The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 6 March 1929

Total Pages: 28
184 211 The Straits Echo (Mail Edition)
  • 18 184 Straits Echo WEEKLY EDITION $18 PER ANNUM. SINGLE COPY 40 CTS. Vol. 27. PENANG, MARCH 1929. No. 10
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  • Page 184 Advertisements
    • 196 184 CONTENT Leading Articles Miscellaneous (Con.) 1 Z The Labourer and His Hire 186 Book ol t i le W cck 199 c g B In Welshmen 186 On Punctuations—3. 2U(r J|L 1 A Scotch Artist 187 Mastci pieces—11 26'6 Gleanings from the Home Mail 188 Grosvenor Motors "At Home" 261
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  • Page 185 Advertisements
    • 74 185 i z < Ifl igifiF rfl J l®f fc hl I 181 s M l iBi I Um M I i Bi IN H s $> mn4fci mNiilli IB* |s E GJ <&Xghmotim&c Iw k> >< c,tT< vini bn“ o Fr* x. ot cm*’'”’* 6 o Hk i U Ikes
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  • 1175 186 The world is changing so rapidly nowtvs that what was accepted as common only a few years ago is to-day questioned. Tn nothing is this more apparent than in the matter of salaries that are paid to Europeans and to Asiatics. Thirty years ago the
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  • 1095 186 PENANG, MARCH 1, 1020 It should be unnecessary to tell Welshmen much about St. David’s Day. A Correspondent, however, has urged us to draw attention to the Festival which will be celebrated by all Welshmen the world over to-day, and to suggest that now there are mure Welshmen
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  • Page 186 Advertisements

  • 1425 187 PENANG, MARCH 2, 1929. Not manv years neo such a title as w»‘ have chosen would have sounded a contradiction in terms. The Scotch were good business men the Scotch were good friends; —as Engineers they are known the world over: They are .oval to each other
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  • 1044 188 PENANG. MARCH 4. 1929. This is the season when certain fortunate ones think about Home Leave. Whatever we may say about England and Europe when we get there it is extraordinary with what feelings of envv we say an revoir to those who are setting
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  • 819 188 PENANG, MARCH 5, 1929. Those who have profited by the study of Mr. Henry Ford’s books will realise that there is no lack of money in the world; that there is in fact plenty of everything for every man, woman, and child in the world, if only the distribution
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  • 839 189 PENANG, MARCH 6. 1929. A modern philosopher has written the following words —they are worth pondering. The theory that life it a probation it a difficult one to maintain in the pretence of the immense number of death* of children of tender year* that take* place in thi*
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  • 29 189 formerly of the nif i 'V <u tnr Malacca Guardian.” has been annointad Malacca manager for the N. Z p pr petual Forests, Ltd.—M T
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  • 435 189 WELL-KNOWN ARTIST A\n traveller AN|1 (From Our Own Correspond,. T Malacca, March 1 It was quite and an interview with Miss Keith tF well-known artist and traveller m low .journalist from the who had received a note to mut V Keith at the Rest House, asked m.'t
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  • 31 189 corresponded .t HiP telegraphs news of the death o nonagenarian peon. Doraikim, 01 Victoria Institution, who had been c noate I with the- school since its 1DC tion.
