The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 20 March 1929

Total Pages: 32
1 363 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 19 1 Straits Echo WEEKLY EDITION $lB PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. Vol. 27. PENANG, MARCH 20 1929. NO. 12
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 182 1 CONTENTS Leading Articles Miscellaneous (Con.) By Fire and Flood 334 Poetry 356 “Without Ivpense to the A Correction 350 Ratepayers” 334 Book ol the Day 351 A Good Friend to Penang 335 Great Thoughts 352 Gleanings From the Home Mail... 336 Masterpieces—l V.... 352 The Ellis Trial 337 Cooken Notes
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 84 2 ter r&fzfTr .'.’’M’n /-«--~~x IwL /fe- -sk Ett Im WgiitMF tw>| I Ei PTi -I ili 1 I I M B K '‘fWR I H I |k>i jHg Itw Kim in KIIHmHWM i I iifeiim i I ujM Im I Ili'A C, T< v "lG°e Kill oe cHA*«>* GNe HES
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  • 1108 334 PENANG, MARCH 13, 1923. The terrible tragedy at the hotel in fione hong nas once more aroused pubc opinion to the dangers winch lurk fl great buildings. K is only when mere is a disaster that we begin t-o realise bow insecure is the most beautiful
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  • 1247 334 PENANG, MARCH 15, 1929. The Mectingb of our Municipal Com mis&iuners always interest us vastly. We wish that 11 were possible to be present at these meetings and actually to hear ail that goes on instead Ot ha' ing to await our Reporter s account
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  • Page 334 Advertisements

  • 1297 335 PENANG, MARCH 16, 1929. “Well, we shall boost your island for all we are worth,” was what someone said to us at luncheon yesterday. ‘Wherever we go we shall tell people about Penang, it is really too lovely.” At that moment the speaker looked out
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  • 1655 336 PENANG, MARCH 18, 1929. First of all let us congratulate Australia on toe result of the fifth Test atch. Englishmen will be sorry that ■tiey are not all square in the total num°f T v eSt Matckes Played, but they i' not begrudge this last
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  • 918 337 PENANG, MARCH 19, 1929. The result of the trial of Mr. E. A. H. Ellis, the Singapore schoolmaster who was charged with driving a motor car to the public danger and with causing death by a rash act, was not entirely expected. The Prosecution seemed to have
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  • 1166 337 PENANG, MARCH 20, 1329. d he Easter lolidays are approaching, md it may be that many in Penang and ui Kedah and in northern Perak will be visit ng Ipoh during th e p >•, is now occasionally possible to II without tinding that all the I,
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  • 2162 338 RESOLUTIONS BY MR. YEOH CHEANG AUN. DISCUSSION ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEER’S REPORT. At the fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, which was held yesterday, Mr. Yeoh Cheang Aim was down to move the following resolutions (1) Resolve that the annual licences granted to the Penang Cricket
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  • 521 339  -  SALVING LOST LIGHTERS LBy s. C. Yeomans J Close ou three months occasion of one of the B j On phantu s periodical arrivals fmm j?*" goon, she came at a time when th ther was very equally. She with a consignment of board, in what is known
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  • 581 340 st«* its c C o ATT c*Ie TRAD,NG case for THE defence CAh OPENED. tbe Assizes yesterday before the a Mr. Justice Stevens and a bpocin D trial was continued of the tb invees of the Straits Cattie Penang, who are Iradi “f with P wilfully and fraudulently
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  • 415 340 ARRIVAL OF SIR ERIC GEDDES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Alarch 9 Malacca was all agog this morning at the sound of a seaplane tliaf hovered over Alalacca- Town. After circling about the town and the “Naldera” it eventually came to rest in the harbour. The seaplane brought
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  • 1165 340 PRITCHARD CO., LTD. “SERVICE SECOND TO NONE.” [By “Keytop”.] Pritchard Co., Ltd., Penang, is one of those establishments in this island which carries on the type of business which you couldn't aptly describe with one word. They are the merchants who supply, and attend tc, the modern requirements
