The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 19 February 1930

Total Pages: 24
1 151 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 20 1 Straits Echo Weekly (Mail) Edition. |lB PER ANNUM SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. Vol. 28 PENANG, FEBRUARY 19, 1930. No. 7
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 274 1 CONTENTS LEADERS. Round the World Motor Cyclists 143 “A Grim Sort of Business” 144 More Publicity 130 Malaya’s Third Woman Barrister 144 Undignified 133 Trade Marks Appeal 146 r, T i iQA Penang Chinese Who Won Fame As Good Example 136 A( tor u 6 The Empire 138 Blessings 143
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 THE STRAITS ECHO WEEKLY EDITION. Published ‘the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, it contain* the latest local news originally given in the daily issues ag well as the leading and special articles. The subscription is $lB per annum, posit free to any part of the
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  • 805 130 We must congratulate the T.P.A. in London on their late but none the less welcome recognition of the necessity for the publication of news concerning their progress. In times of grave depression such as those through which we are passing, it is patent that not only producers and
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  • 451 130 Woman's Brilliant Dialogue And Technique. [By G. B.] The Easterner with his fatalism probably comes much nearer the desideratum when in all his fiction he prefers to give reality at the end. The Westerner with his liking to finish everything clearly, happily, concludes every story with the
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  • Page 130 Advertisements
    • 23 130 THE straits echo. I PUBLISHED DAILY. WEEKLY EDITIONS CUioing foe wert to departure «I Mail» for Europe •■Straits Echo" Buildin < ponang Road, Penang.
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  • 516 131 "TELLINO LIES." NEARLY 500 DOLLARS INVOLVED. An Indian stand» accused of cheating two Bengalis. The further hearing of the case was continued at the Penang Police Court yesterday, before Mr. F. K. Wilson, in which Ibrahim, an Indian, was chargwith “dishonestly inducing’’ two Bengalis, Been Mohamed
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  • 98 131 SATURDAY’S RESULTS. The following are the results of ties played on Saturday last: CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. M. T. P. Rule J. M. Collins beat G. C. Ashworth E. C. Prattley 6—2, 6 —4. SINGLES HANDICAP CLASS “B”. —3O F. K. Wilson beat —15.4 T. S. Anthony 7—5, 6
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  • 105 131 GAMES ARRANGED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) u Singapore, Monday, it has been definitely arranged that Hnr idr an^ Se Q D ?u ;S Cup tennis players. < and Satoh, who are proceeding Europe shall play exhibition gam e < d‘y af& re Cricket C ub
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  • 368 131 TIN RESTRICTION. I PROGRESS WITH DUTCH I NEGOTIATIONS. I (From the Financial Correspondent), l Rubber Prices: London 7 15/16d| New York 15j cents (G). I Penang, Monday 5 p.m. I The tin market awaits news of the I response to the T. P. A.’s call for general
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  • 499 132 MR. D. A. M. BROWN ABSENT. RESOLUTIONS for CONFIRMATIONAn Extraordinary General Meeting ol the lhe Perak hi ver Valley Company, United, was held at the Registered Otiices of the Company, No. IA, 1 enang Street, Penang, yesterday at 11 when the subjoined Resolution* which were passed
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  • 328 132 SUCCESSFUL MALAYAN CANDIDATES. At an examination for sanitary inspectors, held at Singapore, from October 30, till November 8, 1929, 34 candidates presented themselves. The following 25 candidates were granted certificates —Subramaniam Thurairajah, Visva Nathan, George Camelles Perry, Jheah Hock Kee, Sittampalam Kanapathipillai, Thomas Victor Rajapaxe Patherana, Seenevasagam Karalasin;am,
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  • 368 132 CHOPPER ATTACK ALLEGED. TAMIL GIRL WIFE’S TRAGIC STORY. /1 Prai man who was said to have attacked his 15-year old wife with a chopper faced the Butterworth Magistrate, Mr. C. H. Whitton, on a charge of attempted murder. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Butterworth, February 10. The two
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  • 464 133 Noticing the almost daily announcements of changes in staff in the Malayan educational department, the reader may properly ask, “What is the matter?” If, not getting a reply from the authorities, he wonders whether incompetence is at the bottom of the musical chairs, he will be wrong. But he
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  • 558 133 Penang Rd., Tuesday “Robie” No More. In this strange topsy turvy world nothing is perfectly clear, but the sharp realities have a way of impressing themselves. It seems but yesterday since I spoke to “Robie”—C. W. Robinson, who for about twenty years managed the E. and 0. Hotel.
