The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 25 September 1929

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1 991 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 20 1 Straits Echo WEEKLY EDITION $lB PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. Vol. 27. tj PENANG. SEPTEMBER 25. 1929 No. 39.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 300 1 ONIE^FJTfr** I Bl t [LEADERS. Legal Costs »75 J Despicable Case of Robbery 977 W» Penang’s Behaviour 908 The Chief Secretary in Ipoh 978 ylt Realities 970 Police Sergeant's Common Sff A Golden Opportunity 970 Sense 980 “Talkies” 970 Disappearance of a Sikh [1 Law in Malaya 978 Jaga 982,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 195 2 4» j THE STRAITS ECHO I jr I WEEKLY EDITION. S I r 4 V Published Ail day prior to die departure bf each mail for Europe, and contains < 7 die latest local and States nows originally publt&ed in the daily issues, as well as all J S important
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  • 350 968 Penang and Province are grateiJtoMr. Justice Sproule for the tattering remarks concerning wmit Behaviour which lie made on the occasion of the opening of the Assizes in the Supreme Court, Penang yesterday. While in a well and carefulk policed district the tendency tould be for the number of
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  • 1027 968 JURORS CHALLENGED BY ACCUSED. When Air. Justice Sproule mounted the bench at 10.30 a.m. 11 is Lordship said he was very pleased to see that there were only four cases in the calendar. He desired to congratulate the Police on their efficiency. The first case called was one
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  • 1455 969 MAGISRATE’S “THAT’S ENOUGH. There was a hot passage-at-arms, yesterday between Counsel in (1) the case in which Baker bin Babjee stood charged with voluntarily causing hurt belective Alex Bux, a public servant, with intent to deter him from performing his duty and (2) the cross case in
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  • 508 970 Tiiere is a breath once more of j hope that the nations of the world are settling down to a conception of peace by negotiation. The invitations to a five power conference in London in January 1930 ar e being issued. It is sometimes forgotten that while it is
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  • 272 970 Are people in Malaya particularly susceptible to forgetfulness? Is jt the heat that encourages carelessness in the recollection of facts? Is the humidity a deterrent to the storing of data? The questions arc naturally prompted by the observation “I do not expect anybody to rely on his
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  • 144 970 YESTERDAY’S CELEBRATIONS. Johore was en fete yesterday in honour of the 56th birthday of His Highness the Sultan of Johore. The festivities began with a thanksgiving service in the morning at the Dewan performed by the religious officials accompanied by the State Regalia. At the conclusion
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  • 301 970 CONTEMPORARY'S APPEAL. “DO NOT DIMINISH OUR POWER!” In an editorial yesterday the ‘‘Malayan Daily Express” says (in part): “A galaxy of Penang young men a hose experience of the facts of lite appears to be slender has arrived at the grotesque decision that the power of
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  • 174 970 There was a pretty wedding yesterday at St. George’s Church, Penang, when Mr. Robert Oliver Phillips, son of Col. R. W. F. Phillips, East Surrey Regiment, was married to Miss Irene Doris Leggatt, daughter of the late R v. F. W. Leggatt, formerly of British North Borneo. The
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  • 507 971 THROWN 40 YARDS. LIFE PENAL SERVITUDE FOR CHINESE. The D. P. P. (Mr. J. H. Pedlow) in the course of his opening address said that the car was going so rapidly at the time of the accident that when it struck an iron telephone post,
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  • 129 971 TWENTY-ONE CASES ON THE CALENDAR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 17 The fifth session of the Singapore Assizes began to-day. There are twen-ty-one cases on the calendar. An Absent Accused. Mana Singh was arraigned on a charge of attempting to commit certain offence. He was bailed in
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  • 96 971 AN ALLEGED GUNMAN. Singapore, September 17 Police constable No. 991 had a narrow escape from being murdered. Hearing a call for the police from house No. 43 Smith Street, where he had been on beat, he apprehended one man, who, it is alleged, drew a. revolver,
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  • 120 971 HIS LOCUM TENENS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 17 The Chief Secretary, F.M.S., and Lady Peel are due in Ipoh at midday to-morrow and are remaining here till Sunday, residing at the Residency. The British Resident of Perak arrives on Friday and makes a
