The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 11 September 1929

Total Pages: 28
1 945 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 398 1 COMP L/ m nta p y (For 7he Use Of The Passengers) LEADERS. Hunter Mysterv loared Up 932 S B Penang A A. A. Assured 935 RDI U. K and US. 920 Civil Warrant Against An Actr ss 937 ij Bold St p 91- Taipine Planters 937 B Je' Wider
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 VVr I ■■'l I THE STRAITS ECHO S 1 WEEKLY EDITION. X V T l !P w **"fesWL l J u^"> ll w I x T the latest local and States news originally pubKdied in the dhily issues, as well as all I Z < i X important news from
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  • 331 920 Not even his best friends would suggest that Mr. Ramsay MacDonald is as brilliant a master of ceremonies as was Air. Lljyu ijeorge—who by the way always managed to make important speeches on Saturday afternoons thereby ensuring publicity in the Saturday evening papers, in the
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  • 639 920  -  NEWCOMER’S SKETCH OF PENANG. (By G. 8.) A great friend of mine recently purchased a motor car. The purist is standing round the corner to test the possibility of eliminating the word “motor”. 1 am afraid he will have to stand a little longer—and wait for better
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  • 372 920 INSULTS OF MONDAY'S TIES. Tl'e following were the results of -<.en,mg Cricket (.tub Bowls Tournament lies j laved on Monday:— Championship— Wt M. Edwards boat r. I. Clifton 21—15; W. B. Houston >cat H. C. Downer 21—18. Singles Handicap— +1 C. G. Barnes beat —1 H.
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  • 441 921 DEED OF SETTLEMENT. PENANG MALAYS IN ADJOURNED CASE. A Malay deed of settlement case in which no fewer than eight counsel are engaged was begun yesterday morning in the Penang Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Sproule. Mr. R. D. Hume appeared for the plaintiff, Syed Ahmad,
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  • 164 921 MYSTERIOUS THEFT IN TRAIN. AGENT TRAVELLING TO PENANG. $60,000 worth of jewellery has been reported lost on the Monday night mail, travelling from Ipoh to Nihong Tebal. The man responsible for the precious stones is an agent of a Singapore firm; and was on his
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  • 235 921 PENANG WOMEN ROBBED. ‘DID NOT STEAL BUT TOOK—” Lee Ah Teik has strange ideas about business and yesterday he voiced them in the Penang Police Court. Detective Inspector Roche in the Penang Police Court, charged one Lee Ah Teik with theft of $2O in cash and
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  • 202 921 yesterday s meeting, CAPITALISATION p AS e Fl UNANIMOUSLY. An extraordinary neneral the Lesong Tujoh Rubber EsSY, 01 "as held in the office of the ies. Messrs. Harrisons, Barker and at 1,0011 yesterday. Ibc following were present: j| ew -V i Graburn (in the chair)- W
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  • 149 921 FIGURES FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST. Kamunting Tin Dredging, Limitj*, Output 1,404 piculs, Hours run Yardage 295,000. Estimated realised uhie of Ore $89,600. Kinta Kellas Tin Dredging Co, L Output 650 piculs, Hours run a •K>e 131,000, Estimated realised vaiOre $44,000. Mr. I'. Robinson, Adviser, Kedah, has been
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  • 278 922 -siXESS DISORGANISED Several homeless. i tire broke out on the afternoon of A Uiun the native trading quarter y' Bliaru. Kelantan, writes a ccrOwing to the fact that the were built of wood and bamboo strong breeze was blow ng the eontlagratiou spread and many in
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  • 147 922 YESTERDAY’S MATCH. aste easily defeats DONALDSON. being extended to any ■Xi eXleil f defeated Donaldson (a J afternoon in the Singles of -2 en Tennis Tournament, n’ 2 W bardl y >' ad time to Ssvh/j n 1,r,1,l| g s rain, and the nob 01d y
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  • 526 922 WARREN SHIELD RESULTS. lhe Malaya Command Rifle rneetiu" which began on the Bukit Tim ah and Suletar ranges, Singapore, on Friday was brought to a most successful conclusion on Sunday when the prizes were distributed by Mrs. Pritchard, wife of Major General Pritchard. G.0.C., m the presence