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  • 140 133 DEATH OF THE E. AND 0 MANAGER. Mr. C. W. Robinson, who had L manager of the E. and 0. Hotel p ang, for about twenty years, fed J night. He regained consciousness yesterda morning at seven and recognised friends whom he invited to visit him
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  • 241 133 MEETING HELD SIX WEEKS AGO. Nearly six weeks ago the Chinese Merchants’ Club, Penang, held their annual general meeting at the clubhouse. According to a report from the Honorary Secretary, dated February 11, which reached us yesterday the followng were elected office-bearers for 1930 President: Mr. Lim Boon
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  • 1470 134 PENANG MEETING. i CLERK’S MONEY TO BE CONFISCATED. The I'enang Municipal Conimintionm yesterday heard a warm tribute to Mr. Ward the retiring chief Sanitary Inspcctor. Mr. G. L. Ham presided and the others present were Messrs. R. Ingham, Khoo Sian Ewe, Yeoh Cheang Ann, N. M Noordin, H.
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  • 656 135 PENAXG Il AID. “HOUSE IS NOT MINE”— SAYS ACCUSED. More evidence was offered at Penang Police Court yesterday, in the case in which Cheng Kim Hm, an "attap house builder," was charged with being in possession of distilling apparatus on December 6, at Bukit Timah. Mr. Auten,
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  • 162 135 LEAVING SOON. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, February 11. Mr. Sengupta, the Mayor of Calcutta, trrived at Singapore this morning on a short health sea trip and is returning to Calcutta in a few da vs’ time. MRS. SPROULE’S THANKS. (To the Editor of the
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  • 123 135 BIRTH RATE JUMP. CHICKEN POX CASES NOTIFIED. The number of births in Penang for the week ending February 8 was 126 as against 57 deaths. Of the number of deaths nearly twice as many were of males as of females, the figures being 37 and 20, respectively.
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  • 161 135 HON. BAILEY’S TOAST. SWORDS ARCH BY BROTHER OFFICERS. Lieut. Commander John CracroftAmcotts D.S.C.R.N. (retired) sod Mrs. May Redfern Campbell were married at the Kuala Lumpur St. Mary s Church yesterday, the Bev. J- Reynolds officiating. Mrs. W. S. Reeve-Tucker was matron of honour, and Mr.
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  • 616 136 r„ a short time the energetic Littee of the Penang branch of “Xung Women’s Chnstian As--111 n n will be making an appeal ““the firms of George Town for Ire funds to carry on the work which they are engaged and to “m,it of development. Appeals !mm various
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  • 298 136 K. L. FUNCTION. DISTINCTION FOR THE COMMUNITY. The President and members of the Kuala Lumpur Chinese Young Men’s Society were “At Home’’ to Mr. Choo Kia Peng to congratulate him on being honoured by the King with the honorary title of C.B.E. Messrs. S. C.
