The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 4 September 1929

Total Pages: 32
1 920 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 19 1 Straits Echo WEEKLY EDITION JlB PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. W. 27. PENANG, SEPTEMBER 4, 1929 No. 3«
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 307 1 1 LEADERS. OUTSTATION NEWS. .Jl wL Theft of Rubber from Estate 891 I'ott Problem 89! j g a p o ]i f ejnan a Police Officer?... 892 J Ihe i ruth 1 nvarnished 891 Chinese Doctor and Swiss .ie... 898 S .Good News 896 Three Pistol Shots in Amoy W
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 205 2 I I I THE STRAITS ECHO I 0 <• WEEKLY EDITION. < I <' :i 0 Published the day prior to the departure of each marl for Europe, and contains the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all o important news from
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  • 337 891 It is so seldom that an important Penang matter is considered at any areat length that one feels greatly indebted to Mr. Hogan for introducing his motion at yesterday’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners. Fort Cornwallis has strong churns to life for many people who believe in tradition.
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  • 114 891 T 1 'Wr? u B re ssi°n that because a a paper the in be P ralSed iU the news columns, irrespective of any merit or demerit the production has, is not dev. However, two persons have taken d upon themselves to represent th ?ir strong feelings
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  • 116 891 FIVE YOUTHS ARRESTED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, August 27. As a sequel to the theft of rubber from Changkat Kinding Estate, Tanjong Rambutan, valued at S6QO, three Malays and two Chinese were charged in the local Police Court with house-break-ing and theft. All the
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  • 233 891 [From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Singapore, August 27 The police to-day seized 1,000 pounds of dutiable tobacco loaded in a lorry m Changi Road. There was a sequel in the Police Court, when two Chinese pleaded guilty and were remanded. A lady shopping at the junction
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  • 471 891 .dan Vv In) Taught Him. iho most impressive tribute to Mr. miaw s celebrity was made by an elderly a d reserved clergyman who said not! ;g for miles, but then burst out proumx to the next passenger in a jaunt ng ear:— ’You little thought that vou
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  • Page 891 Advertisements

  • 2443 892 PRESIDENT CARRIES THE DAY. Mr. Hogan said that there had been a great cry for open spaces and recreation grounds recently. Even in Singapore the matter was receiving serious attention, and here in Penang it was a subject of very great importance. The Commissioners themselves were not in
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  • 95 893 MOTION CARRIED. At yesterday’s meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners, Mr. G. L. Ham presiding, Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe moved: “That the President, Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe and Mr. C. D. D. Hogan be appointed as a Gratuities Committee and that they be authorised to deal with
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  • 116 893 DEPARTURE FOR EUROPE. At yesterday’s meeting of the Penang Municipal Commissioners the President, Mr. G. L. Hani, said that he had received a letter from Mr. E. Newbold tendering his resignation as a commissioner on his departure for Europe on leave. Mr. Newbold had been a
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  • 127 893 RETRIAL ORDERED. CHIEF JUSTICE REVERSES LOWER COURT DECISION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 27. It will be remembered that the District Judge recently dismissed a case brought against a ship’s master for overloading his ship on the grounds that the constable, who was
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  • 236 893 YOUNG PACKARD KILLED. Detroit, August 27 Mr. Warren Packard, son of one of the founders of the Packard Motor Company, was killed and a companion was seriously injured, as the result of their seaplane nose-diving into a river.—Reuter. Mr. U. A. N. Laing has
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  • 919 894 For nearly an hoar yesterday a Chinese comedian who was charged before Mr. F. K. Wilson, Police Magistrate of Penang, witli picking the pocket of a compatriot and annexing the modest sum of cents 70, amused the Court and those present with a series of Harold Lloyd
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  • 83 894 SENTENCES OF TWO YEARS. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, August 27 A Malay, named Osman, and a Chit •se, Eu Tuan, noted pickpockets, wen martly punished by the District Judge, '•lr. C. H. G. Clarke, yesterday even ng, when a sentence of two years each vas passed.
