The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 30 July 1930

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1 617 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 19 1 Straits Echo Weekly Mail Edition. |l« PER ANNUM SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. iiT PENANG, JULY 30, 1930. No 30.
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    • 262 1 I CONTENTS LEADERS. SPECIAL ARTICLE. Co-Operation 598 Help 601 Profits 603 MattercMalayan 603 Wise 606 The Tfflnic Disaster 606 Rotary 608 Brighter! 610 PENANG NEWS. SPORTING NEWS. Boy Of Eight On Gaming Charge 598 Judge Visits Scene of Accident 5 <: 9 4 Malay And Eurasian Woman 599 Penang Beaten
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    • 149 2 THE STRAITS ECHO WEEKLY EDITION. Published the day prior co the depar. ture of each mail for Europe, it contains the latest local news originally given in the daily issues as well as the leading and special articles. The subscription is $lB per annum, post free to any part of
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  • 757 598 The pamphlet that has been prepared by the Co-operative Societies’ Department of the I«e--derated States and Straits Settlements pointing out the advantages and need for thrift and co-opera-tion in Malaya makes startling reading. The writers speak of the “universal indebtedness” of the clerical workers of this country, the wasteful
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  • 186 598 PENANG JUDGE’S COMMENT. have had something funnier than that," said the Penang District Judge when counsel pointed out that a boy of eight was charged with managing a betting house. Two men and a lad of eight yesterday again appeared before Mr. H. A.
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  • 123 598 Dr. Ando, a local physician, was summoned before Mr. Edward Jago at the Penang Police Court yesterday, on the complaint of Mr. R. Chalmers. Assistant Superintendent of Police, for having committed offences against the traffic laws. Dr. Ando was first charged with driving his motor car No.
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  • Page 598 Advertisements
    • 24 598 fjinnins echo. published daily. weekly editions the news of the week prior w ieparture of Malls for Europe Penang Road, Penang. ••Straits Echo” Building.
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  • 545 599 PENANG EUROPEAN ON MOTORING CHARGE. A Penang European was charged in the District Court yesterday with causing grievous hurt to a Chinese by rash driving. That he injured Toll Mah Tiew by rashly driving car P 2231 along Ayer Ttam Road was the allegation against
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  • 190 599 ENTICEMENT CHARGE AT PENANG COURT. A Malay chauffeur was charged with enticing away a married Eurasian woman. Before Mr. Edward Jago at the Penang Police Court yesterday, Mustapha bin M. Daud, a twenty-eight-year-old Malay, was charged with entiemg away a married Eurasian woman named Margaret at
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  • 83 599 27 YEARS IN F.M.S. POLICE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 23. The death occurred at the European hospH il last night of George Simpson, 1 ol’cc Officer, Negri Sembilan. The funeral will take place this afternoon. Mr. Simpson joined the F.M S. Police
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  • 371 599 An Indian tamby, employed [Penang newspaper office, and barber yesterday appeared Jn fore Mr. Edward disorderly conduct by fiehtiX lie”. nghting m Both claimed trial, and the con u who arrested them said that the" fighting in the middle of Gladstone Road. crj "d it Amateur “Bobby."
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  • 664 600 VISITORS SCORE FOUR GOALS AT START. The football visitors from South China ended their season in Penang very creditably yesterday afternoon when they defeated the Penang Football Association by six goals to three. Once again a record crowd presented itself and many late comers had
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  • 210 600 Lim Khoo Un, a Chinese servant employed by a Penang European, was charged at the Penang Police Court yesterday before Mr. Edward Jago, with alleged criminal breach of trust in respect of two cheques the total value of which was $919-71. Inspector Nunn was in
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  • 263 600 SOUTH CHINA TEAM BEAI PENANG CHINESE. The South China Basketball Team defeated a team of Penang Chinese by 38 points to 18 on the Victoria Green (C. R. C. Grounds) yesterday. An enthusiastic crowd of spectators witnessed the game and admission to the ground was by
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  • 106 600 Following a motor accident which occurred at Penang Road at 7.30 a.m. on July 23, Osman bin Mydin, a Malay driver, was charged at the Penang Police Court yesterday, before Mr. Edward Jago, with causing the death of one Lim Cheng Wah “by rash
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  • 426 601 From four different parts of the world there have just been reported “acts of nature’’, that have resulted in the loss of many innocent lives, havoc in thousands of homes and damage running into millions of dollars, Naples has been torn by an earthquake, a typhoon has swept over
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  • 436 601 APPLICATION TO STOP PAYMENTS. The four million dollar estate of Cheang Kcng Kwee deceased, popularly known as the Ah Kwee estate, was involved in further litigation yesterday in the Penang Supreme Court. No less than seven counsel appeared in the Penang Supreme Court yesterday before
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  • 399 601 STOBY OF PENANG WHAM SCENE. An Englishman, who went to he help of a Chinese cripple on the Wharf, was acquitted on a charge of assault bu thr assailant. Mr. A. R, Green, a Penang European, was yesterday summoned at the Penang Police Court before Mr.