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  • 141 922 STAYING AT “ASADANG.” WILL PRINCESSES EXTEND VISIT? His Royal Highness Prince Damrong, an uncle of His Majesty the King of Siam, will arrive in Penang this afternoon with his three daughters. I Lu- Princess is not in the party. His Royal Highness and lhe three Princesses
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  • 113 922 THREE DREDGES READY FOR OPERATIONS. Jpoh, September 4 Three dredges for use in the maintenance oi improvement to the rivers draining i i oh in order to mitigate the flood ing ol the town are ready to commence operations. Trials arc proceeding and i he dredges will
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  • 143 922 DISMISSAL JUSTIFIED. Singapore, September 4 ?Jr Justice Stevens yesterday dismiss -I the action instituted by Mr. C. R. Miles against the Municipal Cam-iies-icij-rs for wrongful dismissal. The plaintiff claimed $750 damagt ;■>. The defence alleged neglect of his du- as shift engine r at St. James's
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  • 470 923 The undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, further declare, on behalf of their Government, that from this date they accept as compulsory, ipso facio, and without special Convention, the jurisdiction of the Court in conformity with article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court, under the
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  • 655 923 ENGLISH JOURNALISTS SIGN FOR A FARMHOUSE. [By Harold Walton] To me the fact that Germany t tood out for four years against the whole world, seems no longer a miracle. Everywhere we went we found a clean, vigorous people, to whom athletics seem a religious
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  • 289 923 QUESTION OF GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE. SINGAPORE COMMENT. The fact that Mr. Lim Cheng Ean s himself a wdl-known owner oi racelorses and as such has participated .rom time to time in lire “added money” arising from sweeps showshow mtirely disinterested were his remark dt Monday’s meeting of the Legislative
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  • 793 924 HTIOATION IN PENANG U COURT. K JBeckett Terrell instruct•'lr PU. Hume appeared iorAbA vJr \nd Co. Messrs 'B. E. Boss Samuel appeared for the first S .nd Mr. C. D. Hogaa for gening statement Mr. Terrell Sus was a ease m which the had ha« «'W lu!
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  • 195 924 CHUNG HWA SCHOOL vs. CHUNG LING SCHOOL. The Chung Hwa High School bask?, ball teams (A and B) defeated the Chung Ling High School by 20 points to 18 ;<nd 24 points to 10 respectively in a frier.d ly match played on Saturday on the Chung Hwa School
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  • 423 924 QUESTION OF LICENCE. NO MOTORCYCLE TOWING IN PENANG. A crossbow, however crudely fashioned and ancient looking, is apparently a dangerous weapon. According to the decision of the Penang Police Magistrate yesterday, the owner of a crossbow must possess a lienee for it. ban Siew Cheng, recently
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  • 562 925 GOVERNMENT CONTROL. INTRODUCTION OF F. M. S. SYSTEM. “The Government understands that the scheme for the distribution of toddy now in operation in the Federated Malay States under Government control and monopoly has given satisfaction, and has under consideration the question of introducing the same
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  • 351 925 INDIAN MEMBER’S PLEA. HOPEFUL GOVERNMENT REPLY. In reply to the Hon. Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader at the meeting of the Legislative Council, the Government stated that the question of declaring the Hindu festival of Deepavali to be a public holiday in place of the Monday after
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  • 429 925 SOLD 40 WORth FOR $1.50. PENANG MAGISTRATE’S l^ Ul# ABOUT Detective Inspector Boe Climesu youth ualued s wnh then ot a spare tvre tor wheel valued at he accused pleaded guiltv Q i that another man assisted hi d Ea theft. He. the accuse I 1 glven the principie of
