The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 16 July 1930

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1 581 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 21 1 Straits Echo Weekly (Mail) Edition. f |lB PER ANNUM SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. Vol. 2« PENANG, JULY 16, 1930. No. 28
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 249 1 CONTENTS LEADERS. OUTSTATION NEWS. Labour 562 Forced To Conn nit Robbery 564 Big Chandu Haul At Singapore 564 Clouds 565 Banged Away By Wild Elephant 566 Conciliation 567 Permanency 56!) Don Bradman 570 SPECIAL ARTICLE. PaSS,ng? 572 End Of Chapters 565 575 Matters Malayan 570 PENANG NEWS. SPORTING NEWS. Enticed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 THE STRAITS ECHO WEEKLY EDITION. A Published the day prior co the depar* ture of each mail for Europe, it contains the latest local news originally given in the daily issues ag well as the leading •nd special articles. The subscription is $lB per annum, posi free to any part
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  • 585 562 The speeches at Monday’s inet-l-ing of the Legislative Council made it quite clear that opinion is divided in the country on the problems of immigration and unemployrnc-n*. While Mr. Lim Cheng Ean viewed the prospect of increasing unemployment as a certainty, Mr. T. M. Robinson, who drew attention to
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  • 105 562 SPECIAL NIGHT AT MANILA SHOWS The Penang Y. W. C. A. received i $1,240 as a result of the Benefit Night of the Manila Shows. i The President and committee of the Association desire Io thank the manlager. Mr. Schramm. Mr. Storch. the
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  • 256 562 penaxg mlslim s grave OFFENCE After living in the homo of a Hindoo, tin Indian Mohamedan went awny with the former's wife. She tuld me that she wished to be converted to Islam, and did not wantto be a Hindoo, said M istan bin Ibrahim, an
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  • 151 562 ‘‘Causing hurl while committing robbery” was the charge preferred against a young Bengali named Abdul Gani bin Abdul Rahman, at the Penang Police Court yesterday, before Mr. A. I) York. Inspector Roberts was in charge ot the prosecution while Mr. G. 11. Gartside appeared for the defence.
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  • Page 562 Advertisements
    • 27 562 IDE STRAITS ECHO. PUBLISHER DAI LI v WEEKLY EDITIONS gaining the news of the week prior departure of Mails for Europe. ••Straits Echo' Building Penang Hoad. Penang.
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  • 790 563 CAFE ROYAL BEATS SOLDIER BOY OWING TO BETTER HORSEMANSHIP. McPherson still in WINNING FORM. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 8 Fine but cool weather favoured the second day of the Perak Summer Race meeting. The going was good but the attendance was moderate. The
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  • 56 563 P. O. R. C.” vs “T. J. 0" The following have been selected represent “The Jolly Ones” agon the Post Office Recreation Club tw on the Dato Kramat Ground, kiek-of 5.15 p.m.: Dr. Hock, Kim Suan, Peng Tee, C Din, Ee Eow, Aw Bah, Ee Teik, Yo Fee, Tiang
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  • 154 563 “NEVER INTENDED TO Bl’N AWAY.” Two Indian boys were carvied over by the s. from Negapatam to Penang. “Stowing on board the s.s. By la’’ on her voyage from Ncgapstsni Penang’’ was the charge pM<against two Indian boys, aged seven respectively, at tbe lice Court yesterday
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  • 184 564 u r C G. Sollis will return to Penang as Acting Inepector o f Schools. The Straits Echo is able to announce nlte iv that at the end of the month u r Leslie W. Arnold, Acting Inspector Schools. Penang will leave for Maheea
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  • 158 564 PENANG MALAY’S TRIPLE OFFENCE. A Penang Malay woman was charged, with forging two mortgage deeds and a promissory A okiab binti Abdul Gani. a middlein «o aay oman was avowed bail in >2,500 and one surety, at the Penang YnrV 6 C i° Urt yeBterda y
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  • 261 564 STRANGE DEFENCE IN SINGAPORE CASE. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore. July 8. Tan Nghee Heng, who stood his trial at the Singapore Assizes this morning jefore Mr. Justice Cobbett on a charge of armed gang robbery at 35 Garden Street in May 1928, made an extraordinary
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  • 131 564 (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 8 On information received from the captain of the Norwegian vessel “Helios”, which arrived from China ports yesterday, Mr. Gordon, of the Preventive Service, boarded the vessel and seized 800 tahils of contraband ehandu concealed in the coal bunkers.