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  • 178 894 SYCE V. OWNER I>ESANG S C e> oil was the remark an annoyed chauffeur made when questioned as to how he had used up the liquid. Constant friction between car and car driver, it seemed, lost the jo oi the driver who claimed in
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  • 183 894 RESULT OF MONDAY’S TIES. The following were the results oi Penang Cricket Chib Bowls tournament es played on Monday:— Singles Handicap—Scr. S. H. Beaz‘ey beat Scr 11. 0. Downer 21—12:—1 J. M. Chalmers beat Scr F. T. Clifton 21—10; —4 W. B. Houston beat +3 A. Dunham
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  • 403 895 COCONUT PROBLEMS. <( „HASIS on NEED E fOR better yield. Year Bwk 1928-1929” of Wfi iers’ Association o£ Malaya, contains information of nnpoit- t ie planting industry. we il got up brochure which dd be in the hands of every planter hould pro™ a very uselul
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  • 311 895 YESTERDAY’S RESULTS. struggle. In the Penang Lawn Tennis Tournament which was continued yesterday the match between Chcah Watt Hye and Robertson was the most important event of the day and was wathed with keen interest by a crowd. It was evident from the commencement that both were
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  • 106 895 EXHIBITION MATCH. Ipoh, August 28. The League Soccer season in Ipoh vas brought to a close to-day with an xhibition match between the Perak Chinese Recreation Culb, the winners if the Inter-Club League, and the jovernrnent Services, the winners ol he Commercial League. The game was
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  • 180 895 PROFESSIONAL FEES LOST. PENANG WOMAN’S MEDICINES Following the withdrawing of criminal proceedings against a Malay charmer. Mat Akib b. Awang who claims to lx? a native doctor, Chee Hock Keat, partner in the United Cinema, was sued in the Penang District Court yesterday for damages for wrongful
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  • 189 895 PROVISION OF MORE PAYING-OUT WINDOWS. “The Committee of the Penang Turf Club have under consideration the erection of a suitable building to provide tor additional paying-out windows at an ipproximate cost of SIS,(XX)”, states an advertisement appearing in yesterday’s issue of the ‘‘Straits Echo.” On making enquiries
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  • 331 896 There is distinctly pleasing news to-day. Two centres that might have announced grave developments record an orientation for good. The situation in Palestine is described as well in hand (after a loss of about 150 dead) and at the Hague the European—cum-reparations tangle appears at last to have
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  • 148 896 At to-morrow’s special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, the President, Mr. G. L. Ham, will move a resolution to raise a public loan of $8,250,000 by the creation of debenture stock to be issued subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 135 (Municipal). It will be
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  • 504 896 The new instructor for the Singapore Flying Club, Mr. M. H. Potter, arrived from Home by the “Karmala” on Saturday. Mr. Potter, who has had considerable experience of flying, served in the Royal Air Force during the War, and lor a time acted as pilot instructor. He was
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  • 546 896 These were some of demnation which Mr. r llot used yesterday in dismissing Bpr jUi brought by a Chinese contrL? 6 actioß Ong Kim Chee against Mr ft p u a&,y a prominent J poll miner for br<a a Bum of $2,005.61 allied a contract made betw°ee
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  • 1058 897 ..««tin- question as to whether 1” Hit ted in front of a motor >' twined to the rule framed un ;ve |e eon.oruK Ordinance No. section 1« which required a motor t 0 have a white‘ulht, came up for discussmn be:,C Mr F- K Wllson Pollce
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  • 553 897 Prices:—Spot £2OB 7s. 6d. Down 17/6d. 3 Months £212 7s. 6d. Down L'L Singapore 175 tons sold. Rubber Prices:-London 10 7/16d. Up 3,16 d. New York 20$ cts. Up Penang, Wednesday, 5 p.m. A further drop in the price of tin has not helped the share market
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  • 290 898 It is particularly unfortunate that the impression should be allowed to get abroad that Malaya is an unhealthy country, and one in which it is difficult for average Europeans to work. It is, of course, a sad fact that very little is known in the mother country about