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  • 529 971 A HINII TO THE broadcasters. L roin Our Own Correspondent .“rese i» Singapore extended its “sillv to include last week. There else to talk or write about o aS ltte «>es. The professional meetagl “t H. TS yd the two smateuK® ■it the end ot tins week will
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  • 643 972 at PENANG assizes. iid JUSTICE SPROULE’S COMMENTS. driver discharged "There never was such an ..tterlv hopeless set ol witnesses criminal case that I have heard”—Mr. Justice Sproule at the Penang Assizes The fifth session of the Penang Assizes which commenced on Tuesday morning, before Mr. Justice
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  • 72 972 UNSUCCESSFUL ESCAPE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 18 The District Judge sentenced a Chiin ese, named Seow Ban, to six months rigorous imprisonment on a charge ol housebreaking in Smith Street. Inspector Meredith said that the prisoner had one previous conviction. When discovered in
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  • 120 972 INDIAN FINED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 18 An unusual case of cruelty to ani mals came up in the Fourth Police Court, an Indian being accused. Inspector Seth, of the S.P.C.A. Department, who happened to be in Anson Road saw a dog running alter
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  • 470 972 I’.A.M. REPRESENTATION. GENERAL STANDARD OF VISITS TO ESTATES. Ihe Hon. the Acting Controller of Labour, Malaya, Mr. 11. R. Joynt, presided at the meeting of the Central Health Board which was held on Sepamber 10 at the office of the Admmis trator. Arising out of the
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  • 731 973 “BY ONE INCH.” $5 FOR “OVERTAKING IN PENANG. OFFICER QUOTES BIBLE. A youth up the roof of a house in Love Lane, at midnight, might suggest romantic adventure, but in the case in which Inspector Tunn charged a Chinese youth before Mr. F. K. Wilson, Police
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  • 87 973 TALUKS CLOSED FOR RECRUITING. The following taluks m the Madras Presidency are now closed to recruiting on account of infectious disease In the area served by the Port of Madras—-Ganjam—Chicacole, Chatrapur, Kodala, Ichapuram and Sompeta; Vizagapatam —Bobbili; Bellary—Harapanahalli and Hadagallee Anantapur —Hindupur; Nellore —Venkatagiri Division; Salem —Hosur and
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  • 70 973 RESULTS OF TUESDAY’S TIES. The following were the results of Penang Cricket Club Bowls Tournament ties played on Tuesday: Teams of three— +1 G. B. F. Southam, W. M. Edwards 11. J. Shuttleworth beat +3 T. E. Mason, A. V. Goodale and E. A. Dunham 21
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  • 702 973 PENANG JUDGMENT. I 1 I IB? 1 MR. JUSTICE SPROeu h' AND “ISSUE I I bi* r J US Ce Sproule d eliv«ea I sW a lengthy judgment yesterday I morning in the Penang Su i preme Court in the Malay deed I of settlement case
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  • 117 974 MOTOR CAR ACCIDENT AT LEITH STREET. A motor accident resulting in the death of a Tamil cooly boy, aged about' seven, occurred yesterday morning at 730 at Leith Street, a- few yards away from the Leith Street and Muntri Street junction. The boy, it is said, ran
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  • 120 974 ONE OF THREE ROBBERS ARRESTED. roin O u y Own Correspondent). A n 4 Singapore, September 18 “estPrri y ex P eri ence befell a Chinese Teluk While walkin g alon S Ann Siang HiH Ct th direction o£ CbinA aS Badden ,l.V confronted by three -hed
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  • 494 974 1 V» 0 WOMEN ROBBED CF JEWELLERY. VISIT TO JUNGLE. The story of how a Chinese named Lira Soon Poli, robbed two women of jewellery valued at between $lOO and $5OO formed the subject of a charge against a prisoner at die Sin» gapore Assizes. i (From Our
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  • 151 974 1 he following transfers have rue mly taken place in the F.M.S. Police: Mr. (1. B. Folliot, Probationary Assistant Commissioner, from the Depot to Ipoh Contingent Headquarters; Mr. L. G. Valpy, Probationary Assistant Commissioner, from Liebu to Kuantan as 0.C.P.D.; Che Hussain, Asiatic Insp ctor, from Kuantan U
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  • 85 974 TEN TON CAPACITY. We hear that Messrs. Tiang Lee and Company, who "are the proprietors of the Bindings Ice Company, are erecting a new ten ton ice plant on Pangkor Island in addition to their present plant. With this new plant the output of ice