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  • 51 189 the Hon. Mr. Justice r. yj Senior Puisne Judge. S. S. and S., who is just now on holiday j land, with Mrs. Sproule, ha .°T ara short extension of leave till rival of the P. O. 8. 8. “More® Penang on April
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    • 305 190 sir i to the use of streamers th tat during the Chap Goh Meh d T wish to draw the attention 01 «aders that this form of gaiety Appreciated if the streamers b i tti were thrown by friends; but dC ""he e are thrown by
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    • 100 190 Sir, Jobserve that in your account of the ootball match played yesterday on Hutchings’ Ground you state that it Hutchings School against the Anglo Chinese School. This is an error as the match was be*een the Government Commercial Ws and th e q g an j not
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    • 99 190 P ENANG HILL. Sir, be ar hicle entitled C a eMiu in >Hl ie hnn Febr uary 1929. I •Nation on ti t0 po,nt out tbat tbe the sub i*ct of rebate is fitted b f nCe rf b;1G was pupover m° rn advertisement the Hm arne as > after
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    • 365 190 Sir. With reference to the spiteful note from the manageress of the Banvard Co, mav I say how much 1 have appreciated your candid criticism of recent performances. One gets rather tired of the superlatives used by the press in the East whenever a travelling company gives
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    • 107 190 Stir. Whv is it that in Penan" all Auction '•biles seem to be held in the morning when it is not possible for many peonle *o leave their work to attend? In Singapore, where, bv the wav. there are e'.'inv more auctions, such sales are ilwavs in the
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    • 313 190 Sir, I noted with regret Ong Joo Sun’s direct attack on the ill usage of streamers and.confetti as a reflection of the bad breeding of our youngsters in these days of educational advancement’ How this gentleman could unmistakably mark the majority of the culprits as schoolboys, I
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    • 1269 190 Dear Sir. T read in the “Pinang Gazette” issue of the 6th February a reproduction from “Truth” of certain criticisms regarding the nature of niv letter (supporting the business of the New Zealand Perpetual Forests Ltd.) to the “Straits Echo” of 2nd November last, and
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    • 138 191 THE TROLLEY ’BU S [To The Editor of the Straits Ecs, While standing at the inn e -Jelutong Road with another roJT p.m. on Sunday, I observed a hrl 1 for Trolley ’Bus No. 4 to s if the godown of the Standard Oil r nany Although the driver signal
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  • 36 191 it the end of March Mr. J. C. G Spooner wilLact as Engineer, Wavs and Works, F. M. S. R. Mr. Hiam is retir ng from Government Service.
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  • 33 191 Vice- Chairman of the Planters’ Association of Malaya, has been nominated amm her of the Federal Council during the ibsence of Mr. J. S. Arter on long leave.
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  • 30 191 called on H.E. the Governor at Government House, Singapore, on Monday, to bid goodbye before proceeding to Europe. His Highness was accompanied by his granddaughter.
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  • 39 191 a director of \damson. Gilfillan and Co., who died in Edinburgh on January 13, left the sum of £500, free of legacy duty, to the Presbyterian Church, Singapore. The legacy is payable on November 11 next.
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  • 41 191 L he Singapore pilot service, who died at -on on April 11, 1928, left an estate r Tnqland and the Straits Settlements of <‘18 935 14s. lid. The Straits Settlements assets were sworn at $153,420.
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  • 38 191 (acting Superintendent, Customs), Kuala Lumpur, sails for Home on long leave bv the P. and “Macedomia” on March 8. Capt. R- <• n useaden, Superintendent of Customs a Kuantan, will relieve him in Kuala Lnn>' our.
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  • 51 191 late editor of the I vv duh, idtc CM-Avv Straits Times, was 69 on Tuesday, 'etter from Home bv the last mai f norfed that Mr. Still was not veiy md was about io undergo treaty which was expected to lead to a s P ee
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  • 43 191 of ,'fr. and Mrs II. trom” The United Motor Works. Serenib'eave the State on Wednesday "U Sv fU nieht mail for Singap 016 M Goldb r t has relinquished his mer-t with the above firm a s Manager.
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  • 40 191 A farewell dinner was given Nanking Hotel on Saturday i p»le some friends of the Posts an< graphs Department to Mess’’" v t p3 •Um Pillay and C. t* Viver, who are going very India on furlogh.
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  • 1332 192 pE -^Tch<n E se SHOP. nn«T OFFICE AGAIN IflE nfcH0T WATER nt February 17 t res dents Of this town have j I o dinner, and afterwards n iB »e t g Xing it, of the s the meeti c j u p to be held a hI*P“
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  • 31 192 FURTHER SUBSCRIPTIONS. We have to acknowledge receipt of the following for the Distressed Miners’ Fund:— Mr. J. F. Augustin $5.00 “Phoenix” $10.00 $15.00 Previously Acknowledged $750.00 Total $765.00
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  • 44 192 VARIETY. ENTERTAINMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 1. To-night’s variety entertainment of the combined Chinese boys’ and girls’ schools at the Drury Lane Theatre was very successful. A large sum was collected for the Assembly Hall building fund.
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  • 59 192 LEG FRACTURED IN TWO PLACES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mach 1 M. Deronne, of Tekkah Mines, met with a serious accident while out on horseback, being thrown heavily on to *he ground owing to the horse bolting. M. Deronne’s leg is fractured in two
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  • 31 192 WAS T esterdav engaged in fixing the cases i >r his month and afterwards ad nurn a d nto Chambers to hear a number of Summonses.