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  • 135 898 $7OO FROM PERAK FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. (From Our Own Corespondent). Ipoh, August 29 The Perak branch of the Ex-Serviccs Association has received a cheque of $7OO from the Perak Football Association on behalf of Earl Haig’s Flats Fund, the amount representing the gate money taken at the recent
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  • 480 898 Germany’s Invaders. Without much ceremony, but helped by a little fuss, Europe is seeing the beginning of a new era —thanks to the elimination of an unjustifiable sore in Germany’s body. Mr. Snow’den’s wonderful courage is responsible for the bright light. Really, Sir! Mr. P. Kandiah makes at
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  • 452 898 maintenance claim. “THEY HAD DIFFERENT CHARACTERS.’’ Th Sin S a P or August 2j 1 hat on one occasion when h'7t aS aS C<t “> a 'heatre that o hei h “sband told her llat she went out she could stay on the Streets, was
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  • 775 899 COMPLETE RESULTS. FILL list of winners of VARIOUS EVENTS. Tie following lire the complete re- ,f the Penang and Province Wel- v Volunteer Corps Bisley meeting £at the Hide Bunge, Kampong Rahru recently* n e Colonial Chaplain’s Competition— Winner, Pte (bi Choo Teik, Score 45 Points.
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  • 157 899 RESULT OF WEDNESDAY’S TIES. The following were the results of Penang Cricket Club Bowls Tournament ties played on Wednesday: Doubles Handicap— +2 Ĕ. Reimann T. A. Wemyss beat +3 L. R. Tufieid H. J. Shuttleworth 21 —14; +4 S. H. Beazley Ar A. Law beat +1
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  • 120 899 DARUL AIHSAN CHAMPIONS I lie 1929 League competition of the l enaiig' Mohamedan Football Association Las ended. As expected the first te m of the Darul Aihsan Football (iub are the undefeated winners. Ihey won all their matches and only had one goal scored against them, ike
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  • 177 899 A REVIEW RECOMMENDED. (from Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, August 29 Following a lengthy discussion at Hie molding of ths Planters’ Association erf Malaya at Sungkai on the subject of the Health Boards Enactment, Mr. Ferguson proposed and Mr. Marshall seconded that (1) the whole incidence of the
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  • 710 900 Inspector Dawson, of the Magazine Police Station, yesterday charged before Mr. F. K. Wilson, Police Magistrate oi Penang, one Kalayan, a gardener employed by Mrs. Agnes Ferguson of No: 135, Kelawei Hoad, with theft of a Croten plant. Mr. Dawson said that he prosecuted in the case
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  • 138 900 CHINESE STABBED. (From Our Own Corespondent). Singapore, August 29 A mild sensation was caused in Amoy Street last night when three pistol shots were heard. A Hokien cigarette stallholder was on the five-foot path in Amoy Street when four Chinese, alleged to be Cantonese,
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  • 93 900 FIRST MATCH DRAWN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, August 28. The Calcutta Football tourists played their first game at the Stadium and drew one-all against the Welsh Regiment. An early penalty gave them the lead till five minutes from time when the soldiers bundled the ball
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  • 920 900 “TICKETS THAT ARF r, DRINKS.” r Fo# llad un Wong Mow Nooi, >1 ran Say San who j K i r 1 0- H. Gob’s office, B,“ oh S S repreBeated of Hoc^kwt. EOSS 18 “k” 8 r lhe case for the with the evidence of Mr
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  • 1034 901 Singapore, August 29. Apart from sports events, which have seemed to take up more space n the local newspapers than anything ehi. Singapore has had more or less a “silly season” during the last week or two. The air route, the Naval Base, the Defence Contribution, public represents
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  • 482 902 There can be no challenging the accuracy of the suggestion made by the lion. Mr. Lim Cheng Ean in a question he is to put in the Legislative Council on Monday that one of the duties of a government is to foster and safeguard thrift and carefulness.