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  • 566 926 B0 W TO MAKE MONEY. THE HITAM august In OUTPUT. P( He Financial Correspondent I “I lD si™ it- £204 10s., Down £2oB 10s., Down slo6, 200 tons lOld., i. Yew York: 20 cents., Un--0 8 d -> Penang, Wednesday, 5 pm. ~ko u di the sterling
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  • 314 926 ARRIVAL OF POWERFUL TUG. A powerful tug named the “Condor” has arrived in Penang for general service under the Harbour Board. Her steaming radius is said to be 300 miles. A noteworthy feature of her equipment is a monitor or fire pump in the stern which
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  • 453 926 MR. THOMSON’S STRICTURES. WHOM THE SOCIETY DOES NOT WANT. there is in this country a deplorable lack of thrill, and wauciui living is a regrettable feature of life here. We do not waat people who on becoming members produce a budget showing that they cannot live
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  • 212 927 Nobody who has travelled in Great Britain and in Europe generally would suggest that the roads in this island are not very good by comparison. To anyone unprepared for the (xcellcntly kept tarmac surfaces, in fact, motoring is a very pleasing surprise. But in one important respect
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  • 242 927 D. P. P. WITHDRAWS. [From Our Own Correspondent.\ Ipoh, September 5 At the Perak Criminal Assizes three Tamil labourers were accused of the murder of a fellow labourer. The case broke down before the evidence of the prosecution was half beard. The three accused were
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  • 398 927 PENANG, SAYS ROYAL VISITOR is A NICE Place Prince Damrong of Siam, who i b now in Penang mid ment to the "Straits Echo" yesterday in the course o f an lie was kind enough to accord to me. u aerv Jew His
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  • 166 927 KILLED BY A LORRY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, September 5 A riesha puller, who was knocked down by a lorry near Victoria Bridge School on Tuesday, has since died of bis injuries. Car Crashes Into Riesha. In McPherson Boad this morning a car driven by
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  • 27 927 DONATIONS RECEIVED UP TO NOON SEPTEMBER 3. Already acknowledged Teachers Malay Girls’ school, Kampong Bahru, Kuala Lumpur Leow Chia Heng Annamalay Chettyar, Malacca $9,399
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  • 64 927 RESULTS OF TUESDAY'S TIES. p The following were the results nang Cricket Club Bowls Tourna ties played on Tuesday- j Mixed Doubles Handicap Mrs. E. Reimann beat 2 tham S. H. Beazley 21 13Singles Handicap: J” beat -< T> y»cey 21-a bf 3. Championship: J. MH.
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  • 541 928 ;lOLE BIBLES FROM CHURCH CANNOT remember prison stay. PENAN6 judge and bail. The man from the Ural Mountains,” Frank Arnold is Mso known as A ictor 1 rank, Xk Joseph and Erank [X The last name Xi w- best J esterda >’ ,hen the Police informed the
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  • 86 928 A suggestion has emanated from a responsible source that a Central Re port centre should be established in Penang for the receipt of applications for police assistance, and, that an English-speaking officer should I>p on duty there day and night. Should the proposal be adopted, it
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  • 62 928 EN ROUTE TO CALCUTTA. A Royal Air Force flying boat, which is engaged on a survey of the Malaya—Calcutta air route, arrived in Penang shortly after 10 a.m. yesterday from Singapore. She descended at Ghigor and after re-fuelling took off again making for Victoria Point. Her
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  • 154 928 DARUL AIHSAN vs. SEPOY LINES. The football match which was played on the Dato Kramat Padang on Tuesday between the First Eleven of the Darul Aihsan Football Club and an eleven of the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club, resulted in a draw, each sidescoring two goals.