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  • 1164 193 CHINESE AGAINST CRACKER*! IRING. SIR NEILL MALCOLM’S VISIT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) In the conclusion—Chop Goh Meh—ol the Chinose New Year there was less enthusiasm lor the celebration at Singapore than in any previous year in memory. One ol the reasons lor this was a campaign in the
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  • 239 193 We regret that it is irn i mblish any notice about the 7' "Thark-' given by the Barnard >any last night, for the reason J?' vill he sufficiently explained what enders have read this letter which„ written in our Office yesterday. r n f f unately the
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  • 50 193 TAMIL COOLIE BLOWN TO PIECES (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala. Lumpur, March t A Tamil coolie employed at a loci club is alleged to have been blown t pieces two days ago by the explosh® •of dynamite caps with which he is alleged to have been playing.
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  • 49 193 MR. ELLIS COMMITTED FORTRIAL. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March The preliminary inquiry into tne in which Mr. Ellis is charged wit hewing death bv a rash act was coD u .u vesterdav in the Third police Court, accused being committed for trial a Assizes.
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  • 58 193 YG TT. Cabot Lodge, son of ate Senator Lodge of the I nite f > of America, one of the the round the world steamer vh-pP nrr'vp/l in Penang j Jtn Rsombarked here and has proM ■■>in<r-n>or(‘ and the \ptlierb’’ 1f s j, ’ndies. Mr. lodge.
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  • 992 194 i nniial general meeting of Th £of the George l0 n I ”14 i‘ rthod ?L ited Penang, was held l '®3 p.m. at the registered > (Director) ft'iXS"»’"""”»' fr A• k• t j eW js (Directors), Mr. Jaik, Mr. C. A. Elliot a„d il,. J.
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  • 214 194 DANGERS OF BUS RIDING. At the Penang Police Court on Saturday Mr. J. B. Walton held an inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of a leper in a cell in the Central Police staticn. According to the evidence the deceased was detained in the cell pending an
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  • 120 194 w T ho came out to Perak two years aero to minister to the Presbyterians of Perak, will be returning- Home on the arrival of his successor, the Rev. J. B. Walker, M.A., of Pelaw, County Durham, says the “Times of Malaya”. Mr. Walker
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  • 161 194 gave a farewell dinner party at Government House, Singapore, on Wednesday to the retiring General Officer Commanding, H.E. Major-General Sir C. |C. van Straubenzee, K.B.E., C.B., iC.M.G., and Lady van Straubenzee, and the following were invited to meet them:—The Hon. Mr. M. H. Whitley
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  • 1350 195 A CROWDED WEEK END. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, February 25 The week-end was a busy one for Malacca —.such a number oi events to crowd into the space of three days ha> b-*-H unprecedented. The Moonlight Fete. Bickley Park presented a festive scene when the Straits Chinese
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  • 208 195 PERSONAL; (From Our Own Correspondent.) A lor Star, February 25 Mr. I. D. Robertson, Executive Engineer, P. AV. D., North Kedah Js going on leave bv the “Macedonia.’ Mr. C. E. Jenkins. Executive Engineer, P.W.D., Central Kedah, will relieve Mr. Robertson at Alor Star, and Mr. E. A.
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  • 811 196 THE turf. z. 11 lll,us 01 ju»ia T“®P“ livery stables, have ite their respective stattons, the trainers and jockeys have )W of ar ds to Kuala Lumpur to “t the Selangor Turf Clubs yreetmo- Two matters stand connection with the meeting cSls for comment One is in
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  • 69 196 NON-STOP MOTOR CYCLE RUN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 1 Mr. Jimmy Robson from Penang made a non-stop motor cycle run to Singapore and arrived a little after seven last night, completing the dis* tance in thirteen hours and forty-five minutes. His average speed was thir-tv-eighf
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  • 26 196 occurred yesterday evening between two cars at the junction of Jones Road and Kelawei Road. Both cars were damaged but no one was hurt.
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  • 29 196 who is well known in Malaya and is now at Home, has been appointed Secretary of the Perak Club, Taiping and sails early in March.
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  • 36 196 of the Durian Daun Hospital leaves Malacca at the end of the month on transfer to the Tan Took Seng Hospital, Singapore, while Dr. Oliveiro of the Tan Took Seng Hospital goes to Malacca.
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  • 42 196 arrived here on Tuesday. He is Mr. Hsieh Cho Ming and is a guest at tbe Nanking Hotel. Messrs. Cheah Mah Yean and Cheah Choo Ghee, both of Saigon, are also staying at tbe hotel.