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  • 132 974 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, September 1 3 V. bile out shooting in Pondok Tun >r Mat bin Osman, hearing a move tent in the blukar and thinking it was a pig fired. I nfortunat -ly it was not a pig
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  • 652 975 MAN CHANGES HIS VIEW. BILLIARDS APPLICATION GRANTED. PENANG CASES. A meeting of the Board of Licensing Justices, consisting Mr. N. D. Mudie, Chairman, Mr. G. L. Ham, Vice Chairman, and Messrs. E. V. C. Thomson, J. Dick, Lim Eow Thoon and Dr. Brodie, was held yesterday in
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  • 101 975 Malay Mail. MALAYA A “PARADISE FOR LAWYERS”. An instance of legal costs was given at the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, before Mr. Justice P. A. Farrer-Manby, on Wednesday morning, when Mr. S. M. Sharma- mentioned that, in a Temerloh case, when certain property was sold in execution of
    Malay Mail.  -  101 words
  • 67 975 SULTAN OF PERAK’S HIGH COMPLIMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, September 19. His Highness the Sultan of Perak paid a compliment to Mr. A. V. Gibbings, Executive Engineer, P. W. D., Kuala Kangsar, who, with Mrs. Gibbings, was entertained to tea at the Istana Merchu. His Highness presented
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  • 43 975 This Company’s output for the first half of September, 1929, is as follows No. 2 Dredge 96 piculs. The Dredge stopped four days to rebush links and three days to change bush and bearing on bottom tumbler.
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  • 445 975 I aith in hitams. I TIN I VERY QEifi tSS I l'in Spot—£2os 7, ,1 Down ,j Months—£2o9 5s ’iM i/b; Singapore—slosl X 'I Down b7.< cts. Wns *1 Rubber Prices: London-io I bp „d.; New York-20| eta., Cp I lenang, Wednesday,/ I 1111 continues an undecided
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  • 480 976 ur fish picture houses are making B fl t effort at the moment to Lte themselves free from the dowion of the American talkie ffiin Lns that came first on trie appara The British effort is betthan it was in the tcr O PI the silent film, and it
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  • 436 976 The Perfect Race. For years the pride of Scotland has been her board school education. It lias given her her great bankers and accountants. It has taught her higher mathematics and the secret of making two and two into five. It has given her supremacy over the Sassenach.
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  • 491 976 PENANG HEARING. OFFICER “TO COME UP FOR JUDGMENT.” Mr. F. K. Wilson, Police Magistrate ff Penang, delivered his order in the cases in which Baker bin Babjee stood charged with voluntarily causing hurt to Detective Alex Bux, a public servant with intent to deter him from
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  • 171 977 OLD COJPLE GAGGED. TEN STROKES OF THE “CAT.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 19 At the Singapore Assizes this morning Mr. Whitley, D.P.P., described as particularly despicable a robbery, which had been committed on an old fisherman and his wife living in a hut situated
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  • 134 977 FAREWELL FUNCTION. (From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, September 19. A very largely attended farewell function was held at the Memorial Hall yesterday evening when Archdeacon and Mrs. Swindell were presented with tokens of respect and gratitude by the parishioners and the church workers. At the conclusion
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  • 90 977 TWO MEN ARRESTED. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 19. Four Chinese, armed with knives, suddenly burst upon the inmates of a house situated in Lorong 30, Geylang, in broad daylight yesterday and held up the occupants, who were relieved of jewellery and cash to the total
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  • 271 977 ANOTHER POST IN F. M. S. MR. G. GOLDSACK AS SUCCESSOR. 1 here will be genuine genera] regret at the news that Mr. William Harold Perry, the manager of the Bunnymede Hotel, is leaving Penang for a holiday cruise, and that he will not return
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  • 172 977 NO INFECTIOUS DISEASES. According to the health statement of the Municipality of George Town f w the week ending September 14, one more male child was born than females out of a total of 79. The birth rate was lower than last week, the figures
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  • 457 977 1 ATAL PENANG Q UARreI SIX MONTHS FOR maiming MAN A Chinese left the dock of the P, n 'strict Court yesterday a free Ina 2 tohowmg the Judge’s decision aas fined 82.;, m default of which he would serve 14 days in prison. l ay
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  • 331 978 T W frequently humour attempts ndieule the processes of the law B o f the most essential ad•”dr of a civilised country is iiirehed. In a case at Kuala wur it was stated that certain rtv was sold in execution of a gUrSIOO, only $4l was reatod