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  • 217 928 MAINTENANCE CLAIM. FURTHER EVIDENCE IN SINGAPORE CASE. Singapore, September 5. I'urther evidence was recorded yes- eiday in which Martha Martinette Moon is suing her Chinese husuand, Dr. K. C. oon for maintenance. In answer to his wife’s counsel, Dr. < on refused to state how
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  • 233 928 A FEW DOLLARS MONTHLY. Mr. A. M. Kanjamalay Murthy, of Adi Dravida Puthu Jana Nason, Assistant to Swami Salmjananda of Chidambaram, delivered an interesting lecture at the Indian Association on education, the spending of money in drinking and on unnecessary purposes. Mr. A. Veerappa Pillay, President
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  • 631 929 high bail for woman. The case in which a postal peon named Lee Hong Looi stands charged with (1) being an officer of the Postal Department employed as a peon committed theft of a postal article to wit, an envelope containing a cheque for 8.'38.G8 and (2)
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  • 162 929 THE FINAL STAGE REACHED. DR. HOPKINS’ VICTORY OVER ASTE. The last match in the semi-finals between Dr. Hopkins and Aste last evening was watched by an eager and enthusiastic crowd. Dr. Hopkins from the commencement proved himself the better player. His court craft and timing were
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  • 68 929 WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS. The following were the results of Penang Cricket Club Bowls Tournament ties played on Wednesday:— Doubles Handicap— +2 E. Reimann A T. A. Wemyss beat +4 S. H. Beazley A. Law 21 —18; 1 T. E. Alason D. McLeod Craik beat +4 -I. M.
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  • 985 929 PENANG S UPREME COURT. “YOU WERE HOPi N(i I *0 BLUFF.” I 1 ho action is one in I Abdul Kareem andJo^. B 1 enang sues K. p u„l ,1 Moh. Hussain Salnb f i hmgement of their “Chon T iiiarks used in connection wit|?‘ ’'T i brand of sarongs.
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  • 521 930 UNSOLVED PENANG MYSTERY INTERESTING DIALOGUE IN COURT. FOUR MEN ACQUITTED. Aii interesting dialogue concerning the probable cause of the fracture of a man s left forearm took place between Dr. Benjamin Chew, of the Penang General Hospital, and Mr. H. L Chidson, lawyer, in the Penang District
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  • 350 930 FURTHER HEARING. SALESMEN’S EVIDENCE ABOUT SARONGS. Mr. Justice Sproule recorded further evidence yesterday in the Supreme Court in the Penang- trade marks case. The action is one in which S. E. S. Abdul Kareem and Co., of Madras and Penang sues E. P. Moh. Noordin and
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  • 1550 931 G. B. SAYS: “To these men the world outside does not matter; its trials do not concern them; its joys they do not wish to experience; its external mauiltfstalioas, such as amusements, money constant motion, no longer form part of their existence.” Along a deserted road, covered
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  • 285 932 rt n i )e no home or firm or Xo»'“ lch the probleni not ause at one 1 o another. And those amony not very young sigh be- the price o‘ our rustling, peiT«: oniv fleeting civ.lisat.on, ,s the ,ve cost of what are described Appearing v'rtues In days
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  • 253 932 fan it be that there are people •a renang who do not speak Malay mt there are business or profes'"j La men who cannot make themunderstood by a police console or sergeant? Or is it that is a language in which it is J possible
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  • 371 932 SAKAIS ARRESTED. DECAPITATED BODY IN A JUNGLE. [From Our Own Correspondent t Ipoh, September 6 The mystery, which surrounded tin disappearance of a Chinese hunter in Chendcriang, has been cleared up bv the police recovering a decapitated body in a jungle. It will be recalled that
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  • 508 932 LOYALTY. ;By Key top] What docs it mean to be loyal.' Muster, go on, and 1 will follow thee, 'To the last gap, with truth and loyalty." So said Shakespeare’s servant to the hero of his play “As You Like It.” I will follow thee to