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  • 310 196 ALLEGED DARING THEFT IN CARNARVON STREET. That the bicycle was left behind and he appropriated it, was the frank avowal of a Tamil named Kadumaiya when he was produced in the Police Court yesterday, before Mr. B. S. Walton, on a charge of theft of a bicycle, the
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  • 223 196 A.C.S. vs. HUTCHINGS’ SCHOOL. An interesting football match was played yesterday afternoon on the Hutchings’ School ground between the Anglo-Chinese School and the Hutchings’ School, resulting in a win for the former by five goals to nil. The weather was fine, and quite a large crowd was attracted,
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  • 288 197 CLAIM FOR REPOSSESSION OF LAND. In the Supremo Court yesterday, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Stevens, a suit was heard in which Haji Tamhy Kechil claimed for the re-possession of certain land in Dato Rramat Road hop owned hy one Rahimah, Mr. H. L. Chidson appeared for the
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  • 155 197 PRISONER HOLDS UP HIS FELLOW. The remarkable case of a prisoner holding up and robbing his fellow prisoner came up before the Second Police Magistrate, Singapore, Mr. C. Wilson nn Monday afternoon. Both men are Chinese, and were among a number of prisoners confined in the
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  • 36 197 of flic forthcoming I < 1 I J ||J I F marriage of Lieut. Geoffrey Forster Agulter, H.M.S. "Tamar.” to Mis. Marg Ua r,te a Dogg, of Shumeen,
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  • 840 197 STORY OF ABORTIVE ATTEMPT TO FORM ASSOCIATION. CHARGE AGAINST TWO CHINESE FAILS. Remarking that the evidence was most unsatisfactory and that the existence of the alleged association vas left unproved beyond the production of a list of rules,’ the District Judge (Mr. N. 1). Mudie) acquitted and discharged
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  • 64 197 RETIREMENT OF MR. BRYANT. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.! Ipob, February 27 Mr. F. J. Bryant, doyen of the F. M. S. Bar, left Ipoh for home to-day. He does not propose to return to MalayaMr. Bryant was the first lawyer to start practice in
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  • 58 197 A DONATION OF $1,000. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, February 2o The big drive to collect funds to co®’ plete the Chinese Assembly Hall he® is progressing favourably, among t0 day’s donations being a handsome one of’$1,000 from Mr. Loh Kim Sui, a well-known
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  • 70 197 The death occurred in Kuala T jllin on Fr’day of Mrs. C. Dewitt, at age of 69. The funeral took pW* 8 the Roman Catholic Cemetery, 1 Road, on Saturday afternoon, and < largely attended, the service at graveside being conducted hv the Fr. Perrichon. The late Mrs.
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  • 426 198  - ST. DAVID 'S DAY. [By A. D.] Qi David’s Day 01, as the would say, “Dydd f.n»n‘ n ,ra^ r anniversary held m remembrance by Welshmen world over. Hk Life Shrouded In Mystery. ,,?L t of the patron samts the i Sant Dewi" shrouded m Much has been written of
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  • 86 198 r eu^ an Miss Gladys mail ve tpri*^ ai^ e Bell arrived by al a a V rom Bangkok and Bnnn y">«le Hotel, “’arrival, aM^V' 8 amon K t,le >dav Wr e B,ln»e<le Hotel 3.' and'M„ r -j a d >.J. A. Veltnor, >•»•», Mi» c*
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  • 1126 198 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MALAYS. UNENTERPRISING OFFICIALDOM. [By “Buriani.”] Kuala Lumpur, February 23 This week marked the admission of the first Malay barrister to the F.M.S. Bair and even if he does not practise in our courts I think it is an event which deserves very much more attention than
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  • 39 198 the sub-Treasurer. Kuala Pilah, who is now an 'nmate of the General Hospital. Seremban. intends going to Port D’ckson and Malneep *o recuperate, ami contemplates retiring in the near future on the ground of ill-health.
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  • 1313 199  -  “THE LANGUAGE STUDY LIBRARY” By Harold E. Palmer. Th? Institute For Research In English Teaching, ToHyo, (Publications obtainable at the Malaya Publishing House, Singapore). [Reviewed By H. R. Cheeseman.) “The language Study Library” and the other publications of the Institute for Research in English Teaching, Token,
    (Publications obtainable at the Malaya Publishing House, Singapore). [Reviewed By H. R. Cheeseman.)  -  1,313 words
  • 104 199 TWO WORKMEN’S MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. (From Our Own Correspondent) Two Malay wiremen had a able escape from death this when they fell from the top new Municipal building. J lebris broke their fall and save o f The men were working at a ie b j sixty
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  • 749 200 On Punctuation -3. finish wi* h rules a d eguia UIUS th difficult subject of puncTIL to actual examples of d c use the full battery tKAl- (One word of we would utter. It is often f punctuate as you go along, ui, best to write something, toe. come back
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  • 10 200 have left for Australia.