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  • 500 902 NOW TO BE UNDERSTOOD. (By “Keytop.”) Every person needs to have sense. In the mastery of languages particularly, a good deal of that grey matter, stored I understand in the topmost storey of the human being, is required. A humorous little paragraph which 1 read in an English
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  • 216 902 l ALL IN t H£ rate SUBSTANTIAL INCHe Asf IN DEATHS ASE For the second sucr«.; u occasion the health staffs of the Municipality of Geors Town for the week en u S ust f 24 shows that birth of male children exceed ed that
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  • 159 902 LARGE GODOWNS SCHEME BY LOCAL FIRMS. To-day construction begins of moi", godowns for a Penang firm which introduce overhead electric cranes. proof doors, special arrangements”, cooling provisions, latest sanitan m-' ui lation, and other up-to-date iences are important points in t>e building. 1 The architects are Messrs. Crai*
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  • 1030 903 lbe following were present The 1 i t Air G. L. Ham), Messrs. Hogan, Xoordin, pr hlioo Sian Evve, B. E. Hoss, F Lim Bow Thoon,, Drs. Smith die acting Electrical Engl\ir J N. Bauson), the acting Jfapd Engineer (Mr- W. Letcher) j the acting Municipal Health ottiier
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  • 590 903 S 10,000 PROJECTING MACHINE. hatever may be said against the <.ai yng films—and there has been a good leal —the fact remains that it has prov ed itself to be a great success in America. and is last gaining in popularity m r.iiglaiid and
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  • 145 904 YESTERDAY’S RESULTS. Despite the shower of rain which fell at 5 p.m. yesterday a few events were gone through on fairly sodden courts. Men’s Singles. The centre of attraction was No. 2 Court where the match between Cheah Watt Hye and Tan Thean Seang was played. Cheah
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  • 133 904 DRAW WITH PERAK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, August 30 Marred to a certain extent by blunders on the part of the referee, the soccer match, Perak versus the Welch Regiment, was robbed of much interest at the start. The last five minutes of the
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  • 89 904 RESULTS OF THURSDAY’S TIES. The following were the results of Penang Cricket Club Bowls Tournament ties played on Thursday Championship— J. M. Chalmers beat T. E. Mason 21 —12; H. W. Sanders beat S. H. Beazley 21 —19; E. Reimann beat G. B. F. Southam 21
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  • 382 904 COMEDIAN’S VAIN APPEAL IN PENANG. Inspector Blakesley charged two Municipal coolies, both answering to the name of Karuppen, with disorderly conduct at Patani Road on Thursday night. The men having been convicted, Inspector Blakesley said that Patani Road had become very lawless of late. The coolies there
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  • 367 904 CHARGE AGAINST EX MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL. Mr. de Buriatte appeared before the Police Magistrate and said that one of the witnesses in the case in which Moha med Abdul Cader, late Financial Clerk of the George Town Municipal Council, stands charged with criminal breach of trust in respect $lO,OOO,
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  • 169 904 IMPORTANT DECISION. (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, August oO A ruling of considerable import r trustees and executors throughout country was made yesterday when the Chief Justice ordered tu trustees of the will of the late Tan Yam should pay interest at the ra eight
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  • 900 905 heavier TIN shipments. rFNERAL IMPROVEMENT GE expected. the Financial Correspondent I l lin Prices:— Spot: £207 17s. 6d., 2'6(1.; 3 months: £212, unchangSingapore: slo7j, 150 tons sold. Ihbber Prices:—London: Joo i<l.; New York: 20£ cents, down i cent. Penang, Friday, 5 p.m. Tin statistics this month are
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  • 739 905 LEAN CO.’S REPORT. STEADY UNDERTONE CONTINUES. Thursday Evening. Tin closing steady at Spot £208.0.0 and 3 months L 212.0.0. is again practically unchanged on last week’s quotations. The steady undertone continues and though minor fluctuations in price are to be looked for, it is not unlikcy that
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  • 220 906 That enterprising firm, Messrs. Whiteaway Laidlaw Co., Ltd., whose activities extend from the Suez Canal to Northern China, are shortly to add yet another name to the long list of their branches. The latest venture is in Alor Star, Kedah, where everything is now in readiness for