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  • 315 933 PROPRIETOR’S STORY. THIEF FOLLOWED FROM KUALA LUMPUR. [From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Singapore, September 6 In connection with the big jewed ;\v theft, which occurred on the night mail between Ipoh and Nibong Tebal recently, a newspaper reporter was informed this morning by one of the prop-:
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  • 122 933 HUSBAND SHOT DEAD. Senora Maria Teresa Dellanda Devidal, who represented “Miss Mexico’’ n the recent beauty carnival at Galveston (Texas), is reported to have killed her husband. It appears that she read in a n w.-pa per that a woman claiming to be ‘Miss Mexico’s"
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  • 881 933 PENANG MAGISTRATE’S MEDICINE. Insj actor Blakesley, the prosecutor, said teat the boy, with live other boys, was found in an unoccupied house by a constable. lien the constable entered the house the other boys escaped, but this one was recognised. Continung, Inspector Blakesley said that the constable
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  • 465 934 A 0 right to confine HER” If women come out to work the next few centuries it mevitable exKeat last ia d nMtiii" u° motion for debate S L HuYew Seal), Penang, that "A >* Enlace is the home.” themselves were free as "Ss
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  • 229 934 FOLLOWING LONDON LEAD. RECORDS IN SPECIAL ROOMS. Moutrie and Company, Limited, the well-known music firm, which has it tablished a branch in Penang at No 16, Bishop Street, wiil be officially opened on Monday. A representative of the “St’ats Echo” who visited the premises yester day
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  • 183 934 CORNELL-NEALL. The marriage will be solemnised at 4 p.m. to-day by the Lev. Keppel Gar nier, at the St. George's Church, ot Mr. IL W. Cornell, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Matthew Cornell, of London, to Zvliss Marjorie May N-eall, daughter of Mr. and
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  • 490 934 PEN A N G TOUR NAM ENT. LARGE CROWD WATCH SINGLES FINAL. Dr. Hopkins justified anticipation yesterday afternoon by annexing the Penang men’s singles title in a straight fight with Tan Thean Seang. I f 1 match was watched by a large and enthusiastic crowd and
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  • 796 935 JUDGE’S HELI'. COMMENTS ON TENNIS GAMES. [By “Vulcan.”] It is a pity the Malaya Cup final was left drawn with two golds all. That no decision could have been arrived at although ten minutes extra time was given shows that the teams must havi been
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  • 223 935 BOUSIEAD CO.'S MARKET REPORT. RUBBER SALES DEPARTMENT. Penang, September 4 I'liere has been an easier tendency in he market during the past week and •losing values show a decline of 1 cent >er lb. on the week for all positions, spot after touching 33} cents per lb. >n Saturday closes
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  • 335 935 "UN PRICES GOING up HINTS TO SELL AND TO WAIT. [From the Financial Correa < 1 hi Prices Spot £206 K 3 months: £2lO 15s. 1 6 5/8> Down > cent. 8 “«b I'enang, Friday s lhe tin share market develop*, easier tendency when it becamJu that
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  • 71 935 at PENANG HILLS TO-DAY Prince Damrong. of tsM known to the Resident Coun j ar?r jn at the Residency yesterday, jy, the <lnv His Royal High ess (be p,n three daughters played P’ ,f ds ling Golf Club with loea the J.y To-dav, the Prince wdl
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  • 830 936 .fan CO. s WEEKLY LtA report. Thursday Evening. Tm alter a period of quietness .level- u dden weakness, and slumped nlvtoSpot £204.10.0. and 3 months S JI O O but closes a steady market <not £200.0.0., and 3 months £2lO, I ‘Jon tlhe week of £2.0.0. per
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  • 120 936 THURSDAY’S RESULTS. The result of Penang Cricket Club Bowls Tournament tie played on Thursday learns of Three +2 E. Reimann, C. G. Barnes E. W. Gibson beat Ser. J. M. Chalmers, L. R. Tofield and T. A. Wemyss 21 —18. Mr. J. P. Souter, Managing Director.