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  • 252 136 RECEPTION AT RUNNYMEDE. MR. V. MUNIS AND MISS M. DE SILVA. Mr.. L. F. Holiday of Ipoh and Miss C. Alice Matthew’s wer e married at St. George’s Church Penang this week. Mr.C. Stiff gave away the bride while Mrs. Stiff acted as matron of
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  • 114 136 Miss Chhan Seng Kung, 28, Associate Editor of Sin Kuo Min Press, who died n Singapore on January 7 29 after a long Hness, leaving five children, married lang Chee Chun, a local merchant, the age of 18. In 1926 she joined in Kuo Min Press as
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  • 680 137 LARGE GATHERING. REV. KEPPEL GARNIER OFFICIATES. The funeral of the late Mr. C. XX. Robinson who had been the Manager of the E. 0. Hotel, Penang for many years took place last evening at the Western Cemetery. Mr. Robinson died on Tuesday night about
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  • 115 137 GOVERNOR’S REPLY. ENCOURAGED BY THE GOOD WISHES. lhe following telegram was sent by the President of the Penang Hindu Sabha to His Excellency the Governor: Penang Hindus Cordially Extend Xour Excellency Hearty" XVelcome Malaya. Nadasam Pillay. REPLY. The following letter was received: Government House, Singapore, February
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  • 332 137 INSPECTOR’S TUSSLE. ACCUSED PLEAD THE “HOLIDAY.” Fallowing a raid carried nt by Inspector Lewis, rf* Chinese appeared at Penang Police Court yesterday before Mr. F. K. Wilton. accused of “gambling in acornmon gaming house.” The men admitted gambi: but denied that they were in a mon
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  • 690 138 Before long another Imperial Conference will have met to discuss the future of the most remarkable combination of countries, the British Commonwealth. Dominion status has been attained by so many countries now and the progress which every one of them has achieved has of late been so considerable
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  • 107 138 GOVERNOR’S PARTY. Prince Frederik, Crown Prince oi Denmark, and the' Royal Party who left Penang last week were met by the Danish Consul-General and Mrs. Mikkelsen, Capt. S. G. Sillitoe (A.D.C. to the Governor) in Singapore on their arrival. The visitors lunched with Sir Cecil and
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  • 240 138 THE PROCESSION. CRACKER FIRING DISPLAY. The procession which took place yesterday in honour of Twa Peh Kong through the principal streets of Penang was not, writes a Chinese correspondent, on so elaborate a scale as those of previous years, yet the enthusiasm of the various
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  • 102 138 The Lady Superior of the Penang Convent Building Fund gratefully acknowledges the following donations towards the School Building Fund. Mr. H. A. Robbless $5O. Miss Filair Scully $2O. Mr. K. S. Shokalingam and friend $3O. Miss Khoo Po Syo $lO. $llO. Previously acknowledged $34,676. Total $34,786.
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  • 896 139 PENANG HEARING. ECHO OF INDIAN’S VISIT. There was an echo in the Penang Police Court yesterday of the discussions regarding Mr. Ramasamy Naikar’s visit to Malaya. Suppiah, a Tamil, stood charged with “voluntarily causing hurt’’ to jne Thirumal on January 11 at 11 p.m. at Kajang
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  • 382 139 MR. D. A. M. BROWN CALLED JUDGMENT RESERVED. Land values in the Province were once again the subject of Litigation in the Penang B up reme Court yesterday before Mr. Justice Sproule. In this case Mr. H. B. Lynch with Mr. K. S. Lim appeared for
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  • 219 140 gT. GEORGE 'S SOCIETY PENANG MEETING LAST NIGHT. The annual meeting of Gie Royal Sncietv of St. George, Penang, was eld in the Penang Cricket Club yesterof the President, Mr. Meadows Frost, Mr. C R. Samuel presided and there were about a dozen members present.
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  • 98 140 10,000 BAIL. PENANG MAN ACCUSED OF BREACH OF TRUST. Y k iR nUe B ed to ««Wof S'® b th aCl f I™ 8 Chop Ban t 48, the P r op«rty of “censed asked a PP earin g or the Court, yeetprd be Penan District tob eeUnded y baii
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  • 163 140 SIX MONTHS' PRISON. A Chinese woman with a record of previous convictions was sentenced at Ipoh Assizes for the theft of a Malay g<ii. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, February 13. A Chinese woman named Cheah was sentenced at the Ipoh Assizes to six
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  • 191 140 PENANG CRICKET CLUB TOURNAMENT. The following are the results of Monday’s ties: CHAMPIONSHIP. A. K. aB. Terrell beat E. W. Hide o—3, 4—6, b —2. DOUBLES HANDICAP CLASS “A”. —3 C. D. D. Hogan and M. B. Lynch v. —30.2 G. Robertson and H. E. Sparke, unfinished, 4