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  • 1008 906 SOON THEAM CO. Penang, August 30. There was a good recovery in the price of rubber during the week which stands to-day at lOgd. as compared with lO|d. last week. Following the steadier tone in the price of the commodity, rubber shares were firmer with a good enquiry for most
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  • 459 907 T dav the Legislative Council in Singapore and one naturalurns to the difficult problem of L ava’s status in the Empire. i„ information agency in London r afford hints to wealthy visitors tourists: a prospective settlor learn about the snakes and ',4s in the wilds of the
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  • 983 907 [By "Imp "J 1 am indebted to a friend who has sent me a number of pamphlets on Palestine with a request to “write something about it" in my next article in these columns. ilie Holy Lund has taken up min n space in the news columns
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  • 489 908 Officers Graphic Story. Child Raises Alarm: Boat’s Vain Search. While passengers travelling in the N. Y. K. steamer “Hakozaki Maru’’ were having luncheon on Friday afternoon, just outside Singapore, an English* man, a captain, formerly in the Mercantile Navy, was seen,
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  • 370 908 MONEY quarrel;, last visit before SAILING HOME “I heard a noise and when I turned round 1 saw Vdannen stab the deceased. stabbed Inin twice, once on the upper right arm and again on the Jigin H d e> Velappen bolt. Ihis was the dramatic evidence given
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  • 453 909 ««essful amateur race B Ct£ MEETING. TUAS DOUBLE. Our Own Correspondent I Alor Star, September 1 Kedah Club Gymkhana which ■y I at Alor Star on Saturday after«liehtly marred by a brief rain which affected the going. e was, however, a large attended on the whole it was
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  • 28 909 S. P. Holmes Smith won the Monthly Medal of the Penang Golf Club which was played for yesterday. His score was 84 7= 77 net.
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  • 173 909 THANKSGIVING DAY. Following the annual thanksgiving service of the St. George’s Tamil Chapel on Saturday, a sale of the offerings by auction was made. In connection with the service, which was conducted by the Rev. S. Poniah, a sub-committee was appointed: Messrs. J. M. Schwartz,
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  • 132 909 SINGAPORE AND SELANGOR DRAW. TWO GOALS ALL. (From Our Own Co ires, pond ent.) Singapore, September I ihe Malaya (.up lootbail final yesterday evening ended in a draw, each Side scoring two goals. Singapore led by two to nil at the interval. Selangor spurted on resumption and
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  • 261 909 DARUL AIHSAN’S EASY VICTORY OVER THE REST. After ten years the Mohamedan Football Association’s League competition was revived recently for the Shield presented by the Penang Pranakan Club. The various matches were played without a hitch and resulted in the Darul Aihsan Football Club being the Champions.
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  • 903 910 EXAMINATION RESULTS. SUCCESSFUL PENANG CANDIDATES. The following is a list of successful Penang candidates for the London Chamber of Commerce Spring Examinations for 1929 which were held recently. Senior Certificates. Book-keeping and Accountancy Cheah Eng Guan, Chong Kang Siew Lim Peng Geen, Ung Ban Huat and
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  • 893 910 meeting IN p ENang rates for the fourth quarter’ f'Y 1 J°. Vn r acting Cnnl. I' Of Labour, Malaya, presided at ■Ug Of the Indian Immigration 0 tee, which was held in O sidered the figures of Irnm.^ti Emigration, the report on ’'i cences and the
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  • 707 911 STEADY UNDERTONE NOTICEABLE. WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. Saturday, evening. The general conditions of the Snare Market remain practically the same a> liist week with no outstanding features to report, but a steady undertone is noticeable. Prices for both Rubber and Tin Shares are, on the whole, generally unchanged
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  • 148 911 Singapore, August 21 The Hon. Mr. F. A. Pledger Mr» ‘ledger came to luncheon. Thursday, August 22. Lieut-Col. Mrs. W.’ M. Hore, Maor Mrs. E. J. B. Buchanan, Mr. E Y. Gillett, Mr. Mrs. 11. C. Hopkins, \liss L. Pritchard, Mr. E. Haselton •ante to play tennis.