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  • 18 200 have left for Hong Kong from where they will go to Europe.
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  • 17 200 Police Depot, Kuala Lumpur, is going on leave this week by the “Macedonia.”
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  • 18 200 of Harrisons, Barker Co., have left Kuala Lumpur for England.
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  • 15 200 and Mrs. Tong Lao had luncheon at Government House, Singapore, on Wednesday.
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  • 39 200 left for Home by the “Fionia” were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Chisholm, Mrs. A. B. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Fallon, Mrs. W. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and Airs. G D. Kidd.
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  • 36 200 Supervisor, F.M.8. Export Duties Collection Station, Singapore, went on leave prior to retirement on March 1. He intends to settle near Melbourne. He is succeeded by Mr. V. C. Watkins from Gemas.
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  • 39 200 a graduate of he Hong Kong University and son-in-haw of the late Sir Kai Ho Kai, Kt.B., ’.M.G., LL.D., will shortly pass hrough Singapore on his way to Beldam, where he is appointed Chinese Minister.
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  • 39 200 senior partner of Messrs. Reira, Singapore, has eft for England on retirement after 2< r rears in Singapore. He originally join ed Brinkmanns, the well-known golfer and was recently captain of the Singapore Golf Club.
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  • 824 200 Masterpieces II. NONSENSE AND LEWIS CARROLL. [By “Nemo”] Of wise books there are sufficient ’nil lions to rebuild the Old Wall of China, but of books of pure, delicious nonsense, perhaps not enough to construct a bridge from the House of Commons to the House of Lords: that is if
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  • 189 201 Messrs. E. E. and A. Manasseh, the proprietors of the Grosvenor Motors, were at home last evening from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. to a large gathering. 1he beautiful showroom of the Grosvenor Motors was appropriately got Up and was graced by the appearance of three
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  • 41 201 is announced of ..v nun fierii or Horatius John Thomson Bonar Malayan Forest Service, youngest son °f Dr. and Mrs. Thomson Bonar of (’olinton, Midlothian, to Mary Forsyth Hoche, only daughter of Mr. and Mis Hoche, of Hampstead London.
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  • 46 201 is the new’ chairman of the Malayan issue. Sungei Pari Hydraulic Tin. which acquires a group of four hydraulic sluicing mines in Perak. The issue closed on .January 30, bring fully subscribed. ;J r IL A. Huntley, Another exMalayan, is a director.
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  • 750 201  -  [By V. K. Sabapathyj In its issue of 17.2.29 the Penang Gazette publishes an article from the pen of the talented Lady Emily Lutyens >n the subject of Reincarnation. The Hindus have discussed this question in the remote past and have formulated a theory, the gist of which is
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  • 29 201 the British Gon- sul General in Java, w’ho was staying with H. E. the Governor and Lady Clifford at Government House, returned to Batavia on Monday.
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  • 48 201 and H. R. H. Prince Kashem, of Siam, have arrived in Penang and are now staving in the Bunnymede Hotel. The Consul General for Siam in the Straiti Settlements and Federated Malay States, Phva Pradibaddha Bliubal, is also a guest in the hotel.
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  • 50 201 was the principal guest at the Empire Lodge at its meetng in London on January 30. Another guest attending was Mr. Walter Barnett wdio was associated with Freemasonry in Malaya over forty years ago when he held the office of District Senior Warden of the Eastern Archipelago.
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  • 50 201 the famous bil- Hard player, is another of the inter esting people at the Runny® Among others are Major E. C. P°J e Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lee, Mrs. and Miss Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. aC and child, Messrs. G. Urquhart, Anderson, and H. F. Wilkinson.