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  • 215 978 By the time the presses print se w ordsMr Herbert Welham p lave the shores of friendly an g, the island which he inhabitb olne 01 lnan y years, on his way article Wnt r of the most brilliant tractive r i or B aniser of the
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  • 253 978 VISIT TO CHENDEROH. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, September 19. The Chief Secretary spent the first evening of his visit to Ipoh by driving round the town accompanied by Mr. Kidd, Chairman of the Sanitary Board. At night he entertained a party to dinner. The
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  • 602 978 HEALTHY AND UNHEALTHY ARGUMENTS. [By “Keytop”J Io argue with one another is good. 1 don t mean that sort of argument which ends up with one party nursing a black eye and the other losing a con pie of front teeth. Nor do I refer to that
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  • 760 979 WHO WILL BE FULL BACK? HOCKEY ENTHUSIASM GROWING. COACH FOR MALAYA. (By “Vulcan.”) All talk in sporting circles at the moment is concentrated on rugby, what arc Penang’s chances in the “Cup tournament this year? Perak are spoken of with a good deal of awe and apprehension
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  • 76 979 CONSIDERABLE IMPROVEMENT. Two full sides turned out for the rugby practice game yesterday afternoon, and although several of the more prominent men did not participate, the play was of a very interesting nature. Barnes played a dashing game for the Colours and Keng Chuan was prominent
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  • 40 979 RESULT OF MONDAY’S TIE. The result of Penang Cricket Club Bowls Tournament tie played on Monday was: Final Championship Pairs —H. Smith k F. T. Clifton beat G. B. F. Southam A. V. Goodale 21 —7.
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  • 93 979 The following is List No. 2. Amendment No. 6 of the Straits Racing Association’s classification of Horses and Ponies: Horses. Transfers. —Cumerlong from Class 1 Class 2. Dynamite from Class 1 to “lass 2. Ellaline from Class 1 to Class 2. Green ut from Class 1 to
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  • 463 979 T,l < UVeLIEr. I little I rubber 8 1 dm Prices:_-Spot £2Ol 7 6 r n i I ed; 3 months £2(8.2 6 *lO6 3/8, 125 I Y IC S rL‘ don 10 5/1 J eent Ork 20J c B Lpll i enan g, Friday, 5 pn
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  • 1087 980 STUDENTS abuse COMMITTEE. y e ap Bng Chin, Headwater of the Chinese Commercial School, Cliulia Street, Mil recently), sued the committee of his school for duly s Qfl iprv which was unpaid, and damages amounting to §4OO in lieu of notice of dismissal. Yeap hug Chin said
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  • 335 980 ARMED ROBBERS ARRESTED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 20 Three young Hokien Chinese were ini cted to-day on a charge of committing armed robbery and were sentenced to terms from seven to three years’ imprisonment. The prisoners hired a taxi and drove to i lonely
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  • 641 981 MR. KIRWAN’S SUCCESS. WINS THREE RACES OUT OF FOUR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 20 Favoured with ideal weather and good going there was a fairly good attendance on the first day of the amateur meeting of the Singapore Polo Club in conjunction with the Singapore
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  • 56 981 HEADLONG FALL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 20 A fatal accident occurred at the United Engineers’ shipyard at Tanjong Rhu yesterday evening, when a Chinese workman, carrying a steel pulley, slipped on the ladder on the ship's side and fell headlong, smashing his head on
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  • 80 981 OVER $3,000 COLLECTED BY IPOH CHINESE. Ipoh, September 20. 'Hie Perak Amateur Chinese Dramatic, Association as the result of a theatrical performance in aid of the Clifford Fund for Raffles College collected $3,187, which sum will he handed to the treasurer of the fund. The association recently
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  • 645 981 LEAN and company-s Rep I FOR THE WEEK 1 I RUBBER at 1» 3 I Thursda l E, eoi I liu developed a firmer ton i I price to £205.12.6 and ''209.12.6. but the mUt"2l maim am its promise of strpnat? I prices have sagged back 4
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  • 41 982 foul play suspected. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 20 Foul play is suspected in connection with the mysterious disappearance of Messrs. Paterson, Simsons Company’s Sikh jaga, who has been missing since eight o’clock last night.