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  • 442 564 PENANG MEN ACQUITTED ON BREACH OF TRUST CHARGE Claiming that a young Tamil girl gave him the jewellertj to raise a loan, a Penang solicitor's clerk was acquitted of criminal breach of trust. The case was continued at the Penang Police Court yesterday before Mr A. D.
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  • 844 565 Amid the symmetry of comparative political peace, a cloud has suddenly appeared on the British horizon and it seems as if a General Election may turn the skies red, full of fight and struggle. The peace was never very real because it was only due to the compact between
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  • 726 565 OBSERVATIONS of no CONBE. QVENCE ON “WRY.” (BY G. B.) Almost without realising it. reach the end of the chapter. a sense of aurpriaejou wfc* haps experience a notion that it U come suddenly, incorrectly. Bn, a (here be no flaw in what you hav. L,
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  • 191 566 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 9. A Chinese was admitted to the TaiL StnCt H Spital dyto B eon»^Lu ade a 9 tatement that wllil e be th» rvj' n t> lB a ‘be third mile bv i ‘dor Road, he was awakened a
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  • 502 566 DETECTIVES’ MIDNIGHT VIGIL. Two Malays arrested for attempted housebreaking had in their possession a dagger, a chisel and an auger for drilling holes. The story of detectives’ midnight vigil at the back of a house among banana plantations, and the subsequent arrest of
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  • 318 566 Miss Lena Caunter, a member of the old and respected Penang family of Caunter of Caunter Hall, has died in the General Hospital. She had only been ill for a short time. Miss Caunter was 77 years of age and was a cousin of the
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  • 449 567 The present Labour administration, undeterred by the < rave risk to their tenure of office, seem to have paid regard to the condemnation of the Simon Report by the Indian people. Announcing that the liberty of the Round Table Conference will be unhampered by the report of the St
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  • 410 567 A tea party was held yesterday at the Ong Kongsi, Penang Road. Mr. Ong Joo Sun presided over the function, which was held in honour of Dr. Ong Huck Chye, M. 8., B. S., Dr. Ong Chong Keng, M. 8., B. S., Mr. Ong Huck
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  • 447 567 LITIGATION OVEB deeds °F gifts. The Penang suit, occupied eo mueh of ice Sproule'e attention duriL hn net tilting >0 weeks ago, was agam ceased, Aisha and Sepiah. ThM.,*' w“h S Hai Abdul Eshini AMs d h b ?> 3man and Asmah “J X the first three
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  • 453 568 Ttt IBD day of PERAK SUMMER RACES. Punter» had a good day at the Ipoh races yesterday. irmni Our Own Correspondent). (From vu JuJy The races to-day. the third day of the pik Summer Meeting, were mterestfund the sport was enjoyable. Z„ was a fair attendance including
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  • 204 568 STARLIGHT’S VICTORY OVER THE B. M. C. The league match on Wednesday on the Bukit Mertajam Padang between the Mohammaden Starlight Football Club and the Bukit Mertajam Chib resulted in an easy victory for the former by two goals to nil. The Starlight forwards combined well and stormed the
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  • 445 568 PENANG MEN CHARGED WITH RECEIVING Motor thieves arc on the increase in Penang. Three were charged yesterday. Four motor cur clocks and one sidelamp adorned the bar table at the Penang Police Court yesterday, when three Malays and one Chinese were charged before Mr. A.