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  • 400 341 CAMPBELL STREET MURDER. A murder committed on September 10, last year, was recalled in the Penang Police Court yesterday morning before Mr. Dalton when Yoong Fook Sen, a middle-aged Cantonese, was produced in custody charged with the crime. The murder relates to the tragedy which was enacted
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  • 484 341 annual meeting l ie annual general meetin» of holders of the Bruns RubberV Ltd., was held at 11 a the registered offices of the I-' 11 No 3 Weld Quay, Penang. Palmer (Director) presided others present were Mr. E T t (Director), Mr. J. Dick, Mr
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  • 932 342 SCHOOLS01O.CHINESE SCHOOL. jjjcertiieate examination held in 1 rla3t A jjunisainy, P. S. K h l Beh Ewe Kok, Cheah Chen- Chek Leong, Chuah mjj Goh Ewe Chye, Goh S± Ho Bang Wai, Ho Boon •Caj T- Hon ure >- t Poli Tat (Honours), Lee Cheng *£dbooi Lay, Tan
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  • 528 342  -  SUN YAT SEN. (By S. C. Yeomans.) Yesterday saw the fifth anniversary of the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen —the first President of the present Chinese Republic, in whose posthumous honour the Chinese quarters of this city were freely be-floated with Bags at halfmast. One ol the most
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  • 2152 343 LOOKING BACKWARD. NEW SANITARY BOARD OFFICES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, March 16. When the late Sir H. Conwey Belfield was Resident of Selangor he compiled a third edition of his very useful “Handbook of the Federated Malay Suites”, now probably out of print and possessed by very
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  • 495 344 DIRECTOR’S REPORT. The report of the directors' of the Taiping Tin Dredging Company, Limited, for the year ended December 31, 1928, to be submitted to the shareholders at the eleventh annual general meeting to be held at noon on March 19, -states: Dredge No. 1 has continued
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  • 524 344 STRAITS CATTLE TRADING COMPANY CASE. At the Assizes yesterday before the lion. Mr. Justice Stevens and a Special Jury, the trial was continued of the three employees of the Straits Cattle Trading Company, Penang, who are charged with wilfully and fraudulently making false entries in the books of
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  • 503 345 TO SETTLE DOWN 4T OXI ORD. LIKE A TWO YEAR OLD. A very interesting letter from Sir George Maxwell reached Penang by the last mail in which the ex-Chief Secretary informed his correspondent that he and Eady Maxwell Lave decided to leave London and settle down permanently
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  • 806 345 What a pity it is that theatres in Penang have to begin well after 9.30 p.m.l Of course to-day is a holiday, and so many of last night s audience do not have to get up early this morning, but if you are to read this critique
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  • 332 345 MALES BY 25 PER CENT.: FEMALES BY 33 PER CENT. In a coast district of Selangor estates have recently been forced to raise the wages of Tamil coolies to 50 cents a day for males and 40 cents for females. Little opposition to
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  • 754 346  -  ty H. Milt®»-] Lmi-leted my hearing of lb e HMV album of records cobGondoliers” electrically it has been a very i^ e and I strongly recommend al 'X wish to have many an ei» ;ix6e .nine to revive happy even•v<be Savoy or Prince's, or elseat,n buv this album.
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  • 76 346 Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe has given $3,000 in memory of his late wife Nonia Lee Eng Sim towards the erection ol the stage in the School Assembly Hall The following subscriptions have alsr been received this week and the Ladj Superior acknowledges them with grati tude:—
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  • 205 346 The Installation of Officers of the above League was held on Sunday, th< 10th instant, at 7.15 p.m. at the Fitz gerald Memorial Church, Anson Road, Penang, Rev. W. A. Schurr officiating, when the following were installed President, Rev. P. L. Peach; First Vice-President, Mrs.