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  • 240 982 SEVERAL PLACES VISITED. Ipoh, September 20. The Chief Secretary visited to-day the Kinta waterworks filtration plant, the intake works at Tanjong Kambutan and also the Central Mental Hospital. He later entertained a party to luncheon at Ipoh. Sir William and Lady Peel return to Kuala Lumpur
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  • 612 982 SOON THEAM CO. INDUSTRIALS QUIETLY STEADY. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT Penang, September 20. There was little change in the price of rubber which stands to-day at 10 5/JGd. against 10 3/16d. last week. The rubber share market remain c quietly firm. The few changes in quotations were all in favour of
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  • 235 982 The Malay School, Prai, defeated St. Anne’s yesterday by four goals to one. St. Anne’s scored the first goal towards the end of the first half. In the second half their defence weakened, with the result that their opponents scored four goals. The match was played on the
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  • 106 982 POSSIBLE VISIT OF JAPANESE SIDE. There is a possibility that Singapore Rugby players will have a new experience this season in playing aga'nst a Japanese side, which according to reports from China, will soon be setting out on an extensive tour. The side will be representative of Kobe
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  • 971 983 WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Saturday Evening. During the week under review, no improvement was noticeable, the Share Market still remaining in a stagnant condition. This state of affairs is attributed to the heavy liquidations of forward commitments and the hesitancy of buyers to operate on a somewhat uncertain
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  • 103 983 WELL-KNOWN join»,. leaves mal*u AUst Since his return to R;„ gust, Mr. Herbert Wel&'k too ill to resume the editn\ Times’; SWte ay;and WHI I Mr. Welham’s connection wjtkul layan journalism (says the 'VI limes (—which began i n 1905, with the editorship O f fcl nang
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  • 299 983 CHINESE FOUND GUILTY I IN PENANG. I Lan Poy, a Chinese, was produced I yesterday before Mr. F. K. Wilson, Pol lice Magistrate of Penang, for sentence I having been convicted of picking'll wallet of a compatriot. I M.-. Tunn said that the accusedlnd two previous convictions for
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  • 835 984 it is always an unpleasant duly have to tell one’s friends that are not '’alive,” that their actnt is below normal, and mat a'rt are fast losing their hold upon •r •'selves. A German has chosen the world that the Pae tic asl becoming the centre of
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  • 86 984 CHARGE AGAINST PENANG MALAY. Usuph, an elderly Malay, lived as the guest of an Indian Muslim named Mohamud. After some time he cast covetous glances on his host’s middle-aged buxom wife. She fell a victim to the blandish ments of the old Don Juan. They planned an elopement
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  • 71 984 ROBERTSON IN FINE FORM. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, September 22 The first inter district Rugby mat'w of the current season was played on Saturday between Kinta and Lowv-r Perak the venue of the match being Teluk Anson. Dr. K. Murugasu, of the District Hospital. Kuala Lumpur,
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  • 396 984 WOMAN THE CAUSE? HEAD AND BOTH ARMS CUT OFF. RUBBERY NOT THE MOTIVE. inc mystery ui mu uaoilFpVUiauvC U 1 U bi aii jag a lias ueen suived by Hie discovery oi a uead body in me .botanical Hardens witn tne Head and bo
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  • 1002 985 DETACHED VIEW ON NATIONAL ECONOMICS. (By “Imp”) The international Conference has become quite an important factor in world politics. Since the institution 'of the League of Nations, it has acquired greater prominence than at any other period in the history of the world. We have already had
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  • 153 985 Mr. Pedlow Leav es Penang. p. p. in Singapore. I VARIED APPOINTMENTS IN MALAYA TS Mr. Joseph Howard P e d low, the Deputy Public Pro. secutor, leaves on Thursday o take up the appointment H. 1. m Singapore. is Wh 1 40 ye of Temple A d l f
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  • 187 985 RESULT OF FRIDAY’S TIE. The result of Penang Cricket Club Bowls Tournament tie played on Fr’day Singles Handicap 1’ J- M. Chalmers beat —4 W. B. Houston 21— During August 12, 132 Chinese fek passengers left Singapore for compared with 14,656 for Augus year. The total
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  • 552 986 O- Augustine Birrell a few days delivered an address at home on 3 ar of letter writing. We hope Jut the famous critic biographer n statesman made an appeal tor I resuscitation of what is fast ben rw a lost virtue. The world, C we are frequently told. Besses
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  • 291 986 It is not frequently that we are able to hand out bouquets to Government Departments. We should be more than human if after using the telephone a half dozen times in a day we were to make those responsible for the concern blush with pride over its efficiency and