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  • 992 140 LEAN COMPANY. RUBBER SHAREHOLDERS’ OUTLOOK. “PLACID ACCEPTANCE.” Thursday Evening. The Tin Market has fluctuated within very narrow limits with a downward tendency and closes for Cash £173 15s. Od. and three months £176 12s. 6d. showing a loss on the week of £2 15s. Od. and £2 17s. Gd. for
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  • 834 141 WAITING FOR RESULTS. INDIA’S INTEREST IN RUBBER SHARES. (From the Financial Crrespondent.) Tin Prices: Spot—£l73 15s, Down 12/6; 3 Months —£176 12s. 6d., Down 15/-; Singapore—sB9, 125 tons sold. Rubber Prices: London —7 15/16d.. Down 1/16; New York—ls| cents (Gold), Up j. Penang, Friday, 5 pan. The
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  • 479 142 SOON THEAM CO. weekly market report. Penang, February 14. rpmilt of the conversations beAS “British and Dutch Rubber Protween Britts volun t .ry curtailment du r r !t was suggested the price of of outpu d Stands to-day 7f last week. at 715/ IDQ U r enquiry for rub- Xesbut'most
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  • 320 142 STREET AFFRAYS. “EDUCATED PEOPLE” CONCERNED SCHOOLBOYS IE TROUBLE. Inspector Monte, prosecuting two Chinese schoolboys at Penang Police Court yesterday for taking part in a squabble with two coolies on the Esplanade, said that there was a "big howl" in Penang at present over educated people joining in
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  • 196 142 TWO CASES ONLY. SARONG TRADE MARKS. Only two out of three cases on the list will have to be decided by Their Lordslnps the Judges of the Penang Court of Appeal who assembled in the Supreme Court yesterday morning. The third appeal has been dismissed as
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  • 136 142 PENANG CRICKET CLUB TOURNAMENT. The following are the results of Wednesday’s ties: DOUBLES HANDICAP CLASS “A”. —15.2 J.. M. Collins and H. J. H. Haas beat —l5 W. C. Hodges and H. R. Baker 7—5, 6—2. —15.3 A. K. aB. Terrell and G. C. Watson beat —15.1 D.
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  • 284 143 Unexpected blessings are following the tardy recognition of the Soviet Government by Great Britain. For years the Russians have been persecuting those who retained their faith and religion. They have not been too scrupulous in the manner adopted for dealing with those who persist in their Christianity. Whilst Russia
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  • 135 143 I hose who arc depressed by the tendency in tin prices, would do well to study an interesting graph of tin prices since Ihh.s when the hgure was under C l(x»_ Almost in every quinquennium there has been a peak period that was outstanding- In 1906 came the first
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  • 167 143 A mental patient who would not go to sleep when asked to do so was kicked by two attendants at Ipoh, fell out of bed, suffered shock, had his ribs broken and died. The two men were brought up in the court and grotesque though it may seem they
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  • 252 143 (To The Editor of The Straits Echo.) Sir, t Sometime ago, it appeared in the National Geography Magazine that an American tourist, when he visited China, laid a remarkable criticism on Chinese people. He said that the chief reason for the backwardness of China ias been the extrehfe
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  • 379 143 PENANG VISIT. HUNGARIAN STUDENTS’ ADVENTURE. Two intrepid Hungarian students, who arc travelling round the world on a motorcycle comfrom Sumatra yesterday. They are Zelton Sulkowsky and Gyala Bartha, and they began their journey m August, 1928. They hope to arrive back in their motherland in
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  • 971 144 CIVIL disobedience. CONGRESS AND HIE SIMON REPORT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, February 13 Se n Gupta, the Mayor of Calcutta, who „ut present at Singapore, in an inter*e«. said that in regard to the argument advanced against the grant of complete self government to India
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  • 165 144 INQUEST STORY. PENANG MAGISTRATE AND SUICIDE. ”1 don’t understand the taste of committing suicide. It’s a fairly grim sort of business” said Mr. F. K. Wilson, the Magistrate at the Penang Police Court on Saturday at an inquest on an “unknown” Chinese, who was found
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  • 153 144 SINGAPORE CHINESE LONDON DEGREE WITH HONOUR. I Miss See Chye Hong, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. See Teong Wah of Singapore, is expected at Singapore on February 22 by the s.s. “Rawalpindi” after five years in England. Miss See graduated from the University of London
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  • 640 145 THE SULTAN PRESENTS. FAVOURITE WHO WAS UNPLACED. (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, February 16 At the opening day of the Taiping Turf Club Professional meeting yesterday the weather was good. There was a satisfactory attendance including the Sultan of Perak and the Hon. the Resident