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  • 76 911 LIST OF DONATIONS. The following donations io the Port Swettenliarn Mariners' Club have been received: Previously acknowledged $7,791.01 Sir Hugh Clifford, M.C.S., G.C.M.G., G.B.E. 100.00 The Hon. Mr. James Lornie, M.C.S. 100.00 Messrs. Paterson Simons and Co., Ltd. 500.00 Anonymous 30.00 Dr. IT. J. Lawson 20.00
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  • 472 912 The reply of the Colonial Secretary m me Legislative Council yesterday to Mr. min Cheng Lan who had pleaded for the Government to take note ot the sweepstake boom in tliis country because “it was an evil corrupting the lives ot tue people,’’ was somewhat on Macaulay s
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  • 482 912 Prince’s Summer Home. Princess Arthur, who holed her tee shot at the eighth hole at Sudbrooke Park, is the only one of the Royal ladies to take enthusiastically to golf. Princess Alary used to play occasionally on the short course at Windsor, and Lady Patricia Ramsay spent some
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  • 126 912 PENANG COORT STORY. WHEN CLOWNS’ WAfiry HAO TO BE paik S Tlie pnirlie Chupfin, who appeared before the Penan» pJ* .pstrate, made his aeon ■h- District Court yesterday. Claim for a sum of $387.88 was igamst him by Keturen who allege lie amount was the total
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  • 127 912 PRINCIPAL CLAIMS DAMAGES. HEARING TO-MORROW WEEK. A disputed claim for $5OO as damage? or wrongful dismissal, filed by Mr Yeap Eng Chin, lately Principal of te Chinese Commercial School, Chub Street, against the School Commits, s to be heard by the Penang District fudge to-morrow week. The
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  • 135 912 TEN PER CENT. REDUCTION IN PRICES OF TYRicS. Penang motorists will be glad to that most of the leading tyre behave received advice from their five headquarters informing m .he prices of tyres (covers andl .it have been reduced by ten per The reduced price took get i
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  • 2534 913 DISAPPOINTED WITH ANSWERS. ‘T Expected Governor to Kill Dragon When it Showed Its Head In the Legislative Council, which met in Singapore, yesterday, the Hon. Mr. Liin Cheng Ean, the Chinese member for Penang expressed keen disappointment with the Government's negative replies
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  • 697 915 JOSEPH COMMITS SACRILEGE. Patani Boad in George Town seems particularly an xiocs to distinguish itself in the Police Court, and yesterday Mr. Wilson had described to him a brutal assault committed outside the Police Station. Joseph, of many aliases, was found guilty of cheating ricsha
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  • 476 915 DOUBLES SEMI-FINAL. JAPANESE WIN AN EXCELLENT MATCH. A large crowd yesterday witnessed the doubles -semi-final match between the Japanese, Mine and Ohta, and Aste and Collins in the Penang Open Lawn Tennis Tournament. The match produced fine piny and went into three sets, only the second of
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  • 599 916 KATU’S LOW OUTPUT. HAAD YAIS CONTINUE IN DEMAND. I By the Financial Correspondent Tin Price: —Singapore: slo7s, 200 tons sold. Down 37| cents. Rubber Prices: —London: 10|d. Up l/16d. Penang, Monday, d p.m. Markets opened quietly to-day with only small enquiry for shares. Haad Yais continued in
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  • 215 916 CARS OVERTURN AFTER A CRASH. MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, September 3 An Erskine car and a Citroen car crashed at the junction of Hindoo and Kampong Kapor Roads early this morning, both cars overturning, but the occupants had a miraculous escape, crawling out none the
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  • 259 916 COI -ONIALSECUET AW SviEwi SPEECH IN LEGISLATE COUNCIL. E The importance of Labuan from the strategic point of view was emphasised in the Lecisb. live Council a t Singapore yesterday by the Colonial secretary. The Colonial Secretary h, t giat the Council approve a special J