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  • 60 201 It is rumoured that the F- Government has decided to re( l ce heavy tax on motor lorries, but ta reduction is so inadequate and t a exorbitant tax has driven man) off the road is made evident by t e into more general use of bu.Hoc
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  • 57 201 We regret to announce the Mr. Khoo Sin Khoe, which yesterday afternoon at his resi e 46 Carnarvon Lane, at the ag He leaves a widow, four daughters and several grand c mourn his loss. The funeral w i place at 10 a.m. on
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  • 136 202 TO VISIT JUDGE OWING TO RAIN. w bythe beaBh 9 A on the S hin gl eJt pie hand ,eaps the ,,rl £s as the rain comeS \Xing through the night. rsen dawn awakes the temple bell, the sky is full of cloud. ne banks' are wet; and from
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  • 134 202 Near the village of Karasuvama, along the Keio electric railway line, Tokyo prefecture, which starts from Shinjuku, a simple foreign style structure was erected recently by one named Shinsaku Saito, a poet. This new building contains approximately 3,000 volumes of Japanese poetry lince the Meiji era, and
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  • 35 202 thonv &’c 8rk f Messrs. A. A. AnhĔndn£° mpan i y Penan g> >s leaving ''Sera” Widay by the P. 0. ailftomT whlch ls «heduled to r ,m Penang on April 20
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  • 89 202 of the Misses •'*>: W' daagbters of Mr. andMrs We, will > eS Joining an 'l Sinera-S-e’s "olemnised at the St. Vft at <T*’ We,'nPS’k“S.l'on» S „Vh! e3 19 t0 man v Mr. f*pai)v nL ,h e As,ata Petroleum vnn Rkok) and Miss Ena of p..| daughter.
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  • 774 202 [By “Nemo.”] Penang will soon don her gayest garb of the year. A little later, when many of the English fruit trees are scattering their delicate’ petals, the trees in this Island will fling down lavishly their blossoms of gold, scarlet, lavender orange and pink. Tn England perhaps there
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  • 113 202 FIGHT PERSONS INJURED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 4. Eight persons were badly injured in a motor accident near the junction of St. George’s Road with Upper Serangoon Road at noon on Saturday, when a Chevrolet taxi driven by a Bengali knocked down a pedestrian,
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  • 84 202 /Troro Ovr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 4. According to present arrangements, which are likely to be altered, if bad weather prevails, the young German solo flier, Baron Karl von Koenigh, who arrived in Bangkok from Rangoon on February 15 will leave that city for
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  • 37 202 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 4. N. C. Begg was fined $25 this morning in the District Court for using criminal force to the head boy of th* International Restaurant.
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  • 706 203 Mr. Edgar Wailace is far too famous to bother whether his name is printed on the programme of The Binger”; but 1 ready do think it most careless of the Barnard Company not to insert the famous author’s name on i lieu programme. There was not as large
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  • 250 203 ENGLAND—SHALLARD. The wedding took place quietly at St leorge’s Church, Penang, at 11.45 a.m. /esterday of Mr. Eric Godfrey England if Bangkok, Siam, and Miss Charloth Gertrude Meddock Shallard, of Burgl Icctory, Woodbridge, Engl mJ The Rev. Keppel Garnier officiated at the w-rvice which was simple. The bride
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  • 38 203 ivir. .justice btevens was yesterday engaged in Chambers for half an hour and then came on the bench to hear one matter in connection with the •state of the late Ree Tok Rowdeceased.
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  • 30 203 The Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long ervice Medal has been awarded to Private Frank Stanley, Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps ’n recognition of his long and meritorious service.
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  • 43 203 io reliable information re -eived locally, a Chinese had abscond■u with his two children from Sep m f Oter having slatted his wife to death' I h<- motive for the crime is still unknown. says the -‘Malayan Daily Exnress.’’
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  • 43 203 nn Jnnuarv 28:—Inner T.-mrilei C. If Tm (Fitzwillhm TfonV T l 1 "”r B n A K YoRhi, Middim p Tranwol Snvarnasara Ratr '■'".ndal.o", Si.., n Scholarship. Moni hao Plerng Rabi.
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  • 1982 203 ANNUAL MEETING, interesting' resume OF YEAR’S WORK The annual general meeting of n jers of the. Straits Settlements (p ano Association was held yesterday noon at the Town Hal? u C. R. Samuel (the occupied the Chair and others present were: tu ir Jr. J M.
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  • 145 204 A fine of $25 was imposed on a Chinese driver, Lim Ah Boey, in the Police Court yesterday. He pleaded <uilt\ to having driven at a dangerous peed along Northam Road. Chief Inspector Barrett, prosecuting, said that he policeman on duty at the junction if Carat and
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  • 47 204 is announced be- ween Aiidrv, younger daughter of the late Mr. J. H. Shillito and Mrs. Shillito, >f Johannesburg, and John Bailie, of Snngei Tankas estate, Kajang, Federatd Malay States, youngest son of the '•de Mr. A. C. Bailie and Mrs. Bailie, formerly of Johannesburg.
