PENANG SIN POE I t Established 1896 I I The Leading Local Chinese I Daily. I Contains the most comprehensive and the most updo date news service in Malaya. It reaches the homes of Chinese merchants and traders. FOR ADVERTISEMENT RATES APPLY TO ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER
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