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  • 653 986 NEWCOMER’S SKETCH OF PENANG. [By G. B.J hen on a school playing field, or m the streets, or in a theatre, you see a dark skinned face, recall that the boy or girl is a son or daughter of somebody probably in an outpost of the Empire,
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  • 259 987 PENANG INQUESTS. SUFFERING FROM A PAINFUL DISEASE. Mr. F. K. Wilson, in his capacity as Coroner, held an inquest last Saturday relating to the death of one Narayansamy who is alleged to have committed suicide at the District Hospital on August 26, by hanging. Inspector Dawson
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  • 174 987 CHINESE DISCHARGED. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 21 At the Assizes a Hakka-Chinese, who was arraigned on a charge of abetment of attempted murder, claimed trial. The prosecution alleged that he, it is reported, held the complainant, while another man who has not been arrested,
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  • 1659 987 MALAYA'S DEBT TO THEM. THEY ARE CLANNISH—MR. JUSTICE SPROULE. The action was brought by S. E. S. Abdul Kareem and Co., of Madras and Penang against E. P. Moh. Nootdbi and S. Moh. Hussain Sahib for alleged infringement of their “Chop Topi’’ trade marks used
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  • 180 988 —PENANG MAGISTRATE. MALAY WOMAN WITH COVERED FACE. The Penang Magistrate, Mr. F. K. Wilson, remarked in the course of hearing a case yesterday, that the witness must be a Bluebeard. The witness was Cumenasamy, who was one of the complainants in the case in which
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  • 74 988 Penang Hill residents will be glad to know that in about a month’s time they will be able to use the telephone at all hours of the day and night. The service is at present restricted for use until six p.m., but thanks to the coming
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  • 354 988 TWO PERSONS KILLED. falling beam klls CONTRACTOR. (I rom Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 23 A crop of accidents occurred during the week-end. On Friday night a Bengali police constable and a riesha puller were knocked down by a motor car at the junction of
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  • 63 988 FATHER-IN-LAW STILL DETAINED. v From Our Own Correspondent.> Singapore, September 23 Tin; terrible murder of Jewa Singh, whose mutilated body was found in the Botanical Gardens on Friday afternoon still remains a mystery, but the police are exerting every effort to bring the guilty to book. Sundu
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  • 715 989 LOWER RATES. COMPARISON WITH THOSE IN SINGAPORE. CHANGE LN JANUARY. The “Straits Echo" is able to announce to-day that there will be a reduction in telephone charges in Penang beginning next year. Circulars will be issued at an early date notifying local subscribers of the changes. The
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  • 555 989 race for kintas I NO CONFIDENCE in I RUBBER. I lin Price: Sinizannro I tons sold. Down fonts’ Rubber Prices: London. l(mi n I Ul6d. New York. 20 1 eexng, M ond 5 .a.iiAi'is opened quietly D. ;I. week-end and with the Singapore "I pnee down 50
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  • 592 990 A.A. ANTHONY CO'S DAILY st .RE list. B*’' 2 1H 929 Name of C?/-' Buyers Selie.a S' 7ar Co* •'i’-s Sets ct075 joo W *pf<kn S OJO 3 5 BaM „a Padanw J 40 J 4 0.95 1.00 H’**® 0.37$ 0.40 J v ob 7‘ 1.70 1.75 ST' 1/. E
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    • 220 990 (To the Editor of the Straits Echo) Sir, 1 visited Jelutong Village a few days ago, and whilst there, went into the mosque for prayer. I was sur; risi d to see a good many men there busy at what looked to me to be some sort of
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    • 225 990 Sir, Regarding the unsatisfactory condition of Chow Thye Road: it certainb’ is, as has been stated. Besides, not a single road lamp has been put up, in the old portion of the road, the same as what has been done, for the new portion—i.e. two road lamps. Mr.
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    • 146 990 Sir, it would or will be interesting to know, if a person is knocked down, killed, or injured, by a motor-car on a dark night, who would be responsible? It is sincerely to be hoped that the matter of the neglected condition of the old part of
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  • Page 990 Advertisements
    • 34 990 l.ettifx S e n t th c Editor for put hcation diould not exceed 200 words Correspondents must enclose (heir names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as a guarantee of good faith.]
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  • Page 991 Advertisements
    • 114 991 4 ™TT i|||J I I 1 I Penang Sin Poe 4 I i (established i896.> II II f il Chinese Daily Paper j fl fl fl x I t j I <* j II I The Oldest Chinesepaper in Penang I f 24-28 PAGES. 11 i I The most comprehensive
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