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  • 651 205 HOW SO COOK CABBAGES. ALL ABOUT TOMATOES. [By “Phoenix”.] There are a great number of Cabbages and Tomatoes in the market at present so I think my readers may like to know <4 some good recipes for making nice dishes with these vegetables. CABBAGES. Put bread crumbs, about
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  • 149 205 SECOND SESSION OPENING TO-DAY. The second session of the Penang Assizes for this year will open before His Lordship Mr. Justice Stevens this morning. There are five cases on the calendar. Four are local cases while»the fitfh is one from the Bindings. The cases as listed are as
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  • 45 205 occurred on Thursday morning at 371, Batu Road, Kuala Lumpur, of Mrs. Yap Loong Shin who had been ailing for some time, at the ■ige of 53. She leaves five daughters and three sons, the eldest being a teacher at the Victoria Institution.
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  • 48 205 D.S.O., M.C., who has been Staff Officer. Malaya, for the last three years, has been gazetted Major in the Highland Light Infantry. He will leave Singapore on March 10. with Mrs. Lowe and, after short leave it Homo, will join his regiment at Pawnpore.
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  • 45 205 Indian Con- ference of Malaya, 1928, have received official advice from the A.DC. to His Highness the Sultan of Perak that His iliirlmess lias been pleased to appointMr. Louis Thivy, I.P., of Kuala Kang<ar. an Indian Member of the Perak State Council.
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  • 50 205 son of the 'ate Mr. Ong Teck Lim. has left for Enmpe to study law. Ho was entertained to dinner at the Garden Club Singapore, nn Wednesdav bv his brothers and friends. Mr. D. G. Osborne Jones and Dr. Paglar made speeches wishing him every success.
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  • 289 205 FEBRUARY MJmmu [By “Blinkers”.] I have been favoured with a lacing Up-To-Date, for' F e ff, 01 which is just out of the printers’ han/ cl is a neatly compiled booklet p suits commencing from the fUU* Yutumn Meeting, 1928, down to of the Perak Spring 92.) are
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  • 85 205 From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, March 3 Tn the match against England Victoria put up 572 runs for nine wickets and declared. Woodfull being not out for 275. England had lost two wickets for S3 runs. Ryder was forced to declare as the crowd barracked Larwood in
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  • 56 205 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tpoh, March 4. The death occurred on Sunday nig at his residence of Mr. Cheong Foon, father-in-law of Mr. Eu 0 Sen. The deceased was at one tirn terpreter at Gopeng and resign? start his own business, which cess ful.
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  • 33 205 POSTPONED INDEFINITELY(From Our Own Correspond? r Kuala Lumpur, The Jelai Concessions case tinned to-day during the )[j in the Supreme Court •Justice Thnrne and P in de fin it eb
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  • 1178 206 TTTrs for possessing T«glOUS^B>-' CAT,ONS PFRAK RASH Driving case. ««Sion of the Penang r this year opened yesterday H Vr- J« stice S,PV nS i Hastings Wnrks ll I f|, f ease in «’inch K. S -15 S bl1 1 1 MflHdi Alaliniiar are chaiged fiction of accounts
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  • 282 206 SAMPAN COOLIE AND GANJA. Tn the District Court yesterday morning, before Mr. N. D. Mudie, two Hokkiens were charged with being in possession of six packets of ganja (Indian hemp). Evidence was given by the police that the first accused, Lee Gi Thean. was arrested while conveying
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  • 640 206 MILK SELLERS HEAVILY FINED. In the Police Court yesterday heavy fines were imposed on milk sellers who were charged with selling adulterated milk. Murugayah Thaver, one of the defendants, was fined $2(X). He pleaded guilty to the allegation against h m. It was stated that his milk
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  • 690 207 Nothing made me sorrier than the faci I had to leave Mr. Heughan’s Recita ast night at half time. This is the oenaity for one who has to try and write i critical notice and at. the Same time attend to his other «iiiHek. But no matter: to-night
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  • 415 207 ENTERTAINED BY CHINESF COMMUNITY. At the Johore Government Best House. Johore Bahru, on Monday even, ing the Chinese community in Johore entertained H.H. the Sultan at dinner in honour of his impending departure |j? Europe. Hih Highness was welcomed by the Hon. the Dato Toh Ah Boon
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  • 1025 208  -  [By c C. Yeomans.] J TT,.U Health branch °L1-Pn of it must be n jfenang' s ’P sffav x tends over the <^ tie Northern Settlement: that ite'area includes not only Jsu Province Wellesley and ’“ll? regard to the Province alone w Xh to write, concerning
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  • 60 208 SINGAPORE MARKET. (From Our Own Correspondent.! Singapore, March 5 Rubber shares are easier following the week-end setback in the commodity. London stocks are up by 436 tons and Liverpool stocks bv 104 tons. Peraks are stronger; Petalings are steady on good February output, the gross profit being
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  • 99 208 APPLICATION FOR INJUNCTION AND DAMAGES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 5. Before Mr. Justice Thorne to-day Mr. E. D. Shearne of Pooley and Company on behalf of Messrs. J. and A. Leigh, Limited, England, applied for an injunction to restrain Messrs. R. E.