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  • 107 916 CHILO AND 400 PIGS BURNED to death. ilrom Our Own Correspondent)' Ipoh, September'' A serious fire occurred at Pastr W village, Wang, and w>W 50 attap houses. Most ol scaped unhurt except a was burned to ceam. md a woman were severely fent ■.tempting to >' tscuc
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  • 961 917 yadam Wong Mow Nooi, companion of Tan Say ban, a clerk Mr G H. Goh s office, claim“i to have bought the winning •lot and alleged that, not beJa of the Turf Club, V aave the ticket to accused in iter that he could get the nev
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  • 272 917 PENANG COURT SEQI EL. FERNANDO’S LICENCE PROBLEM. Does every Penang resident live in a sanitary house? In a Municipal action against some Acheen Street tenants, for not com plyng with vacating orders issued to them, t was stated by Sanitary Inspector J. v Reutens, before
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  • 116 917 ENTERTAINED BY PENANG CHINESE UNION. From Our Own Correspondent., Singapore, September 3 The Hon. Mr. Lim Cheng Fan was ':tsf night entertained by the Penang hinese Union here in honour of bis recent nomination on the Legislative Council. Mr. J. Gibb, of Messrs. Cobb A
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    • 1300 918 CORRESPONDENCE. [To the Editor of the Straits Echoj Sir, “Silence is golden and speech is silver" is a well known proverb, but as the Treacher says, there is a time to be silent and a time to work and a time to play, a time to
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    • 94 919 [To the Editor of the Straits Eono] S Tn to-day s issue you stated that Mr. Roon Haw again announced Ins *Sli»gness to supply 1,000 cofiins and burial expenses for all deserving cases know if Mr. Aw Boon Haw's generous offer is reserved for the people in SingaP
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    • 87 919 The above Dispensary completes today three years of useful existence. During this period free medical attendance and medicines have been given to out-patients, drawn from the poorest classes of all communities. This institution, which is being run solely on public subscription, is open daily from 9 a.m.
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    • 356 919 Sir, This letter is not a personal reflection on anyone, but, if the statements reach Home, is it any wonder that Church of England Padres are difficult to recruit for Malaya? I have, as a C..E. civilian myself, envied the other Christian denominations the devotion of their
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    • 120 919 Sir, With reference to the recent demand for the widening of Weld Quay, it will no doubt interest the public, who will ultimately be required to provide the funds for such widening, to know’ that they are to be asked to provide storage space for certain merchants or,
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  • Page 918 Advertisements
    • 30 918 [Letters sent to the Editor for publication should not exceed 200 words Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as a guarantee of good faith.
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  • 654 919 A.A. ANTHONY CO.’S. daily share list. Pen KN. September. 6th, 1929. Name of Company Buyers Sellers Tin—Dollar Companies Sets Sets Ayer Wettg 0.75 1.00 Bating Pad -ng 0.35 0.373 Batu Catos 1.50 1.55 Hitam .00 1.05 Johan 0.35 0.373 Kinta 1.773 1.823 Klang River 2.60 2.70 Kuchai |.55 |.fo Kyyoh
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  • Page 920 Advertisements
    • 85 920 I X X J 4 I Penang Sin Foe 1 *1 ll l (ESTABLISHED 1896.> >1 ll I Chinese Daily Paper 1 i f I t Vi I The Oldest Chinese paper in Penang B X 24-28 PAGES. t 1 I «I X The most comprehensive and the most ll
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