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  • 533 346 SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION IN PENANG. It may nut be generally known that a party of eminent Scientists .’s in Penang at the present time in connection with the forthcoming eclipse of die sun. A representative of the “Straits Echo” called at the Runnymede Hotel yesterday afernoon and was
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  • 518 347 EXAMINATION DECEMBER, 1928. The following is a list of the Cambridge passes of the Penang Free School: Ambrose M. S. IL, Ang Bah Koi, Chan Teik Choon, Cheah Swan See, Chear., Kok Thong, Chiam Theam Hock, Ch’ng Keong Giaw, Chung Keat Saik, Ee Kin Teik, Goh Heng
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  • 719 347 [By “Nemo”.] A writer of the present day has been asking with a sad note in his voice “Where are our humorists?” He thinks humour is dying out. He declares the majority of accepted humorists are not what they stem, and he demands further—“ Where are our genuine humorists?”,
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  • 271 347 SEVEN YEARS FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, March 15. Ing C;ieh Cheh vras charged at the Assizes with the murder of a compatriot and attempted murder of another compatriot. The jury returned a verdiet of attempted murder and the acoused was sentenced to seven years
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  • 115 347 Now that the results of the Poppy Day Coll ic'tions in Malaya are known, and the total sum of $148,210.74 has been remitted to London, it is possib e to publish the names of the prize win ners in the Guessing Competition. T e first prize
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  • 1642 348 t been accustomed from tune be told that llou »e jatiaond cannot stand”, but tsll ied agai > fr£>m the past was si,S ‘T on’ Thursday mgM at C| «id last production je d j Shaw’s play B hcr€ i Bercar when The the i ers
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  • 1337 349 ATTEMPT 10 FORM A CO-OPnRATI VE SOCIETY. NO MORE BORROWING. (From Our Own Correspondent;. Alalacca, Alarch El In response to the circular sent out ty Mr. 11. A. de Silva oi the Sime Darby Co. Ltd. a large number of the employees oi the various mercantile firms oi
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  • 190 349 I here xvas a well attended Meeting of mothers and children at Tanjong Tokong Health Centre on Saturday last, the 16th instant. A very large number of Malay infants who had been patients at the Centre arrived at an early hour 'to take part in the
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  • 56 349 (From Our Own Corresponds 11 Singapore, Viscount Sibour and his arrived at Bangkok from a Moth machine. Bad Weather. Torrential rains a'e lD p j nt r six out the Siamese peninsula- lir days 35 inches of rain gistered. Roads and bridges washed out. Heavy damage is
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  • 1192 350 article we just managed 11 0“' J .inge of this subject: to B clltb tt trv and go further, and U dwritin" mav make all the to individual- Let us the Note by the Author of Wives' Tale" P nnted IS a fl> fOld the new facsimile edition
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  • 133 350 AT LORD’S It is little I repair to the matches of the Southron folk, Though my own red roses there may blow; Lt is little I repair to the matches f the Southron folk, Though the tred roses crest the caps, I know. Tor the field is full of
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  • 215 350 In the notice of the meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee held on 20th February, 1929, owing to a clerical error the rate fixed as the standard wage for able-bodied male labourers m Ulu Kelantan was wrongly stated as 56 cents a day instead of 58 cents. The
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  • 1857 351 ‘‘ACCIDENT. 1 By Arnold Bennett. (Cassell 7/6.) [Reviewed By Richard Sidney.] This, I believe, is the second of the novels that Mr. Arnold Bennett had up his sleeve of winch he told us some time ago. So far as 1 remember he said that after writing
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  • 377 352 SHAKESPEARE’S ISLAND. Today I have read “The Temsest" Among the many reasons iiuch make me giad to have been born I England, one of the first is that 1 r: ad Shakespeare in my mother tongue, if I try to imagine myself as one who cannot know him
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  • 1679 352 “THE DELECTABLE DUCHY.” ONE OF “Q’S” MOST CHARMING BOOKS. Readers of this page will soon discover that “Q” —or Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch to give him his full title —is one of my most beloved authors. The personal element enters largely into any question like this of course. Was not
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  • 1090 353 ATTRACTIVE HOMEMADE CAKES. ALL LOCAL INGREDIENTS. (By “Phoenix.”) It is becoming the fashion in Malaya for ladies to meet at each others houses in the morning and sew, or have music, while some indulge in playing Bridge or Mahjong. Although some oi the visitors like cold drinks, I
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  • 461 354 I U M h was terribly hard up and Shaik Mea j Manafl' in Beach tO .‘i7ay o"d chap,” said S M Street. 1 e a fiver? 1 shall Wd J»! I ’7 n f r it.” “My dear Manaff, “even if you i the trouble to
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  • 706 354  -  CARING FOR THE HAIR. [By Anne Nappcll.j No women can afford to neglect- her hair, particularly in these days, when quality counts far more than quantity. A few minutes devoted to its care, morning and evening, is all that is necessary to acquire that smooth, thiny hair, which
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  • 393 354 We are in receipt of a copy of the “Indian Pioneer”, a weekly which has come into existence in the last few weeks in Kuala Lumpur. For the survival of this paper all Indians who wish to be in touch with Indian news should give their support.