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  • 72 602 «ine documents which have a ELjirectly or indirectly-to on‘nr incite any person to interadministration of the law the maintenance of law and OT s the charge preferred against Chinese named Pin» Chin Kim 'Tpenang Police Court yesterday Lre Mr. Edward Jago. Xr the charge was explained
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  • 213 602 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 25. An order to sell by auction the stock in trade of the long established jewellery business of Ismail Raheem was made by the Bankruptcy Court to-day. A receiving order against the firm was made recently. Dr. E.D. Lindow, Chief Med’cal
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  • 197 602 PLEA FOR MODIFICATION OF BUILDING STANDARD His Excellency the Governor is said to have received with sympathy the suggestion for a modification in the standard of buildings on Penang Hill with a view to its speedier development. The Straits Echo understands that amongst the problems which
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  • 157 602 SINGAPORE POLICE ON THE ALERT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 24 The detective branch was responsible for the arrest of three desperate characters at four o’clock yesterday morning. Having been informed that armed robbers would pass along Grove Road, A. S. P. Wiltshire, Chief
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  • 472 602 PENANG A. C. S. UNION TONSORIAL PARLOUR. .1 tonsorial parloui is to be a new addition to the AngloChinese School Fnion. At a Special Meeting of the members last night, presided by the Rew. P L. Peach, the resolution to introduce what is practically a barber’s
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  • Page 602 Advertisements
    • 39 602 SITUATIONS VACANT. a Certificated Am j n •'’’dual postal tuition, Ff-e n Jj Wn kom e, during spare x erat *> easy monthly Jn&am B n at Two FREE Cit nt C 4 °W (Dept. S. E.) ford Street, London.
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  • 709 603 It is not surprising that in so young a country as Malaya the spiritual side of life should be confined to the enthusiasts, and that the majority of people should be concerned largely with the material. They talk of home, people from Europe, they from India and many of
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  • 653 603 TODDY: GORGING: BURST OF POETRY. (By Elfa.) The Trade and Customs departs, is a great revenue producing demrt» and not merely on that aceoStu cause also it is the medium bv whiLi progress or decline of the i mt Z export trade of a country is gJJLj J
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  • 397 604 MALAY ACCUSED. T HEY were given to ME.” AMtlay. mpo»ei>ion of ailtir cup,. oP era 9 etc Zm from a house on Penang Hill, was convicted. S» bin Ali, Penang Malay, who •Earned at the Penang Police Court “L, v g before Mr. Edward Jago with •Z
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  • 203 604 Miss E. M. Sadler of Winchell Home, Penang, leaves on Monday on long leave. Miss Eva M. Sadler, Headmistress of Winchell Home, Penang, was the guest of honour at a farewell party last night. The Penang Union Epworth League gave a farewell social at the AngloChinese
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  • 225 604 PENANG BOY TO READ LAW IN ENGLAND. There is another addition to the three Malayan students who are proceeding to England, for higher studies. It was recently announced that Ooi Tiang Eng and Tan Toon Lip, Queen’s Scholarship boys, together with P. Packirysamy (a Free School boy)
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  • 162 604 PITIFUL PENANG STORIES. Wan Seng, a Hylam youth, and Ah Yang Guan, a middle-aged Hokkien woman, were both charged at the Penang Police Court yesterday’ before Mr. Edward Jago with attempting to commit suicide by throwing themselves into the sea. Unemployed. Questioned as to what prompted him
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  • 103 604 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 25. In a case before the District Judge this afternoon, it was disclosed how non-government opium packed in large tins being loaded in broad daylight in Jalan Besar, a crowded thoroughfare, into a motorcar, aroused the suspucions of a police constable
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  • 91 604 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, July 25. At the Assizes to-day, the Chinese, who was charged with the murder of his room mate on May 22 at Holloway Lane, was acquitted The accused, who was a clerk in th» Sze Hai Tong Bank ic sgeri