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  • 339 145 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. RUBBER SALEs DEPARTMENT. Penang, February 1} There has been a firmer tone in» market during the past week prices have steadily advanced yesterday Spot was quoted 261 per lb. Closing quotations are bl> easier but there were strong buyer; our Auction to-day of loose Quality Sheet at
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  • 544 146 Members of the Legislative Council* will have an early opportunity of pressing for information concerning the tender for the transport of mails submitted by the P. and O. and accepted by the Government. According to the minutes of the Singapore branch of the Straits Settlements Association three speeds are
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  • 165 146 IPOH COURT STORY. Two attendants in a hospital in Ipoh zvho kicked a patient who died the same night have been fined. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, February 14. Vytilingham and Ram Singh, two attendants of the Ipoh Central Mental Hospital, were convicted
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  • 75 146 PRAI WHARF VISIT. The pupils of St. Anne’s School, Prai, were taken to the Prai Wharves, by courtesy of the Officer in Charge, Mr. C. Murray. Rubber in the crude, ready lor shipment, and tin ore being shipped to the smelters were shown to the pupils
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  • 61 146 UNCLAIMED LIST IN PENANG. The following is a list of unclaimed telegrams lying at the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company’s office? at Penang: Eilij; Caruppiah, 138 Chetty Street; Cheongtuck; Cb’dambaram Mudaliar. Nangi, Double Line Estate Cooliyan: Chungchuntang Wutzedon; Fahnestoek Polk, Dollar; Ibrahim; J. R. Gould E; 0. Hotel; Keancheang; Wengtekhong,
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  • 195 146 PENANG HEARING. ACTION THAT LASTED SEVERAL DAYS. The hearing of what has become known as the “Chop Topi” trade marks case, was commenced in the Penang Appeal Court yesterday. The Court was composed of the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) as President, Mr. Justice W. H. Thorne
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  • 205 146 Mr. Chong Vet Meow, alias Toon Mee, of Taipu, Canton, who has won renown in Shanghai as a film actor and author, was educated at the St. Xavier’s Institution, Penang. He is at present in Singapore on his way back to Shanghai
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  • 2793 147 NELLMAY RUBBER MERGER PROTEST. An extraordinary general meeting of the Nellmay Rubber Co., Ltd., was held in the offices of the Secretaries. Messrs. Kennedy Burkill and Co., Ltd.. Georgetown Chambers, Penang, at noon on Saturday. The Chairman, Mr. J. V. C. Davies presided and others present were: Mr.
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  • 117 148 STRUCK BY PIPES. SERIOUS AFFAIR AT IPOH. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, February 17. While engaged in digging operations at the bottom floor of Yu Fong Kongsi, a Chinese-owned mine, Chenderiang, a Tamil coolie, was killed instantaneously. Deceased, together with a gang of coolies, was
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  • 833 149 A.A. ANTHONY CO.'S DAIIV SHARP LIST Pfnang. February 2 f TH. 1930. Name of Company Buyers Seller Tin*—Dolla* Sets Set* Aj er Weng *9® Baton if Parian* '2l 9.24 Baku Cave* 0.9. 0.97$ Hitair 9.35 4) Johan 138 o.f Kinta B J. 40 Klang R’ ere 235 2.40 K achat
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  • 144 149 JAPANESE PLAYERS' EXHIBITION. The Japanese Davis Cup d l, Harada and Satoh arrived in p»n on Saturday morning and played S excellent exhibition games in the Z noon. A full report of the matched Vulcan” appears on page five of issue. P.C.C. TOURNAMENT RESULTS The following are the
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  • 158 149 PENANG CHINESE FINED. Mr. G. Austin, in the Penang trict Court yesterday, prosecuted T® Peng and Oh Lijee Koon for being 1 possession of and selling without lie® opium in the form of pills on 23 at Carnarvon Street, Penang. The accused were fined $5 each 3 each
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  • Page 150 Advertisements
    • 42 150 "3-ts tAe. tAat Count?" 5 I r Hw I I JMf I jf ||F i I J’-Mrß i x.^/^ 7 feowfe==. r ~A jSksilo w 1 i for Cool -«»fj®6=” Smoking PLAYER’S I K»O4 CORK- TIPPED j w CIGARETTES ql Xv. J
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  • Page 151 Advertisements
    • 63 151 PENAN j SIN POE Establish’d 1896 The Leading Local Chinese Daily. Contains the most comprehensive and the most up4o*date news service in Malaya. It reaches the homes of Chinese mer« chants and traders. FOR ADVERTISEMENT RATES APPLY TO ■■.'U I VOVERTISEMENT MANAGER f 1 SIN POE I -STRAITS ECHO’’ BUILDING
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