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    • 1187 355 LOCAL FIRST WICKET RECORD. Taking advantage of the holiday on Wednesday a whole day cricket match was played between the Penang Cricket Club and the Penang Piecreation Club, but only two innings were possible, the Cricket Club occupying the whole morning in hitting up 139 and the
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    • 374 355 “The Raspers” met the Penang School in a whole day match yesterda* on the Esplanade and were well beatek on the first innings. Each side played 12 men. J The School, batting first, made 128 Velupillay and Eu Cheow Teik made 22 each while Tan
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    • 321 356 Drawn Game. He Match between the Penang XtClub "A” team and the Chinese Ration Club “A” team on the Aic„ia Green on Saturday ended m a rain interfering and delaying t lie The C. Rc. batted first and did wurkably well, putting up 140 for the „s
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    • 443 356 LAST DAY’S RESULTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 20 The weather was fine for the last day of the Selangor Turf Club Spring race meeting and there was a very large attendance. The going was good. Appended are the results: Race I.—(Five Furlongs). PERSEUS 8.12 (Marsh)
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    • 169 356 P.C.C. DEFEAT PADANG PARTY. In an interesting match played on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon the Penang Cricket Club defeated the Padang Party by two goals to one. The Padang Party played with more cohesion and understanding but the European side had the advantage of weight and height and
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    • 50 356 FRIDAY’S RESULTS. The following were the results of Tennis Tournament ties played on Fri day:— Singles Handicap Class “A”. Final —15.1 G. Robertson beat —5 11. C. Bathurst 6—3, 6—3. Ladies Singles Handicap Final —15.3 Mrs. J. A. Hunter beat —2 Miss B. Brown 6—l, 4—6, 6—o.
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    • 142 356 RESULTS OF FRIDAY’S TIES. The following were the results u Bowls Tournament tics played on Friday Teams of Three —Scr J. M. Chalmers, D. McLeod Craik and A. V. Goodale beat +2 W. B. Houston, 11. C. Downer and A. Law, 21—5. Singles Handicap— 2 P. Paxton
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    • 140 357 (To The Editor of the Straits Echo). Sir, For the benefit of those people who live on the mainland, would it not be possible for the Penang Harbour Board to arrange a special late launch or if possible defer the departure of the 12.20 a.rn. launch from Church
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    • 124 357 (To The Edu or of the Straits Echo) Sir, Last night’s “Madame Pompadour’’ was so ridiculously censored towards the end that it robbed the show of excellent entertainment. Most of the spectators were taken by surprise by the abrupt “The End’’. None, except those who
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    • 156 357 (To The Editor of the Straits Echo;. Sir, On my return from leave I remark particularly the lack of warning signs for motorists. hen Motoring in England, I got very accustomed to the admirable signs put up by the Automobile Association. Now I miss them
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    • 396 357 (To The Editor of the Straits Echo). Sir, In your review of Arnold Bennett’s “Accident” in the “Straits Echo” of Saturday, you see fit to draw attention to the difficulty of getting books in Penang—“in the matter of books Penang is even more oft the map
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    • 203 357 (To The Editor of the Straits Echo). Sir, About a week ago. there appeared in vour paper a complaint about the buses -unning from Jetty to Jelutong for not Mopping for the passengers to alight. It is understood that the complaint is put aside without giving a little
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  • 342 357 NEW OFFICERS FOR 1929. Over 100 members were present the general meeting of the SeL Health and Strength was held at the new Association mines No. 8, Kampong Attap L® Kuala Lumpur, on the 17th instant a 2 p.m. The meeting opened with the read
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  • 2098 358 n.iTC cattle trading SIRA COMPANY CASE. ALL accusedTonvicted. .her a trial lasting nearly six full days of the three employees oi the ,Cattle Trading Company, Pencharged* with wilfully and iulently making entries in the books uhe firm came to a conclusion ye,- a v shortly before 2 p.m