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  • 644 936 SOON THEAM CO. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Penang, September 6. Ihe firmer tendency in the pric l of rubber the previous week was short lived and an easier tone developed during the week under review. To d<\\ a price is 10|d, as compared with 10 3/Bd. he previous week. Ihe rubber
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  • 366 937 Once again Britain triumphs— British engineering skill and Britisn courage lead the world in aerial progress. By winning the Schneider Cup, and attaining the amazing speed of nearly 5j miles a minute a British airman has also demonstrated that at least in one very important department of scientiiic
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  • 331 937 Western repercussions appear to reach the Orient quicker than they did only a decade or two ago, and the Penang discussion during the week-end of whether woman s place was in the home, whispers signs of the coming struggle between the Oriental yesterday and the Occidental to-day. In
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  • 72 937 SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, September 7 Ou the information of Mr. Gangaran i Bombay merchant of Penang, Mr. Stark, the I poll Magistrate, issued a civil warrant against a woman member o he Lawson-Sidney London Coined Company. It is alleged that the
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  • 156 937 COLOURS BEAT WHITES. Ine “Colours captained by Paxton .larding beat the “Whites’’ under Fitmck by 16 points to nil on Saturday xfternoon on the Esplanade, Penang, n> he first rugby practice for the season. The ground was m excellent condidon and both sides enjoyed the sport dioroughly.
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  • 450 937 INAUGURAL MEETING. TOIO fo SECRETARY. B W loping (Jll p riday jn was rilf »*ne, Crosbie, Dunn’ p Stur ts ocui Pblntin v of us > said the chairman’ n<| ilv it was decided to call a n-tmg to consider the Ims meeting was held at the -bio
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  • 899 938 MARKET REPORT. Saturday Evening. Tn displaying weakness in the u j t ot the week, dullness char--1 Hue share Market which open,Lt later, on the metal as- firmer tendency, better con- JIM A fairlv firm tone was in both Rubber and Tin but with business somewhat prices
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  • 1055 938 “THEY SHOULD BE SUPPRESSED.” [By “Imp”] it is reassuring to learn from the tooiiial Secretary that the finances of the Colony are m so satisfactory a condition that it is not his intention to investigate possible sources of revenue in the immediate future. it is doubly reassuring in
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  • 967 939 PENANG WITNESS i AIM S. Mr. F. K. Wilson, in his capacity ~s Coroner assisted by 3 J urois, he: 1 an inquest on Saturday relating to ti.e death ot a Post and Telegraph uupariment cooly named Despa oingli, an Indian, who was electrocuted on August 13,
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  • 458 940 < REV. P. L PEACH 10 THt resign. “I beg to resign as I was inclJlted at the last meeting. V W than three letters, written in n were read on Saturday even-Anglo-Chinese Girls’ School Penang Union Epworth r L held its monthly meeting. Rev. P-
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  • 594 940 BASCRAN—SCULLY. BIG GATHERING AT RECEPTION. Seldom has a Penang Eurasian wedding been so well attended as was that which took place on Saturday morning at the hurch of the Assumption, between Mr. Maurice I). Bascran, of Penang, and Hose Alice, second daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. W.