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  • 837 605 SATURDAY 8 MALAYA CUP MATCH In the Malaya Cup match on Saturday afternoon on the Padang Selangor heat Penang by one goal to nil and thus qualified to meet Singapore in the final at Kuala Lumpur next month. (By “Vulcan.”) The battle is over. The conquering
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  • 90 605 Lim Sin Leaiig. a middle-aged Chinese, was charged at the Penang Police Court on Saturday before Mr. Edward lago with alleged criminal breach of trust in respect of $3,086.13 while he was employed as a servant at Chop Lai Fong of Kedah Road on June 16,
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  • 400 605 PENANG CHINESE DROWSED. VAIN ATTEMPTS AT RESCUE. flie story of a desperate but fail, attempt to save their companion w was drowned m the sea. white bath", was rotated at the IVnanc Iwil Court on Saturday to Mr. Edward jZ by two
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  • 507 606 ago «ben Great Britain sway m the eernof the world, it was kft to K h»nta>e n to travel abroad and wUre markets for the goods of maatry. With the sway gone i with competition growing more cute every month, it is indeed deme news that the Governluent are
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  • 200 606 The Annual General Meeting of the Kedah Branch of the Ex-Services Association was held in the Sungei Patani Club on July 5. Those present included Mr. J. H. Stokes (Vice-Chairman), Dr. Carson, Messrs. Grice. Van Cuylenburg. Maine, Shannon, Best, Davies, (Hon. Treasurer), and Tait (Hon. Secretary), The
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  • 533 606 HOW PENANG HEARD FIRST NEWS. (B\ H C. W.) Memories of th- k»> o| the Titanic have been r*wived in Pen; ng by the talking pietur “Atlantic’’ which tells with graphic r alism the story of the disaster. It was on April 14. 1912. that the Titanic"
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  • 218 607 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, July 26 The Inter-State tennis match between Negri Sembilan and Selangor was commenced this evening on the Selangor Club Courts in the presence of a large gathering. A downpour of rain delayed the start an hour. Six singles and three doubles matches
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  • 155 607 ST. ANNE’S SCHOOL. The variety entertainment given by the scholars of St. Anne’s School, Prai, on Friday evening passed off successfully. Among those present at the function were the Hon. Mr. Lim < heng Enn and his son, The Reverends G. F. Pykett and P. Littlepage
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  • 244 607 ENTERING LONDON SCHOOL. PERAK DEFEAT KEDAH. Is architecture a suitable profession for girls Miss Angeline Mo-Ting Yuen says it is. Miss Yuen and her sister, Esther Mo-Yow, passed through Penang on Saturday aboard the “Morea” bound for England where they are joining the
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  • 126 607 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, July 25 The Perak Chinese merchants held a successful At Home in honour of Mr. T. P. Nailer, who was recently made a J. P. The function was largely attended, the leading European residents in Ipoh being present. In the
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  • 510 607 VN USUALLY LARGE attendance The funeral of Madam Tan (wi mother of Messrs. Ng Se Kim Teik and Ng Keat Khe^’v 1 lan Lo Heong and Mrs. Lee Gi™ took place in Penang yesterda, There was an unusually l ar g e t ance
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  • 650 608 u race 9, and particularly Eumwans, should be grateful to the to Inche Mohamed Unus for ..ring, in an address to the Singe«e Rotary Club, given us some idea of how the Malays look at life of their aspirations. The Malays are a silent people, and their happiness and
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  • 140 608 (To The Editor Of The Straits Echo.) Sir. In my letter of July ‘25, the total rubber to come “off the market” should be some 6,000 tons less than I stated which I beg to correct as follows: 14 per cent, off annual Malayan output, if sixday week
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  • 290 608 LOCAL HUMORIST’S APPEAL FAILS. Charlie Chaplin, joker and humorist, figured in the Penang Supreme Court yesterday in a case in which, according to Counsel, the theatrical atmosphere was predominant. Mr. Michael Lynch, on behalf of an Indian named Purugan alias Puran Chand, appealed against a
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  • 106 608 The following are the results ot the handicapped swimming event- held at the C S C. on Sunday: 200 Metres Back Stroke R las-» A) 1 Foo Meow Fong who «n nt at 18. Time 3 min 48 seconds 2. Goh Eng Chuan whe went a t
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  • 1343 609 LETTER IN PAPER. S. R. A. JUDGE CLAIMS DAMAGES. The libel action by Major Doyle, D. S. against a local newspaper is listed for trial to-day. The defendants are the proprietors of the Pinang Gazette newspaper which has a large circulation in Malaya and