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  • 126 359 RESULT OF S. S. (SINGAPORE) ASSOCIATION BALLOT. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, March 14 The result of the recent ballot of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association to elect a nominee on the Municipal Commission resulted as follows: Mr. Griffith-Jones 244; Mr. H. W. Raper 171 votes. We
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  • 811 359 Has everybody who saw Ihe Doctor's Dilemma’ on Wednesday night read Shaw’s Preface? If not, and if they are keen on the subject, they really ought to read the Preface now that they have seen the play. Without the Preface the play has not half the savour
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  • 285 359 400 WOMEN AND CHILDREN ATTEND. A Child Welfare gathering under the auspices of the Government Health Department was held at the Butterworth Health Centre on Tuesday inst. More than 400 women and children attended this function and greatly enjoyed the fare that was provided owing
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  • 763 360 trial NEARING the end. dioressesand summing A UP THIS MORNING. T „.dav will the sixth day of the !„f the three employees of the Cattle Trading Company, Xng, who are being charged before lr Justice Stevens and a Special Jury h wilfully and fraudulently making
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  • 277 360 CELEBRATION IN PENANG. Hari Raya Puasa, the great Aloham-1 medan festival, was celebrated in Penang on Wednesday, the 13th in-’ stant. As usual crowds of brightly i dressed followers of Alohamat were seen j tn the streets. The festival marks the conclusion of the long fast of
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  • 612 360 INDIAN MOKAMEDAN CHARGED. The story of a violent outburst, alleg. ed to have been made by an Indian i Coast Moor named Alohammed Ibrahim bin Haji Alohammed Lebbe, in which no less than three Coast Moors lost tiieir lives, was told in the Penang Police Court yesterday
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  • 124 361 DEATH SENTENCE ON MURDERER. (From Our Own Correspondent). Singapore, March 11 Ho Peng and Chan Fook Weng were charged at the Assizes with tiie murder of a compatriot in Queen Street in December last, attempted murder of a detective and armed 'robbery. Tl e first accused was found
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  • 321 361 CONCESSION TICKETS. It has been brought to our notice that Concession 'Pickets for use on the Penang Hili Railway are not available for purchase at any of the Stations on the Railway, these tickets can only be purchased at the Head Office but should anybody leave his
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  • 663 361 GOLDSMITH’S ASSISTANT CONVICTED OF KIDNAPPING. While on duty at the F. M. S. Railways jetty early on the morning of February 19 last a Chinese detective noticed a young Chinese girl untidily dressed hurrying to the steam launch which was about to leave for Prai to connect
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  • 71 361 I he output of tin ore from the r* portv of the Bangrin Tin l)rvd e i nE Ltd., for the month of February m was 692.09 pickuls. The hours worked during the same period,’ «7« and he yardage treated *****0 Messr, Lean Co., are offieiiy formed of
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  • 312 361 THE HIGH COMMISSIONER TO OPEN FINE NEW SCHOOL We understand that the Official Opening- of the new buildings of the Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, is to take place at 4.45 p.m. on Tuesday next —March 26, when His Excellency the High Commissioner Sir Hugh Clifford, M.C.S., G.C.M.G.,
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  • Page 362 Advertisements
    • 207 362 I i i THE STRAITS ECHO <♦ t z WEEKLY EDITION. Y ft f Published the day prior to the departure of each mail for Europe, and contains ft t the latest local and States newt originally published in the daily issues, as well as all J important news from
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  • Page 363 Advertisements
    • 99 363 *4* W Penang Sin Poe I tE I (ESTABLISHED 1896.> -Mp I Chinese Daily Paper I t I ♦> IE 4 |K& I I The Oldest Chinese paper in Penang I 24—28 PAGES. *5» IK 4 '~B' 1K t The most comprehensive and the most S I up-to-date news service
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