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  • 687 569 With all their knowledge af the noii-mystic rites of the Occidental, the other philosophers have to acknowledge, Dr. Tagore the latest among them, that there is something which escapes them in their (Tort at whole comprehension. The solidity Of the achievements of the races west of Suez has tended
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  • 134 569 CANTONESE CHARGED BY POLICE. $22 worth of articles ate said to have been stolen in an alleged case of breaking into a house on Penang Hill. A charge of breaking into a house at Tunnel Road on Penang Hill was made against Teoh Ah Seng, a
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  • 424 569 tekano uwvm CB IIOII crrtici.ed by Mr. Auten, of the MonoDolia L meat, conducted the was stated that the Place in Green Lane Xt June 1. 0 P m Decoy. The prosecution alleged that, fa™, received information that the iit ,2 of toddy was said to
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  • 910 570 Iu the ,„id S t Of the political J* in England, the turmoil in 2 »d the Naval Treaty debate the American Senate, the eyes tb e world, thia week-end have lie„ turned not on Mr Bumsay MacDonald or President Hoover or T en Gandhi, but on an
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  • 538 570  -  TEA: AND TEETH: CRUELTY HOUSES. (By Elfa.) The question of the suitability of Malayan soils for tea, and the localities most favourable to its growth and production, has engaged the attention of those interested in the industry in Malaya for many years, and it is now gratifying to
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  • 885 571 THE GOVERNOR SEES A •BALACLAVA MELEE”. J. W. Clarke icon the championship at the P. C. C. sports at which there were several amusing events. Much amusement was provided at the Penang Cricket Club Sports he d on Saturday. The competition, which took place
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  • 386 571 LEFT UN WATCHED FOR n 0 minutes. ROUND THE POLICE COMPOUND. Stealing new silk lampshade» from a car, a Penang Chinese sold them as second hand /or 10 cents. He was given six months rigorous. How a European woman lost five silk lamp shades two minutes after
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  • 493 572 In September of this year, aeto London cable. I-uu-\ir; will celebrate, with approX ceremony, the centenary of L opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Ballway. the es Msenger carrying railway in the World The railway has been hi existence since September 15, 18 30 although other mineral carrying lines,
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  • 135 572 Mr. H. C. Enderby, a European living in Penang, was acquitted and discharged yesterday at the Penang Police Court by Mr. A. D. York on a charge of having caused grievous hurt to a Tamil coolie by driving his car in a rash and negligent manner, on June
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  • 124 572 Before Mr. Justice Sproule yesterday, the action between brothers ana sisters of the Che Tahan family was continued. Abdul Wahab, one of the defendants who had given his evidence on the previous day, was cross-examined during yesterday’s hearing by Mr. J. JSaunders, for the plaintiffs.
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  • 422 572 PENANG DETECTIVES STRANGE EIND IX A BASKET Further cases of pilfering troni motor cats were brought f u light at the Penang Police t'ourt yesterday before Mr. E. dago, when two Chinese were accused of stealing a motor car horn and a clock. In the
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  • 786 573 KHOR LEOK HUP CUP MATCH. The Annual Cricket Match for the Khor Leok Hup Cup, between the past and present boys of the Penang Free School ended in a win for the latter by 17 runs yesterday at Green Lane. Both the teams were
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  • 507 573 PENANG CHINESE The four Chinese whn w i th coun^l^ > were discharged a t Penar,, eiees yesterday. 9 The Penang Assizes resume heanng yesterday of the K Ug r. ye Por °“8 C) '«>i KorT Kim Chye, and Kuna ChJi fir 1 Kong Chong Hai. 6
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  • 334 574 GOOD ALL-BOUND form by HUNT. n interesting game of cricket bethe ■'Penang Peelers (comX 1 Of Inspectors of Police) and the Asahan Football e ub was played the Police Grounds at Pattani Load Sunday and ended in a win lor the
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  • 435 574 SEQUEL TO POLICE RAID ON MONEY-CHANGER S STALL Yet another gaming charge was before the Penang Magistrate, a money changer in Beach Street and his assistants being brought up for taking bets. Following a raid by Penang detectives on a money-changer’s stall in Beach Street on
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  • 357 574 SOCIAL AT HU YEW SEAH. The President of the Hu Yew Seah was At Home to the members on Sunday. Mr. Heah Joo Stang, the president of the Hu Yew Seah, Penang, was “at home" to members and friends of the Seah on Sunday. There was a