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  • 534 610 According to figures prepared by Merttt n of L t,' L that corresponds roughly to L Trade Union Congress in hugA„d. one out of every five n.emtrade unions m the United is The United Wei Bureau of Labour StutHt.cs ws even further. This department that some 1,874,000 fewer w
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  • 259 610 B. M. R. C. BEAT B. M. C. The B.M.R.C. met the B.M.C. on Monday at the Bukit Mertajam Padang and won by 5 goals to 3. I The B.M.R.C. played with one full back for about 20 minutes. Two minutes after the kick off, the B.M.R.C. scored, but
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  • 446 610 EASY VICTORY OVER SELANGOR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 28 South China Football Tourists met the Selangor State Team this evening at the Stadium and won by four goals to one. The visitors had a perfect combination and strong full backs. A minute after
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  • 397 611 SUNGEI PATANI DRAW WITH P. C. C. The match was played on Sunday at Sungei Patani. Powell and Burrough opened for the Homester» and after 5 minutes, Burrough was caught by Susay. Murray bowled Powell within the next 10 minutes. Sandemun, who next came in, made 92 within
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  • 229 611 DEATH OF IPOH MINER. The death took place at the General Hospital, Penang, on Saturday afternoon, of Mr. St. John Robertson. Mr. Robertson, who was a miner arrived in Penang from Ipoh on June 4. He stayed at the E. and O. Hotel and on
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  • 140 611 YESTERDA Y’S R ESC LTS. The following are the results of tennis tournament ties played yesterday: Profession Pairs: T. L. Palmer &C. H. Kent beat C. D. Prockter and J. P. B. Whaley 6—o, 6—l. Mixed Doubles Handicap, (semi-fi-nal): —3O Mrs. P. N. Knight and H.
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  • 544 611 PENANG INDIAN FINED WOMAN LENDER’S STORY KEPT BEING PUT OFF.” Is keeping a borrowed article longer than the promised perlod a criminal act? “I approached the Deputy PubEc Prosecutor, but he would not allow tb case to be settled,” said Mrs. Oon it Jy oll l1 Police
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  • 210 612 ARMED MEN ATTACK SHIP’S CHINCHEW. Armed robbers got away with over i 1,000 snatched from the chinchew of the 8. 8. “Kampar" at Teluk Anson. A daring armed robbery is reported horn feluk Anson. Just before the boat sailed at about 4 p.m., the Chinchew
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  • 4141 612 PENANG TURF LIBEL CASE TRIA L. DISTINGUISHED STEEPLECHASE RIDER IN ENGLAND. ■JUDGE COMMENTS ON THE ABSENCE OF APOLOGY. Despite the interest centred in the “Pinang Gazette” libel case, only about a dozen people connected with the turf were present in the gallery of the Supreme
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  • 114 615 Kang Lay Swee, a Chinese, was summoned at the Penang Police Court before Mr. Edward Jago with “neglecting to give information of an infectious disease, to wit small pox, on or about June 21, 1930 at 241, Caunter Hall.” He was also charged with “furnishing as
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  • 85 615 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, Monday. case of small pox has occurred in Hosp’tal compound at Butterworth ‘he victim being *he son of a dresser The authorities are taking precautions and the public within town limits are being vaccinated by Mr. Martin Luther Samuel, the sanitary
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  • 747 615 A.A. ANTHONY CO. DAILY SHARE LIST. Pbnang, July 31st, 1930. Name of Company Buyers Seller Tin—Dollar Companies Sets Sen Ayer Weng Batang Padane OJ2 0.14 Batu Caves 0.57) 0.60 Hitam Johan 0.30 032) Kinta 0.97) 1.00 Klang Rivers 1.55 1.60 Kuchal 0.97) 1.00 Kuyoh 0.07 0.C9 Lingul 1.40 1.50 Lukut
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  • Page 616 Advertisements
    • 62 616 1 1 M wgdfiW m 1 Iliß* w i m i ft? tug Ip? ILM/ P 00 ilifl luf 1 I'il I E tel E K LW| 1 E I iOeb I 'MMs I Ifcil I g W n tr ro r? rn li luit LA PLUS HAUTE QUALITE M
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  • Page 617 Advertisements
    • 59 617 I PENAN 5 SIN FOE I. Established 1896 The Leading Local Chinese Daily. I Contains the most comprehensive and the most up-to-date j I I' (news service in Malaya. It reaches the homes of Chinese men chants and traders. FOR ADVERTISEMENT RATES APPLY TO ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER SIN POE •STRAITS ECHO”
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