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  • 353 940 MALAY SCHOOLS GAMES. The Malay Schools of Penang Settle ment held their annual competition m games and drill at Kampong Jaw a on Saturday last for the challenge cup presented by Dr. A. O. Merican. Eleven schools competed, the first nine representing their respective districts, the remaining
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  • 250 941 PENANG TOURNAMENT. LARGE CROWD AT BRILLIANT DISPLAY. Dr. and Mrs. Hopkins had a comparatively easy passage to victory on Saturday afternoon in the final of the mixed doubles event of the Penang open lawn tennis tournament, defeating Aste and Mrs. Saffery b—l, 6—2. That
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  • 152 941 RESULTS OF FRIDAY’S TIES, The following were the results of Penang Cricket Club Bowls Tournament ties played on Friday: Championship Pairs G. B. F. Southam A. V. Goodale beat D. Lucey X C. G. Barnes 21—20. Championship— W. B. Houston boat E. Reimann 21—18. Singles Handicap—
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  • 432 941 SUCCESSFUL FUNCTION. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES BY MRS. FROST. Mrs. Meadows Frost, wife of the Hon. the Resident Councillor, gave away the prizes won at the recent Bisley meeting of the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps, at a dance at the Town Hall on Saturday night. Addressing
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  • 427 941 TOU «NAMENTwNCL Ui)En easy victory FOd CHINESE PAIR B y “Vulcan”) Mine and Ohta provide sorry disappointment i n a. nnal of the men’s doubles I terday in the last event inu I enang open lawn tennis tour nament. Having won some particularly J|| tussels
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  • 469 942 It is one ot the least k tLin a newspaper office to msrr articles by outside coatuC e that suggest themselves sibU? ush as being suitable for IllU taneousi} as yen n reading public, as being prered in a manner not requiring too attention by the sub-editornil L
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  • 809 942  -  NEWCOMER’S IMPRESSIONS OF PENANG. (By G. B.) Not long ago, sitting on the beautiful lawn of a local Hotel, 1 asked a woman who has been in Penang foi some time how she liked Malaya. Her husband’s position enables her, or should enable her to go through
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  • 218 942 RETRIAL REFUSED. (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, September 10 In the Supreme Court, Ipoh, the Deputy Public Prosecutor appealed against the decision of the Parit Buntar Magistrate, who discharged and acquitted a Malay hire car driver, who was charged with rash and negligent driving and caused the
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  • 570 943 PENANG INDIAN’S PRANKS. “GIVEN PERMISSION BY GOVERNMENT.” In the Penang Police Court yesterday. Inspector Dawson of the Aiagazne Bead Police Station charged (1) Leong Kirn (2) Cheng Kee (3) Soo Bing and (4) Yew Pin with having behaved in a disorderly manner in the General Hospital,
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  • 308 943 MONDAY’S RESULTS. lilt following were the results of Penang Cricket lub Bowls Tournament ides played on .Monday Mixed Doubles Handicap (Finalj— Sc.r Mr. and Airs. E. Reiman beat 3 Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wemyss 21—U. Championship—J. Al. Chalmers leaf W. M. Edwards 21—17; C. G.
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  • 520 943 On the action taken by the creditors at to-days meeting in connection with the bant i uptcy of tne well-known fina n cial finn oIIT. S. N., pend the fate of a large n uin bvr of local firms and business men.
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  • 84 944 magic oft»2 wires. BE Editor of the Straits Wcho] tew ii-- IJS f u wonderful phenomenon taken place on the telegeup't td tetween Kulm. "“1 Butterworth ’Str recently a frfo.l of niine kutulca ,/Xgram ut Kul,lu lh eXt I,C %-Cau't take cycle addressee received Has Cant SSifortunate addressee came
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  • 184 944 lu reference to your leader of to-day s headed as above, may 1 quote Hu Maurice Maeterlinck m his book ■The Life of the V\ bite Ant. "Ihese wretched insects, more than the bee or any othei living creature on earth, become the heralds, perhaps the precursors, of
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  • 166 944 Sir, fan you like the good gentleman you ahyays shown yourself to the poor _‘a- find a spatie for this my small Sion front a true and faithful heao't. 1 nave been in Kedah nearly all my arif ave small bits of estates Wst Which 1
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  • 794 944 A. A. ANTHONY CO.'S DAILY SHARE LIST. Penang, September, 13th, 1929. Name of Company Buyers Sellers Tin—Dollar Companies Sets Sets Ayer Weug 0.75 1.00 Batang Padaug 0.30 OJS Batu Caves 1.43 |.45 Hitam |.QO 1.05 Johan 0.35 0.37$ Kmta |.75 1.80 Klang River 2.t0 2.70 Kuchai J. 521 |.57j Kuyoh
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  • Page 945 Advertisements
    • 92 945 J *W il 1 I I I i Penang Sin Poe I 1 (established i896.> 1 il f I j 9 I Chinese Daily Paper i I t *1 X *1 il I «I II The Oldest Chinesepaper in Penang I 24-28 PAGES. 1 t T. 1 The most comprehensive
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