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  • 113 574 TAMIL WOMAN ACCUSED. Amirtham and Apoorvam, two young Tamil women, living in Penang, appeared at the Penang Police Court y.a.tcrday before Air. E. Jago. Apoorvam was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of one pair of gold ear-rings set with rubies, two pairs
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  • 394 575 An explanation is certainly demanded from the Kelantan authorities for deciding to impose <r.i al! passengers from Siam the dut of paving a deposit oi $.»O. The story is told in the last batch of Bangkok papers, and the Thu ch comments freely on the strange interpretation put on
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  • 501 575 RESULTS OF MONDAY'S TIES The following are the results of tennis tournament ties played on Monday Mixed Doubles Handicap;—Str Miss Farnell E. Dunkerley beat —l5 Miss B. Brown ,v G. B. Crisp 6—2. B—6;8 —6; —15.3 Miss R. Dennys H. J. H Haas beat —2
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  • 127 575 SOUTH CHINA SOCC E R TEAM. Ero,n Ur About 7.J?±i o PUr ,Oljl3 football match at the Kuah T* btadium this evening between Ch>na Athletic Association langor Chinese State Team Th r ,perior in coini x tester Selangor adored the ft„, through Choon Lin but the equalised, their centre half
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  • 233 575 ket Club, an inaugural meeting was held at the Crescent Star Sports Club on Sunday, when there was a good gathering of representatives of most of tie existing Muslim Clubs. Tuan Haji S M. Joonoos, the Chairman, explained the object of the Meeting and empkssk-c-d the
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  • 913 576 ?roT racted trial conclv led. Th, story of a wealthy Maadmitted that he ‘loafed" till he was 25 inn old. i rt roil stupid or are you trying to Z,id asked Mr. Justice Sproule a, Malar witness who appeared ti be efforts to prevaricate in the S
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  • 344 576 GOVERNOR PRESIDES O V E R MEETING OF OWNERS. Improvements to the portion of Weld Quay between Pouslead's Pier and the II ail way Jetty were discussed al a meeting of owners presided over by H. E. the Governor. His Excellency the Governor, Sir Cecil Clementi,
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  • 400 577 -M.T. PENANG COURT STORY. DISOBEYED THE CAPTAIN. A Chinese sailor on the s.s. Kittawa" was sent to gaol for refusing to obey orders. For “wilfully disobeying the lawful commands of the Captain”, and attempting to incite the crew against the officers, a Chinese sailor on
    -M.T.  -  400 words
  • 248 577 PENANG TAMBY CONVICTED. The theft of ten catties of lead types, valued at $lO, from the Pinang Gazette Press Ltd. by whom he was employed, w’as alleged against Mohamed bin Daw’ood (23) at the Penang Police Court yesterday before Mr. Edward Jago. It was stated that the
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  • 178 577 PENANG CHINESE WARNED. “Committing theft of sixty-three empty cartridges from the Penang olunteers’ Rifle Range at Kampong Bahru” was the charge preferred against Wong Pheang Lim, a young Cantonese, at the Penang Police Court yesterday before Mr. Edward Jago. The accused claimed trial and stated
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  • 348 577 SUCCESS OF peßak Fixjj BALLERS. Perak beat the South Cl,„ Tourmj Football Tea m L goals to 2. 3 (From Our Own Correspond» Ipoh, July |j An enormous crowd saw the wd. ed Perak sl de defeat the Chins t«2 by 3 goals to 2. The game
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  • 2637 578 L ASS NEWCOMERS SUCCEED AT IPOH RACES. DAV OF pe raK summer meeting. SILK SURPRISES TO PAY «151 FOR A WIN te ht weather favoured the final day Perak Summer Race meet mg on Jar at Ipoh and the attendance *ueh larger than on the pwmou. Hia Highness the bultan
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  • Page 579 Advertisements
    • 51 579 SITUATIONS VACANT. I EARN a big salary- M I Bookkeeper, Individual P°£< pare taken in vour own home. in- I time. Fee moderate, easy I Etilrnents. Success g; ,a J al^% E City I F:na! Exams. B^ et p. Correspondence College P* JyondcS’ I 89 New Oxford Street, 1 England.
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    • 51 580 I WH I v/H i§&vlla yMF I I 1/lSlllk Vfiir I iZwOik /O VI. .L .U -i mF (fir 1 I JBSII ilHk llßr mgf/| W> 1 rjt I i/Jt 5'3 Xjz?t\<?s!<*4 I Wl. w w** xxmxxi yjsx\ I W w uHiir W’ I I I EB-497 I —Mi—-
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  • Page 581 Advertisements
    • 49 581 PENANG SIN POE Established 1896 The Leading Local Chinese Daily. Contains the most comprehensive and the most updodate news service in Malaya. It reaches the homes of Chinese mer» chants and traders. FOR ADVERTISEMENT RATES APPLY TO ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER SIN POE •STRAITS ECHO” BUILDING Penang Road, Penang. I T
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