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  • 134 208 STOLEN TIN RECOVERED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March 5 A case of gang robbery was reported yesterday morning at the Jelapang Tin Mines. It is stated that in the early hours nine people, believed to be Chinese, forced their way to a shed attached
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  • 55 208 M. A.. F. R. G. S., of the Forest Service, Taniong Halim, is being shortly transferred to Kuantan as State Forest Officer, Pahang Fast. During his recent leave Mr. Martin kept wicket for Oxfordshire, and for the Oxford University Authentic?, and his transfer will be
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  • 741 209  -  [By H. Milton.] It, ?eeru8 to rntr that it is time that 1 on the space of my editorial confrere and addressed music lovers in Penang on a subject which must be of vital interest to them all. To-night we are to have the pleasure of again hearing
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  • 52 209 Colon- ml Engineer, arrived in Penang yesterlav from Singapore by the s. s. ‘Klang.’’ Mr. E. N. T. Cummins, the well-known Negri-sembilan planter who has just been appointed to a seat in the Federal Council, was also a passenger by the same steamer to
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  • 50 209 were to their great regret prevented from attending the dinner given by the St. David's Society on Friday night owing to His Excellency’s indisposition from an attack of laryngitis. His Excellency was slightly better on Saturday, but was still confined to his bedroom.
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  • 86 209 is announced of Dr. M. E. Tiruchelvam, to Josephine, daughter of the late Dr. P. M. Muttu’mmaru, and Mrs. Muttukumaru, of Colombo. Dr. Tiruchelvam (or Chelvam as he is more familiarlv known) formerly of Ceylon, was till recentlv Asst. Surgeon in the Tpoh Hospital. H<? was in Colombo
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  • 136 209 took place m Saturday morning at St. Mary’s Church. Kuala Lumpur, when Mr. Donald Cameron, of the British American Tobacco Co.. Ltd.. Kuala Lumpur, eld--st son of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Cameron of Edinburgh, and Miss Kathleen Helen Bradshaw, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs.
    136 words
  • 152 209 WRONGFUL CONFINFMFMt criminal force 4X|) O- C. p? d fined. (From Our Own Correspond. T ,1 A"',” a March' Tn the Kuala Lipis P 0 ]j cp p‘vesterday before Air ,Ta<m w C nrt T. Birch, O.C.P.D Kn’d T .■d guilty to two charges' •onfinmg and
    152 words
  • 184 209 SUCCESSFUL APPLICATION FOR INJUNCTION. (From Our O.wn Correspondent) Tpoh, March 5 Mr. Metcalfe, Managing Director of Metcalfe. Motors, successfully applied to the Supreme Court for an injunction to restrain the Company from sellin; 23.000 of his shares to meet his indebtedness amounting to $7,000 to the
    184 words
  • 62 209 Another case of jumping from the ferry steamers occurre Sunday. A Chinese passenger his way to Prai on the ITailwaV steamer “Violet.” When the i was off Bagan Luar the naan overboard and was not seen a^ in D( j a “Violet's” engines were stopped search made
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  • Page 210 Advertisements
    • 187 210 |JH4w*****’ j i THE STRAITS ECHO J I WEEKLY EDITION. Published the day prior to the departure of each marl for Europe, and contains «1» > the latest local and States news originally published in the daily issues, as well as all t important news from various parts of the
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  • Page 211 Advertisements
    • 104 211 •***M*hhJ 1 4» I i fl fl 4* fl fl Penang Sin Poe V il fl K 5| t (ESTABLISHED 1896.) II I I ll I Chinese Daily Paper I |l II II ,1 3 I I I I TheOldest Chinese paper in Penang 24-28 PAGES. I I M The
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